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Nov 9th, 2015
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  1. 1. *No title* - start (to start the game)
  2. 2. /Level1.php - advance (advance to next stage)
  3. 3. /helpme.php - I don't know (you litterally dont know how to help)
  4. 4. /drigal.php - prime numbers (prime numbers show on screen)
  5. 5. /ISAIDHELPME.php - 4d3jk (this is hidden in the morscode)
  6. 6. /itsinsideofme.php - monster (its <-- most likely refers to monster)
  7. 7. /whatIwantfromyou.php - cicada (cicada 3301 google it)
  8. 8. /imdead.php - steiff (famous for expansive dolls)
  9. 9. /tradegy.php - mothman (Big red eyes)
  10. 10. /kantropy.php - saIp4mcsm (all initials (note that the 3rd is a capitol i))
  11. 11. /what.php - slowing down (we're going too fast)
  12. 12. /forgotten.php - Escher (Art-hint, look at the screen)
  13. 13. /3numbers.php - 546 (???)
  14. 14. /morenumbers.php - Rivest (the code)
  15. 15. /narrowminded.php - 26 (put numbers in a 4x4 and answer is all 26)
  16. 16. /avant-garde.php - dogme 95 (google copenhagen 1995)
  17. 17. /1of3.php - Jesus (madonna's son)
  20. (18).
  21. 3D
  22. ----
  24. 1. /3D/firststeps.php - a new fantastic point of view (its now 3d!)
  25. 2. /3D/einstein.php - Israel (i dont know)
  26. 3. /3D/findme.php - 73kAj (invisible in the box)
  27. 4. /3D/encode.php - Enigma (The code is an enigma code)
  28. 5. /3D/medieval.php - inferno (hell)
  29. 6. /3D/largehands.php - Rachmaninoff (pianist with large hands)
  30. 7. /3D/life.php - water (H-0-H chemical compound)
  31. 8. /3D/lastname.php - Iscariot (Traitor of all traitors)
  32. 9. /3D/compassion.php - pietà (mary statue)
  33. 10. /3D/unholy.php - 6 (imperfect number)
  34. 11. /3D/rilvjest.php - Henryk Mikolaj Górecki (composer of music used)
  35. 12. /3D/shibbyshabby.php - defaced (facial mutilation? and previous musical cords spelled defaced)
  36. 13. /3D/capacity.php - Pavlov's dog (bells were used to create a sense of hunger in Pavlov's experiments. They would salivate)
  37. 14. /3D/solitude.php - RIGHTHERE (Found when .gif is opened with HEX editor)
  38. 15. /3D/close.php - John Alva Keel (Author of The Mothman Prophecies, a book about a large, winged creature called Mothman)
  40. (16).
  43. 4D
  44. ---
  46. 1. /4D/seraphim.php - silencio (newsound.ogg backwards)
  47. 2. /4D/disregardingment.php - Heil Hitler (decoded code 251)
  48. 3. /4D/nomoreguessinghere.php - Parkinson's disease (tremble)
  49. 4. /4D/thanksforallthefish.php - cogs (Unscrambled the letters)
  50. 5. /4D/addam.php - Charles Milles Manson (sound file had 3 of the same sound at different pitches, one was taken and it said "Follow me, boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange." which led to Charles Manson)
  51. 6. /4D/myasnitskaya.php - Joseph Osip Ivanovich Bové (architect of theater the coordinates led to)
  52. 7. /4D/blissandquiet.php - children of angels (Nephillim)
  53. 8. /4D/nevermore.php - Jozefina Brunszvik de Korompa (Beethoven's Immortal Beloved who's love was theirs)
  54. 9. /4D/atmora.php - Ragnarök (Amon Amarath, the song is a reverse cover of their song)
  55. 10. /4D/nomorehuman.php - 7Q4dWy9ij13tWs2j0vW
  56. 11. /4D/hardwhite.php - 363582 Folpotat (color code of text + street)
  57. 12. /4D/yellowcross.php -
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