

Sep 12th, 2018
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  1. The Silk Mystery
  3. requiredquestpoints=15
  4. rewardquestpoints=3
  5. canpreview=true
  6. previewtext=Children are going missing in Kuan-Ti. You should visit the city and see what you can do to help. (Unsuitable for arachnophobes)
  7. ignoresquestlimit=False
  8. repeatdays=-1
  9. objectives
  10. {
  11. stage=0
  12. {
  13. {
  14. description=
  15. hint=
  16. timestocomplete=1
  17. hidden=True
  18. infinite=False
  19. triggers
  20. {
  21. show_title(delay=0;titletext=The Silk Mystery;titlecolour=dark_green;subtitletext=Quest Started)
  22. show_title(delay=7;titletext=WARNING;titlecolour=dark_red;subtitletext=QUEST NOT SUITABLE FOR ARACHNOPHOBES)
  23. send_chat(delay=7;message=&4If you are severely afraid of spiders, talking to the other Police Officer in the house will remove this quest from your quest book. You will be able to do it again later if you choose to.)
  24. }
  25. type=chat_npc(uuid=c34e0bcd-5f0e-4a6c-a9d6-1162fbfd2433;chatline1=What a mess. Yet another innocent taken by who knows what.;chatline2=Eh? Who are you? A wandering trainer?;chatline3=Well wander a little further, kid. Kuan-Ti isn't safe for youths of any kind anymore.;chatline4=This isn't the first time I've failed the people of Kuan-Ti. In fact, it's the fifth.;chatline5=You know what? I've got nothing to lose, and I'm guessing you carry those pokeballs for more than just show. I could use a pair of fresh eyes on the crime scene.;chatline6=Head upstairs and take a look around in the kid's bedroom.;chatline7=It's on the top floor, let me know if you find anything.)
  26. }
  27. }
  28. stage=1
  29. {
  30. {
  31. description=Go to the missing child's bedroom.
  32. hint=It's on the top floor.
  33. timestocomplete=1
  34. hidden=False
  35. infinite=False
  36. triggers
  37. {
  38. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou enter the missing child's bedroom. It looks relatively ordinary at first glance. Perhaps you should have a look around. Judging by the decorations, the child seems to have a fascination with water type pokemon.)
  39. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=2)
  40. }
  41. type=enter_zone(minx=-456;maxx=-459;miny=117;maxy=118;minz=-1229;maxz=-1230;world=vanha)
  42. }
  43. {
  44. description=A description
  45. hint=An optional hint
  46. timestocomplete=1
  47. hidden=True
  48. infinite=False
  49. triggers
  50. {
  51. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=0)
  52. }
  53. type=chat_npc(uuid=5640279e-ca19-4d1f-97b6-b17e202e4edc;chatline1=Spiders not your thing? No problem. I'll just mark this off your quest book. You can try again later if you like.)
  54. }
  55. }
  56. stage=2
  57. {
  58. {
  59. description=Investigate the Child's Bedroom
  60. hint=He may have a fascination with water-type pokemon...
  61. timestocomplete=1
  62. hidden=False
  63. infinite=False
  64. triggers
  65. {
  66. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou lift the squirtle plush, and find a crumpled drawing underneath. The creased paper and smudged ink has made it difficult to make out, but you believe it to be a pokemon of some description. A Joltik?)
  67. fire_command(delay=0;command=/give PLAYER minecraft:paper 1 0 {display:{Name:"Crumpled Drawing of a Pokemon"}})
  68. }
  69. type=right_click_entity(uuid=bb7a2949-1350-496f-8bc9-2b77c111e8ef)
  70. }
  71. }
  72. stage=3
  73. {
  74. {
  75. description=Report your findings to Officer Quimm
  76. hint=He's the Police Officer on the ground floor
  77. timestocomplete=1
  78. hidden=False
  79. infinite=False
  80. triggers
  81. {
  82. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bYou suggest that it's a bug-type pokemon named Joltik.)
  83. }
  84. type=chat_npc(uuid=c34e0bcd-5f0e-4a6c-a9d6-1162fbfd2433;chatline1=Hm? What's this? A note of some sort?;chatline2=Well, it's a pokemon. But I don't think it's a Joltik. Look at those fangs, sharp as razors. And those beady little eyes...;chatline3=No, this is a Spinarak. But, it begs the question, why? This is a very odd favourite for a child to have. Mysterious indeed.;chatline4=You show promise, Trainer. I need you in the field. You may have noticed the cobwebs spiralling around the house into the kid's window.;chatline5=Why don't you follow their trail? Might lead us to a clue.)
  85. }
  86. }
  87. stage=4
  88. {
  89. {
  90. description=Follow the Silk Trail
  91. hint=It's the trail made of cobwebs, it starts at the child's bedroom window
  92. timestocomplete=1
  93. hidden=False
  94. infinite=False
  95. triggers
  96. {
  97. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou find a cave entrance. Before you enter, you decide it would be wiser to return to Officer Quimm and tell him what you found.)
  98. }
  99. type=enter_zone(minx=-502;maxx=-507;minz=-1033;maxz=-1041;world=vanha)
  100. }
  101. }
  102. stage=5
  103. {
  104. {
  105. description=Report your findings to Officer Quimm
  106. hint=He's the Police Officer on the ground floor of the house
  107. timestocomplete=1
  108. hidden=False
  109. infinite=False
  110. triggers
  111. {
  112. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bYou tell Officer Quimm about where the Silk Trail led you. As you tell him, you notice his expression becomes increasingly grim.)
  113. }
  114. type=chat_npc(uuid=c34e0bcd-5f0e-4a6c-a9d6-1162fbfd2433;chatline1=There you are! I was starting to worry about having to approve two obituaries. Find anything interesting?;chatline2=There's only one place you could be talking about. Half-Moon Depths.;chatline3=It's where Kuan-Ti's most legendary masters were buried. Now, however, it's abandoned.;chatline4=It could be that the Spinarak the kid saw took him back there. Which means its brood must have a lair there.;chatline5=I'm no good with pokemon myself, but you seem more than capable. I need you to go back to Half-Moon Depths, and kill EVERYTHING that crawls.;chatline6=Oh, and, try not to die.)
  115. }
  116. }
  117. stage=6
  118. {
  119. {
  120. description=Return to Half-Moon Depths
  121. hint=It's the cave at the end of the Silk Trail
  122. timestocomplete=1
  123. hidden=False
  124. infinite=False
  125. triggers
  126. {
  127. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou feel a slight chill emerge from the mouth of the cave. If you listen closely, you can hear the pitter-patter of thousands of tiny feet within.)
  128. }
  129. type=enter_zone(minx=-502;maxx=-507;minz=-1033;maxz=-1041;world=vanha)
  130. }
  131. }
  132. stage=7
  133. {
  134. {
  135. description=Go through the Crypt
  136. hint=Make sure you explore the whole path
  137. timestocomplete=1
  138. hidden=False
  139. infinite=False
  140. triggers
  141. {
  142. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou take light footsteps through the claustrophobic tunnel, and notice that the lining of silk along the walls grows increasingly thick and difficult to walk through.)
  143. }
  144. type=enter_zone(minx=-532;maxx=-539;minz=-1033;maxz=-1040;world=vanha)
  145. }
  146. }
  147. stage=8
  148. {
  149. {
  150. description=Go through the Crypt
  151. hint=Make sure you explore the whole path
  152. timestocomplete=1
  153. hidden=False
  154. infinite=False
  155. triggers
  156. {
  157. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bAs you step into the Mausoleum, you notice that the walls are pulsing with thousands of Spinarak hatchlings.)
  158. }
  159. type=enter_zone(minx=-552;maxx=-558;minz=-1033;maxz=-1039;world=vanha)
  160. }
  161. }
  162. stage=9
  163. {
  164. {
  165. description=Reach the main antechamber
  166. hint=
  167. timestocomplete=1
  168. hidden=False
  169. infinite=False
  170. triggers
  171. {
  172. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bAfter finding no clues to the whereabouts of the missing child on the bridge, you decide to reach the final room.)
  173. }
  174. type=enter_zone(minx=-562;maxx=-567;minz=-1033;maxz=-1039;world=vanha)
  175. }
  176. }
  177. stage=10
  178. {
  179. {
  180. description=Enter the Antechamber
  181. hint=An optional hint
  182. timestocomplete=1
  183. hidden=False
  184. infinite=False
  185. triggers
  186. {
  187. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bAs you enter the antechamber, you notice two large web cocoons. The larger looks big enough to hold a human child.)
  188. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bAs you approach the cocoons, you hear the subtle clicking of excited mandibles above your head, and coming closer.)
  189. }
  190. type=enter_zone(minx=-569;maxx=-574;minz=-1033;maxz=-1039;world=vanha)
  191. }
  192. }
  193. stage=11
  194. {
  195. {
  196. description=Enter the Final Room
  197. hint=An optional hint
  198. timestocomplete=1
  199. hidden=False
  200. infinite=False
  201. triggers
  202. {
  203. spawn_and_battle(delay=0;spec=Ariados;name="Zhizhu";shiny=true;bossLevel=4;x=-575;z=-1036)
  204. }
  205. type=enter_zone(minx=-574;maxx=-576;minz=-1035;maxz=-1037;world=vanha)
  206. }
  207. }
  208. stage=12
  209. {
  210. {
  211. description=A description
  212. hint=An optional hint
  213. timestocomplete=1
  214. hidden=True
  215. infinite=False
  216. triggers
  217. {
  218. warp(delay=2;world=vanha;x=-485;y=121;z=-1065)
  219. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bBefore Zhizhu could overwhelm you, you sprint out of Half-Moon Depths. You must heal your party and defeat her before she attacks Kuan-Ti!)
  220. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=11)
  221. }
  222. type=run_out_of_pokemon()
  223. }
  224. {
  225. description=Defeat the Ariados!
  226. hint=
  227. timestocomplete=1
  228. hidden=False
  229. infinite=False
  230. triggers
  231. {
  232. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bThe Ariados lets out a final, desperate screech before it collapses. A horde of Spinarak quickly drag the corpse away...)
  233. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=13)
  234. }
  235. type=kill_pokemon(spec=Ariados)
  236. }
  237. {
  238. description=A description
  239. hint=An optional hint
  240. timestocomplete=1
  241. hidden=False
  242. infinite=False
  243. triggers
  244. {
  245. warp(delay=2;world=vanha;x=-485;y=121;z=-1065)
  246. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bBefore Zhizhu could overwhelm you, you sprint out of Half-Moon Depths. You must heal your party and defeat her before she attacks Kuan-Ti!)
  247. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=11)
  248. }
  249. type=flee_from_pokemon(spec=Ariados)
  250. }
  251. {
  252. description=A description
  253. hint=An optional hint
  254. timestocomplete=1
  255. hidden=False
  256. infinite=False
  257. triggers
  258. {
  259. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=11)
  260. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bBefore Zhizhu could overwhelm you, you sprint out of Half-Moon Depths. You must heal your party and defeat her before she attacks Kuan-Ti!)
  261. warp(delay=2;world=vanha;x=-485;y=121;z=-1065)
  262. }
  263. type=battle_end_abnormal()
  264. }
  265. }
  266. stage=13
  267. {
  268. {
  269. description=Open the smaller cocoon first
  270. hint=It's the one on the left of the coffin
  271. timestocomplete=1
  272. hidden=False
  273. infinite=False
  274. triggers
  275. {
  276. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou tear open the webbing, and find a squirtle plush inside. Upon exposure to light, several of the Spinarak you found inside pour out of the opening. The plush is covered in tiny fang bites.)
  277. }
  278. type=right_click_block(minx=-580;maxx=-580;miny=89;maxy=89;minz=-1032;maxz=-1032;world=vanha)
  279. }
  280. }
  281. stage=14
  282. {
  283. {
  284. description=Open the other cocoon
  285. hint=It's on the other side of the room
  286. timestocomplete=1
  287. hidden=False
  288. infinite=False
  289. triggers
  290. {
  291. send_chat(delay=0;message=&bYou split the webbing open, and come face-to-face with the desiccated mummy of the missing child. In death, his face is bloodless and frozen in a horrified expression, with a look of pure terror emblazoned in his glassy eyes.)
  292. fire_command(delay=0;command=/give PLAYER pixelmon:mystic_water 1 0 {display:{Name:"Child's Water Drop Amulet"}})
  293. }
  294. type=right_click_block(minx=-580;maxx=-580;miny=88;maxy=90;minz=-1042;maxz=-1042;world=vanha)
  295. }
  296. }
  297. stage=15
  298. {
  299. {
  300. description=Return to Officer Quimm
  301. hint=He's still on the ground floor of the house
  302. timestocomplete=1
  303. hidden=False
  304. infinite=False
  305. triggers
  306. {
  307. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bOfficer Quimm bows his head, crying softly. He doesn't look sad, he looks furious.)
  308. }
  309. type=chat_npc(uuid=c34e0bcd-5f0e-4a6c-a9d6-1162fbfd2433;chatline1=You're back! And you're alive too! I was afraid I'd sent you to your death. But... You've come alone.;chatline2=I... Guess we were too late...;chatline3=Too late. Too late. Always too late.)
  310. }
  311. }
  312. stage=16
  313. {
  314. {
  315. description=Keep talking to Officer Quimm
  316. hint=He's not done talking yet
  317. timestocomplete=1
  318. hidden=False
  319. infinite=False
  320. triggers
  321. {
  322. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bYou tell Officer Quimm about Zhizhu's ambush, and how you managed to defeat her.)
  323. give_money(delay=0;amount=1000)
  324. show_title(delay=5;titletext=The Silk Mystery;titlecolour=dark_green;subtitletext=Quest Complete)
  325. }
  326. type=chat_npc(uuid=c34e0bcd-5f0e-4a6c-a9d6-1162fbfd2433;chatline1=Did you at least kill the... Monster that did this?;chatline2=I see. The Ariados Broodmother must have decided she couldn't feed all of her young on Kuan-Ti's rodent population...;chatline3=So she was forced to hunt for larger prey.;chatline4=Now, every single one of those future murdering abominations are going to starve. I say good riddance.;chatline5=We'll dispatch a recovery team to bring back the child's body later. For now, however, you risked life and limb to help me with my investigation.;chatline6=Although the worst happened, you deserve a reward at the very least.;chatline7=Oh, and Trainer? You may want to brush that Spinarak off your shoulder.)
  327. }
  328. }
  329. }
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