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Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. My beloved and close one, shalom u’vracha!
  2. Your letter has reached my hand, and your words have reached my heart.
  3. You should know, my close one, that the existence of your letter disagrees with all of the descriptions contained
  4. within it. I will explain to you the meaning of this sentence.
  5. A failing many of us suffer is that when we focus on the ultimate level of attainments of great people, we discuss
  6. how they are complete in this or that area while omitting mention of the inner struggles that had previously raged
  7. within them. A listener would get the impression that these individuals came out of the hand of their Creator in
  8. full-blown ideal form.
  9. Everyone is awed at the purity of speech of the Chofetz Chaim, considering it a miraculous phenomenon. But who
  10. knows of the battles, struggles and obstacles, the slumps and regressions that the Chofetz Chaim encountered in
  11. his war with the yetzer hara? There are many such examples, to which a discerning individual such as yourself
  12. can certainly apply the rule.
  13. The result of this failing is that when an ambitious young man of spirit and enthusiasm meets obstacles, falls and
  14. slumps, he imagines himself as unworthy of being “planted in the house of Hashem”. According to this young
  15. man’s fancy, flourishing in the house of Hashem means to repose with calm spirit on “lush meadows” beside
  16. “tranquil waters” [Tehilim 23] delighting in the yetzer hatov, in the manner of the righteous delighting in the
  17. reflection of the Shechinah, with crowns on their heads, gathered in Gan Eden. And at the same time, untroubled
  18. by the agitation of the yetzer hara, along the lines of the verse “Free among the dead” [Tehilim 88].
  19. Know however, my dear friend, that your soul is rooted not in the the tranquility of the yetzer tov, but rather in the
  20. battle of the yetzer tov. And your precious, warm-hearted letter “testifies as one hundred witnesses” that you are a
  21. worthy warrior in the battalion of the yetzer tov. The English expression “lose a battle and win a war” applies.
  22. Certainly, you have stumbled and you will stumble again (a self-fulfilling prophecy is not intended) and in many
  23. battles you will fall lame. I promise you, though, that after losing those campaigns you will emerge from the way
  24. with laurels of victory upon your head and with the frey prey quivering between your teeth. Lose battles but win
  25. wars.
  26. The wisest of all men has said “A tzadik falls seven times and rises again” [Mishlei 24]. Fools believe the intent of
  27. this verse is to teach us something remarkable - the tzadik has fallen seven times and yet he rises. But the
  28. knowledgeable are aware that the essence of the tzadik’s rising again is by way of his seven falls. “‘And He saw
  29. all that He had made and behold, it was very good.’ ‘Good’: that is the yetzer tov. ‘Very good’: that is the yetzer
  30. hara” [Bereshis Rabba 91].
  31. My cherished one, I clasp you to my heart, and whisper in your ear that had your letter reported on your mitzvos
  32. and good deeds, I would have said that I had received a good letter from you. As things stand, with your letter
  33. telling of slumps and fails and obstacles, I say that I have received a very good letter from you. Your spirit is storming as it aspires to greatness. I beg of you, do not portray for yourself great men as being as one with their
  34. yetzer tov. Picture rather their greatness in terms of an awesome war with every base and low inclination.
  35. When you feel the turmoil of the yetzer hara within yourself, know that with that feeling you resemble great men
  36. far more than with the feeling of deep peace, which you desire. In those very areas where you feel yourself falling
  37. most frequently - particularly in those areas, do you have the greatest potential for serving as an instrument of
  38. distinction for the honor of Hashem.
  39. You do not want to deceive me, that I’ll think of you in a really good line you are so and so, and so and so seven
  40. times. But as for me, what do I have from all these seven? For me the foundation work is that during the past
  41. winter you have acquired a proper knowledge of the laws of monetary damages. You reviewed several times the
  42. masechta that you learned. Do not deny it, this is a crucial fact. In this fact is hidden the secret of the victory in
  43. your fight between your instincts.
  44. You write: "I will never forget who the desire to succeed and to go from strength to strength. But unfortunately I
  45. have already lost hope." I do not know how you dare to deny reality - have you not risen from strength to strength
  46. from that time you came to study?!
  47. I know you are not insolent, that the following is not accurate: if you find yourself to be consumed and overcome
  48. by evil, you think foolishly and naively that you've lost your hope. Your words simply lead to ridicule. I participate
  49. in your suffering, but suffering is the incubator of greatness. I saw your face when learning halacha. I saw your
  50. face when listening to the lessons. I saw your face on the night of shvi’i shel Pesach. The signs engraved on the
  51. face during the above are the signs of "in the end honor will come." The path of honor is not straight - the path of
  52. honor goes through turns “like a serpent by the road, or viper by the path” [Bereshis 49]. Is the venom of a snake
  53. within you? “It will strike at your heel, and you shall strike at its head” [Bereshis 3].
  54. I found it necessary to offer these things to you in a letter. The intention is to give enable you to review them
  55. occasionally. It should be obvious that I did not have the intention to address anything but the general line. With
  56. regard to individual points, it would be preferable to speak directly one to another.
  57. You are the one who is planted in the house of Hashem!
  58. With the participation of your suffering, with confidence in your victory, and with prayers for your success,
  59. Yitzchak Hutner.
  60. PS Now you understand the first sentence of the letter, that your letter is contrary to the descriptions contained
  61. within.
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