Guest User


a guest
Jun 11th, 2018
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  1. Command character "!" & "." & "botnick" or /msg to the (botnick) .
  3. You have the posibiliti to set a new command character! .cmdchar [cmdchar]
  4. You cannot set or unset cmdchar "!" or "." :)
  6. EXAMPLE: .say a
  7. !say a
  8. botnick say a
  9. NewCmdCharSay a !!EXAMPLE: +say a .. or -say a !!
  10. /msg botnick say #channel a
  12. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::500:::Channel Administrator::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  14. #######################################################################################
  15. #Level##Command##################SYNTAX:###############################################
  16. #######################################################################################
  18. [ 500 ] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  19. [ 500 ] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  20. [ 500 ] .AutoJoin SYNTAX: .autojoin [ON/OFF] #
  21. [ 500 ] AutoJoin SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT AutoJoin <#Channel> [ON/OFF] #
  23. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::400:::Channel CoAdmin::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  25. [400->] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  26. [400->] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  27. [400->] .StrictOp SYNTAX: .strictop [ON/OFF] #
  28. [400->] StrictOp SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT strictop [ON/OFF] #
  29. [400->] .ChanSet +all SYNTAX: .chanset +all #
  30. [400->] .ChanSet -all SYNTAX: .chanset -all #
  31. [400->] .ChanSet +antitake SYNTAX: .chanset +antitake #
  32. [400->] .ChanSet -antitake SYNTAX: .chanset -antitake #
  33. [400->] .ChanSet +antipub SYNTAX: .chanset +antipub #
  34. [400->] .ChanSet -antipub SYNTAX: .chanset -antipub #
  35. [400->] .ChanSet +anticolour SYNTAX: .chanset +anticolour #
  36. [400->] .ChanSet -anticolour SYNTAX: .chanset -anticolour #
  37. [400->] .ChanSet +antinotice SYNTAX: .chanset +antinotice #
  38. [400->] .ChanSet -antinotice SYNTAX: .chanset -antinotice #
  39. [400->] .ChanSet +antiunderline SYNTAX: .chanset +antiunderline #
  40. [400->] .ChanSet -antiunderline SYNTAX: .chanset -antiunderline #
  41. [400->] .ChanSet +antibold SYNTAX: .chanset +antibold #
  42. [400->] .ChanSet -antibold SYNTAX: .chanset -antibold #
  43. [400->] .ChanSet +antiaction SYNTAX: .chanset +antiaction #
  44. [400->] .ChanSet -antiaction SYNTAX: .chanset -antiaction #
  45. [400->] .ChanSet +antictcp SYNTAX: .chanset +antictcp #
  46. [400->] .ChanSet -antictcp SYNTAX: .chanset -antictcp #
  47. [400->] .ChanSet +antitalk SYNTAX: .chanset +antitalk #
  48. [400->] .ChanSet -antitalk SYNTAX: .chanset -antitalk #
  49. [400->] .ChanSet +antiswear SYNTAX: .chanset +antiswear #
  50. [400->] .ChanSet -antiswear SYNTAX: .chanset -antiswear #
  51. [400->] .ChanSet +antimassdeop SYNTAX: .chanset +antimassdeop #
  52. [400->] .ChanSet -antimassdeop SYNTAX: .chanset -antimassdeop #
  53. [400->] .ChanSet +antimasskick SYNTAX: .chanset +antimasskick #
  54. [400->] .ChanSet -antimasskick SYNTAX: .chanset -antimasskick #
  55. [400->] .ChanSet +dontkickops SYNTAX: .chanset +dontkickops #
  56. [400->] .ChanSet -dontkickops SYNTAX: .chanset -dontkickops #
  57. [400->] .ChanSet +autovoice SYNTAX: .chanset +autovoice #
  58. [400->] .ChanSet -autovoice SYNTAX: .chanset -autovoice #
  60. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::300:::Channel Owner::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  62. [300->] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  63. [300->] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  64. [300->] .ChanInfo SYNTAX: .chaninfo #
  65. [300->] .AutoLimit SYNTAX: .autolimit [Nr/OFF] #
  66. [300->] .AutoOp SYNTAX: .autoop [ON/OFF] #
  67. [300->] .AutoVoice SYNTAX: .autovoice [ON/OFF] #
  68. [300->] .Ctcp SYNTAX: .ctcp [Nick/#Chan] [TexT] #
  69. [300->] .Notice SYNTAX: .notice [nick/#Chan] [text] #
  70. [300->] .Cycle SYNTAX: .cycle [time] !Nu mai mult de 60 de sec! #
  71. [300->] .Greet SYNTAX: .greet (ON/OFF) [greet] #
  72. [300->] Cycle SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT cycle <#Channel> [time] #
  74. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::200:::Channel Operator:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  76. [200->] .dr SYNTAX: .dr [nick] #
  77. [200->] .Op SYNTAX: .op [nick/*] #
  78. [200->] .DeOp SYNTAX: .deop [nick/*] #
  79. [200->] .Ban SYNTAX: .ban [nick/*] [time] [reason] #
  80. [200->] .UnBan SYNTAX: .unban [nick/host] #
  81. [200->] .Kick SYNTAX: .kick [nick/*] #
  82. [200->] .Invite SYNTAX: .invite [nick] #
  83. [200->] .ChanSeT +kiss SYNTAX: .chanset +kiss [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  84. [200->] .ChanSeT +slap SYNTAX: .chanset +slap [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  85. [200->] .ChanSeT +fuck SYNTAX: .chanset +fuck [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  86. [200->] Op SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT op <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  87. [200->] DeOp SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT deop <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  88. [200->] Ban SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT ban <#Chan> [nick/*] time reason! #
  89. [200->] UnBan SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT unban <#Channel> [nick/host] #
  90. [200->] Kick SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT kick <#Channel> [nick/*] [reason] #
  91. [200->] Invite SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT invite <#Channel> [nick] #
  93. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::100:::Channel User:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  95. [100->] .Status SYNTAX: .status #
  96. [100->] .Voice SYNTAX: .voice [nick/*] #
  97. [100->] .DeVoice SYNTAX: .DeVoice [nick/*] #
  98. [100->] .Topic SYNTAX: .topic [topic/OFF] #
  99. [100->] .Mode SYNTAX: .mode [+/mode] #
  100. [100->] .Max SYNTAX: .max #
  101. [100->] .Calc SYNTAX: .calc [Nr1] (+,-,*,/) [Nr2] #
  102. [100->] .Act SYNTAX: .act [action] #
  103. [100->] Act SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT act <#Channel> [action] #
  104. [100->] Voice SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT voice <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  105. [100->] DeVoice SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT devoice <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  106. [100->] Topic SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT topic <#Channel> [topic/OFF] #
  107. [100->] Mode SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT mode <#Channel> [+/mode] #
  109. ::::::::::::::::::::Level::::1::::Channel User:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  111. [ 1->] Login SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT login <#Channel> [nick] [Password]#
  112. [ 1->] Pass SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT pass <#Channel> [password] #
  113. [ 1->] GeTPass SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT getpass <#Channel> #
  114. [ 1->] .Help SYNTAX: .help #
  115. [ 1->] .Say SYNTAX: .say [text] #
  116. [ 1->] .Kiss SYNTAX: .kiss [nick] #
  117. [ 1->] .Slap SYNTAX: .slap [nick] #
  118. [ 1->] .Fuck SYNTAX: .fuck [nick] #
  119. [ 1->] .cc SYNTAX: .cc (Country Code) #
  120. [ 1->] Say SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT say <#Channel> [text] #
  122. ::::::::::::::::::::Level::::0::::Normal Users(No need access!)::::::::::::::::::::::::
  124. [ 0->] .Time SYNTAX: .time #
  125. [ 0->] .Date SYNTAX: .date #
  126. [ 0->] .ip SYNTAX: .ip <IP-address> #
  127. [ 0->] Time SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT time #
  128. [ 0->] Date SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT date #
  129. [ 0->] ping SYNTAX: ping #
  131. #######################################################################################
  132. #######################################################################################
  133. ######Global Users######
  135. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::500:::Global Administrator:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  137. [ 500 ] .BoT SYNTAX: .bot [ON/OFF] #
  138. [ 500 ] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  139. [ 500 ] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  140. [ 500 ] .AddAdmin SYNTAX: .addadmin [nick] [level] #
  141. [ 500 ] .RemAdmin SYNTAX: .remadmin [nick] #
  142. [ 500 ] .Do SYNTAX: .do (command) #
  143. [ 500 ] .Rehash SYNTAX: .rehash #
  144. [ 500 ] .Die SYNTAX: .die [reason] #
  145. [ 500 ] .Quit SYNTAX: .quit [reason] #
  146. [ 500 ] .Nick SYNTAX: .nick [nickname] #
  147. [ 500 ] .CloseAll SYNTAX: .closeall #
  148. [ 500 ] BoT SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT bot [ON/OFF] #
  149. [ 500 ] Nick SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT nick [nickname] #
  150. [ 500 ] Do SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT do (command) #
  151. [ 500 ] Rehash SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT rehash #
  152. [ 500 ] Die SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT die [reason] #
  153. [ 500 ] Quit SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT quit [reason] #
  154. [ 500 ] CloseAll SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT closeall #
  156. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::400:::Global CoAdmin:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  158. [450->] .CmdChar SYNTAX: .cmdchar [command character] #
  159. [450->] CmdChar SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT cmdchar [command character] #
  160. [400->] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  161. [400->] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  162. [400->] .Channels SYNTAX: .channels #
  163. [400->] .StrictOp SYNTAX: .strictop [ON/OFF] #
  164. [400->] .Silence SYNTAX: .silence [ON/OFF] #
  165. [400->] .Away SYNTAX: .away [reason] #
  166. [400->] .Back SYNTAX: .back #
  167. [400->] .ChannelSeT SYNTAX: .channelset #
  168. [400->] .ChanUnseT SYNTAX: .chanunset [#channel] #
  169. [400->] Away SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT away [reason] #
  170. [400->] Back SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT back #
  171. [400->] StrictOp SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT strictop [ON/OFF] #
  172. [400->] Channels SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT channels #
  173. [400->] .ChanSet +all SYNTAX: .chanset +all #
  174. [400->] .ChanSet -all SYNTAX: .chanset -all #
  175. [400->] .ChanSet +antitake SYNTAX: .chanset +antitake #
  176. [400->] .ChanSet -antitake SYNTAX: .chanset -antitake #
  177. [400->] .ChanSet +antipub SYNTAX: .chanset +antipub #
  178. [400->] .ChanSet -antipub SYNTAX: .chanset -antipub #
  179. [400->] .ChanSet +anticolour SYNTAX: .chanset +anticolour #
  180. [400->] .ChanSet -anticolour SYNTAX: .chanset -anticolour #
  181. [400->] .ChanSet +antinotice SYNTAX: .chanset +antinotice #
  182. [400->] .ChanSet -antinotice SYNTAX: .chanset -antinotice #
  183. [400->] .ChanSet +antiunderline SYNTAX: .chanset +antiunderline #
  184. [400->] .ChanSet -antiunderline SYNTAX: .chanset -antiunderline #
  185. [400->] .ChanSet +antibold SYNTAX: .chanset +antibold #
  186. [400->] .ChanSet -antibold SYNTAX: .chanset -antibold #
  187. [400->] .ChanSet +antiaction SYNTAX: .chanset +antiaction #
  188. [400->] .ChanSet -antiaction SYNTAX: .chanset -antiaction #
  189. [400->] .ChanSet +antictcp SYNTAX: .chanset +antictcp #
  190. [400->] .ChanSet -antictcp SYNTAX: .chanset -antictcp #
  191. [400->] .ChanSet +antitalk SYNTAX: .chanset +antitalk #
  192. [400->] .ChanSet -antitalk SYNTAX: .chanset -antitalk #
  193. [400->] .ChanSet +antiswear SYNTAX: .chanset +antiswear #
  194. [400->] .ChanSet -antiswear SYNTAX: .chanset -antiswear #
  195. [400->] .ChanSet +antimassdeop SYNTAX: .chanset +antimassdeop #
  196. [400->] .ChanSet -antimassdeop SYNTAX: .chanset -antimassdeop #
  197. [400->] .ChanSet +antimasskick SYNTAX: .chanset +antimasskick #
  198. [400->] .ChanSet -antimasskick SYNTAX: .chanset -antimasskick #
  199. [400->] .ChanSet +dontkickops SYNTAX: .chanset +dontkickops #
  200. [400->] .ChanSet -dontkickops SYNTAX: .chanset -dontkickops #
  201. [400->] .ChanSet +autovoice SYNTAX: .chanset +autovoice #
  202. [400->] .ChanSet -autovoice SYNTAX: .chanset -autovoice #
  204. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::300:::Global Owner:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  206. [300->] .Adduser SYNTAX: .adduser [nick] [level] #
  207. [300->] .Remuser SYNTAX: .remuser [nickname] #
  208. [300->] .Join SYNTAX: .join <#channel> #
  209. [300->] .AutoJoin SYNTAX: .autojoin [ON/OFF] #
  210. [300->] .BroadCast SYNTAX: .broadcast [text] #
  211. [300->] .Purge SYNTAX: .purge <#channel> [reason] #
  212. [300->] .ChanInfo SYNTAX: .chaninfo #
  213. [300->] .AutoLimit SYNTAX: .autolimit [Nr/OFF] #
  214. [300->] .AutoOp SYNTAX: .autoop [ON/OFF] #
  215. [300->] .AutoVoice SYNTAX: .autovoice [ON/OFF] #
  216. [300->] .Ctcp SYNTAX: .ctcp [nick/#chan] [text] #
  217. [300->] .Notice SYNTAX: .notice [nick/#Chan] [text] #
  218. [300->] .Cycle SYNTAX: .cycle [time] #
  219. [300->] .Greet SYNTAX: .greet (ON/OFF) [greet] #
  220. [300->] Join SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT join <#channel> #
  221. [300->] AutoJoin SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT AutoJoin <#Channel> [ON/OFF] #
  222. [300->] BroadCast SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT broadcast [text] #
  223. [300->] Purge SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT purge <#channel> [reason] #
  224. [300->] Ctcp SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT ctcp [nick/#chan] [text] #
  225. [300->] Notice SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT notice [nick/#chan] [text] #
  226. [300->] Cycle SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT cycle <#Channel> [time] #
  228. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::200:::Global Operator::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  230. [200->] .dr SYNTAX: .dr [nick] #
  231. [200->] .Op SYNTAX: .op [nick/*] #
  232. [200->] .DeOp SYNTAX: .deop [nick/*] #
  233. [200->] .Ban SYNTAX: .ban [nick/*] [time] [reason] #
  234. [200->] .UnBan SYNTAX: .unban [nick/host] #
  235. [200->] .Kick SYNTAX: .kick [nick/*] #
  236. [200->] .Uptime SYNTAX: .uptime #
  237. [200->] .Msg SYNTAX: .msg [nick/#chan] [text] #
  238. [200->] .Invite SYNTAX: .invite [nick] #
  239. [200->] .ChanSeT +kiss SYNTAX: .chanset +kiss [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  240. [200->] .ChanSeT +slap SYNTAX: .chanset +slap [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  241. [200->] .ChanSeT +fuck SYNTAX: .chanset +fuck [text] ( $nick=From & $2=To ) #
  242. [200->] Op SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT op <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  243. [200->] DeOp SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT deop <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  244. [200->] Ban SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT ban <#Chan> [nick/*] time reason! #
  245. [200->] UnBan SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT unban <#Channel> [nick/host] #
  246. [200->] Kick SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT kick <#Channel> [nick/*] [reason] #
  247. [200->] Msg SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT msg [nick/#chan] [text] #
  248. [200->] Uptime SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT uptime #
  249. [200->] Invite SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT invite <#Channel> [nick] #
  251. ::::::::::::::::::::Level:::100:::Global User::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  253. [100->] .Status SYNTAX: .status #
  254. [100->] .Voice SYNTAX: .voice [nick/*] #
  255. [100->] .DeVoice SYNTAX: .DeVoice [nick/*] #
  256. [100->] .Topic SYNTAX: .topic [topic/OFF] #
  257. [100->] .Mode SYNTAX: .mode [+/mode] #
  258. [100->] .Max SYNTAX: .max #
  259. [100->] .Calc SYNTAX: .calc [Nr1] (+,-,*,/) [Nr2] #
  260. [100->] .Act SYNTAX: .act [action] #
  261. [100->] Act SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT act <#channel> [action] #
  262. [100->] Voice SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT voice <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  263. [100->] DeVoice SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT devoice <#Channel> [nick/*] #
  264. [100->] Topic SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT topic <#Channel> [topic/OFF] #
  265. [100->] Mode SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT mode <#Channel> [+/mode] #
  267. ::::::::::::::::::::Level::::1::::Global User::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  269. [ 1->] Global Login SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT Global Login [nick] [password] #
  270. [ 1->] Global Pass SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT global pass [password] #
  271. [ 1->] Global GetPass SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT global getpass #
  272. [ 1->] .Help SYNTAX: .help #
  273. [ 1->] .Say SYNTAX: .say [text] #
  274. [ 1->] .Kiss SYNTAX: .kiss [nick] #
  275. [ 1->] .Slap SYNTAX: .slap [nick] #
  276. [ 1->] .Fuck SYNTAX: .fuck [nick] #
  277. [ 1->] .cc SYNTAX: .cc (Country Code) #
  278. [ 1->] Help SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT help #
  279. [ 1->] Say SYNTAX: /msg X-BoT say <#Channel> [text] #
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