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Nov 13th, 2018
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  1. Good morning lads, and welcome to my experiment. While Yggdrasil may not give me a character cap, Discord itself still caps me to 2000 characters. As a result, I’ve spent a few minutes throwing together this; a solid block of text made specifically to exploit this cap and produce the most annoying set of words possible. Thanks for your cooperation. 878.29718. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. ok Neptune. another liberal destroyed. Epic thanks ben shapiro. What do kevin spacey and my blackjack game have in common? They both always hit on a fourteen. “Is that the picture of the guy sucking his own dick? My friends and I use that as an emote.” – jim Milton minus stan lee rest in pumpernickel marvel @%&@@ thanks dad I’ve provided a breakdown of some of the things you may want to cover in this section. Isreal is a false nation. Please free Palestine, notch. Come back to Minecraft hit or miss I guess they never miss huh you got a boyfriend I bet he doesn’t kiss ya muah @depression uploaded an entire episode of spongebob haha what a legend “where can I put this without derek seeing it” uwu that’s lewd delete prnt scrn please ed and his dee doss attack the best attack is a defense wait no shit that’s not how that works haha, epic, fort, night, dance, we, like, fort, night, we, like, fort, night, is this toto by Africa? Hey. Hey ian. Bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh. Bruh moment. Akko where’s admin I got to the bottom of jacks posts this is so sad alexa play megalovania stronger than you
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