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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "Nessa Falassion would prefers to either maintain the portal's
  2. stability or operate the directional function of the portal's formation."
  3. A figurine of a female faeling says, "They say that Nessa Falassion got kicked off of the squad that
  4. uses a metallic seal emblazoned with an upright flag because she was eating too many sparkleberries.
  5. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "Forren Shervalian took over the job that Lyren Daichiel and he
  6. used to do together. What was it again? Shoot, I just can't remember."
  7. A figurine of a warrior merian says, "Daevos Feyranti would rather maintain the portal's stability
  8. than organize the landing teams, but would prefer to do neither."
  9. A figurine of a male viscanti exclaims, "Forren Shervalian and Daevos Feyranti have always gotten
  10. along real well - best of friends, in fact!"
  11. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "Don't tell anyone, but Arel Rillaen failed miserably when he
  12. was training to maintain the portal's stability."
  13. A figurine of a female faeling says, "Daevos Feyranti hated when he did operate the directional
  14. function of the portal's formation, and swore never to do it again."
  15. A figurine of a warrior merian says, "Forren Shervalian likes to hang around with his buddy's group,
  16. a lacquered wooden pendant bearing a carving of a broken bottle."
  17. A figurine of a female faeling says, "Arel Rillaen never liked the look of a gemstone emblem of a
  18. spiked pufferfish."
  19. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "Arel Rillaen used to power the portal from the Maker's
  20. algontherine, but won't anymore. Said he almost lost his marble bits doing it."
  21. A figurine of a warrior merian says, "When I was a grunt, Arel Rillaen was a part of the squad that
  22. used a metallic seal emblazoned with an upright flag, but ended up getting kicked out. They said his
  23. singing was too rocky."
  24. A figurine of a female faeling says, "Nessa Falassion would prefers to either maintain the portal's
  25. stability or operate the directional function of the portal's formation."
  26. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "I heard a dirty little secret - they say Arel Rillaen would do
  27. anything he could to avoid having to stabilize the flux transfuser."
  28. A figurine of a female faeling exclaims, "Arel Rillaen wouldn't wear a gemstone emblem of a spiked
  29. pufferfish or a lacquered wooden pendant bearing a carving of a broken bottle, even if his marble
  30. depended on it!"
  31. A figurine of a female faeling says, "Lyren Daichiel was a part of the same squad as Arel Rillaen,
  32. but then they got in a big fight and she left. I think it was the one with an insignia of an upside-
  33. down mug?"
  34. A figurine of a female faeling exclaims, "I remember Nessa Falassion hasn't had to organize the
  35. landing teams in a long time!"
  36. A figurine of a male viscanti says, "When I was just a lowly grunt, Lyren Daichiel and Forren
  37. Shervalian used to power the portal from the Maker's algontherine. Of course, then Lyren Daichiel
  38. left to go do something else."
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