
BatchOS 0.0.1

Nov 11th, 2017
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Batch 4.15 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. title batchOS Virtual Machine
  3. :boot
  4. color 89
  5. cls
  6. echo batchOS 0.0.2 Pre-Beta
  7. set /p boot=[F]ast Boot Or [N]ormal Boot?
  8. if %boot% == f goto beforelogin
  9. if %boot% == F goto beforelogin
  10. echo.
  11. echo Please Wait While batchOS Boots.
  12. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  13. echo Please Wait While batchOS Boots..
  14. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  15. echo Please Wait While batchOS Boots...
  16. timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
  17. goto beforelogin
  18. :beforelogin
  19. cls
  20. if exist batchOS_user goto login
  21. goto passchange
  22. :login
  23. color 89
  24. < batchOS_user (
  25. set /p user=
  26. set /p pass=
  27. )
  28. set /p username= Username?
  29. set /p password= Password?
  30. if %username% == %user% goto logintwo
  31. goto loginthree
  32. :logintwo
  33. if %password% == %pass% goto before
  34. goto loginthree
  35. :loginthree
  36. cls
  37. echo Your Username And/Or Password Is Incorrect
  38. goto login
  39. :before
  40. cls
  41. color 0f
  42. echo Batch OS 0.0.2 Pre-Beta Created With 100% Batch
  43. echo Please Note: All Letter Must Be In Lowercase
  44. goto batchos
  45. :batchos
  46. echo.
  47. echo Ready
  48. set /p batchos=
  49. if %batchos% == say goto say
  50. if %batchos% == ask goto ask
  51. if %batchos% == aask goto aask
  52. if %batchos% == notepad goto notepad
  53. if %batchos% == help goto help
  54. if %batchos% == bugs goto bugs
  55. if %batchos% == ver goto ver
  56. if %batchos% == signout goto beforelogin
  57. if %batchos% == change goto change
  58. if %batchos% == shutdown goto shutdown
  59. if %batchos% == reboot goto reboot
  60. if %batchos% == passchange goto passchange
  61. if %batchos% == devhelp goto devhelp
  62. if %batchos% == crash goto crash
  63. if %batchos% == kernel goto boot
  64. if %batchos% == xD goto xd
  65. echo Unknown Command Type "help" For Help
  66. goto batchos
  67. :say
  68. set /p say= Say What?
  69. echo %say%
  70. goto batchos
  71. :ask
  72. set /p ask= Ask What?
  73. echo %ask%
  74. set /p aask=
  75. goto batchos
  76. :aask
  77. echo %aask%
  78. goto batchos
  79. :notepad
  80. cls
  81. set /p read=Read A File? (y/n)
  82. if %read% == y goto read
  83. set /p save=Save The File? (y/n)
  84. if %save% == y goto notepadthree
  85. :notepadtwo
  86. cls
  87. echo batchOS Notepad
  88. echo Type "quit" To Quit
  89. echo Please Note: No Space's Please!
  90. echo.
  91. goto notepadfour
  92. :notepadthree
  93. set /p file=What Would You Like The File To Be Called?
  94. goto notepadtwo
  95. :notepadfour
  96. set /p notepad=
  97. if %notepad% == quit goto before
  98. if %save% == y echo %notepad% >> %file%.txt
  99. goto notepadfour
  100. goto batchos
  101. :read
  102. goto readcrash
  103. cls
  104. echo %readtext%
  105. echo.
  106. echo Press Any Key To Go Back To batchOS...
  107. pause >nul
  108. goto batchos
  109. :help
  110. echo say = Make The OS Say Something
  111. echo ask = Make The OS Ask Something
  112. echo aask = Make The OS Tell You The Answer
  113. echo help = List The Commands You Can Use
  114. echo bugs = List Bugs In The Current Version
  115. echo ver = Show batchOS Version
  116. echo change = Show The Changes With Updates
  117. echo notepad = Open A Notepad
  118. echo signout = Goto The Login Screen
  119. echo shutdown = Shutdown The OS
  120. echo reboot = Reboot The OS
  121. echo passchange = Change The OS Password
  122. goto batchos
  123. :bugs
  124. echo batchOS Will Crash Upon Reading Spaces In Anywhere Except say And ask
  125. echo batchOS Will Not Understand Capital Letters Anywhere Except notepad, say And ask
  126. goto batchos
  127. :ver
  128. echo batchOS Version 0.0.2 Pre-Beta
  129. echo Released In May 2017
  130. goto batchos
  131. :change
  132. echo 0.0.1 - Release
  133. echo 0.0.2 - Save Text Documents With Notepad
  134. goto batchos
  135. :shutdown
  136. cls
  137. echo Shutting Down...
  138. timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
  139. exit
  140. :reboot
  141. cls
  142. echo Rebooting...
  143. timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul
  144. goto boot
  145. :passchange
  146. echo Password Is CaP SeNsItIvE And Cannot Contain Spaces
  147. set /p user= New Username?
  148. set /p pass= New Password?
  149. (
  150. echo %user%
  151. echo %pass%
  152. ) > batchOS_user
  153. echo Press Any Key To Reboot The OS
  154. pause >nul
  155. goto reboot
  156. :devhelp
  157. echo crash = Force The Computer To Crash
  158. echo kernel = Bring You To The Kernel
  159. goto batchos
  160. :crash
  161. color 17
  162. cls
  163. echo The Computer Forced To Shutdown To Prevent Data Corruption
  164. echo.
  165. echo Error: 1
  166. echo Description: User Did Developer Command "crash"
  167. echo.
  168. echo Press Any Key To Reboot
  169. pause >nul
  170. goto boot
  171. :readcrash
  172. color 17
  173. cls
  174. echo The Computer Forced To Shutdown To Prevent Data Corruption
  175. echo.
  176. echo Error: 435
  177. echo Reading Files Is Not Ready In batchOS 0.0.2
  178. echo.
  179. echo Press Any Key To Reboot
  180. pause >nul
  181. goto boot
  182. :xd
  183. echo Command Known Type "help" For Help
  184. goto batchos
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