
28/04/2016 - KTOS

Apr 27th, 2016
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  1. 28/04/2016 - KTOS
  3. The following errors have been fixed.
  5. [Skill]
  6. 1. Cryomancer - [ SubZero Shield] probability of freezing didn't fit in the tooltip window.
  7. 2. Cryomancer - [ Subzero Shield] was unintentionally freezing the caster when under the effects of [Venom] Item.
  8. 3. Peltasta - When Re-activating [Swash Buckling] whilst having the health increase attribute, The HP Reduction issue has been fixed.
  9. 4. Dragoon - Using [Dragontooth] After casting Earth Wave /Doom/Assault caused Dragontooth to apply additional strikes.
  10. 5. Warlock - [Dark Theurge] was using the incorrect number of hits.
  12. [Team Battle League]
  13. 1. Mouse attacks were not relative to the target area whilst riding a companion.
  15. [Quests]
  16. 1. 일부 퀘스트 진행 중 퀘스트 오브젝트가 사라지지 않거나, 대화가 걸리지 않아 진행이 불가능한 문제가 수정됩니다.
  17. 2. 베다 고원 [그들의 안식을 기도하며(3)]를 완료하지 않아도 결계가 사라져있는 문제가 수정됩니다.
  18. 3. 나뮤 사원터에서 진행할 수 없는 퀘스트인 [또 다른 비석(1)]이 출력되는 문제가 수정됩니다.
  19. 4. 나뮤 사원터 [두 번째 비문(5)] 진행 지역이 [이스토라 유적지]로 잘못 안내되는 문제가 수정됩니다.
  20. 5. 델무어 외성 [델무어 성주 추격(2)] 진행 시, 프리스트 [사크라멘트] 적용 상태로 마력핵을 파괴하면, 두 배 카운팅되는 문제가 수정됩니다.
  21. 6. 에산치우 마을 [마지막 명령(1)] 시작이 퀘스트 내용과 다른 문제가 수정됩니다.
  22. 7. The [Defense Gimmick] wasn't working in [Maven Abbey]
  24. [Etc.]
  25. 1. The Adventure Journal's [Achievement] scores was displaying a negative value. (However, The maximum [Achievement] score is 3 Levels.)
  26. 2. When sorting items by Rarity, 기본으로 제공되는 무기가 가장 우측에 위치하는 문제가 수정됩니다.
  27. 3. When using/reading Book items in your inventory, Character movement and attacking was impossible.
  28. 4. Killing [Black Colifly] in [Roxona Reconstruction Agency] wasn't producing Energy for the event on the map.
  29. 5. [Venom] Item's poison effect killing monsters was causing monsters to not be recorded in the adventure journal.
  30. 6. Various Typographical errors have been fixed
  32. The following information has been updated:
  34. [Quest]
  35. 1. Quests have been added to the following areas:
  36. - Igti Coast / Grynas Trail / Grynas Training Camp / Grynas Hills
  38. 2. Rank 2 / 3 Quests have been changed:
  40. Quest Objective Changes
  41. - 기존 클라페다 지역 2랭크 전직 퀘스트들 중, [수정광산 내부]에서 진행하는 퀘스트들의 목표가 [샤울레이 광산 마을]로 변경됩니다.
  43. Additional Quest Description
  44. - 퀘스트 진행 시 다른 지역으로 이동할 필요가 있는 경우, 이동하는 경로에 있는 워프 포인트가 미니맵과 지역맵(M)에서 보다 잘 보이도록 변경됩니다.
  45. - 퀘스트 진행 시 목적지가 인접 지역이 아닐 경우, 퀘스트 정보창 지문이 상세하게 변경됩니다.
  47. [Companion]
  48. 1. Companion's experience gain has been increased by 30%.
  49. 2. Whilst fighting, companions will become an elusive target.
  50. 3. [Board Companion] Attribute tooltip will change.
  51. - You can ride a companion (Current) → You can use your skills whilst riding a companion. (New)
  52. 4. 컴패니언 먹이 이미지에 따라 다른 텍스쳐가 표시되도록 변경됩니다. ( Companion food & Display Texture Change )
  54. [Etc.]
  55. 1. The commission fee for listing [Token] on the marketplace has been removed.
  56. 2. 일반 몬스터의 재생성(리젠) 시간이 2배 빨라집니다. ( General mobs respawn 2x faster)
  57. 3. Experience gained from monsters has been increased by 30% In the following maps:
  58. -Tenet Church Basement 1F
  59. -Tenet Church 1F
  60. -Nevellet Quarry 1F
  61. -Nevellet Quarry 2F
  62. -Novaha Assembly Hall
  63. -Royal Mausoleum 1F
  64. -Royal Mausoleum 2F
  65. -Baron Allerno
  66. -Royal Mausoleum Storage
  67. -Delmore Manor
  68. -Delmore Outskirts
  69. -Feretory Hills
  70. -Mochia Forest
  72. 4. Special & Elite Monster tabs have been added to the Monster categories inside the Adventure Journal.
  73. 5. Royal Mausoleum Chapel Gimmick monster spawns will have their item drops removed.
  74. 6. More options have been added to Graphic Settings -> Settings
  75. - Background effects / Show Death animation to monsters / Character Silhouettes / Camera Shake
  77. [3 New TP Items]
  78. 1. Premium Companion [Penguin] Will be added.
  79. 2. 2 Premium packages have been added to the store.
  80. - Benefit UPUP! Package / Laima Package
  81. 3. [Spring Flower] Costumes are available for all classes.
  82. 4. 2 New Hairstyles have been added.
  83. - Quiff Cut [M] / Long Wavy Perm [F]
  85. Some skills have been changed:
  87. 1. Featherfoot
  88. [Kurdaitcha: Double Damage] Attribute has changed. (On TOSBase, It's called Kurdaitcha: Enhance )
  89. - Attacks from the caster and party members can hit damage twice.
  90. - Curse Debuffs of other characters will not apply.
  92. 2. Falconer [Sonic Strike: Confusion] Attribute has been added.
  93. - Targets in line of fire from Sonic Strike will be afflicted with [Blind], Afflicts the enemy with [Sonic Strike: Confusion] debuff for 3 seconds.
  94. - [Sonic Strike : Confusion]: Reduces Psychical Defense by 15% Per Attribute level, Increases physical damage by 2% Per Attribute level.
  96. 3. Monk
  97. - [Hand Knife: Remove Knockdown] / [Palm Strike: Remove Knockdown] Attributes have been added.
  99. Source Post:
  100. Translation by Gwenyth @TOS Forums
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