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a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. ∴ cat webadmit.development.gems
  2. # webadmit.develompent.gems generated gem dump file. Note that any env variable settings will be missing. Append these after using a ';' field separator
  3. actionmailer -v2.3.4
  4. actionpack -v2.3.4
  5. activerecord -v2.3.4
  6. activeresource -v2.3.4
  7. activesupport -v2.3.4
  8. authlogic -v2.1.2
  9. autotest-rails -v4.1.0
  10. bcrypt-ruby -v2.1.1
  11. searchlogic -v2.3.6
  12. builder -v2.1.2
  13. compass -v0.8.17
  14. cucumber -v0.3.94
  15. daemons -v1.0.10
  16. deprecated -v2.0.1
  17. diff-lcs -v1.1.2
  18. eventmachine -v0.12.8
  19. factory_girl -v1.2.2
  20. faker -v0.3.1
  21. flay -v1.4.0
  22. flog -v2.2.0
  23. flux_attributes -v0.5.0
  24. haml -v2.2.8
  25. is_paranoid -v0.9.6
  26. inherited_resources -v0.9.2
  27. jscruggs-metric_fu -v1.1.4
  28. formtastic -v0.9.1
  29. will_paginate -v2.3.11
  30. mojombo-chronic -v0.3.0
  31. nokogiri -v1.3.3
  32. paperclip -v2.3.1.1
  33. pg -v0.8.0
  34. polyglot -v0.2.9
  35. polyglot -v0.2.8
  36. postgres-pr -v0.6.1
  37. rack -v1.0.1
  38. rack -v1.0.0
  39. rails -v2.3.4
  40. rake -v0.8.7
  41. rdiscount -v1.3.5
  42. relevance-rcov -v0.9.2.1
  43. rsl-stringex -v1.0.3
  44. ruby_parser -v2.0.4
  45. rubyist-aasm -v2.1.1
  46. is_paranoid -v0.9.6
  47. sexp_processor -v3.0.3
  48. shoulda -v2.10.2
  49. term-ansicolor -v1.0.4
  50. test-unit -v2.0.3
  51. thin -v1.2.4
  52. treetop -v1.4.2
  53. unicorn -v0.94.0
  54. webrat -v0.4.4
  55. ZenTest -v4.1.4
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