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Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. # ==============================OO=============================#
  2. # I---------------------------------------------------------I
  3. # | Advanced Achievements 2.5.6 configuration - Readme |
  4. # 1---------------------------------------------------------1
  5. # ==============================o==============================#
  6. # You can use Minecraft chat colours in Message/Name, but include '' around the whole text: '&4Colour'.
  7. # When using colours, you must also double apostrophes: '&2I''ve doubled apostrophes!'.
  8. # In command rewards, PLAYER designates the name of the player who got the achievement.
  9. # Only spaces, no tabs. Don't forget the indents, plugin won't work otherwise!
  10. # To check your file, use:
  11. # Do NOT delete any sections in the configuration file.
  12. # Possible items for rewards/Crafts/Places/Breaks:
  13. # "Possible mobs for the Kills section: \t"
  14. # Default config.yml file:
  15. # =============================O=O=============================#
  16. # II-------------------------------------------------------II
  17. # | General settings |
  18. # 2---------------------------------------------------------2
  19. # =============================o=o=============================#
  20. # Time in seconds between each /aach book.
  21. TimeBook: 900
  23. # Time in seconds between each /aach list.
  24. TimeList: 0
  26. # Check for update on plugin launch and notify when an OP joins the game.
  27. CheckForUpdate: true
  29. # Set to true to activate firework effects when a player receives an achievement.
  30. Firework: false
  33. FireworkStyle: BALL_LARGE
  35. # Number of players displayed on /aach top command.
  36. TopList: 5
  38. # Set to true to activate particle effects when receiving book and for players in top list.
  39. AdditionalEffects: true
  41. # Set to true to activate sound effects when receiving book and for players in top list.
  42. Sound: true
  44. # Set the icon of the plugin (default: shamrock, '\u2618').
  45. Icon: ADD2
  47. # Set the color of the plugin (default: 5, dark purple).
  48. Color: '4'
  50. # Notify other connected players when an achievement is received.
  51. ChatNotify: true
  53. # Separator between name, description and date on a book page.
  54. BookSeparator: ''
  56. # Separator between name and level in /aach list (default: arrow and spaces, ' \u2192 ').
  57. ListItemSeparator: ' ADD2 '
  59. # Set the format of the achievement name in /aach list (default: '%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%').
  60. ListAchievementFormat: '%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%'
  62. # Stop stats from increasing when player in creative mode (except Connections and PlayedTime).
  63. RestrictCreative: false
  65. # Stop stats from increasing when player in a specific world (delete the [] before using).
  66. ExcludedWorlds: []
  68. # - yourWorld1
  69. # - yourWorld2
  70. # Ignore vertical dimension (Y axis) when calculating distance statistics.
  71. IgnoreVerticalDistance: false
  73. # Don't show these categories in the achievement GUI or in the stats output (delete the [] before using).
  74. # Also prevent obtaining achievements for these categories and prevent stats from increasing.
  75. # If changed, do a full server reload, and not just /aach reload.
  76. DisabledCategories:
  77. - Brewing
  78. - Taming
  79. - Fireworks
  80. - DistanceGliding
  81. - MusicDiscs
  83. # - Beds
  84. # - ItemBreaks
  85. # - Crafts
  86. # Obfuscate achievements that have not yet been received in /aach list.
  87. ObfuscateNotReceived: true
  89. # Hide categories with no achievements yet received in /aach list.
  90. HideNotReceivedCategories: false
  92. # Hide the reward display in /aach list.
  93. HideRewardDisplayInList: false
  95. # Display achievement name and description as screen titles.
  96. TitleScreen: true
  98. # =============================OOO=============================#
  99. # III-----------------------------------------------------III
  100. # | Database settings |
  101. # 3---------------------------------------------------------3
  102. # =============================ooo=============================#
  103. # Make a daily backup of your local database (if sqlite).
  104. DatabaseBackup: false
  106. # Database type, sqlite or mysql.
  107. DatabaseType: mysql
  109. # Settings to link with MySQL database (ignore if sqlite).
  110. MYSQL:
  111. Database: jdbc:mysql://
  112. User: root
  113. Password: YogySt3f@t0ru5
  115. # ============================OO=OO============================#
  116. # IV-------------------------------------------------------IV
  117. # | Performance settings |
  118. # 4---------------------------------------------------------4
  119. # ============================oo=oo============================#
  121. # If any of the performance settings are changed, do a full server reload, and not just /aach reload.
  122. # Frequency of play time checks for players. Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
  123. PlaytimeTaskInterval: 900
  125. # Calculates distance traveled by players. Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
  126. DistanceTaskInterval: 5
  128. # Frequency of some statistics writes to the database.
  129. PooledRequestsTaskInterval: 60
  131. # Enable multithreading for database write operations.
  132. AsyncPooledRequestsSender: true
  134. # ============================OOOOO============================#
  135. # V---------------------------------------------------------V
  136. # | Action achievements |
  137. # 5---------------------------------------------------------5
  138. # ============================ooooo============================#
  139. # When a player connects during the day.
  140. Connections:
  141. '1':
  142. Message: 'Te-ai conectat pe SkyPvP pentru prima data!'
  143. Name: '&4Play&f.&4addicted2&f.&4Ro'
  145. # When a specific block is placed (specify material name, lower case).
  146. # When a specific block is broken (specify material name, lower case).
  147. # Below, the notation log:1 means log item with metadata 1.
  148. # When a specific mob is killed (specify an entity name or poweredcreeper or player, lower case).
  149. Kills:
  150. player:
  151. '1':
  152. Message: '&4Primul player omorat!'
  153. Name: Crima perfecta
  154. Reward:
  155. Money: 100
  156. Kills1:
  157. player:
  158. '10':
  159. Message: '&4Primele 10 killuri!'
  160. Name: Ucigas incepator
  161. Reward:
  162. Money: 200
  163. Kills2:
  164. player:
  165. '50':
  166. Message: '&4Primele 50 de killuri!'
  167. Name: Ucigas moderat
  168. Reward:
  169. Money: 500
  170. Kills3:
  171. player:
  172. '100':
  173. Message: '&4Primele 100 de killuri!'
  174. Name: Ucigas in serie
  175. Reward:
  176. Money: 1000
  177. Kills4:
  178. player:
  179. '500':
  180. Message: '&4Primele 500 de killuri!'
  181. Name: Ucigas profesionist
  182. Reward:
  183. Money: 5000
  184. Kills5:
  185. player:
  186. '1000':
  187. Message: '&4Primele 1000 de killuri!'
  188. Name: Assassin
  189. Reward:
  190. Money: 10000
  192. # When a specific item is crafted (specify material name, lower case).
  193. Crafts:
  194. wooden_sword:
  195. '1':
  196. Message: Prima data cand ai craftat o sabie!
  197. Name: Sabie acceptabila
  198. Reward:
  199. Money: 100
  200. Crafts1:
  201. iron_sword:
  202. '10':
  203. Message: Prima data cand ai craftat o sabie!
  204. Name: Sabie buna
  205. Reward:
  206. Money: 500
  207. Crafts2:
  208. diamond_sword:
  209. '1':
  210. Message: Prima data cand ai craftat o sabie!
  211. Name: Sabie perfecta
  212. Reward:
  213. Money: 1000
  214. # When the player dies.
  215. Deaths:
  216. '1':
  217. Message: Prima data cand ai murit!
  218. Name: R.I.P
  220. # When an arrow is shot.
  221. Arrows:
  222. '50':
  223. Message: 50 de sageti trase!
  224. Name: Sagetile din jur
  225. Arrows1:
  226. '200':
  227. Message: 200 de sageti trase!
  228. Name: Masacru de sageti!
  229. Arrows2:
  230. '500':
  231. Message: 500 de sageti trase!
  232. Name: Ploaie de sageti!
  234. # When a snowball is thrown.
  235. # When an egg is thrown.
  236. # When a fish is caught.
  237. # When a tool/armor/weapon is broken.
  238. # When an item is eaten.
  239. # When a sheep is sheared.
  240. # When a cow is milked.
  241. # When a trade with a villager is made.
  242. # When an anvil is used.
  243. AnvilsUsed:
  244. '1':
  245. Message: Ai mesterit la primul item!
  246. Name: Fierar Incepator
  247. AnvilsUsed:
  248. '5':
  249. Message: Ai mesterit multe iteme!
  250. Name: Fierar Obisnuit
  251. AnvilsUsed:
  252. '10':
  253. Message: Ai mesterit multe iteme!
  254. Name: Fierar Bun
  255. AnvilsUsed:
  256. '5':
  257. Message: Ai mesterit multe iteme!
  258. Name: Fierar Priceput
  260. # When an enchantment is performed.
  261. Enchantments:
  262. '1':
  263. Message: Prima enchantare!
  264. Name: '&5Vrajitor'
  266. # When a bed is entered.
  267. Beds: {}
  269. # Maximum level reached.
  270. # When a potion is consumed.
  271. # Amount of time played on the server (in hours, use integers).
  272. PlayedTime:
  273. '1':
  274. Message: Ai jucat o ora pe server!
  275. Name: Prima ora
  276. Reward:
  277. Money: 1000
  278. PlayedTime1:
  279. '2':
  280. Message: Ai jucat doua ore pe server!
  281. Name: Timp online
  282. Reward:
  283. Money: 500
  284. PlayedTime2:
  285. '3':
  286. Message: Ai jucat trei ore pe server!
  287. Name: Timp online
  288. Reward:
  289. Money: 300
  290. PlayedTime3:
  291. '4':
  292. Message: Ai jucat patru ore pe server!
  293. Name: Timp online
  294. Reward:
  295. Money: 400
  296. PlayedTime4:
  297. '5':
  298. Message: Ai jucat cinci ore pe server!
  299. Name: Timp online
  300. Reward:
  301. Money: 500
  302. PlayedTime24:
  303. '24':
  304. Message: Addicted 2 Gaming!
  305. Name: Timp online
  306. Reward:
  307. Money: 15000
  308. # When a distance is traveled by foot.
  309. # When a distance is traveled on a pig.
  310. # When a distance is traveled on a horse.
  311. # When a distance is traveled in a minecart.
  312. # When a distance is traveled in a boat.
  313. # When a distance is traveled with elytra.
  314. # (ignored on Minecraft versions prior to 1.9)
  315. # When an item is dropped on the ground.
  316. # When soil is plowed with a hoe.
  317. # When bone meal is used to fertilise plants.
  318. # When an animal is tamed.
  319. # When a potion is brewed.
  320. # When a firework is launched.
  321. # When a music disc is played.
  322. # When a player teleports with an enderpearl.
  323. EnderPearls:
  324. '10':
  325. Message: 10 teleportari cu Ender Pearl!
  326. Name: Ce?Teleportare?
  327. Reward:
  328. Money: 125
  329. EnderPearls1:
  330. '50':
  331. Message: 50 teleportari cu Ender Pearl!
  332. Name: Teleportare!
  333. Reward:
  334. Money: 200
  335. EnderPearls2:
  336. '100':
  337. Message: 100 teleportari cu Ender Pearl!
  338. Name: Teleportare eficienta
  339. Reward:
  340. Money: 500
  341. EnderPearls3:
  342. '500':
  343. Message: 500 teleportari cu Ender Pearl!
  344. Name: Teleportare masiva
  345. Reward:
  346. Money: 5000
  348. # ===========================OOO=OOO===========================#
  349. # VI-------------------------------------------------------VI
  350. # | Command achievements |
  351. # 6---------------------------------------------------------6
  352. # ===========================ooo=ooo===========================#
  353. # Let achievement commands be given several times.
  354. MultiCommand: true
  356. # A player with achievement.give (or the console) can use /aach give yourAch1 PLAYER to give
  357. # yourAch1 achievement to PLAYER. The /aach give command does NOT work with other achievements.
  358. Commands:
  360. # ===========================OOOOOOO===========================#
  361. # VII-----------------------------------------------------VII
  362. # | Parameters to appear in future versions |
  363. # 7---------------------------------------------------------7
  364. # ===========================ooooooo===========================#
  365. # When a potion is brewed.
  366. Brewing: {}
  368. # When an animal is tamed.
  369. Taming: {}
  371. # When a firework is launched.
  372. Fireworks: {}
  374. # When a distance is traveled with elytra.
  375. # (ignored on Minecraft versions prior to 1.9)
  376. DistanceGliding: {}
  378. # When a music disc is played.
  379. MusicDiscs: {}
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