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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. prontera,144,160,4 script Stalker 4_M_KID1,{
  3. if ( StalkerSkill != 0 )goto Remove_Skill;
  4. if ( getskilllv(225) == 0 ) goto End_Talk;
  5. if ( getskilllv(225) > 0 ) goto Start_Talk;
  6. Remove_Skill:
  7. skill StalkerSkill,0,0;
  8. set StalkerSkill,0;
  9. dispbottom "[ Stalker NPC ] : Previous Skills have been removed..";
  10. dispbottom "[ Stalker NPC ] : Skill Icon remained. But without any effect";
  11. end;
  12. End_Talk:
  13. mes "[ ^FF0000Stalker NPC^000000 ]";
  14. mes "Please make sure you have the skills required to copy skills.";
  15. close;
  16. // -- Edit Format : "<Skill Name>", for each case at a new line in order for a Better viewing..
  17. Start_Talk:
  18. mes "[ ^FF0000Stalker NPC^000000 ]";
  19. mes "Choose which skill you want to copy..It costs however 500.000 to give you a skill.";
  20. next;
  21. switch(select("Jupiter Thuner", // Case 1:
  22. "Heal", // Case 2:
  23. "Napalm Beat", // Case 3:
  24. "Soul Strike", // Case 4:
  25. "Cold Bolt", // Case 5:
  26. "Frost Diver", // Case 6:
  27. "Fire Ball", // Case 7:
  28. "Fire Wall", // Case 8:
  29. "Fire Bolt", // Case 9:
  30. "Lightning Bolt", // Case 10:
  31. "Thunderstorm", // Case 11:
  32. "Mammonite", // Case 12:
  33. "Bowling Bash", // Case 13:
  34. "Fire Pillar", // Case 14:
  35. "Meteor Storm", // Case 15:
  36. "Lord of Vermilion", // Case 16:
  37. "Storm Gust", // Case 17:
  38. "Heaven's Drive", // Case 18:
  39. "Earth Spike", // Case 19:
  40. "Bomb", // Case 20:
  41. "Acid Terror", // Case 21:
  42. "Grand Cross", // Case 22:
  43. "Triple Attack", // Case 23:
  44. "Pressure", // Case 24:
  45. "Crimson Fire Blossom", // Case 25:
  46. "Dragon Fire Formation", // Case 26:
  47. "Lightning Spear of Ice", // Case 27:
  48. "Falling Ice Pillar", // Case 28:
  49. "Wind Blade", // Case 29:
  50. "North Wind")){ // Case 30:
  52. // -- Edit Format : callsub S_CopySkill,<Skill ID>,<Skill Level 10>,<Skill Cost>;
  53. // -- Leave the Level as 10 better.because after they relog ..they will auto get level 10 Skills.
  54. // -- I think can add up to 128 Case. Which is 128 Skills choose-able~
  55. // -- If you want it to announce then add "announce" at the back of <skill cost> like Case 10.
  57. case 1: callsub S_CopySkill,84,10,0; // Jupiter Thuner
  58. case 2: callsub S_CopySkill,28,10,0; // Heal
  59. case 3: callsub S_CopySkill,11,10,0; // Napalm Beat
  60. case 4: callsub S_CopySkill,13,10,0; // Soul Strike
  61. case 5: callsub S_CopySkill,14,10,0; // Cold Bolt
  62. case 6: callsub S_CopySkill,15,10,0; // Frost Diver
  63. case 7: callsub S_CopySkill,17,10,0; // Fire Ball
  64. case 8: callsub S_CopySkill,18,10,0; // Fire Wall
  65. case 9: callsub S_CopySkill,19,10,0; // Fire Bolt
  66. case 10: callsub S_CopySkill,20,10,0; // Lightning Bolt
  67. case 11: callsub S_CopySkill,21,10,0; // Thunderstorm
  68. case 12: callsub S_CopySkill,42,10,0; // Mammonite
  69. case 13: callsub S_CopySkill,62,10,0; // Bowling Bash
  70. case 14: callsub S_CopySkill,80,10,0; // Fire Pillar
  71. case 15: callsub S_CopySkill,83,10,0; // Meteor Storm
  72. case 16: callsub S_CopySkill,85,10,0; // Lord of Vermilion
  73. case 17: callsub S_CopySkill,89,10,0; // Storm Gust
  74. case 18: callsub S_CopySkill,91,10,0; // Heaven's Drive
  75. case 19: callsub S_CopySkill,90,10,0; // Earth Spike
  76. case 20: callsub S_CopySkill,229,5,0; // Bomb
  77. case 21: callsub S_CopySkill,230,5,0; // Acid Terror
  78. case 22: callsub S_CopySkill,254,10,0; // Grand Cross
  79. case 23: callsub S_CopySkill,263,10,0; // Triple Attack
  80. case 24: callsub S_CopySkill,367,5,0; // Pressure
  81. case 25: callsub S_CopySkill,534,10,0; // Crimson Fire Blossom
  82. case 26: callsub S_CopySkill,536,5,0; // Dragon Fire Formation
  83. case 27: callsub S_CopySkill, 537,10,0; // Lightning Spear of Ice
  84. case 28: callsub S_CopySkill,539,5,0; // Falling Ice Pillar
  85. case 29: callsub S_CopySkill,540,10,0; // Wind Blade
  86. case 30: callsub S_CopySkill,542,5,0; // North Wind
  87. }
  89. S_CopySkill:
  90. if ( Zeny < getarg(2)){
  91. mes "[ ^FF0000Stalker NPC^000000 ]";
  92. mes "You must have at least "+getarg(2)+" Zeny to get the Skill.";
  93. close;
  94. }
  95. skill getarg(0),getarg(1),0;
  96. set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(2);
  97. set StalkerSkill,getarg(0);
  98. dispbottom "[ Stalker NPC ] : New Skill fee is [ "+getarg(2)+" Zeny ].";
  99. dispbottom "[ Stalker NPC ] : Check Your Skill Tree Now..for the New Skill.";
  100. if (compare(getarg(3, ""),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained a new skill !!",bc_map;
  101. close;
  102. OnPCLoginEvent:
  103. if ( StalkerSkill != 0 ){
  104. skill StalkerSkill,getskilllv(225),0;
  105. }
  106. end;
  107. }
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