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  1. 97637
  2. <center>
  3. Password:<br>
  4. <input type="text" name="password" id="password"><p>
  5. Strong<input type="checkbox" id="s1" name="s1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  6. w1.checked=false;"/>
  7. Medium<input type="checkbox" id="m1" name="m1" onclick="javascript:s1.checked=false;
  8. w1.checked=false;"/>
  9. Weak<input type="checkbox" id="w1" name="w1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  10. s1.checked=false;"/><p>
  11. <button onclick="javascript:
  12. if(s1.checked==true){
  13. GenStrongPass();
  14. }
  15. if(m1.checked==true){
  16. GenMedPass();
  17. }
  18. if(w1.checked==true){
  19. GenWeakPass();
  20. }
  21. ">Generate Password</button><br>
  22. <br>
  23. <button onclick="javascript:
  24. password.value=''
  25. w1.checked=false;
  26. m1.checked=false;
  27. s1.checked=false;
  28. ">Clear Current Password</button>
  30. <script>
  31. function GenWeakPass()
  32. {
  33. var text = "";
  34. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?";
  36. for( var i=0; i < 8; i++ )
  37. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  39. password.value=(text);
  40. }
  41. function GenMedPass()
  42. {
  43. var text = "";
  44. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?";
  46. for( var i=0; i < 12; i++ )
  47. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  49. password.value=(text);
  50. }
  51. function GenStrongPass()
  52. {
  53. var text = "";
  54. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?";
  56. for( var i=0; i < 18; i++ )
  57. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  59. password.value=(text);
  60. }
  61. </script>
  62. </center>
  63. 34906>> 35127>> 35250>> 35431>> 35822>>
  64. >>
  65. Edward Honeyshaw - Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:33:28 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34906 Report Quick Reply
  66. >>34905 (OP)
  67. Yes I wrote this project on the W3schools code page also!!
  68. >>
  69. Updated added the !cmxEnR5NXM!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:37:01 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34907 Report Quick Reply
  70. >>34906
  71. <center>
  72. Password:<br>
  73. <input type="text" name="password" id="password"><p>
  74. Strong<input type="checkbox" id="s1" name="s1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  75. w1.checked=false;"/>
  76. Medium<input type="checkbox" id="m1" name="m1" onclick="javascript:s1.checked=false;
  77. w1.checked=false;"/>
  78. Weak<input type="checkbox" id="w1" name="w1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  79. s1.checked=false;"/><p>
  80. <button onclick="javascript:
  81. if(s1.checked==true){
  82. GenStrongPass();
  83. }
  84. if(m1.checked==true){
  85. GenMedPass();
  86. }
  87. if(w1.checked==true){
  88. GenWeakPass();
  89. }
  90. ">Generate Password</button><br>
  91. <br>
  92. <button onclick="javascript:
  93. password.value=''
  94. w1.checked=false;
  95. m1.checked=false;
  96. s1.checked=false;
  97. ">Clear Current Password</button>
  99. <script>
  100. function GenWeakPass()
  101. {
  102. var text = "";
  103. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\!?";
  105. for( var i=0; i < 8; i++ )
  106. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  108. password.value=(text);
  109. }
  110. function GenMedPass()
  111. {
  112. var text = "";
  113. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\!?";
  115. for( var i=0; i < 12; i++ )
  116. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  118. password.value=(text);
  119. }
  120. function GenStrongPass()
  121. {
  122. var text = "";
  123. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\!?";
  125. for( var i=0; i < 18; i++ )
  126. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  128. password.value=(text);
  129. }
  130. </script>
  131. </center>
  132. >>
  133. JS Geolocation Script Demo V1 - Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:52:00 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34908 Report Quick Reply
  134. //I Guess This will be my official love/hate thread for my works on here, enjoy. -BrU
  136. //..................................................................................................................................
  138. <!DOCTYPE html>
  139. <html>
  140. <center>
  141. <button onclick="Loc();">Location</button>
  142. <script>
  143. function Loc()
  144. {
  145. var loc = document.getElementById("demo");
  146. if (navigator.geolocation) {
  147. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition);
  148. } else {
  149. alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
  150. }
  151. }
  152. function showPosition(position) {
  153. alert("Latitude: " +position.coords.latitude+"\n\n"+"Longitude: " +
  154. position.coords.longitude,"Your Current Location");
  155. document.writeln("<center>Geo Location:<p>Latitude: "+position.coords.latitude+'<p>');
  156. document.writeln("Longitude: "+position.coords.longitude+'<p>');
  157. }
  158. </script>
  159. <center>
  160. </html>
  161. >>
  162. Python 80 Char Key Gen - Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:42:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34917 Report Quick Reply
  163. import random
  165. keyentrophy = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
  166. length = 80
  167. mykey = ""
  169. for i in range(length):
  170. next_index = random.randrange(len(keyentrophy))
  171. mykey = mykey + keyentrophy[next_index]
  173. print(mykey)
  174. >>
  175. Firefox Audio API Demo SRC - Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:40:08 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34922 Report Quick Reply
  176. <button onclick="script:
  177. var PlayLen=prompt('Enter # Of Seconds:');
  178. var Freq=prompt('Enter Frequency Value:');
  179. var context = new AudioContext();
  180. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  181. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  182. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  183. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  184. oscillator.start(0);
  185. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  186. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Test Play</button>
  187. >>
  188. Here is a quick console app I wrote in C!959SuemFLI - Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:56:48 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34924 Report Quick Reply
  189. using System;
  190. using System.Collections.Generic;
  191. using System.Linq;
  192. using System.Text;
  193. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  195. namespace ConsoleApplication1
  196. {
  197. class Program
  198. {
  199. static void Main(string[] args)
  200. {
  201. string Url;
  202. Console.Write("Enter URL To Extract:");
  203. Url = Console.ReadLine();
  204. System.Net.WebClient WC = new System.Net.WebClient();
  205. WC.DownloadFile(Url, "Temp.txt");
  206. string IO = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Temp.txt");
  207. Console.WriteLine(IO);
  208. Console.ReadLine();
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
  212. >>
  213. Keycode Gen in JS - Wed, 23 Dec 2015 12:31:39 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34925 Report Quick Reply
  214. <center>
  215. Key Code:<br>
  216. <input type="text" name="keyword" id="keyword"><p>
  217. <button onclick="javascript:
  218. GenStrongKey();
  219. ">Generate Keycode</button>
  220. <script>
  221. function GenStrongKey()
  222. {
  223. var out = "";
  224. var pos = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
  225. for(var i=0; i < 80; i++){
  226. out+=pos.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*pos.length));
  227. }
  228. keyword.value=(out);
  229. }
  230. </script>
  231. </center>
  232. >>
  233. Audio API Freq Gen(Updated!!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 27 Dec 2015 01:31:57 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34937 Report Quick Reply
  234. >>34925
  235. <center>
  236. Frequency:<br>
  237. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1">
  238. <br>Time:(Seconds)<br>
  239. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2">
  240. <br>
  241. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  242. chk3.checked=false;"> Triangle
  243. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  244. chk3.checked=false;"> Square
  245. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  246. chk2.checked=false;"> Sine
  247. <br>
  248. <button onclick="script:
  249. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  250. var Freq=Text2.value;
  251. var context = new AudioContext();
  252. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  253. if(chk1.checked==true){
  254. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  255. }
  256. if(chk2.checked==true){
  257. oscillator.type = 'square';
  258. }
  259. if(chk3.checked==true){
  260. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  261. }
  262. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  263. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  264. oscillator.start(0);
  265. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  266. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  267. <button onclick="script:
  268. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  269. var Freq=Text2.value;
  270. oscillator.stop(0);
  271. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  272. </center>
  273. >>
  274. Fixed Version!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Dec 2015 01:36:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34938 Report Quick Reply
  275. >>34937
  276. <center>
  277. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  278. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1">
  279. <br>Frequency:<br>
  280. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2">
  281. <br>
  282. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  283. chk3.checked=false;"> Triangle
  284. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  285. chk3.checked=false;"> Square
  286. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  287. chk2.checked=false;"> Sine
  288. <br>
  289. <button onclick="script:
  290. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  291. var Freq=Text2.value;
  292. var context = new AudioContext();
  293. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  294. if(chk1.checked==true){
  295. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  296. }
  297. if(chk2.checked==true){
  298. oscillator.type = 'square';
  299. }
  300. if(chk3.checked==true){
  301. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  302. }
  303. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  304. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  305. oscillator.start(0);
  306. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  307. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  308. <button onclick="script:
  309. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  310. var Freq=Text1.value;
  311. oscillator.stop(0);
  312. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  313. </center>
  314. >>
  315. Final Updated Added Sawtooth!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Dec 2015 07:19:32 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34939 Report Quick Reply
  316. >>34938
  317. <center>
  318. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  319. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="5.5">
  320. <br>Frequency:<br>
  321. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="89">
  322. <br>
  323. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  324. chk3.checked=false;
  325. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  326. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  327. chk3.checked=false;
  328. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  329. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  330. chk2.checked=false;
  331. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  332. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4"
  333. onclick="script:chk3.checked=false;
  334. chk2.checked=false;
  335. chk1.checked=false;">Sawtooth
  336. <br>
  337. <button onclick="script:
  338. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  339. var Freq=Text2.value;
  340. var context = new AudioContext();
  341. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  342. if(chk1.checked==true){
  343. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  344. }
  345. if(chk2.checked==true){
  346. oscillator.type = 'square';
  347. }
  348. if(chk3.checked==true){
  349. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  350. }
  351. if(chk4.checked==true){
  352. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  353. }
  354. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  355. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  356. oscillator.start(0);
  357. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  358. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  359. <button onclick="script:
  360. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  361. var Freq=Text1.value;
  362. oscillator.stop(0);
  363. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  364. </center>
  365. >>
  366. Propper Spacing OCD SRRY - Sun, 27 Dec 2015 07:23:13 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34940 Report Quick Reply
  367. >>34939
  368. <center>
  369. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  370. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="5.5">
  371. <br>Frequency:<br>
  372. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="89">
  373. <br>
  374. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  375. chk3.checked=false;
  376. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  377. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  378. chk3.checked=false;
  379. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  380. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  381. chk2.checked=false;
  382. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  383. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4"
  384. onclick="script:chk3.checked=false;
  385. chk2.checked=false;
  386. chk1.checked=false;"> Sawtooth
  387. <br>
  388. <button onclick="script:
  389. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  390. var Freq=Text2.value;
  391. var context = new AudioContext();
  392. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  393. if(chk1.checked==true){
  394. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  395. }
  396. if(chk2.checked==true){
  397. oscillator.type = 'square';
  398. }
  399. if(chk3.checked==true){
  400. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  401. }
  402. if(chk4.checked==true){
  403. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  404. }
  405. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  406. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  407. oscillator.start(0);
  408. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  409. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  410. <button onclick="script:
  411. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  412. var Freq=Text1.value;
  413. oscillator.stop(0);
  414. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  415. </center>
  416. >>
  417. JS Slot Machine Animation Function SRC - Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:12:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34944 Report Quick Reply
  418. <script>
  419. function RollSlot(){
  420. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  421. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  422. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  423. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  424. }
  425. </script>
  426. <button onclick="script:
  427. var rolls=5;
  428. while(rolls!=0){
  429. rolls--;
  430. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  431. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  432. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  433. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  434. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  435. }
  436. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  437. >>
  438. Fixed JS Slot Animation made it roll correctly!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:15:04 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34945 Report Quick Reply
  439. <script>
  440. function RollSlot(){
  441. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  442. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  443. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  444. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  445. }
  446. </script>
  447. <button onclick="script:
  448. var rolls=5;
  449. while(rolls!=0){
  450. rolls--;
  451. var Timer = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  452. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  453. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  454. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  455. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  456. }
  457. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  458. >>
  459. JS Alphabet Keystroke Simulator SRC - Tue, 29 Dec 2015 19:14:02 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34946 Report Quick Reply
  460. <script>
  461. var Timer0 = setTimeout ('document.write("a");',100);
  462. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('document.write("b");',200);
  463. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('document.write("c");',300);
  464. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('document.write("d");',400);
  465. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('document.write("e");',500);
  466. var Timer5 = setTimeout ('document.write("f");',600);
  467. var Timer6 = setTimeout ('document.write("g");',700);
  468. var Timer7 = setTimeout ('document.write("h");',800);
  469. var Timer8 = setTimeout ('document.write("i");',900);
  470. var Timer9 = setTimeout ('document.write("j");',1000);
  471. var Timer10 = setTimeout ('document.write("k");',1100);
  472. var Timer11 = setTimeout ('document.write("l");',1200);
  473. var Timer12 = setTimeout ('document.write("m");',1300);
  474. var Timer13 = setTimeout ('document.write("n");',1400);
  475. var Timer14 = setTimeout ('document.write("o");',1500);
  476. var Timer15 = setTimeout ('document.write("p");',1600);
  477. var Timer16 = setTimeout ('document.write("q");',1700);
  478. var Timer17 = setTimeout ('document.write("r");',1800);
  479. var Timer18 = setTimeout ('document.write("s");',1900);
  480. var Timer19 = setTimeout ('document.write("t");',2000);
  481. var Timer20 = setTimeout ('document.write("u");',2100);
  482. var Timer21 = setTimeout ('document.write("v");',2200);
  483. var Timer22 = setTimeout ('document.write("w");',2300);
  484. var Timer23 = setTimeout ('document.write("x");',2400);
  485. var Timer24 = setTimeout ('document.write("y");',2500);
  486. var Timer25 = setTimeout ('document.write("z");',2600);
  487. </script>
  488. >>
  489. C!A4UZHYh7UA - Thu, 31 Dec 2015 02:00:17 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34949 Report Quick Reply
  490. private void Check32Or64BitOS()
  491. {
  492. if (Directory.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SystemX86)))
  493. {
  494. MessageBox.Show("You are running a 64 bit OS.","Winblows 10 Full Access Beta",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  495. }
  496. else
  498. {
  499. MessageBox.Show("You are running a 32 bit OS.", "Winblows 10 Full Access Beta", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  500. }
  501. }
  503. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  504. {
  505. Check32Or64BitOS();
  506. }
  507. }
  508. }
  509. >>
  510. JS Audio API With Meter DOM Object - Thu, 31 Dec 2015 20:12:51 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34952 Report Quick Reply
  511. <!DOCTYPE html>
  512. <center>
  513. <html>
  514. <body>
  515. <button onclick="script:m1.value=m1.value+10;">Increase Frequency</button>
  516. <meter value="2" min="1" max="1000" name="m1" id="m1">2 out of 10</meter>
  517. <button onclick="script:m1.value=m1.value-10;">Decrease Frequency</button>
  518. <br>
  519. <button onclick="script:m2.value=m2.value+10;">Increase Time</button><meter value="1" min="1" max="1000" name="m2" id="m2">>50%</meter>
  520. <button onclick="script:m2.value=m2.value-10;">Decrease Time</button>
  521. <p>
  522. <button onclick="script:
  523. var PlayLen=m2.value;
  524. var Freq=m1.value;
  525. var context = new AudioContext();
  526. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  527. oscillator.type='triangle';
  528. oscillator.frequency.value=Freq;
  529. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  530. oscillator.start(0);
  531. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  532. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  533. ">Play Sound Now!!</button><button onclick="script:
  534. var PlayLen=m2.value;
  535. var Freq=m1.value;
  536. oscillator.stop(0);
  537. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound Now!!</button>
  538. </html>
  539. >>
  540. Nigel Trotstock - Fri, 01 Jan 2016 14:24:30 EST ID:wYJ7r5so No.34954 Report Quick Reply
  541. test. keep up the good work bru
  542. [code]
  543. meow meow = 1
  544. gumba pups
  545. [/code]
  548. randy jan ran sacks
  549. rgbv 787
  550. >>
  551. Updated JS Slot Animation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 02 Jan 2016 21:19:05 EST ID:3l2EwW90 No.34956 Report Quick Reply
  552. <html>
  553. <center>
  554. <script>
  555. function RollSlot(){
  556. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  557. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  558. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  559. document.body.innerHTML=("<center><b><font color=red><font size=5px>You Rolled:<br><font size=10px><font color=green>"+Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  560. }
  561. </script>
  562. <button onclick="script:
  563. var rolls=5;
  564. while(rolls!=0){
  565. rolls--;
  566. var Timer = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  567. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  568. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  569. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  570. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  571. var Timer5 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',600);
  572. var Timer5 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',700);
  573. }
  574. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  575. </center>
  576. >>
  577. JS Zero & One Binary Gen - Sat, 02 Jan 2016 22:18:05 EST ID:3l2EwW90 No.34957 Report Quick Reply
  578. <script>
  579. var bool=0;
  580. var out=prompt("Enter Limiter:");
  581. for(var i=0;i!=out;i++){
  582. var f=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  583. document.writeln(f);
  584. }
  585. </script>
  586. >>
  587. JS Super Dice Roller/Guess Game SRC - Sun, 03 Jan 2016 16:16:36 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34958 Report Quick Reply
  588. <script>
  589. var score=0;
  590. var inn=prompt("Enter Guess:");
  591. var inn1=prompt("Enter Rolls:");
  592. for(var i=0; i<inn1; i++){
  593. var out=Number(Math.floor(Math.random()*12+1));
  594. if(inn==out){
  595. score=score+1;
  596. }
  597. }
  598. document.write("Total Guesses: "+inn+"<p>Total Rolls: "+inn1+"<p>Total Wins: "+ score);
  599. </script>
  600. >>
  601. JS Gen Any !yfDQ2hTY.U - Mon, 04 Jan 2016 05:10:36 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34959 Report Quick Reply
  602. <html>
  603. <input value="0" id="hid" name="hid" hidden=true>
  604. <input value="10" id="id1" name="id1"></input>
  605. <button onclick="script:var output=id1.value;
  606. var outt=document.body.innerHTML
  607. hid.value++;
  608. for(var i=0;i<output;i++){
  609. var Nu=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  610. var Nu1=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  611. var Nu2=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  612. var Nu3=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  613. document.writeln(Nu+'.'+Nu1+'.'+Nu2+'.'+Nu3+'<p>');
  614. }">Gen Ip Addresses</button>
  615. </html>
  616. >>
  617. Updated IP Address Gen SRC - Mon, 04 Jan 2016 05:17:36 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34960 Report Quick Reply
  618. <html>
  619. <input value="0" id="hid" name="hid" hidden=true>
  620. <input value="10" id="id1" name="id1"></input>
  621. <button onclick="script:var output=id1.value;
  622. var outt=document.body.innerHTML
  623. hid.value++;
  624. for(var i=0;i<output;i++){
  625. var Nu=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  626. var Nu1=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  627. var Nu2=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  628. var Nu3=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  629. if(i==0&&hid.value==1){
  630. window.location.reload(self);
  631. document.write(outt+'<p>'+Nu+'.'+Nu1+'.'+Nu2+'.'+Nu3+'<p>');
  632. }else{
  633. document.writeln(Nu+'.'+Nu1+'.'+Nu2+'.'+Nu3+'<p>');
  634. }
  635. }">Gen Ip Addresses</button>
  636. </html>
  637. >>
  638. JS DOM Object Array Gen - Tue, 05 Jan 2016 18:19:53 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34963 Report Quick Reply
  639. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button><p>
  641. <script>
  643. function myFunction() {
  644. var out=prompt("Enter # Of Text Boxes To Generate:");
  645. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  646. var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
  647. document.body.appendChild(x);
  648. }
  649. }
  650. </script>
  651. </body>
  652. >>
  653. JS Basic Coin Flipper SRC - Tue, 05 Jan 2016 21:58:19 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34964 Report Quick Reply
  654. <center>
  655. <button onclick="flipCoin();">Flip Coin Now!!</button><br>
  656. <img src=''></img>
  657. <script>
  658. function flipCoin(){
  660. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  661. if(out==1){
  662. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  663. }
  664. if(out==0){
  665. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  666. }
  667. }
  668. </script>
  669. </center>
  670. >>
  671. C!/H0HKFNVrY - Wed, 06 Jan 2016 00:17:36 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34965 Report Quick Reply
  672. private void Check32Or64BitOS()
  673. {
  674. if(Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
  675. // if (Directory.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SystemX86)))
  676. {
  677. MessageBox.Show("You are running a 64 bit OS.","Winblows 10 Full Access Beta",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  678. }
  679. else
  681. {
  682. MessageBox.Show("You are running a 32 bit OS.", "Winblows 10 Full Access Beta", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  683. }
  684. }
  686. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  687. {
  688. Check32Or64BitOS();
  689. }
  690. }
  691. >>
  692. C!6IRvx4Gg4M - Wed, 06 Jan 2016 01:20:59 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34966 Report Quick Reply
  693. static void Main(string[] args)
  694. {
  695. try
  696. {
  697. Console.Title = "C# Synthisizer Gen SRC";
  698. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  699. Console.WriteLine("Enter Frequency:");
  700. String F1 = Console.ReadLine();
  701. Console.WriteLine("Enter Time(Milliseconds):");
  702. String F2 = Console.ReadLine();
  703. int conv = Convert.ToInt32(F1);
  704. int convv = Convert.ToInt32(F2);
  705. System.Console.Beep(conv, convv);
  706. Console.ReadLine();
  707. Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key..");
  708. }
  709. catch
  710. {
  712. }
  713. }
  714. >>
  715. JS Mass Coin Flipper SRC - Wed, 06 Jan 2016 02:02:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34967 Report Quick Reply
  716. <script>
  717. var score=0;
  718. var inn1=prompt("Enter # Of Flips:");
  719. var guess=prompt("Enter 0 For Tails & 1 For Heads:");
  720. for(var i=0; i<inn1; i++){
  721. var out=Number(Math.floor(Math.random()*2));
  722. if(guess==out){
  723. score=score+1;
  724. }
  725. }
  726. document.write("<center>Total Flips: "+inn1+"<p>Total Wins: "+ score);
  727. </script>
  728. >>
  729. JS DOM Checkbox Input Array SRC - Wed, 06 Jan 2016 16:37:16 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34968 Report Quick Reply
  730. <center>
  731. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Check Array In DOM</button><p>
  732. <script>
  733. function testFunc() {
  734. var out=prompt("Enter # of input's to generate:");
  735. var chk=confirm("Ok for checked cancel for unchecked:");
  736. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  737. var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
  738. x.type="checkbox";
  739. x.checked=chk;
  740. document.body.appendChild(x);
  741. }
  742. }
  743. </script>
  744. </body>
  745. </center>
  746. >>
  747. C!Pal7BrRhoQ - Fri, 08 Jan 2016 20:51:33 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34974 Report Quick Reply
  748. using System;
  749. using System.Collections.Generic;
  750. using System.ComponentModel;
  751. using System.Data;
  752. using System.Drawing;
  753. using System.Linq;
  754. using System.Text;
  755. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  756. using System.Net.WebSockets;
  757. using System.Windows.Forms;
  758. using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
  760. namespace Soap_Weather_Lookup_SRC
  761. {
  762. public partial class Form1 : Form
  763. {
  764. public Form1()
  765. {
  766. InitializeComponent();
  767. }
  768. const string HTML_TAG_PATTERN = "<.*?>";
  769. static string StripHTML(string inputString)
  770. {
  771. return Regex.Replace
  772. (inputString, HTML_TAG_PATTERN, string.Empty);
  773. }
  774. public static string Mid(string s, int a, int b)
  775. {
  776. string temp = s.Substring(a - 1, b);
  777. return temp;
  778. }
  779. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  780. {
  781. try {
  782. System.Net.WebClient WC1 = new System.Net.WebClient();
  783. WC1.DownloadFile("" + textBox1.Text, "temp.xml");
  784. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
  785. String StrIO = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Temp.xml");
  786. String Output = StripHTML(StrIO);
  787. String Final = Mid(Output,1, 162);
  788. textBox2.Text=("success: " + Final);
  789. }
  790. catch
  791. {
  793. }
  794. }
  796. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  797. {
  798. textBox1.Select();
  799. }
  800. }
  801. }
  802. >>
  803. JS Updated Slot Machine Game SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 08 Jan 2016 22:22:01 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34976 Report Quick Reply
  804. <script>
  805. var Raw;
  806. var Raww;
  807. var Rawww;
  808. function RollSlot(){
  809. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  810. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  811. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  812. Raw=Bar;
  813. Raww=Barr;
  814. Rawww=Barrr;
  815. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  816. }
  817. function CheckIfWon(){
  818. if(Raw==Raww){
  819. alert("You Won Small!!");
  820. }
  821. if(Raw==Rawww){
  822. alert("You Won Small!!");
  823. }
  824. if(Raww==Rawww){
  825. alert("You Won Small!!");
  826. }
  828. if(Raw==Raww&&Rawww==Raw){
  829. alert("You Won Large!!");
  830. }
  831. }
  832. </script>
  833. <button onclick="script:
  834. var rolls=5;
  835. while(rolls!=0){
  836. rolls--;
  837. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  838. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  839. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  840. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  841. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  842. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('CheckIfWon();',600);
  843. break;
  844. }
  845. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  846. >>
  847. Updated Last JS To Make it More "Game Like"!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 08 Jan 2016 23:15:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34977 Report Quick Reply
  848. <script>
  849. var Score=0;
  850. var Raw;
  851. var Raww;
  852. var Rawww;
  853. function RollSlot(){
  854. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  855. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  856. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  857. Raw=Bar;
  858. Raww=Barr;
  859. Rawww=Barrr;
  860. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  861. }
  862. function CheckIfWon(){
  863. if(Raw==Raww&&Rawww==Raw){
  864. Score=Score+155;
  865. alert("You Won Large!!");
  866. alert(Score);
  867. return true;
  868. }
  869. if(Raw==Raww){
  870. Score=Score+5;
  871. alert("You Won Small!!");
  872. alert(Score);
  873. return true;
  874. }
  875. if(Raw==Rawww){
  876. Score=Score+10;
  877. alert("You Won Small!!");
  878. alert(Score);
  879. return true;
  880. }
  881. if(Raww==Rawww){
  882. Score=Score+15;
  883. alert("You Won Small!!");
  884. alert(Score);
  885. return true;
  886. }
  887. }
  888. </script>
  889. <button onclick="script:
  890. var rolls=5;
  891. while(rolls!=0){
  892. rolls--;
  893. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  894. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  895. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  896. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  897. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  898. var alertTimerId = setTimeout ('CheckIfWon();',600);
  899. break;
  900. }
  901. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  902. >>
  903. JS Load Meter Array SRC - Sun, 10 Jan 2016 18:46:43 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34979 Report Quick Reply
  904. <center>
  905. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Meter Array In DOM</button><p>
  906. <script>
  907. function testFunc() {
  908. var out=prompt("Enter # of meters to generate:");
  909. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  910. var x = document.createElement("METER");
  911. x.min="1";
  912. x.max="100";
  913. x.value=""+i;
  914. document.body.appendChild(x);
  915. document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML+"<p>";
  916. }
  917. }
  918. </script>
  919. </body>
  920. </center>
  921. >>
  922. C!y0923bKOKg - Mon, 11 Jan 2016 13:24:51 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34982 Report Quick Reply
  923. using System;
  924. using System.Collections.Generic;
  925. using System.Linq;
  926. using System.Text;
  927. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  929. namespace TV_Screen_Test_App
  930. {
  931. class Program
  932. {
  933. static void Main(string[] args)
  934. {
  935. Console.Title = "TV Screen Test SRC";
  936. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  938. for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
  939. {
  940. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  941. Console.WriteLine(" ");
  942. // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
  943. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  944. Console.Write(" ");
  945. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
  946. Console.Write(" ");
  947. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
  948. Console.Write(" ");
  949. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  950. Console.Write(" ");
  951. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
  952. Console.Write(" ");
  953. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  954. Console.Write(" ");
  955. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
  956. Console.Write(" ");
  957. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  958. Console.Write(" ");
  959. }
  960. Console.Beep(369, 9000000);
  961. Console.Read();
  963. }
  964. }
  965. }
  966. >>
  967. C!noJGbaIYU2 - Mon, 11 Jan 2016 21:45:30 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34984 Report Quick Reply
  968. using System;
  969. using System.Collections.Generic;
  970. using System.Linq;
  971. using System.Text;
  972. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  974. namespace ConsoleApplication7
  975. {
  976. class Program
  977. {
  978. static void Main(string[] args)
  979. {
  980. try {
  982. int score = 0;
  983. string inn;
  984. Console.Title = "C# Multiple Dice Roller SRC";
  985. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  986. Console.WriteLine("Enter Guess Between 1-12:");
  987. inn = Console.ReadLine();
  989. Console.WriteLine("Enter Rolls:");
  990. int iconv2 = Convert.ToInt32(inn);
  991. string inn1 = Console.ReadLine();
  992. int iconv1 = Convert.ToInt32(inn1);
  993. for (var i = 0; i < iconv1; i++)
  994. {
  995. System.Random SR = new System.Random();
  996. int outt = SR.Next(12);
  998. if (iconv2 == outt) {
  999. score = score + 1;
  1000. //Console.WriteLine("You Win!!");
  1001. }
  1002. else
  1003. {
  1004. // Console.WriteLine("You Lose!!");
  1005. }
  1007. }
  1008. Console.WriteLine("Winning Rolls: " + score);
  1009. Console.Write("Total Rolls: " + inn1);
  1010. Console.Read();
  1011. }
  1012. catch
  1013. {
  1015. }
  1016. }
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. >>
  1022. C!qGcrA5nbkw - Mon, 11 Jan 2016 22:17:10 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34985 Report Quick Reply
  1023. using System;
  1024. using System.Collections.Generic;
  1025. using System.ComponentModel;
  1026. using System.Data;
  1027. using System.Drawing;
  1028. using System.Linq;
  1029. using System.Text;
  1030. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  1031. using System.Windows.Forms;
  1033. namespace WindowsFormsApplication4
  1034. {
  1035. public partial class Form1 : Form
  1036. {
  1037. public Form1()
  1038. {
  1039. InitializeComponent();
  1040. }
  1041. public int Rnd = 0;
  1042. public int Selected = 0;
  1043. public int Score = 0;
  1044. public int ScoreCnt = 0;
  1045. private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1046. {
  1047. System.Random SR = new System.Random();
  1048. Rnd = SR.Next(8);
  1049. if (Rnd == 0)
  1050. {
  1051. pictureBox4.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1052. pictureBox3.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1053. pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1054. pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.White;
  1055. Selected = 1;
  1056. }
  1057. if (Rnd == 1)
  1058. {
  1059. pictureBox4.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1060. pictureBox3.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1061. pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1062. pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.White;
  1063. Selected = 2;
  1064. }
  1065. if (Rnd == 2)
  1066. {
  1067. pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1068. pictureBox4.BackColor =Color.DarkOrange;
  1069. pictureBox2.BackColor =Color.DarkOrange;
  1070. pictureBox3.BackColor = Color.White;
  1071. Selected = 3;
  1072. }
  1073. if (Rnd == 3)
  1074. {
  1075. pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1076. pictureBox3.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1077. pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  1078. pictureBox4.BackColor = Color.White;
  1079. Selected = 4;
  1080. }
  1081. if (Score == 20)
  1082. {
  1083. timer1.Enabled = false;
  1084. MessageBox.Show("You Won!!", "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1085. MessageBox.Show("Final Score: " + Score, "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1086. Application.Exit();
  1087. }
  1088. }
  1090. private void pictureBox4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1091. {
  1092. if (pictureBox4.BackColor == Color.White)
  1093. {
  1094. timer1.Enabled = false;
  1095. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!!", "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1096. MessageBox.Show("Final Score: " + Score, "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1097. Application.Exit();
  1098. }
  1099. else
  1100. {
  1101. Score++;
  1102. ScoreCnt--;
  1103. timer1.Interval = ScoreCnt;
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1107. private void pictureBox3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1108. {
  1109. if (pictureBox3.BackColor == Color.White)
  1110. {
  1111. timer1.Enabled = false;
  1112. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!!", "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1113. MessageBox.Show("Final Score: "+Score, "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1114. Application.Exit();
  1115. }
  1116. else
  1117. {
  1118. Score++;
  1119. ScoreCnt--;
  1120. timer1.Interval = ScoreCnt;
  1121. }
  1122. }
  1124. private void pictureBox2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1125. {
  1126. if (pictureBox2.BackColor == Color.White)
  1127. {
  1128. timer1.Enabled = false;
  1129. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!!", "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1130. MessageBox.Show("Final Score: " + Score, "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1131. Application.Exit();
  1132. }
  1133. else
  1134. {
  1135. Score++;
  1136. ScoreCnt--;
  1137. timer1.Interval = ScoreCnt;
  1138. }
  1139. }
  1141. private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1142. {
  1143. if (pictureBox1.BackColor == Color.White)
  1144. {
  1145. timer1.Enabled = false;
  1146. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!!", "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1147. MessageBox.Show("Final Score: " + Score, "C# Don't Click The White Tile SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  1148. Application.Exit();
  1149. }
  1150. else
  1151. {
  1152. Score++;
  1153. ScoreCnt--;
  1154. timer1.Interval = ScoreCnt;
  1155. }
  1156. }
  1158. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  1159. {
  1160. try
  1161. {
  1162. ScoreCnt = timer1.Interval;
  1163. }
  1164. catch
  1165. {
  1167. }
  1168. }
  1169. }
  1170. }
  1171. >>
  1172. !ktKrdjSqmM - Tue, 12 Jan 2016 02:02:25 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.34986 Report Quick Reply
  1173. import urllib
  1174. Inn=raw_input("Enter URL:")
  1175. Resp = urllib.urlopen(Inn)
  1176. Raw_HTML =
  1177. print(Raw_HTML)
  1178. Inn=raw_input("")
  1179. >>
  1180. JS Marquee Graphic Effect SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 13 Jan 2016 00:49:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.34995 Report Quick Reply
  1181. <script>
  1182. var Timer0 = setTimeout ('document.write("<font color=White><h1><body bgcolor=darkblue><marquee>Ready?");',100);
  1183. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<body bgcolor=red><marquee>1<br>");',300);
  1184. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>2<br>");',500);
  1185. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>3<br>");',700);
  1186. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>4<br>");',900);
  1187. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>5<br>");',1100);
  1188. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>6<br>");',1300);
  1189. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>7<br>");',1500);
  1190. var Timer = setTimeout ('document.write("<marquee>8<br>");',1700);
  1191. </script>
  1192. >>
  1193. C!y0923bKOKg - Thu, 14 Jan 2016 03:57:07 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.34996 Report Quick Reply
  1194. using System;
  1195. using System.Collections.Generic;
  1196. using System.Linq;
  1197. using System.Text;
  1198. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  1200. namespace TV_Screen_Test_App
  1201. {
  1202. class Program
  1203. {
  1204. static void Main(string[] args)
  1205. {
  1206. Console.Title = "TV Screen Test SRC";
  1207. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  1209. for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
  1210. {
  1211. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  1212. Console.WriteLine(" ");
  1213. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50);
  1214. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
  1215. Console.Write(" ");
  1216. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
  1217. Console.Write(" ");
  1218. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
  1219. Console.Write(" ");
  1220. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  1221. Console.Write(" ");
  1222. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
  1223. Console.Write(" ");
  1224. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
  1225. Console.Write(" ");
  1226. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
  1227. Console.Write(" ");
  1228. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
  1229. Console.Write(" ");
  1230. }
  1231. Console.Beep(369, 9000000);
  1232. Console.Read();
  1234. }
  1235. }
  1236. }
  1237. >>
  1238. Python Load And Save URL To Local Text File!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 14 Jan 2016 03:59:24 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.34997 Report Quick Reply
  1239. import urllib
  1240. from sys import argv
  1241. target=open('tempurl.txt','w')
  1242. Inn=raw_input("Enter URL:")
  1243. Resp = urllib.urlopen(Inn)
  1244. Raw_HTML =
  1245. target.write(Raw_HTML)
  1246. target.close()
  1247. print(Raw_HTML)
  1248. Inn=raw_input("")
  1249. >>
  1250. JS Updated Coin Flip SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 14 Jan 2016 04:58:45 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.34998 Report Quick Reply
  1251. <center>
  1252. <button onclick="flipCoin();">Flip Coin Now!!</button><br>
  1254. <script>
  1255. function flipCoin(){
  1256. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  1257. if(out==1){
  1258. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button');
  1259. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  1260. }
  1261. if(out==0){
  1262. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button');
  1263. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  1264. }
  1265. }
  1266. </script>
  1267. </center>
  1268. >>
  1269. JS Updated Coin Flip SRC!!vRD71w7I - Thu, 14 Jan 2016 05:10:40 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.34999 Report Quick Reply
  1270. <center>
  1271. <button onclick="flipCoin();">Flip Coin Now!!</button><br>
  1273. <script>
  1274. function flipCoin(){
  1275. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  1276. if(out==1){
  1277. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button>');
  1278. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  1279. }
  1280. if(out==0){
  1281. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button>');
  1282. document.write('<center><br><img src=></img>');
  1283. }
  1284. }
  1285. </script>
  1286. </center>
  1287. >>
  1288. JS Updated Coin Flip SRC!!2UbYBNhq - Thu, 14 Jan 2016 05:29:08 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35000 Report Quick Reply
  1289. <center>
  1290. <button onclick="flipCoin();">Flip Coin Now!!</button><br>
  1291. <script>
  1292. function flipCoin(){
  1293. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  1294. if(out==1){
  1295. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button>');
  1296. document.write('<center><h3>Tails!!<br><img src=></img>');
  1297. }
  1298. if(out==0){
  1299. document.writeln('<center><button onclick="script:window.history.back();">Try Again!!</button>');
  1300. document.write('<center><h3>Heads!!<br><img src=></img>');
  1301. }
  1302. }
  1303. </script>
  1304. </center>
  1305. >>
  1306. JS Luhn Check Algorithm!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 00:56:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35002 Report Quick Reply
  1307. <script>
  1308. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  1309. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  1310. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  1311. var sum=0;
  1312. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  1313. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  1314. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  1315. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  1316. return false;
  1317. }
  1318. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  1319. var weight;
  1320. if(i%2==0){
  1321. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  1322. }else{
  1323. weight=digit;
  1324. }
  1325. sum+=weight;
  1326. }
  1327. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  1328. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  1329. return digit;
  1330. }
  1331. var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  1332. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  1333. if(out==0){
  1334. alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  1335. }else{
  1336. alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  1337. }
  1338. </script>
  1339. >>
  1340. JS 1337 Talker SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:28:52 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35003 Report Quick Reply
  1341. <html>
  1342. <center>
  1343. <body bgcolor=lightgrey>
  1344. <font color=darkgreen>
  1345. <body onload="Make1337()">
  1346. <title>1337 Text Converter Coded By BrU</title>
  1347. <h2>Enter Text Here:</h2>
  1348. <p><textarea id="elite" scrollbars="true" cols="100" rows="10">DJ BrU Own's You!!</textarea></p>
  1349. <h2>Converted 1337 Text:</h2>
  1350. <p><textarea id="1337" scrollbars="true" cols="100" rows="10"></textarea></p>
  1351. <p><button id="Convert" onclick="Make1337():"><font color=darkred><b>Convert All Text To 1337 Format</button></p>
  1352. <script>
  1353. var elite = document.getElementById("elite"),L337 = document.getElementById("1337"),
  1355. alphabets = {
  1356. a: "Ã ",
  1357. b: "|3",
  1358. c: "ç",
  1359. e: "è",
  1360. g: "6",
  1361. i: "î",
  1362. n: "ñ",
  1363. o: "ò",
  1364. p: "þ",
  1365. s: "5",
  1366. t: "7",
  1367. u: "ü",
  1368. y: "ÿ",
  1369. z: "2"
  1370. },
  1372. words = {
  1373. "cool": "k00l",
  1374. "dude": "d@@d",
  1375. "hacker": "h4x@r",
  1376. "newb": "n@@b",
  1377. "fucker": "fux0r"
  1378. },
  1379. wordsArr,
  1380. text;
  1382. function changeLetters() {
  1383. text = elite.value.toLowerCase();
  1384. for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
  1385. if (alphabets[text]) {
  1386. text = text.replace(text, alphabets[text]);
  1387. }
  1388. }
  1390. }
  1392. function changeWords() {
  1393. wordsArr = text.split(" ");
  1394. for (var i = 0; i < wordsArr.length; i++) {
  1395. if (words[wordsArr]) {
  1396. wordsArr = words[wordsArr];
  1397. }
  1398. }
  1399. }
  1401. function Make1337() {
  1402. changeLetters();
  1403. changeWords();
  1404. L337.value = wordsArr.join(" ");
  1405. }
  1406. elite.addEventListener("input", Make1337);
  1407. document.getElementById("Convert").addEventListener("click", Make1337);
  1408. </script>
  1409. </body>
  1410. </center>
  1411. </html>
  1412. >>
  1413. JS Base 64 Enc/Dec SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 02:46:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35004 Report Quick Reply
  1414. <html>
  1415. <center>
  1416. <body bgcolor=grey>
  1417. <font color=lightblue>
  1418. <header>
  1419. <p><h2>Base 64 Encoder/Decoder</h2></p>
  1420. </header>
  1421. <button onclick="javascript:TestFunc();">Base64 Encode/Decode</button>
  1422. <p id="demo"></p>
  1423. </font>
  1424. </body>
  1425. </html>
  1426. <script>
  1427. function TestFunc(){
  1428. var str=prompt("Enter String To Encode/Decode:");
  1429. var rep=str.replace("<>","");
  1430. var enc=btoa(rep);
  1431. var dec=atob(enc);
  1432. var out=""+enc;
  1433. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="Encoded String:<p> "+out+"<p>"+ dec;
  1434. }
  1435. </script>
  1436. >>
  1437. JS Web Audio API Synth FINAL SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 08:43:05 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35006 Report Quick Reply
  1438. <center>
  1439. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  1440. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1">
  1441. <br>Frequency:<br>
  1442. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2">
  1443. <br>
  1444. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  1445. chk3.checked=false;
  1446. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  1447. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  1448. chk3.checked=false;
  1449. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  1450. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  1451. chk2.checked=false;
  1452. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  1453. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  1454. chk2.checked=false;
  1455. chk3.checked=false;"> Saw
  1456. <br>
  1457. <button onclick="script:
  1458. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  1459. var Freq=Text2.value;
  1460. var context = new AudioContext();
  1461. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  1462. if(chk1.checked==true){
  1463. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  1464. }
  1465. if(chk2.checked==true){
  1466. oscillator.type = 'square';
  1467. }
  1468. if(chk3.checked==true){
  1469. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  1470. }
  1471. if(chk4.checked==true){
  1472. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  1473. }
  1474. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  1475. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  1476. oscillator.start(0);
  1477. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  1478. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  1479. <button onclick="script:
  1480. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  1481. var Freq=Text1.value;
  1482. oscillator.stop(0);
  1483. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  1484. </center>
  1485. >>
  1486. JS Google Maps Custom Marker SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 08:51:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35007 Report Quick Reply
  1487. <html>
  1488. <script
  1489. src="">
  1490. </script>
  1492. <script>
  1493. var p=prompt("Ener Latitude:");
  1494. var p1=prompt("Enter Longitude");
  1495. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(p,p1);
  1497. function initialize()
  1498. {
  1499. var mapProp = {
  1500. center:myCenter,
  1501. zoom:5,
  1502. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  1503. };
  1505. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  1507. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  1508. position:myCenter,
  1509. });
  1511. marker.setMap(map);
  1514. var msg = prompt("Enter String:");
  1515. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  1516. content:msg
  1517. });
  1520. }
  1522. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  1523. </script>
  1524. </head>
  1526. <body>
  1527. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  1528. </body>
  1529. </html>
  1530. >>
  1531. JS Google Maps API Random Marker Location SRC - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 10:10:05 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35009 Report Quick Reply
  1532. <html>
  1533. <script
  1534. src="">
  1535. </script>
  1537. <script>
  1538. var m1=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  1539. var m2=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  1540. //var p=prompt("Ener Latitude:");
  1541. //var p1=prompt("Enter Longitude");
  1542. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(m1,m2);
  1544. function initialize()
  1545. {
  1546. var mapProp = {
  1547. center:myCenter,
  1548. zoom:10,
  1549. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  1550. };
  1552. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  1554. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  1555. position:myCenter,
  1556. });
  1558. marker.setMap(map);
  1561. var msg = prompt("Enter String:");
  1562. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  1563. content:msg
  1564. });
  1567. }
  1569. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  1570. </script>
  1571. </head>
  1573. <body>
  1574. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  1575. </body>
  1576. </html>
  1577. >>
  1578. Python Dice Rolling Game SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 15 Jan 2016 10:34:03 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35010 Report Quick Reply
  1579. import random
  1580. inn=int(input("Enter #:"))
  1581. if inn>12:
  1582. print('Guess To High:')
  1583. exit()
  1584. print('You Guessed:',inn)
  1585. for row in range(1,2):
  1586. out=random.randrange(1,13)
  1587. print('The Computer Rolled:',out)
  1588. if out==inn:
  1589. print('You Win!!')
  1590. if out!=inn:
  1591. print('You Lose!!')
  1592. >>
  1593. JS Flash Image In Intervals SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 02:59:42 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35011 Report Quick Reply
  1594. <html>
  1595. <head>
  1596. <script>
  1597. var banners=['ffff.png','jjj.png','ff.png'];
  1598. var counter=0;
  1599. function run(){
  1600. setInterval(cycle,2000);
  1601. }
  1602. function cycle(){
  1603. counter++;
  1604. if(counter==banners.length) counter=0;
  1605. document.getElementById("textbox1").src=banners[counter];
  1606. }
  1607. </script>
  1608. <body onload="script:run();">
  1609. <img id="textbox1">
  1610. </body>
  1611. </html>
  1612. >>
  1613. JS AIM Mass IM Sound Lookup SRC - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 09:23:51 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35013 Report Quick Reply
  1614. <script>
  1615. var amm=prompt("Enter #:");
  1616. var boo=0;
  1617. while(boo!=amm){
  1618. var sn=prompt("Enter Screen Name:");
  1619. boo++;
  1621. }
  1622. </script>
  1623. >>
  1624. JS 3D Text Animation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 12:37:04 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35014 Report Quick Reply
  1625. <script>
  1626. function doit(){
  1627. for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
  1628. document.writeln('<h1>yo');
  1629. document.writeln('<h1><font color=red><body bgcolor=lightgrey>man!!');
  1630. window.clear();
  1631. }
  1632. }
  1633. setInterval("doit()",5550);
  1634. setInterval("doit()",8850);
  1636. </script>
  1637. >>
  1638. JS Typing Simulator V2 SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:57:58 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35015 Report Quick Reply
  1639. <script>
  1640. function doit(){
  1641. for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
  1642. if(i==1){
  1643. document.write('fuck ');
  1645. }
  1646. }
  1647. }
  1648. setInterval("doit()",1000);
  1649. setInterval("doit()",2000);
  1650. setInterval("doit()",1000);
  1651. setInterval("doit()",2000);
  1652. </script>
  1653. >>
  1654. JS Type Word Simulator V3 SRC - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 15:10:42 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35016 Report Quick Reply
  1655. <script>
  1656. function doit(word){
  1657. for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
  1658. if(i==1){
  1659. document.write(word +' ');
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. }
  1663. setInterval("doit('fuck ')",100);
  1665. </script>
  1666. >>
  1667. Android WiFi Bypass SRC - Sat, 16 Jan 2016 22:49:46 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35017 Report Quick Reply
  1668. package com.mycompany.myapp;
  1669. import android.content.Context;
  1670. import android.content.Intent;
  1671. import*;
  1672. import android.os.*;
  1673. import java.util.*;
  1674. import android.widget.*;
  1675. import*;
  1677. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  1678. {
  1680. @Override
  1681. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  1682. {
  1683. setTitle("WiFi Bypass");
  1684. Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(("")));
  1685. startActivity(i);
  1686. finish();
  1687. System.exit(0);
  1688. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  1689. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  1690. finish();
  1691. System.exit(0);
  1692. }
  1693. }
  1694. >>
  1695. JS Mass Iframe Loader SRC - Sun, 17 Jan 2016 10:34:07 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35018 Report Quick Reply
  1696. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button><p>
  1698. <script>
  1700. function myFunction() {
  1701. var out=prompt("Enter # Of Iframe Boxes To Generate:");
  1702. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  1703. var x = document.createElement("IFRAME");
  1704. x.src="";
  1705. document.body.appendChild(x);
  1706. }
  1707. }
  1708. </script>
  1709. </body>
  1710. >>
  1711. JS Web Encoder SRC - Mon, 18 Jan 2016 00:37:12 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35023 Report Quick Reply
  1712. <html>
  1713. <title>Web Encoder Pro V2 By BrU</title>
  1714. <center>
  1715. <body>
  1716. <input type="input" scrollbars="true" id="k1" name="k11" value=""/>
  1717. <br>
  1719. <button id="b1" name="b6" onclick="javascript:
  1720. k1.value=encodeURIComponent(k1.value);;
  1721. alert(k1l.value);"
  1722. >URI Encode +1</button>
  1724. <button id="b1" name="b6" onclick="javascript:
  1725. k1.value=decodeURIComponent(k1.value);;
  1726. alert(k1l.value);"
  1727. >URI Decode -1</button>
  1729. </body>
  1730. </center>
  1731. </html>
  1732. >>
  1733. JS Generate All Years(AD) SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 19 Jan 2016 08:59:40 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35027 Report Quick Reply
  1734. <script>
  1735. //Generate all AD Years SRC!!!!!
  1736. var old=0;
  1737. for(var i=1;i!=2017;i++){
  1738. document.writeln(String(i));
  1739. }
  1740. </script>
  1741. >>
  1742. JS Draw Box Car SRC - Wed, 20 Jan 2016 19:02:30 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35039 Report Quick Reply
  1743. <!DOCTYPE html>
  1744. <html>
  1745. <body>
  1746. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
  1747. Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>
  1748. <script>
  1749. var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  1750. var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
  1751. ctx.shadowBlur = 20;
  1752. ctx.fillStyle = "red";
  1753. ctx.shadowColor = "blue";
  1754. ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 100, 80);
  1755. ctx.shadowColor = "black";
  1756. setTimeout(ctx.fillRect(100, 20, 100, 80),100);
  1757. setTimeout(ctx.fillRect(50, 20, 100, 80),200);
  1758. </script>
  1759. </body>
  1760. </html>
  1761. >>
  1762. JS Falling Marquees Loop SRC - Wed, 20 Jan 2016 19:18:19 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35040 Report Quick Reply
  1763. <script>
  1764. function doit(word){
  1765. for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
  1766. if(i==1){
  1767. document.write(word +' ');
  1768. }
  1769. }
  1770. }
  1771. setInterval("doit('<marquee scollammount=10>fuck u')",100);
  1772. </script>
  1773. >>
  1774. Android Take Photo SRC - Thu, 21 Jan 2016 08:51:44 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35041 Report Quick Reply
  1775. <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  1776. android:layout_width="match_parent"
  1777. android:layout_height="match_parent"
  1778. android:gravity="center">
  1779. <Button
  1780. android:id="@+id/test"
  1781. android:text="Take Picture"
  1782. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  1783. android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
  1784. </LinearLayout>
  1786. package com.mycompany.myapp;
  1788. import*;
  1789. import android.os.*;
  1790. import android.content.*;
  1791. import android.widget.Button;
  1792. import android.view.*;
  1793. import android.text.*;
  1794. import android.content.Intent;
  1795. import android.provider.*;
  1797. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  1798. {
  1799. @Override
  1800. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  1801. {
  1802. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  1803. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  1804. final Button but=(Button)findViewById(;
  1805. but.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  1806. public void onClick(View v){
  1807. Intent tp=new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
  1808. if(tp.resolveActivity(getPackageManager())!=null){
  1809. startActivity(tp);
  1810. }
  1811. }
  1813. });
  1814. }
  1815. }
  1816. >>
  1817. JS Cycle Through Array Of URL's SRC - Fri, 22 Jan 2016 03:15:44 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35042 Report Quick Reply
  1818. <script>
  1819. var banners=['//','//','//'];
  1820. var counter=0;
  1821. function start(){
  1822. setInterval(cycle,10000);
  1823. }
  1824. function cycle(){
  1825. counter++;
  1826. if(counter==3){
  1827. counter=0;
  1828. }
  1829. window.location=banners[counter];
  1830. }
  1831. </script>
  1832. <body onload="start();">
  1833. </body>
  1834. </html>
  1835. >>
  1836. JS Check How Many Tags Of Any Type Per Document SRC - Fri, 22 Jan 2016 07:48:12 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35043 Report Quick Reply
  1837. <script>
  1838. var out=prompt("Enter Tag Type To See How Many Are On This Page:");
  1839. var doc=document.getElementsByTagName(""+out);
  1840. document.write(doc.length);
  1841. </script>
  1842. >>
  1843. ANDROID Bypass WiFi With UI - Fri, 22 Jan 2016 10:58:49 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35044 Report Quick Reply
  1844. package com.mycompany.WBV2;
  1845. import android.content.Context;
  1846. import android.content.Intent;
  1847. import;
  1848. import java.util.*;
  1849. import*;
  1850. import android.os.*;
  1851. import android.content.*;
  1852. import android.widget.Button;
  1853. import;
  1854. import*;
  1855. import*;
  1856. import android.view.*;
  1857. import android.view.animation.*;
  1859. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  1860. {
  1861. //final Button b=(Button)findViewById(;
  1862. @Override
  1863. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  1864. {
  1865. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  1866. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  1867. final Button b1=(Button)findViewById(;
  1868. b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  1869. public void onClick(View v)
  1870. {
  1871. Intent I1= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(("")));
  1872. startActivity(I1);
  1873. }
  1874. });
  1876. }
  1877. }
  1878. <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  1879. android:layout_width="match_parent"
  1880. android:layout_height="match_parent"
  1881. android:gravity="center">
  1882. <Button
  1883. android:id="@+id/hello_worlld"
  1884. android:text="Bypass Wifi Now"
  1885. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  1886. android:layout_width="wrap_content"/>
  1887. </LinearLayout>
  1888. >>
  1889. JS Alert Loop/Crash 2.0 SRC - Fri, 22 Jan 2016 19:30:25 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35045 Report Quick Reply
  1890. <script>
  1891. alert(document.head.innerHTML);
  1892. document.write(document.head.innerHTML);
  1893. </script>
  1894. >>
  1895. JS BG Color Flash Seizure SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 23 Jan 2016 21:32:17 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35046 Report Quick Reply
  1896. <body onload="Test();" onmousehover="Test():" onmousedown="Test();"onmouseup="Test()">
  1897. <script>
  1898. function Test(){
  1899. setInterval("styleBGColor('red')",500);
  1900. setInterval("styleBGColor('blue')",800);
  1901. setInterval("styleBGColor('green')",1100);
  1902. setInterval("styleBGColor('yellow')",1500);
  1903. }
  1904. </script>
  1905. <script>
  1906. function styleBGColor(color){
  1908. }
  1909. </script>
  1910. >>
  1911. ANDROID MAPS Random Src - Sun, 24 Jan 2016 01:43:05 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35047 Report Quick Reply
  1912. package com.mycompany.WBV2;
  1913. import android.content.Context;
  1914. import android.content.Intent;
  1915. import;
  1916. import java.util.Random;
  1917. import java.util.*;
  1918. import*;
  1919. import android.os.*;
  1920. import android.content.*;
  1921. import android.widget.Button;
  1922. import;
  1923. import*;
  1924. import*;
  1925. import android.view.*;
  1926. import android.view.animation.*;
  1927. import java.nio.*;
  1929. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  1930. {
  1931. //final Button b=(Button)findViewById(;
  1932. @Override
  1933. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  1934. {
  1935. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  1936. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  1937. setTitle("Wifi Bypass 2.0");
  1938. final Button b1=(Button)findViewById(;
  1939. b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  1940. public void onClick(View v)
  1941. {
  1942. Random R=new Random();
  1943. int dub=R.nextInt(999);
  1944. int dub1=R.nextInt(999);
  1945. int dub2=R.nextInt(999);
  1946. int dub3=R.nextInt(999);
  1947. Intent I1= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(("geo:"+dub+"."+dub1+","+dub2+"."+dub3)));
  1948. startActivity(I1);//,-117.5636834,1692m/data=!3m1!1e3
  1949. }
  1951. });
  1953. }
  1954. }
  1955. >>
  1956. JS Hyperlink Creation and Redirection SRC - Mon, 25 Jan 2016 07:12:10 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35048 Report Quick Reply
  1957. <script>
  1958. var out=document.createElement('a');
  1959. out.href="";
  1960. out.text="Click Me";
  1962. out.alt='LOLLLLL';
  1963. document.writeln(out);
  1964. document.body.appendChild(out);
  1965. </script>
  1966. <a href="" id='t2' onclick="'');">yo</a>
  1967. >>
  1968. Python Password Generator SRC - Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:00:46 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35049 Report Quick Reply
  1969. import random
  1970. pw=""
  1971. inn=int(raw_input('Enter Length Of The Password To Generate:'))
  1972. for i in range(1,inn):
  1973. next1=random.randint(65,123)
  1974. pw+=chr(next1)
  1975. print('Password: ',pw,'\n\n')
  1976. >>
  1977. Python Password Generator SRC (UPDATE!!WvAZa2Cl - Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:04:12 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35050 Report Quick Reply
  1978. import random
  1979. pw=""
  1980. inn=int(raw_input('Enter Length Of The Password To Generate:'))
  1981. for i in range(1,inn+1):
  1982. next1=random.randint(65,123)
  1983. pw+=chr(next1)
  1984. print('Password:',pw,'\n\n')
  1985. >>
  1986. JS Unicode Enc/Dec SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 27 Jan 2016 19:15:23 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35061 Report Quick Reply
  1987. <html>
  1988. <center>
  1989. <body bgcolor="grey"></body>
  1990. <button onclick="script:EncDecUNI()">Encode/Decode Unicode</button>
  1991. <script>
  1992. function EncDecUNI() {
  1993. var out = prompt("Enter String");
  1994. var enc = encodeURI(out);
  1995. var dec = decodeURI(enc);
  1996. var fin = "<body bgcolor=grey><center>Encoded: " + enc + "<br><br>" + "Decoded: " + dec;
  1997. document.write(fin);
  1998. }
  1999. </script>
  2000. </center>
  2001. </html>
  2002. >>
  2003. Android ip/port Gen Src!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 27 Jan 2016 20:55:38 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35062 Report Quick Reply
  2004. <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  2005. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  2006. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  2007. android:gravity="center_horizontal">
  2008. <Button
  2009. android:id="@+id/hello_worlld"
  2010. android:text="Generate Random IP/Port Now"
  2011. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  2012. android:layout_width="wrap_content"/>
  2013. <TextView
  2014. android:id="@+id/eyy"
  2015. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  2016. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  2017. android:text=""/>
  2018. </LinearLayout>
  2020. package com.mycompany.WBV2;
  2021. import android.content.Context;
  2022. import android.content.Intent;
  2023. import;
  2024. import java.util.Random;
  2025. import java.util.*;
  2026. import*;
  2027. import android.os.*;
  2028. import android.content.*;
  2029. import android.widget.Button;
  2030. import;
  2031. import*;
  2032. import*;
  2033. import android.view.*;
  2034. import android.view.animation.*;
  2035. import java.nio.*;
  2036. import android.widget.*;
  2038. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2039. {
  2040. //final Button b=(Button)findViewById(;
  2041. @Override
  2042. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2043. {
  2044. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2045. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2046. setTitle("Random IP Generator 2.0");
  2047. final Button b1=(Button)findViewById(;
  2048. final TextView t1=(TextView)findViewById(;
  2049. b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  2050. public void onClick(View v)
  2051. {
  2052. Random R=new Random();
  2053. int dub=R.nextInt(256);
  2054. int dub1=R.nextInt(256);
  2055. int dub2=R.nextInt(256);
  2056. int dub3=R.nextInt(256);
  2057. int port=R.nextInt(99999);
  2058. t1.setText("\n"+dub+"."+dub1+"."+dub2+"."+dub3+":"+port);
  2059. //Intent I1= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse((""+dub+"."+dub1+"."+dub2+"."+dub3)));
  2060. //startActivity(I1);//,-117.5636834,1692m/data=!3m1!1e3
  2061. }
  2063. });
  2065. }
  2066. }
  2067. >>
  2068. JS LOAD CUSTOM !JcQo7urVTw - Wed, 27 Jan 2016 22:41:36 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35066 Report Quick Reply
  2069. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button><p>
  2071. <script>
  2073. function myFunction() {
  2074. var out=prompt("Enter # Of Iframe Boxes To Generate:");
  2075. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  2076. var x = document.createElement("IFRAME");
  2077. x.src=prompt("Enter URL To Load In Iframe:");
  2078. document.body.appendChild(x);
  2079. }
  2080. }
  2081. </script>
  2082. </body>
  2083. >>
  2084. JS Rate Limited Login SRC DEMO!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 27 Jan 2016 23:03:51 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35067 Report Quick Reply
  2085. <body onload="myFunction();">
  2086. <br>
  2087. <script>
  2088. function myFunction() {
  2089. var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
  2090. var y = document.createElement("INPUT");
  2091. var z = document.createElement("METER");
  2092. var z0= document.createElement("INPUT");
  2093. y.setAttribute("type","email");
  2094. y.setAttribute("value","test");
  2095. x.setAttribute("type", "password");
  2096. x.setAttribute("value", "");
  2097. z.setAttribute("min","1");
  2098. z.setAttribute("max","5");
  2099. z.setAttribute("id","m1");
  2100. z.setAttribute("value","5");
  2101. z0.setAttribute("type","submit");
  2102. document.body.appendChild(y);
  2103. document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML+"<br>";
  2104. document.body.appendChild(x);
  2105. document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML+"<br>";
  2106. document.body.appendChild(z);
  2107. document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML+"<br>";
  2108. }
  2109. </script>
  2110. <input type="submit" value="Login" onclick="script:
  2111. if(m1.value==2){
  2112. m1.value=1;
  2113. alert('To many failed login attemps!!');
  2114. window.location='';
  2115. }
  2116. m1.value=m1.value-1;
  2117. "></input>
  2118. <p>
  2119. </body>
  2120. </html>
  2121. >>
  2122. JS Random Iframe Cycle SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 27 Jan 2016 23:32:34 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35068 Report Quick Reply
  2123. <html>
  2124. <head>
  2125. <script>
  2126. var banners=['','',''];
  2127. var counter=0;
  2128. function run(){
  2129. setInterval(cycle,2000);
  2130. }
  2131. function cycle(){
  2132. counter++;
  2133. if(counter==banners.length) counter=0;
  2134. rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
  2135. document.getElementById("textbox1").src=banners[rnd];
  2136. }
  2137. </script>
  2138. <body onload="script:run();">
  2139. <iframe id="textbox1">
  2140. </body>
  2141. </html>
  2142. >>
  2143. JS Size Image Based On Screen Res SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 01:46:36 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35069 Report Quick Reply
  2144. <script>
  2145. if (screen.height >= 768 && screen.width >= 1024) {
  2146. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=1024 height=768 border=0>");
  2147. }
  2148. else {
  2149. if (screen.height == 600 && screen.width == 800) {
  2150. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=800 height=600 border=0>");
  2151. }
  2152. else {
  2153. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=500 height=500 border=0>");
  2154. }
  2155. }
  2156. </script>
  2157. >>
  2158. JS Size Image Based On Screen Res (Update!!WvAZa2Cl - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 01:51:15 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35070 Report Quick Reply
  2159. <script>
  2160. if(screen.height >= 768 && screen.width >= 1024) {
  2161. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=1024 height=768 border=0>");
  2162. }
  2163. if(screen.height == 600 && screen.width == 800) {
  2164. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=800 height=600 border=0>");
  2165. }
  2166. else{
  2167. document.write("<center><img src='http://test/image.png' width=500 height=500 border=0>");
  2168. }
  2169. </script>
  2170. >>
  2171. C++ Random Number Guessing Game SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 02:17:24 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35071 Report Quick Reply
  2172. #include <iostream>
  2173. #include <stdlib.h>
  2174. #include <time.h>
  2175. using namespace std;
  2177. int rando;
  2178. int guess;
  2179. int count = 1;
  2181. int main(){
  2182. srand (time(0));
  2183. rando = 1 + rand()% 100;
  2184. cout << "Type a number between 1 and 100. " << endl;
  2185. cin >> guess;
  2186. while (guess != rando){
  2187. if (guess < rando){
  2188. cout << "You guessed to low!!\nTry again: " << endl;
  2189. cin >> guess;
  2190. }
  2191. else if (guess > rando){
  2192. cout << "You guessed to high!!\nTry again: " << endl;
  2193. cin >> guess;
  2194. }
  2195. }
  2196. if (guess = rando){
  2197. cout << "Correct!!" << endl;
  2198. }
  2199. exit(0);
  2200. return 0;
  2201. }
  2202. >>
  2203. C++ SRC UPDATE!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 02:20:28 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35072 Report Quick Reply
  2204. #include <iostream>
  2205. #include <stdlib.h>
  2206. #include <time.h>
  2207. using namespace std;
  2209. int rando;
  2210. int guess;
  2211. int count = 1;
  2213. int main(){
  2214. srand (time(0));
  2215. rando = 1 + rand()% 100;
  2216. cout << "Type a number between 1 and 100. " << endl;
  2217. cin >> guess;
  2218. while (guess != rando){
  2219. if (guess < rando){
  2220. cout << "You guessed to low!!\nTry again: " << endl;
  2221. cin >> guess;
  2222. }
  2223. else if (guess > rando){
  2224. cout << "You guessed to high!!\nTry again: " << endl;
  2225. cin >> guess;
  2226. }
  2227. }
  2228. if (guess == rando){
  2229. cout << "Correct!!" << endl;
  2230. }
  2231. exit(0);
  2232. return 0;
  2233. }
  2234. >>
  2235. Android View Contacts List SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 02:30:15 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35073 Report Quick Reply
  2236. package com.mycompany.myapp;
  2237. import android.content.Context;
  2238. import android.content.Intent;
  2239. import*;
  2240. import android.os.*;
  2241. import java.util.*;
  2242. import android.widget.*;
  2243. import*;
  2245. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2246. {
  2248. @Override
  2249. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2250. {
  2251. Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(("content://contacts/people/")));
  2252. startActivity(i);
  2253. finish();
  2254. System.exit(0);
  2255. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2256. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2257. finish();
  2258. System.exit(0);
  2259. }
  2260. }
  2261. >>
  2262. C++ Random IP Gen SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 04:14:50 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35074 Report Quick Reply
  2263. #include <iostream>
  2264. #include <stdlib.h>
  2265. #include <time.h>
  2266. using namespace std;
  2268. int rando;
  2269. int rando1;
  2270. int rando2;
  2271. int rando3;
  2272. int guess;
  2273. int count = 0;
  2275. int main(){
  2276. srand (time(0));
  2277. rando = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2278. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2279. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2280. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2281. cout << "Welcome To My Random IP Generator\nGenerated IP: " << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\nEnter the # of ip addresses to gen...\n";
  2282. cin >> guess;
  2283. while (guess != count){
  2284. count++;
  2285. rando = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2286. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2287. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2288. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 256;
  2289. cout << "Generated IP: " << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\n";
  2290. }
  2291. exit(0);
  2292. return 0;
  2293. }
  2294. >>
  2295. C++ Random Fake CC Gen SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 05:15:25 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35075 Report Quick Reply
  2296. #include <iostream>
  2297. #include <stdlib.h>
  2298. #include <time.h>
  2299. using namespace std;
  2301. int rando;
  2302. int rando1;
  2303. int rando2;
  2304. int rando3;
  2305. int guess;
  2306. int count = 0;
  2308. int main(){
  2309. srand (time(0));
  2310. rando = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2311. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2312. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2313. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2314. cout << "Welcome To My Random Fake CC Generator\nGenerated IP: " << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\nEnter the # of ip addresses to gen...\n";
  2315. cin >> guess;
  2316. while (guess != count){
  2317. count++;
  2318. rando = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2319. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2320. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2321. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2322. cout << "Generated Fake C" << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\n";
  2323. }
  2324. exit(0);
  2325. return 0;
  2326. }
  2327. >>
  2328. C++ Random Fake CC Gen SRC Final!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 05:18:04 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35076 Report Quick Reply
  2329. #include <iostream>
  2330. #include <stdlib.h>
  2331. #include <time.h>
  2332. using namespace std;
  2334. int rando;
  2335. int rando1;
  2336. int rando2;
  2337. int rando3;
  2338. int guess;
  2339. int count = 0;
  2341. int main(){
  2342. srand (time(0));
  2343. rando = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2344. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2345. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2346. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2347. cout << "Welcome To My Random Fake CC Generator\nGenerated Fake C" << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\nEnter the # of fake cc numbers to gen...\n";
  2348. cin >> guess;
  2349. while (guess != count){
  2350. count++;
  2351. rando = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2352. rando1 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2353. rando2 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2354. rando3 = 1 + rand()% 9999;
  2355. cout << "Generated Fake CC: " << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\n";
  2356. }
  2357. exit(0);
  2358. return 0;
  2359. }
  2360. >>
  2361. C++ Random Fake CC Gen SRC Final!!KVQIummg - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 05:45:38 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35077 Report Quick Reply
  2362. #include <iostream>
  2363. #include <stdlib.h>
  2364. //#include <pause.c>
  2365. #include <time.h>
  2367. using namespace std;
  2369. float rando;
  2370. float rando1;
  2371. float rando2;
  2372. float rando3;
  2373. int guess;
  2374. float count = 0;
  2376. int main(){
  2377. srand (time(0));
  2378. rando = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2379. rando1 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2380. rando2 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2381. rando3 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2382. cout << "Welcome To My Random Fake CC Generator\nGenerated Fake C" << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\nEnter the # of fake cc numbers to gen...\n";
  2383. cin >> guess;
  2384. while (guess != count){
  2385. count++;
  2386. rando = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2387. rando1 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2388. rando2 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2389. rando3 = rand()%int(9999.99);
  2390. cout << "Generated Fake CC: " << rando<<"."<<rando1<<"."<<rando2<<"."<<rando3<<"\n";
  2391. }
  2392. exit(0);
  2393. return 0;
  2394. }
  2395. >>
  2396. JS Img Object Grow Loop SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 28 Jan 2016 08:07:22 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35078 Report Quick Reply
  2397. <img src="image.png" onclick="setInterval(';',1000);
  2398. setInterval(';',1000);" id="b1" name="b1">
  2399. >>
  2400. DROID SRC ALOT UNTESTED!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 29 Jan 2016 07:25:44 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35083 Report Quick Reply
  2401. File: 1454070344444.png -(133120 B, 1366x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  2402. 133120
  2403. //Flassh Light On
  2404. > Camera cam =;
  2405. > Parameters p = cam.getParameters();
  2406. > p.setFlashMode(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH);
  2407. > cam.setParameters(p);
  2408. > cam.startPreview();
  2409. >
  2410. > //Start Listen For Google Voice Cmd:
  2411. > Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND)
  2412. > startActivity(i);
  2413. >
  2417. > package com.mycompany.myapp;
  2418. > import android.content.Context;
  2419. > import android.content.Intent;
  2420. > import*;
  2421. > import android.os.*;
  2422. > import java.util.*;
  2423. > import android.widget.*;
  2424. > import*;
  2425. >
  2426. > public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2427. > {
  2428. >
  2429. > @Override
  2430. > protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2431. > {
  2432. > Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
  2433. > Uri.parse(("content://contacts/people/")));
  2434. > startActivity(i);
  2435. > finish();
  2436. > System.exit(0);
  2437. > super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2438. > setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2439. > finish();
  2440. > System.exit(0);
  2441. > }
  2442. > }
  2443. >
  2444. > package com.mycompany.MyAppNew1
  2445. > import android.content.Context;
  2446. > import android.content.Intent;
  2447. > import*;
  2448. > import android.os.*;
  2449. > import java.util.*;
  2450. > import android.widget.*;
  2451. > import*;
  2452. >
  2453. > public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2454. > {
  2455. >
  2456. > @Override
  2457. > protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2458. > {
  2459. > Intent i = new
  2460. > Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL ,Uri.parse(("content://contacts/people/1")));
  2461. > startActivity(i);
  2462. > finish();
  2463. > System.exit(0);
  2464. > super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2465. > //setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2466. > finish();
  2467. > System.exit(0);
  2468. > }
  2469. > }
  2470. >
  2471. > package com.mycompany.myapp;
  2472. > import android.content.Context;
  2473. > import android.content.Intent;
  2474. > import*;
  2475. > import android.os.*;
  2476. > import java.util.*;
  2477. > import android.widget.*;
  2478. > import*;
  2479. >
  2480. > public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2481. > {
  2482. >
  2483. > @Override
  2484. > protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2485. > {
  2486. > Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
  2487. > Uri.parse(("content://contacts/people/")));
  2488. > startActivity(i);
  2489. > finish();
  2490. > System.exit(0);
  2491. > super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2492. > setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2493. > finish();
  2494. > System.exit(0);
  2495. > }
  2496. > }
  2497. >
  2498. > package com.mycompany.MyAppNew1
  2499. > import android.content.Context;
  2500. > import android.content.Intent;
  2501. > import*;
  2502. > import android.os.*;
  2503. > import java.util.*;
  2504. > import android.widget.*;
  2505. > import*;
  2506. >
  2507. > public class MainActivity extends Activity
  2508. > {
  2509. >
  2510. > @Override
  2511. > protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  2512. > {
  2513. > Intent i = new
  2514. > Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT,Uri.parse(("content://contacts/people/1")));
  2515. > startActivity(i);
  2516. > finish();
  2517. > System.exit(0);
  2518. > super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  2519. > //setContentView(R.layout.main);
  2520. > finish();
  2521. > System.exit(0);
  2522. > }
  2523. > }
  2525. >
  2526. >>
  2527. JS Floating Swell F SRC - Mon, 01 Feb 2016 07:58:45 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35092 Report Quick Reply
  2528. <center>
  2529. <head></head>
  2530. <body bgcolor="darkblue" onload="script:var tt=setTimeout('start()',10);">
  2531. <blink>
  2532. <font family=ariel width=1 height=1 color=lightgreen>You Are Now Feeling The Effect Of LSD!!</font>
  2533. <script>
  2534. function start(){
  2535. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.width++);
  2536. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.Height++);
  2537. }
  2538. <script>
  2539. </body>
  2540. </blink>
  2541. </center>
  2542. >>
  2543. JS Floating Swell F SRC FIX - Mon, 01 Feb 2016 08:01:47 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35093 Report Quick Reply
  2544. >>35092
  2545. <center>
  2546. <marquee scroll ammount=10>
  2547. <head></head>
  2548. <body bgcolor="darkblue" onload="script:var tt=setTimeout('start()',0.1);">
  2549. <blink>
  2550. <font width=3 height=3 color=lightgreen>You Are Now Feeling The Effect Of LSD!!</font>
  2551. <script>
  2552. function start(){
  2553. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.width++);
  2554. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.Height++);
  2555. }
  2556. <script>
  2557. </body>
  2558. </blink>
  2559. </center>
  2560. >>
  2561. JS Random Geo Location Gen SRC - Wed, 03 Feb 2016 09:18:26 EST ID:arMXOJXj No.35097 Report Quick Reply
  2562. <html>
  2563. <head>
  2564. <center>
  2565. <script
  2566. src="">
  2567. </script>
  2569. <script>
  2570. var intRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*90.99999);
  2571. var inttRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*90.9999);
  2572. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  2573. var marker;
  2575. function initialize()
  2576. {
  2577. var mapProp = {
  2578. center:myCenter,
  2579. zoom:5,
  2580. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  2581. };
  2583. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  2585. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  2586. position:myCenter,
  2587. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE
  2588. });
  2590. marker.setMap(map);
  2591. }
  2593. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  2594. </script>
  2595. </head>
  2597. <body>
  2598. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:500px;"></div>
  2599. <font color="red">
  2600. <center>
  2601. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  2602. </center>
  2603. </body>
  2604. </html>
  2605. >>
  2606. Android WiFi Bypass SRC - Sun, 07 Feb 2016 09:32:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35118 Report Quick Reply
  2607. <script>
  2608. var b0=prompt ("Enter #");
  2609. var b1=0;
  2610. while (b1!=b0){
  2611. b1++;
  2612. document .writeln ("<a href=http://.com//"+b1+.mp3></a>");
  2613. }
  2614. </script>
  2615. >>
  2616. Jquery Basic Fade Out SRC DEMO By BrU!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 08 Feb 2016 15:32:03 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35121 Report Quick Reply
  2617. <script src="">
  2618. </script>
  2619. <h2>
  2620. <font color=red><marquee>Click Me To See The Fade Out Effect!!!!!!
  2621. </h2>
  2622. <script>
  2623. $("h2").click(function() {
  2624. $("h2").fadeOut("slow");
  2625. });
  2626. </script>
  2627. >>
  2628. Jquery Marquee Fade In/Out SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 09 Feb 2016 00:28:27 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35122 Report Quick Reply
  2629. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  2630. <script src="">
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  2632. <h3>
  2633. <font color=white><marquee>Click Me To See The Fade Out Effect!!!!!!
  2634. </h3>
  2635. <script>
  2636. $("body").mousemove(function() {
  2637. $("h3").fadeIn(2000);
  2638. $("h3").fadeOut(2000);
  2639. });
  2640. </script>
  2641. >>
  2642. Jquery Marquee Fade In/Out SRC RND FX!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 09 Feb 2016 01:41:43 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35124 Report Quick Reply
  2643. <style>
  2644. document{
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  2648. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  2649. <script src="">
  2650. </script>
  2651. <h3>
  2652. <font color=white><marquee>Click Me To See The Fade Out Effect!!!!!!
  2653. </h3>
  2654. <script>
  2655. $("body").mousemove(function() {
  2656. $("h3").fadeIn(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000));
  2657. });
  2658. $("body").mouseout(function(){
  2659. $("h3").fadeOut(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000));
  2660. });
  2662. </script>
  2663. >>
  2664. JQuery Fading Update Animations are fun!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 09 Feb 2016 05:12:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35125 Report Quick Reply
  2665. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  2666. <font color='green'>
  2667. <script src="">
  2668. </script>
  2669. <h3>
  2670. <marquee>Move The Mouse Around To See The Fade Out Effect!!!!!!
  2671. </h3>
  2672. <script>
  2673. $("body").mousemove(function() {
  2674. $("h3").fadeinColor=('red')
  2675. $("h3").fadeIn(2000);
  2676. $("h3").fadeoutColor=('blue');
  2677. $("h3").fadeOut(2000);
  2678. });
  2679. </script>
  2680. >>
  2681. More JQuery Animations!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 09 Feb 2016 05:57:40 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35126 Report Quick Reply
  2682. <script src=""></script>
  2683. <script>
  2684. var o=Math.floor(Math.random()*4)
  2685. $(document).click(function(){
  2686. o=Math.floor(Math.random()*4)
  2687. $("div").click(function(){
  2688. $("#div"+o).fadeToggle(Math.floor(Math.random()*4,1000,"Slow"));
  2690. });
  2691. });
  2692. </script>
  2693. <center>
  2694. <body bgcolor=000000>
  2695. <div id="div1" style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color:red;"></div>
  2696. <div id="div2" style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color:green;"></div>
  2697. <div id="div3" style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color:orange;"></div>
  2698. >>
  2699. Charlotte Cronkinman - Tue, 09 Feb 2016 10:43:08 EST ID:vIbiteGg No.35127 Report Quick Reply
  2700. >>34905 (OP)
  2701. Jesus christ dude, use pastebin or
  2702. >>
  2703. Jquery fx - Thu, 11 Feb 2016 13:21:57 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35138 Report Quick Reply
  2704. <script src=""></script>
  2705. <script>
  2706. $(document).ready(function(){
  2707. $("#button1").click(function(){
  2708. $("#w3s").fadeOut('fast');
  2709. $("#button1").fadeOut('slow');
  2710. $('p').fadeOut('fast');
  2711. });
  2712. });
  2713. </script>
  2714. </head>
  2715. <body>
  2717. <p><a href="" id="w3s" visible='true'>fuck</a></p>
  2719. <button id='button1'>Change href Value</button>
  2721. <p>Yea nigga!!!</p>
  2722. >>
  2723. Jquery FX TOGGLE NEW - Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:04:11 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35143 Report Quick Reply
  2724. <script src=""></script>
  2725. <script>
  2726. $(document).ready(function(){
  2727. $("#button1").click(function(){
  2728. $("#w3s").fadeToggle('slow');
  2729. $('p').fadeToggle('slow');
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  2731. });
  2732. </script>
  2733. </head>
  2734. <body>
  2736. <p><a href="" id="w3s" visible='true'>fuck</a></p>
  2738. <button id='button1'>Toggle Test</button>
  2740. <p>HEllO Jquery!!</p>
  2741. >>
  2742. Shaman !MbOrDArdlI - Fri, 12 Feb 2016 00:45:51 EST ID:99UuZHaY No.35146 Report Quick Reply
  2743. File: 1455255951140.jpg -(38961 B, 500x288) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  2744. 38961
  2745. uuuh so it looks like your learning a lot about programming that's good, but if you're going to be generating passwords, maybe do some reading on something called "hash tables." Also maybe a style guide or two but over all you seem to have an affinty for programming, keep at it!
  2747. and ffs give a link to dl the files or a pastebin or something this is heinous lol
  2748. >>
  2749. Jquery Breathing FX - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 11:50:22 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35153 Report Quick Reply
  2750. <script src=""></script>
  2751. <script>
  2752. $(document).ready(function(){
  2753. $('p').css("font-size", "20px");
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  2756. $("document").fadeToggle('slow');
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  2758. $('p').value=('slow');
  2759. $('p').css("color", "red").slideUp(2000).slideDown(2000);
  2760. $('p').css("font-size", "20px").slideUp(2000).slideDown(2000);
  2761. });
  2762. });
  2763. </script>
  2764. </head>
  2765. <body>
  2767. <p><a href="" id="w3s" visible='true'>fuck</a></p>
  2769. <button id='button1'>Toggle Test</button>
  2771. <p>HEllO Jquery!!</p>
  2772. >>
  2773. Jquery Hide/Show Text (Faster&Better!!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 12:51:59 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35154 Report Quick Reply
  2774. <html>
  2775. <center>
  2776. <script src=""></script>
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  2784. $("p").text('Text Is Visible!!');
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  2788. </script>
  2789. <p>Text Is Visible!!</p>
  2790. <button id="hide">Hide The Text</button>
  2791. <button id="show">Show The Text</button>
  2792. </center>
  2793. </html>
  2794. >>
  2795. Jquery Hide/Show Text (Toggle) (Updated!!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:48:43 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35155 Report Quick Reply
  2796. <html>
  2797. <body bgcolor="#EEEEFE">
  2798. <script src=""></script>
  2799. <script>
  2800. $(document).ready(function(){
  2801. $("p").text('yo');
  2802. $("button").click(function(){
  2803. $("p").css("background-color", "#FEEFEE")
  2804. .slideToggle(2000);
  2805. });
  2806. });
  2807. </script>
  2808. </head>
  2809. <body>
  2811. <p id="p1">Test</p>
  2813. <button>Click Here!!</button>
  2815. </body>
  2816. </html>
  2817. >>
  2818. Jquery Hide/Show Text For Loop(Toggle!!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:31:50 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35156 Report Quick Reply
  2819. <body bgcolor="#EEEEFE">
  2820. <script src=""></script>
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  2822. $(document).ready(function(){
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  2827. $("p").css("background-color", "#FEEFEE")
  2828. .slideToggle(2000);
  2829. }
  2830. });
  2831. $("p").text('yo man');
  2832. });
  2834. </script>
  2835. </head>
  2836. <body>
  2838. <p id="p1">Test</p>
  2840. <button>Click Here!!</button>
  2841. >>
  2842. tried this for fun combined these posts - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 17:16:08 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35157 Report Quick Reply
  2843. <center>
  2844. <head></head>
  2845. <body bgcolor="darkblue" onload="script:var tt=setTimeout('start()',10);">
  2846. <blink>
  2847. <font family=ariel width=1 height=1 color=lightgreen>You Are Now Feeling The Effect Of LSD!!</font>
  2848. <script>
  2849. function start(){
  2850. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.width++);
  2851. document.write(document.getElementsByTagName('font').style.Height++);
  2852. }
  2853. <script>
  2854. </body>
  2855. </blink>
  2856. </center>
  2857. >>
  2859. Jquery Breathing FX - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 11:50:22 EST IDsbt87Vd No.35153 Ignore Report Quick Reply
  2860. <script src=""></script>
  2861. <script>
  2862. $(document).ready(function(){
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  2872. });
  2873. </script>
  2874. </head>
  2875. <body>
  2877. <p><a href="" id="w3s" visible='true'>fuck</a></p>
  2879. <button id='button1'>Toggle Test</button>
  2881. <p>HEllO Jquery!!</p>
  2882. >>
  2884. Jquery Hide/Show Text (Faster&Better !!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 12:51:59 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35154 Ignore Report Quick Reply
  2885. <html>
  2886. <center>
  2887. <script src=""></script>
  2888. <script>
  2889. $(document).ready(function(){
  2890. $("#hide").click(function(){
  2891. $("p").fadeOut();
  2892. $("p").text('');
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  2894. $("#show").click(function(){
  2895. $("p").text('Text Is Visible!!');
  2896. $("p").fadeIn();
  2897. });
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  2899. </script>
  2900. <p>Text Is Visible!!</p>
  2901. <button id="hide">Hide The Text</button>
  2902. <button id="show">Show The Text</button>
  2903. </center>
  2904. </html>
  2905. >>
  2907. Jquery Hide/Show Text (Toggle) (Updated !!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:48:43 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35155 Ignore Report Quick Reply
  2908. <html>
  2909. <body bgcolor="#EEEEFE">
  2910. <script src=""></script>
  2911. <script>
  2912. $(document).ready(function(){
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  2917. });
  2918. });
  2919. </script>
  2920. </head>
  2921. <body>
  2923. <p id="p1">Test</p>
  2925. <button>Click Here!!</button>
  2927. </body>
  2928. </html>
  2929. >>
  2931. Jquery Hide/Show Text For Loop(Toggle !!WvAZa2Cl - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:31:50 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35156 Ignore Report Quick Reply
  2932. <body bgcolor="#EEEEFE">
  2933. <script src=""></script>
  2934. <script>
  2935. $(document).ready(function(){
  2936. $("p").text('yo');
  2937. $("button").click(function(){
  2938. for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
  2939. $("p").text(''+i);
  2940. $("p").css("background-color", "#FEEFEE")
  2941. .slideToggle(2000);
  2942. }
  2943. });
  2944. $("p").text('yo man');
  2945. });
  2947. </script>
  2948. </head>
  2949. <body>
  2951. <p id="p1">Test</p>
  2953. <button>Click Here!!</button>
  2954. >>
  2955. Shaman !MbOrDArdlI - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 21:31:58 EST ID:99UuZHaY No.35158 Report Quick Reply
  2956. One piece of feed back you have gotten twice is to not copy and past your code directly into input here and to use something like paste-bin so your styling is preserved.
  2958. If you ask for feed back if you have no intention of listing to it?
  2959. >>
  2960. Jquery Slide Menu Options(Down/Up/Pause Animation) - Sun, 14 Feb 2016 22:07:05 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35159 Report Quick Reply
  2961. <html>
  2962. <head>
  2963. <script src=""></script>
  2964. <br>
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  2967. $("#start").click(function(){
  2968. $("#panel").slideDown(2000);
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  2970. $("#start1").click(function(){
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  2972. $("#flip").stop();
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  2974. $("#stop").click(function(){
  2975. $("#panel").slideUp(2000);
  2976. $("#panel").start();
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  2979. $("#start").click(function(){
  2980. $("#panel").sideDown(2000);
  2981. $("#panel").start();
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  2985. $("#stop").click(function(){
  2986. $("#panel").stop();
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  2990. </script>
  2991. <br>
  2992. <style>
  2993. #panel, #flip {
  2994. padding: 10px;
  2995. font-size: 22px;
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  2997. background-color: #F05000;
  2998. color: white;
  2999. border: solid 1px #000000;
  3000. border-radius: 300px;
  3001. }
  3002. #panel {
  3003. padding: 100px;
  3004. display: none;
  3005. }
  3006. </style>
  3007. </head>
  3008. <body>
  3009. <button id="stop">Pull Up</button>
  3010. <button id="start">Pull Down</button>
  3011. <p>
  3012. <div id="flip">
  3013. Compulsive Coding
  3014. <button id="start1">Pause All Animation</button></div>
  3015. <div id="panel">Coded By BrU</div>
  3016. </body>
  3017. </html>
  3018. >>
  3019. Jquery Image Slide In/Out Of View Animation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 15 Feb 2016 04:30:23 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35162 Report Quick Reply
  3020. <script src=""></script>
  3021. <center>
  3022. <script>
  3023. $('document').ready(function(){
  3024. var i=prompt("Enter # Of Times To Toggle:");
  3025. for(var i1=0;i!=i1;i--){
  3026. $('img').css("font-size", "20px");
  3027. $('img').css("color", "red").slideUp('slow').slideDown('slow');
  3028. $('img').css("width", "20px").slideUp(200);
  3029. }
  3030. });
  3031. </script>
  3032. <img src="test" onclick="alert('Got Me!!');"></p>
  3033. >>
  3034. Updated JQ Toggle Image & Simple Game Tenplate - Mon, 15 Feb 2016 06:42:46 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35163 Report Quick Reply
  3035. >>35162
  3036. <script src=""></script>
  3037. <center>
  3038. <script>
  3039. var scr=0;
  3040. $('document').ready(function(){
  3041. var i=prompt("Enter # Of Times To Toggle:");
  3042. for(var i1=0;i!=i1;i--){
  3043. $('img').css("font-size", "20px");
  3044. $('img').css("color", "red").slideUp('slow').slideDown('slow');
  3045. $('img').css("width","20px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  3046. }
  3047. });
  3048. </script>
  3049. <img src="test" onclick="scr++;
  3050. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"></p>
  3051. >>
  3052. Chrome Check Connection State JS - Mon, 15 Feb 2016 09:33:45 EST ID:Isbt87Vd No.35165 Report Quick Reply
  3053. <script>
  3054. if(this.ConnectionState=-1){
  3055. alert('online');
  3056. }else{
  3057. alert('offline');
  3058. }
  3059. </script>
  3060. >>
  3061. Maps Jquery Scolling Speed Improved I Think? - Mon, 15 Feb 2016 17:32:48 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35172 Report Quick Reply
  3062. <html>
  3063. <head>
  3064. <center>
  3065. <script src=""></script>
  3066. <script
  3067. src="">
  3068. </script>
  3070. <script>
  3071. var intRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  3072. var inttRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  3073. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  3074. var marker;
  3076. function initialize()
  3077. {
  3078. var mapProp = {
  3079. center:myCenter,
  3080. zoom:5,
  3081. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  3082. };
  3084. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  3086. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  3087. zoom:1,
  3088. position:myCenter,
  3089. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  3090. });
  3092. marker.setMap(map);
  3093. }
  3095. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  3096. $('body').mousemove(function(){
  3097. ('#googleMap').zoom(fadeIn('fast'));
  3098. });
  3099. </script>
  3100. </head>
  3102. <body>
  3103. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:500px;"></div>
  3104. <font color="red">
  3105. <center>
  3106. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  3107. </center>
  3108. </body>
  3109. </html>
  3110. >>
  3111. JS Amazon AWS Image Harvest SRC - Tue, 16 Feb 2016 00:23:35 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35173 Report Quick Reply
  3112. <script>
  3113. var i=prompt("Enter Minimum #:");
  3114. var i1=prompt("Enter Maximum #:");
  3115. for(var i=i;i!=i1;i++){
  3116. document.writeln("<img src="+i+".jpeg></img>");
  3117. }
  3118. </script>
  3119. >>
  3120. JS Create Custom Element SRC?!8NBuQ4l6uQ - Tue, 16 Feb 2016 07:02:18 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35174 Report Quick Reply
  3121. <script>
  3122. var r=prompt('Enter Element Tag:');
  3123. var attr=prompt('Enter Atrribute:');
  3124. var text=prompt('Enter Value:');
  3125. var out=document.createElement(r);
  3126. out.value(text);
  3127. document.body.appendChild(r);
  3128. document.writeln(r+"<p>"+out);
  3129. </script>
  3130. >>
  3131. JS CUSTOM ELEMENT APPEND SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:41:43 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35177 Report Quick Reply
  3132. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button><p>
  3134. <script>
  3136. function myFunction() {
  3137. var el=prompt('Enter Element:');
  3138. var out=prompt("Enter # Of Text Boxes To Generate:");
  3139. for(var i=0;i<out+1;i++){
  3140. var x = document.createElement(el);
  3141. document.body.setAttribute('value','yo');
  3142. document.body.appendChild(x);
  3143. }
  3144. }
  3145. </script>
  3146. </body>
  3147. >>
  3148. JS CUSTOM ELEMENT APPEND SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:42:24 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35178 Report Quick Reply
  3149. >>35177
  3151. >>
  3152. Random Bgcolor Gen (Modded From Pass/Key Gen SRC!!WvAZa2Cl - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:43:27 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35180 Report Quick Reply
  3153. <body bgcolo=000000>
  3154. <script>
  3155. var out1=setInterval("GenStrongPass()",100);
  3156. function GenStrongPass()
  3157. {
  3158. var text = "";
  3159. var possible = "0F012345678";
  3160. for( var i=0; i != 6; i++ )
  3161. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3162. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  3163. }
  3164. </script>
  3165. >>
  3166. Random Bgcolor Gen (Modded From Pass/Key Gen SRC!!WvAZa2Cl - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 10:54:20 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35181 Report Quick Reply
  3167. >>35180
  3168. <body onload="script:var out1=setInterval('GenStrongPass()',100);">
  3169. <script>
  3170. var out1=setInterval("GenStrongPass()",100);
  3171. function GenStrongPass()
  3172. {
  3173. var text = "";
  3174. var possible = "0F012345678";
  3175. for( var i=0; i != 6; i++ )
  3176. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3177. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  3178. }
  3179. </script>
  3180. >>
  3181. Random Bgcolor Gen (Modded From Pass/Key Gen SRC!!WvAZa2Cl - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:22:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35182 Report Quick Reply
  3182. >>35181
  3183. <script>
  3184. for(var i1=0;i1!=100;i++){
  3185. var out1=setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),10000);
  3187. }
  3188. function GenStrongPass()
  3189. {
  3190. var text = "";
  3191. var possible = "0F012345678";
  3192. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  3193. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3194. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  3195. }
  3196. </script>
  3197. >>
  3198. What is wrong with SetInterval/timeout or am i just crazy?? - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 16:12:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35183 Report Quick Reply
  3199. <script>
  3200. var u=5
  3201. while(u!=0){
  3202. u--;
  3203. var out1=setTimeout('GenStrongPass()',1100);
  3204. GenStrongPass();
  3205. var out2=setTimeout('GenStrongPass()',2100);
  3206. GenStrongPass();
  3207. var out1=setTimeout('GenStrongPass()',1100);
  3208. GenStrongPass();
  3209. var out2=setTimeout('GenStrongPass()',2100);
  3210. GenStrongPass();
  3211. }
  3212. function GenStrongPass()
  3213. {
  3214. var text = "";
  3215. var possible = "0F01234567";
  3216. for( var i=0; i!= 7; i++ ){
  3217. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3218. }
  3219. document.write('<body bgcolor='+text+'> ');
  3220. }
  3221. </script>
  3222. >>
  3223. What Solution is Best Anyone have a better one??????? - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:01:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35184 Report Quick Reply
  3224. <script>
  3225. var text = "";
  3226. var possible = "ABCDEF0F01234756";
  3227. for(var i=0;i<6;i++)
  3228. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3229. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"</body>");
  3230. window.location.reload(window.location.href);
  3231. </script>
  3232. >>
  3233. What Solution is Best Anyone have a better one??????? - Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:01:51 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35185 Report Quick Reply
  3234. >>35184
  3235. <script>
  3236. var text = "";
  3237. var possible = "ABCDEFG01234756";
  3238. for(var i=0;i<6;i++)
  3239. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3240. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"</body>");
  3241. //window.location.reload(window.location.href);
  3242. </script>
  3243. >>
  3244. Edward Chorrychune - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 05:55:06 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35198 Report Quick Reply
  3245. <html>
  3246. <head>
  3247. <script>
  3248. document.write("<iframe src="+""+">");
  3249. var b1=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3250. var b2=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3251. var b3=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3252. var banners=[''+b1,''+b2,''+b3];
  3253. var counter=0;
  3254. function run(){
  3255. setInterval(cycle,2000);
  3256. }
  3257. function cycle(){
  3258. counter++;
  3259. if(counter==banners.length) counter=0;
  3260. rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
  3261. document.getElementById("textbox1").src=banners[rnd];
  3262. }
  3263. </script>
  3264. <body onload="script:run();">
  3265. <iframe id="textbox1"">
  3266. </body>
  3267. </html>
  3268. >>
  3269. IFRAME CUSTOM IFRAME CYCLE SRC - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 05:56:12 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35199 Report Quick Reply
  3270. >>35198
  3271. <html>
  3272. <head>
  3273. <script>
  3274. document.write("<iframe src=">");
  3275. var b1=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3276. var b2=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3277. var b3=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3278. var banners=[''+b1,''+b2,''+b3];
  3279. var counter=0;
  3280. function run(){
  3281. setInterval(cycle,2000);
  3282. }
  3283. function cycle(){
  3284. counter++;
  3285. if(counter==banners.length) counter=0;
  3286. rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
  3287. document.getElementById("textbox1").src=banners[rnd];
  3288. }
  3289. </script>
  3290. <body onload="script:run();">
  3291. <iframe id="textbox1"">
  3292. </body>
  3293. </html>
  3294. >>
  3295. Edward Chorrychune - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 06:58:50 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35200 Report Quick Reply
  3296. <html>
  3297. <head>
  3298. <script>
  3299. var b1=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3300. var b2=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3301. var b3=prompt("Enter URL:");
  3302. var banners=[''+b1,''+b2,''+b3];
  3303. var counter=0;
  3304. function run(){
  3305. setInterval(cycle,2000);
  3306. }
  3307. function cycle(){
  3308. counter++;
  3309. if(counter==banners.length) counter=0;
  3310. rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
  3311. document.getElementById("textbox1").src=banners[rnd];
  3312. }
  3313. </script>
  3314. <body onload="script:run();">
  3315. <iframe id="textbox1"">
  3316. </body>
  3317. </html>
  3318. >>
  3319. Web Audio API Oscillator SRC UPDATED!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 15:09:55 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35201 Report Quick Reply
  3320. <center>
  3321. <body onload="chk4.checked=true;">
  3322. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  3323. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="15">
  3324. <br>Frequency:<br>
  3325. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="88">
  3326. <br>
  3327. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  3328. chk3.checked=false;
  3329. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  3330. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3331. chk3.checked=false;
  3332. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  3333. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3334. chk2.checked=false;
  3335. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  3336. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3337. chk2.checked=false;
  3338. chk3.checked=false;"> Saw
  3339. <br>
  3340. <button onclick="script:
  3341. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  3342. var Freq=Text2.value;
  3343. var context = new AudioContext();
  3344. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  3345. if(chk1.checked==true){
  3346. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  3347. }
  3348. if(chk2.checked==true){
  3349. oscillator.type = 'square';
  3350. }
  3351. if(chk3.checked==true){
  3352. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  3353. }
  3354. if(chk4.checked==true){
  3355. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  3356. }
  3357. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  3358. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  3359. oscillator.start(0);
  3360. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  3361. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  3362. <button onclick="script:
  3363. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  3364. var Freq=Text1.value;
  3365. oscillator.stop(0);
  3366. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  3367. </body>
  3368. </center>
  3369. >>
  3370. Edward Chorrychune - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 18:41:19 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35204 Report Quick Reply
  3371. <b>
  3372. <center>
  3373. <font color="darkgreen">
  3374. <body bgcolor="lightblue">
  3375. <body onload="chk4.checked=true;">
  3376. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  3377. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="15" color="red">
  3378. <br>Frequency:<br>
  3379. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="88" color=red>
  3380. <br>
  3381. <b>
  3382. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  3383. chk3.checked=false;
  3384. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  3385. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3386. chk3.checked=false;
  3387. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  3388. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3389. chk2.checked=false;
  3390. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  3391. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  3392. chk2.checked=false;
  3393. chk3.checked=false;"> Saw
  3394. <br>
  3395. <button onclick="script:
  3396. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  3397. var Freq=Text2.value;
  3398. var context = new AudioContext();
  3399. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  3400. if(chk1.checked==true){
  3401. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  3402. }
  3403. if(chk2.checked==true){
  3404. oscillator.type = 'square';
  3405. }
  3406. if(chk3.checked==true){
  3407. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  3408. }
  3409. if(chk4.checked==true){
  3410. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  3411. }
  3412. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  3413. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  3414. oscillator.start(0);
  3415. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  3416. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  3417. <button onclick="script:
  3418. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  3419. var Freq=Text1.value;
  3420. oscillator.stop(0);
  3421. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  3422. </body>
  3423. </center>
  3424. >>
  3425. JS Days Of The Week - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 18:59:56 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35205 Report Quick Reply
  3426. <script>
  3427. var day="sunday";
  3428. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
  3429. if(out==0){
  3430. var day="sunday";
  3431. }
  3432. if(out==1){
  3433. day="monday";
  3434. }
  3435. if(out==2){
  3436. day="tuesday";
  3437. }
  3438. if(out==3){
  3439. day="wedsday";
  3440. }
  3441. if(out==4){
  3442. day="thursdau";
  3443. }
  3444. if(out==5){
  3445. day="friday";
  3446. }
  3447. if(out==6){
  3448. day="saturday";
  3449. }
  3450. else{
  3451. }
  3452. alert(day);
  3453. </script>
  3454. >>
  3455. JS Days Of The Week - Sun, 21 Feb 2016 19:01:08 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35206 Report Quick Reply
  3456. >>35205
  3457. <script>
  3458. var day="sunday";
  3459. var out=Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
  3460. if(out==0){
  3461. var day="sunday";
  3462. }
  3463. if(out==1){
  3464. day="monday";
  3465. }
  3466. if(out==2){
  3467. day="tuesday";
  3468. }
  3469. if(out==3){
  3470. day="wedsday";
  3471. }
  3472. if(out==4){
  3473. day="thursday";
  3474. }
  3475. if(out==5){
  3476. day="friday";
  3477. }
  3478. if(out==6){
  3479. day="saturday";
  3480. }
  3481. else{
  3482. }
  3483. alert(day);
  3484. </script>
  3485. >>
  3486. What is this js code doing (not mine!!WvAZa2Cl - Mon, 22 Feb 2016 00:01:22 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35208 Report Quick Reply
  3487. >>35204
  3488. <script>
  3489. var r=yoo("FFFFFF");
  3490. alert(r);
  3491. var rr=yo(r);
  3492. alert(rr);
  3493. function yoo(str) {
  3494. var ret = '';
  3495. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  3496. var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
  3497. if (this.bytesLeft == 0) {
  3498. if (c <= 0x7F) {
  3499. ret += str.charAt(i);
  3500. } else if (0xC0 <= c && c <= 0xDF) {
  3501. this.codePoint = c - 0xC0;
  3502. this.bytesLeft = 1;
  3503. this.lowerBound = 0x80;
  3504. } else if (0xE0 <= c && c <= 0xEF) {
  3505. this.codePoint = c - 0xE0;
  3506. this.bytesLeft = 2;
  3507. this.lowerBound = 0x800;
  3508. } else if (0xF0 <= c && c <= 0xF7) {
  3509. this.codePoint = c - 0xF0;
  3510. this.bytesLeft = 3;
  3511. this.lowerBound += '0x10000';
  3512. } else if (0xF8 <= c && c <= 0xFB) {
  3513. this.codePoint += c - 0xF8;
  3514. this.bytesLeft = 4;
  3515. this.lowerBound = 0x200000;
  3516. } else if (0xFC <= c && c <= 0xFD) {
  3517. this.codePoint += c - 0xFC;
  3518. this.bytesLeft = 5;
  3519. this.lowerBound = 0x4000000;
  3520. } else {
  3521. ret += '\ufffd';
  3522. }
  3523. } else {
  3524. if (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xBF) {
  3525. this.bytesLeft--;
  3526. this.codePoint = (this.codePoint << 6) + (c - 0x80);
  3527. if (this.bytesLeft == 0) {
  3528. // Got a full sequence. Check if it's within bounds and
  3529. // filter out surrogate pairs.
  3530. var codePoint = this.codePoint;
  3531. if (codePoint < this.lowerBound
  3532. || (0xD800 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 0xDFFF)
  3533. || codePoint > 0x10FFFF) {
  3534. ret += '\ufffd';
  3535. } else {
  3536. // Encode as UTF-16 in the output.
  3537. if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
  3538. ret += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
  3539. } else {
  3540. // Surrogate pair.
  3541. codePoint -= 0x10000;
  3542. ret += String.fromCharCode(
  3543. '\xD800' + ((codePoint >>> 10) & 0x3FF),
  3544. '\xDC00' + (codePoint & 0x3FF));
  3545. }
  3546. }
  3547. }
  3548. } else {
  3549. // Too few bytes in multi-byte sequence. Rewind stream so we
  3550. // don't lose the next byte.
  3551. ret += '\ufffd';
  3552. this.bytesLeft = 0;
  3553. i--;
  3554. }
  3555. }
  3556. }
  3557. return ret;
  3558. };
  3560. /**
  3561. * Decodes UTF-8 data. This is a convenience function for when all the
  3562. * data is already known.
  3563. *
  3564. * @param {String} str data to decode, represented as a JavaScript
  3565. * String with each code unit representing a byte between 0x00 to
  3566. * 0xFF.
  3567. * @return {String} The data decoded into a JavaScript UTF-16 string.
  3568. */
  3569. lib.decodeUTF8 = function(utf8) {
  3570. return (new lib.UTF8Decoder()).decode(utf8);
  3571. };
  3573. /**
  3574. * Encodes a UTF-16 string into UTF-8.
  3575. *
  3576. * TODO(davidben): Do we need a stateful version of this that can
  3577. * handle a surrogate pair split in two calls? What happens if a
  3578. * keypress event would have contained a character outside the BMP?
  3579. *
  3580. * @param {String} str The string to encode.
  3581. * @return {String} The string encoded as UTF-8, as a JavaScript
  3582. * string with bytes represented as code units from 0x00 to 0xFF.
  3583. */
  3584. function yo(str) {
  3585. var ret = '';
  3586. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  3587. // Get a unicode code point out of str.
  3588. var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
  3589. if (0xDC00 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF) {
  3590. c = 0xFFFD;
  3591. } else if (0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDBFF) {
  3592. if (i+1 < str.length) {
  3593. var d = str.charCodeAt(i+1);
  3594. if (0xDC00 <= d && d <= 0xDFFF) {
  3595. // Swallow a surrogate pair.
  3596. c = 0x10000 + ((c & 0x3FF) << 10) + (d & 0x3FF);
  3597. i++;
  3598. } else {
  3599. c = 0xFFFD;
  3600. }
  3601. } else {
  3602. c = 0xFFFD;
  3603. }
  3604. }
  3606. // Encode c in UTF-8.
  3607. var bytesLeft;
  3608. if (c <= 0x7F) {
  3609. ret += str.charAt(i);
  3610. continue;
  3611. } else if (c <= 0x7FF) {
  3612. ret += String.fromCharCode(0xC0 | (c >>> 6));
  3613. bytesLeft = 1;
  3614. } else if (c <= 0xFFFF) {
  3615. ret += String.fromCharCode(0xE0 | (c >>> 12));
  3616. bytesLeft = 2;
  3617. } else /* if (c <= 0x10FFFF) */ {
  3618. ret += String.fromCharCode(0xF0 | (c >>> 18));
  3619. bytesLeft = 3;
  3620. }
  3622. while (bytesLeft > 0) {
  3623. bytesLeft--;
  3624. ret += String.fromCharCode(0x80 | ((c >>> (6 * bytesLeft)) & 0x3F));
  3625. }
  3626. }
  3627. return ret;
  3628. };
  3629. </script>
  3630. >>
  3631. Beatrice Furryford - Mon, 22 Feb 2016 00:49:36 EST ID:27ni4VQG No.35209 Report Quick Reply
  3632. >>35206
  3633. Oh my gosh. Try this instead:
  3635. <script>
  3636. var days = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'];
  3637. var day = Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
  3638. alert(days[day]);
  3639. </script>
  3640. >>
  3641. Faggy Digglehall - Mon, 22 Feb 2016 01:10:30 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35210 Report Quick Reply
  3642. that works too i tend to avoid arrays as much as i can it is an old habbit
  3643. >>
  3644. Android Random IP & Port GEN SRC DEMO - Mon, 22 Feb 2016 01:12:52 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35211 Report Quick Reply
  3645. <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  3646. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  3647. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  3648. android:gravity="center_horizontal">
  3649. <Button
  3650. android:id="@+id/hello_worlld"
  3651. android:text="Generate Random IP/Port Now"
  3652. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  3653. android:layout_width="wrap_content"/>
  3654. <TextView
  3655. android:id="@+id/eyy"
  3656. android:layout_height="wrap_content"
  3657. android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  3658. android:text=""/>
  3659. </LinearLayout>
  3661. package com.mycompany.WBV2;
  3662. import android.content.Context;
  3663. import android.content.Intent;
  3664. import;
  3665. import java.util.Random;
  3666. import java.util.*;
  3667. import*;
  3668. import android.os.*;
  3669. import android.content.*;
  3670. import android.widget.Button;
  3671. import;
  3672. import*;
  3673. import*;
  3674. import android.view.*;
  3675. import android.view.animation.*;
  3676. import java.nio.*;
  3677. import android.widget.*;
  3679. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  3680. {
  3681. //final Button b=(Button)findViewById(;
  3682. @Override
  3683. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  3684. {
  3685. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  3686. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  3687. setTitle("Random IP Generator 2.0");
  3688. final Button b1=(Button)findViewById(;
  3689. final TextView t1=(TextView)findViewById(;
  3690. b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
  3691. public void onClick(View v)
  3692. {
  3693. Random R=new Random();
  3694. int dub=R.nextInt(256);
  3695. int dub1=R.nextInt(256);
  3696. int dub2=R.nextInt(256);
  3697. int dub3=R.nextInt(256);
  3698. int port=R.nextInt(99999);
  3699. t1.setText("\n"+dub+"."+dub1+"."+dub2+"."+dub3+":"+port);
  3700. //Intent I1= new
  3701. Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse((""+dub+"."+dub1+"."+dub2+"."+dub3)));
  3702. //startActivity(I1);//,-117.5636834,1692m/data=!3m1!1e3
  3703. }
  3705. });
  3709. }
  3710. }
  3711. >>
  3712. BEAT Port proof of concept use at own risk src!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 22 Feb 2016 16:11:54 EST ID:+aJX96dF No.35215 Report Quick Reply
  3713. <script>
  3714. var b0=prompt ("Enter # Lower Bound");
  3715. var b1=prompt ("Enter # Upper Bound:");
  3716. while (b1!=b0){
  3717. document.writeln("<a href=https:/"+b0+".mp3>"+b0+"</a>");
  3718. b0++;
  3719. }
  3720. </script>Â
  3721. >>
  3722. Mals app 2.0.1 - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:46:01 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35216 Report Quick Reply
  3723. <html>
  3724. <head>
  3725. <center>
  3726. <script
  3727. src="">
  3728. </script>
  3730. <script>
  3731. var intRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*90.99999);
  3732. var inttRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*90.9999);
  3733. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  3734. var marker;
  3736. function initialize()
  3737. {
  3738. var mapProp = {
  3739. center:myCenter,
  3740. zoom:5,
  3741. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  3742. };
  3744. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  3746. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  3747. position:myCenter,
  3748. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE
  3749. });
  3751. marker.setMap(map);
  3752. }
  3754. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  3755. </script>
  3756. </head>
  3758. <body>
  3759. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  3760. <font color="red">
  3761. <center>
  3762. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  3763. </center>
  3764. </body>
  3765. </html>
  3766. >>
  3767. JS Multi script loader SRC - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 03:53:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35217 Report Quick Reply
  3768. Comment
  3769. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Check Array In DOM</button><p>
  3770. <script>
  3771. function testFunc() {
  3772. var out=prompt("Enter # of input's to generate:");
  3773. var chk=confirm("Ok for checked cancel for unchecked:");
  3774. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  3775. var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
  3776. x.type="text/javascript";
  3777. x.value="alert('yo')";
  3778. x.src=x.value;
  3779. x.onclick="script:"+x.value;
  3780. document.body.appendChild(x);
  3781. }
  3782. }
  3783. </script>
  3784. >>
  3785. JQuery Fun Animation - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:13:20 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35219 Report Quick Reply
  3786. <center>
  3788. <body bgcolor=000000>
  3789. <script src=""></script>
  3790. <script>
  3791. var intt=0;;
  3792. $(document).ready(function(){
  3793. $("button").click(function(){
  3794. var rate=200
  3795. var div = $("div");
  3796. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3797. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3798. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3799. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3800. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3801. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3802. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3803. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3804. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3805. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3806. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3807. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3808. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "fast");
  3809. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "fast");
  3810. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3811. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3812. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3813. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3814. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3815. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3816. });
  3817. });
  3818. </script>
  3819. </head>
  3821. <button>Start Animation</button>
  3824. <div style="background:red;color:black;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  3825. >>
  3826. JQuery Fun Animation - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:21:54 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35220 Report Quick Reply
  3827. >>35219
  3828. <center>
  3830. <body bgcolor=000000>
  3831. <script src=""></script>
  3832. <script>
  3833. var intt=0;;
  3834. $(document).ready(function(){
  3835. $("button").click(function(){
  3836. var rate=200
  3837. var div = $("div");
  3838. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3839. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3840. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3841. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3842. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3843. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3844. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3845. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3846. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3847. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3848. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3849. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3850. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.8'}, "fast");
  3851. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.7', }, "fast");
  3852. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.6'},"slow");
  3853. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.5'},"slow");
  3854. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.4'}, "slow");
  3855. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.3', }, "slow");
  3856. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.0'},"slow");
  3857. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.0'},"slow");
  3858. });
  3859. });
  3860. </script>
  3862. <button>Start Animation</button>
  3865. <div style="background:red;color:black;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  3866. >>
  3867. JQuery Fun Animation - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 16:03:38 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35222 Report Quick Reply
  3868. >>35220
  3869. <center>
  3871. <body bgcolor=000000>
  3872. <script src=""></script>
  3873. <script>
  3874. var intt=0;;
  3875. $(document).ready(function(){
  3876. $("button").click(function(){
  3877. var rate=200
  3878. var div = $("div");
  3879. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3880. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3881. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},rate);
  3882. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},rate);
  3883. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3884. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3885. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3886. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
  3887. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  3888. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  3889. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3890. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
  3891. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.8'}, "fast");
  3892. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.7', }, "fast");
  3893. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.6'},"slow");
  3894. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.5'},"slow");
  3895. div.animate({left:'300px', opacity: '0.4'}, "slow");
  3896. div.animate({left:'100px', opacity: '0.3', }, "slow");
  3897. div.animate({top:'300px',opacity:'0.0'},"slow");
  3898. div.animate({top:'10px',opacity:'0.0'},"slow");
  3899. });
  3900. });
  3901. </script>
  3903. <button>Start Animation</button>
  3906. <div style="background:red;color:black;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  3907. >>
  3908. Hex Color Gen SRC V2 - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:51:50 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35223 Report Quick Reply
  3909. <script>
  3910. var p1=prompt("Enter Ammount Of Colors:");
  3911. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  3912. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  3913. }
  3914. function GenStrongPass()
  3915. {
  3916. var text = "";
  3917. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  3918. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  3919. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  3920. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  3921. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  3922. }
  3923. </script>
  3924. >>
  3925. C!0FY6WHfhKk - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:56:39 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35224 Report Quick Reply
  3926. using System;
  3927. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3928. using System.ComponentModel;
  3929. using System.Data;
  3930. using System.Drawing;
  3931. using System.Linq;
  3932. using System.Text;
  3933. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  3934. using System.Windows.Forms;
  3936. namespace Racetrack_Game_SRC
  3937. {
  3939. public partial class Form1 : Form
  3940. {
  3941. public Form1()
  3942. {
  3943. InitializeComponent();
  3944. }
  3945. public bool Bet_Made = false;
  3946. public bool Winner = false;
  3947. public int Result1;
  3948. public int Score = 50;
  3949. private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3950. {
  3951. System.Random R1 = new System.Random();
  3952. int Result;
  3953. Result = R1.Next(4);
  3954. if(Bet_Made==false){
  3955. MessageBox.Show("Please place your bet first!!","Race Track Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  3956. }
  3957. if (Bet_Made == true)
  3959. {
  3960. Bet_Made = false;
  3961. if(Result==Result1)
  3962. {
  3963. Winner = true;
  3964. MessageBox.Show("You Win!!","Race Track Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  3965. timer1.Enabled = true;
  3966. Score++;
  3967. Score++;
  3968. Score++;
  3969. Score++;
  3970. Score++;
  3971. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  3972. }
  3973. else
  3974. {
  3975. MessageBox.Show("You Lose!!","Race Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  3976. Score--;
  3977. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  3979. if (Result == 0 && Winner==true)
  3980. {
  3981. MessageBox.Show("Horse #1 Won!!","Race Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  3982. }
  3983. if (Result == 1 && Winner == true)
  3984. {
  3985. MessageBox.Show("Horse #2 Won!!","Race Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  3986. }
  3987. if (Result == 2 && Winner == true)
  3988. {
  3989. MessageBox.Show("Horse #3 Won!!","Race Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  3990. }
  3991. if (Result == 3 && Winner == true)
  3992. {
  3993. MessageBox.Show("Horse #4 Won!!","Race Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  3994. }
  3995. }
  3996. }
  3997. }
  3998. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3999. {
  4000. if (Bet_Made ==true)
  4001. {
  4002. MessageBox.Show("Bet Has Been Placed!!", "Race Track Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  4003. return;
  4004. }
  4005. if (Score > 0)
  4006. {
  4007. Bet_Made = true;
  4008. Score--;
  4009. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4010. MessageBox.Show("Bet Has Been Placed!!", "Race Track Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
  4011. }
  4012. else
  4013. {
  4014. MessageBox.Show("Game Over!!","Race Track Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  4015. Application.Exit();
  4016. }
  4017. }
  4019. private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4020. {
  4021. Result1 = 0;
  4022. }
  4024. private void radioButton2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4025. {
  4026. Result1 = 1;
  4027. }
  4029. private void radioButton3_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4030. {
  4031. Result1 = 2;
  4032. }
  4034. private void radioButton4_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4035. {
  4036. Result1 = 3;
  4037. }
  4039. private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4040. {
  4042. }
  4044. private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4045. {
  4046. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4047. if (pictureBox1.Location.X>334)
  4048. {
  4049. timer1.Enabled = false;
  4050. pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 8);
  4051. MessageBox.Show("Score: "+Score.ToString(), "Race Track Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  4052. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4053. }
  4054. pictureBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(pictureBox1.Location.X+5,pictureBox1.Location.Y);
  4055. }
  4057. private void groupBox2_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4058. {
  4060. }
  4062. private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  4063. {
  4064. if (Score < 0)
  4065. {
  4066. MessageBox.Show("Sorry You Are Out Of Money!!","Race Track Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
  4067. Application.Exit();
  4068. }
  4069. }
  4071. private void numericUpDown2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4072. {
  4073. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4074. MessageBox.Show("Sorry can't add or remove to/from score like this nice try!!", "Race Track Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  4075. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4076. }
  4078. private void numericUpDown2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  4079. {
  4081. }
  4083. private void numericUpDown2_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
  4084. {
  4085. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4086. MessageBox.Show("Sorry can't add or remove to/from score like this nice try!!","Race Track Game SRC",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  4087. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4088. }
  4090. private void numericUpDown2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
  4091. {
  4092. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4093. MessageBox.Show("Sorry can't add or remove to/from score like this nice try!!", "Race Track Game SRC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
  4094. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4095. }
  4097. private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  4098. {
  4099. numericUpDown2.Value = Score;
  4100. }
  4101. }
  4102. }
  4103. >>
  4104. Typo Fixed - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 20:58:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35225 Report Quick Reply
  4105. <script>
  4106. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  4107. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  4108. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  4109. }
  4110. function GenStrongPass()
  4111. {
  4112. var text = "";
  4113. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  4114. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  4115. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  4116. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  4117. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  4118. }
  4119. </script>
  4120. >>
  4121. JQuery Event Handling - Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:44:40 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35226 Report Quick Reply
  4122. <meta charset="utf-8">
  4123. <style>
  4124. div {
  4125. color: White;
  4126. }
  4127. p {
  4128. color: Orange;
  4129. }
  4130. span {
  4131. color: Red;
  4132. display:none;
  4133. }
  4134. </style>
  4135. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  4136. <script src=""></script>
  4137. </head>
  4138. <body>
  4139. <div>Try scrolling the iframe.</div>
  4140. <p>Paragraph - <span>Event Fired!!</span></p>
  4141. <script>
  4142. $( "p" ).clone().appendTo( document.body );
  4143. $( "p" ).clone().appendTo( document.body );
  4144. $( "p" ).clone().appendTo( document.body );
  4145. $( window ).mouseup(function() {
  4146. $( "span" ).css( "display", "inline" ).fadeIn("slow");
  4147. });
  4148. </script>
  4149. >>
  4150. Update - Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:58:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35227 Report Quick Reply
  4151. >>35226
  4152. <meta charset="UTF-8" content="text/html" desc="cool page" http-equiv="keep-alive">
  4153. <style>
  4154. div {
  4155. color: White;
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  4157. p {
  4158. color: Orange;
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  4160. span {
  4161. color: Red;
  4162. display:block;
  4163. }
  4164. </style>
  4165. <center>
  4166. <head bgcolor=white>
  4167. <center>
  4168. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  4169. <script src=""></script>
  4170. <body>
  4171. <div onload="twa();">Try scrolling the iframe.</div>
  4172. <p>Paragraph - <span>Event Fired!!</span></p>
  4173. <div><center><p>Hello JQuery!!</p></center></div>
  4174. <script>
  4175. $("center").appendTo(document.body);
  4176. //$( "p" ).clone().appendTo( document.head );
  4177. $( window ).mouseover(function() {
  4178. $( "span" ).css( "display", "inline" ).fadeIn("slow");
  4179. $( window ).click(function() {
  4180. $( "span" ).css( "color", "blue" ).fadeIn("slow");
  4181. $("div").css("color","green");
  4182. $( window ).mouseout(function() {
  4183. $( "span" ).css( "color", "blue" ).fadeIn("slow");
  4184. $("div").css("color","blue");
  4185. });
  4186. });
  4187. });
  4188. </script>
  4189. </body>
  4190. >>
  4191. Jack Binnersin - Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:58:24 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35232 Report Quick Reply
  4192. <html>
  4193. <center>
  4194. <body bgcolor="darkgray">
  4195. <font color="magenta">
  4196. <script src=""></script>
  4197. <script>
  4198. $(document).ready(function(){
  4199. $("button").css("color","lightred");
  4200. $("button").css("background-color","green");
  4201. $("button").css("font-size","22px");
  4202. $("button").mouseup(function(){
  4203. $(document).empty().css("color","000000");
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  4205. });
  4206. </script>
  4207. <div>
  4208. <h2>
  4209. Demo Text To Be Cleared!!
  4210. </h2>
  4211. </div>
  4212. <p>
  4213. <button>Clear The HTML In Document!!</button>
  4214. </center>
  4215. </html>
  4216. >>
  4217. JS Random Hex Font Generator Final!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 25 Feb 2016 15:48:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35233 Report Quick Reply
  4218. <script>
  4219. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  4220. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  4221. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  4222. }
  4223. function GenStrongPass()
  4224. {
  4225. var text = "";
  4226. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  4227. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  4228. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  4229. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  4230. document.write("<font color="+text+">Testing..<br>");
  4231. }
  4232. </script>
  4233. >>
  4234. Python Hex Conversion Enc By BrU - Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:16:23 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35234 Report Quick Reply
  4235. inn=raw_input("Enter Data:")
  4236. out1=hex(int(inn))
  4237. print(out1)
  4238. >>
  4239. JS Mass AOL/Aim Sound Lookup SRC - Fri, 26 Feb 2016 10:09:30 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35235 Report Quick Reply
  4240. <script language="javascript">
  4241. var SN
  4242. var i=0;
  4243. var amm=prompt("Enter THe Ammount Of Names:");
  4244. for(i=0;i<amm;i++){
  4245. SN=prompt("Enter the AOL/AIM screen name to check.");
  4246. }
  4247. ("" + SN+"&tm=1227620288&type=131");
  4248. </script>
  4249. >>
  4250. Caroline Bashfen - Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:36:23 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35237 Report Quick Reply
  4251. <html>
  4252. <input value="0" id="hid" name="hid" hidden=true>
  4253. <input value="10" id="id1" name="id1"></input>
  4254. <button onclick="script:var output=id1.value;
  4255. var outt=document.body.innerHTML
  4256. hid.value++;
  4257. for(var i=0;i<output;i++){
  4258. var Nu=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  4259. var Nu1=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  4260. var Nu2=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  4261. var Nu3=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  4262. if(i==0&&hid.value==1){
  4263. window.location.reload(self);
  4264. document.write(outt+'<p>'+Nu+'.'+Nu1+'.'+Nu2+'.'+Nu3+'<p>');
  4265. }else{
  4266. document.writeln(Nu+'.'+Nu1+'.'+Nu2+'.'+Nu3+'<p>');
  4267. }
  4268. }">Gen Ip Addresses</button>
  4269. </html>
  4270. >>
  4271. Unicode Enc Dec SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 27 Feb 2016 00:26:29 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35238 Report Quick Reply
  4272. <script>
  4273. alert("Unicode Enc/Dec!!!");
  4274. var c=confirm("Enc=Ok Dec=Cancel..");
  4275. if(c==true){
  4276. var put=prompt("Enter Prompt:");
  4277. var dec=encodeURI(put);
  4278. alert(dec);
  4279. }
  4280. else
  4281. {
  4282. var put=prompt("Enter Prompt:");
  4283. var dc=decodeURI(put);
  4284. alert(dc)
  4285. }
  4286. </script>
  4287. >>
  4288. JS Google Photo Size Increase SRC - Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:27:04 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35241 Report Quick Reply
  4289. <script>
  4290. var innit=prompt("Enter starting size:(px)");
  4291. var outit=prompt("Enter stopping size:(px)");
  4292. while(innit!=outit){
  4293. innit++;
  4294. document.write("<img src="+innit+"></img>");
  4295. }
  4296. </script>
  4297. >>
  4298. JS Google Photo Size Increase SRC - Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:33:47 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35242 Report Quick Reply
  4299. >>35241
  4300. <script>
  4301. var innit=prompt("Enter starting size:(px)");
  4302. var outit=prompt("Enter stopping size:(px)");
  4303. if(outit>5555){
  4304. alert('# To Big!!');
  4305. }else{
  4306. while(innit!=outit){
  4307. innit++;
  4308. document.write("<img src="+innit+"></img>");
  4309. }
  4310. }
  4311. </script>
  4312. >>
  4313. JS FINAL HEX COLOR CODE GEN!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 28 Feb 2016 10:54:23 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35247 Report Quick Reply
  4314. <script>
  4315. for(var i1=0;i1!=100;i1++){
  4316. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  4317. }
  4318. function GenStrongPass()
  4319. {
  4320. var text = "";
  4321. var possible = "FABCGDE123456789";
  4322. for(var i=0; i!=7; i++)
  4323. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  4324. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  4325. document.writeln(text+"<br>");
  4326. }
  4327. </script>
  4328. >>
  4329. JQuery Slide And Fade Out SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 28 Feb 2016 18:17:54 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35249 Report Quick Reply
  4330. <script src=""></script>
  4331. <script type="text/javascript">
  4332. $(document).ready(function(){
  4334. $("div").animate({
  4335. left: '400px',
  4336. opacity: '0.0',
  4337. height: '120px',
  4338. width: '120px'
  4339. });
  4340. });
  4342. </script>
  4343. </head>
  4344. <body>
  4345. <div style="background:#F0000F;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  4346. </body>
  4347. </html>
  4348. >>
  4349. Nell Gimmledadge - Sun, 28 Feb 2016 18:26:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35250 Report Quick Reply
  4350. >>34905 (OP)
  4351. <body bgcolor="#F0FFF0">
  4352. <script src=""></script>
  4353. <script type="text/javascript">
  4354. $(document).ready(function(){
  4355. $("div").animate({
  4356. left: '400px',
  4357. top:'100px',
  4358. opacity: '0.0',
  4359. height: '120px',
  4360. width: '120px'
  4361. });
  4362. });
  4363. </script>
  4364. </head>
  4365. <body>
  4366. <div style="background:#F0000F;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  4367. </body>
  4368. </html>
  4369. >>
  4370. JS Slide Demo V2 SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 28 Feb 2016 19:16:14 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35251 Report Quick Reply
  4371. <script src=""></script>
  4372. <script type="text/javascript">
  4373. $(document).ready(function(){
  4375. $("div").animate({
  4376. top:'200px',
  4377. opacity: '1.0',
  4378. height: '120px',
  4379. width: '120px'
  4380. });
  4381. });
  4383. </script>
  4384. </head>
  4385. <body>
  4386. <div style="background:#F0000F;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;" onclick="$(this).fadeOut('fast');
  4387. alert('Direct Hit!!');"></div>
  4388. </body>
  4389. </html>
  4390. >>
  4391. JS Photo Album Builder SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 29 Feb 2016 17:12:08 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35253 Report Quick Reply
  4392. <html>
  4393. <body>
  4394. <button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
  4395. <script>
  4396. function myFunction() {
  4397. var Inn;
  4398. var Rnd;
  4399. Inn=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  4400. for(var i=0;i<Inn;i++){
  4401. Rnd=prompt("Enter Photo URL:");
  4402. setInterval(document.write('<img src='+Rnd+'></img<p><p>'),1000000)
  4403. }
  4404. }
  4405. </script>
  4406. </body>
  4407. </html>
  4408. >>
  4409. JS Return/Goto Main Page SRC - Tue, 01 Mar 2016 04:56:56 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35257 Report Quick Reply
  4410. <script>
  4411. function gotomainpage(){
  4412. window.location.path="\\";
  4413. alert(window.location.path)
  4415. }
  4416. gotomainpage();
  4417. </script>
  4418. >>
  4419. Henry Greenman - Tue, 01 Mar 2016 12:35:45 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35260 Report Quick Reply
  4420. <html>
  4421. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  4422. <head>
  4423. <script src=""></script>
  4424. <script>
  4425. $(document).ready(function(){
  4426. $("#start").click(function(){
  4427. $("div").animate({top: '200px'}, 2000);
  4428. $("div").animate({left: '200px'}, 1000);
  4429. $("div").animate({fontSize: '3.2em'}, 1000);
  4431. });
  4433. $("#stop").click(function(){
  4434. $("div").stop();
  4435. });
  4438. });
  4439. </script>
  4440. </head>
  4441. <body>
  4443. <button id="start">Start</button>
  4444. <button id="stop">Stop</button>
  4446. <div style="background:#FF0000;height:200px;width:200px;position:absolute;">HELLO!!</div>
  4448. </body>
  4449. </html>
  4450. >>
  4451. Jenny Popperletch - Wed, 02 Mar 2016 09:55:43 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35263 Report Quick Reply
  4452. <html>
  4453. <center>
  4454. <body bgcolor=grey>
  4455. <font color=lightblue>
  4456. <header>
  4457. <p><h2>Base 64 Encoder/Decoder:</h2></p>
  4458. </header>
  4459. <button onclick="javascript:TestFunc();"><b>Base64 Encode/Decode</button>
  4460. <button onclick="javascript:window.location.reload('');"><b>Close Application Now</button>
  4461. <p id="demo"></p>
  4462. </font>
  4463. </body>
  4464. </html>
  4465. <script>
  4466. function TestFunc(){
  4467. var str=prompt("Enter String To Encode/Decode:");
  4468. var rep=str.replace("<>","");
  4469. var enc=btoa(rep);
  4470. var dec=atob(enc);
  4471. var out=""+enc;
  4472. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="Encoded String:<p> "+out+"<p>"+ dec;
  4473. }
  4474. </script>
  4475. >>
  4476. JS Tag/Atrribue Lookup SRC - Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:55:58 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35264 Report Quick Reply
  4477. <script>
  4478. var a;
  4479. var b;
  4480. var c=0;
  4481. a = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
  4482. for (b = 0;b!=a.length;b++) {
  4483. var att = a.getAttribute("*");
  4484. if(att==null){
  4485. c++;
  4486. }
  4487. if(att!=null){
  4488. alert('No such tag attribue found in current document scope!!');
  4489. }
  4490. }
  4491. alert("This tag attribue was found in the current document scope "+c+" times.");
  4492. </script>
  4493. >>
  4494. JS ??encryption?? - Wed, 02 Mar 2016 14:41:50 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35265 Report Quick Reply
  4495. <script>
  4496. var _tz=function(i,u){var b=new Date(1262304E6),d=new Date(12779424E5),e=new Date(129384E7);function f(a){var c=g;a?c.push(Math.round((a-b.getTime())/6E4)):c.push(null)}function p(a,c){var q=a.getTimezoneOffset(),r=c.getTimezoneOffset();if(q==r)return null;for(var h=a.getTime()/6E4,k=c.getTime()/6E4;h<=k;){var l=(h>>1)+(k>>1),m=6E4*l,n=(new Date(m+3E4)).getTimezoneOffset();if((new Date(m-3E4)).getTimezoneOffset()!=n)return m;if(n==q)h=l+1;else if(n==r)k=l-1;else break}return null};var t,g=[],v=new Date;f(v.getTime());g.push(v.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);g.push(b.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);f(p(b,d));g.push(d.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);f(p(d,e));t=g.join("_");t&&i&&t.substring(t.indexOf("_")+1)==i.substring(i.indexOf("_")+1)||((new Image).src=u+"&tz="+t);}
  4497. document.write(_tz);
  4498. alert(_tz);
  4499. function t(i,u){var b=new Date(1262304E6),d=new Date(12779424E5),e=new Date(129384E7);function f(a){var c=g;a?c.push(Math.round((a-b.getTime())/6E4)):c.push(null)}function p(a,c){var q=a.getTimezoneOffset(),r=c.getTimezoneOffset();if(q==r)return null;for(var h=a.getTime()/6E4,k=c.getTime()/6E4;h<=k;){var l=(h>>1)+(k>>1),m=6E4*l,n=(new Date(m+3E4)).getTimezoneOffset();if((new Date(m-3E4)).getTimezoneOffset()!=n)return m;if(n==q)h=l+1;else if(n==r)k=l-1;else break}return null};var t,g=[],v=new Date;f(v.getTime());g.push(v.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);g.push(b.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);f(p(b,d));g.push(d.getTimezoneOffset()/15+56);f(p(d,e));t=g.join("_");t&&i&&t.substring(t.indexOf("_")+1)==i.substring(i.indexOf("_")+1)||((new Image).src=u+"&tz="+t);}
  4500. </script>
  4501. >>
  4502. JS Custom Script SRC - Thu, 03 Mar 2016 05:17:48 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35267 Report Quick Reply
  4503. <script>
  4504. function MyFunc(){
  4505. var d=document.createElement('script');
  4506. d.type= prompt("Enter Script Type:");
  4507. d.text= prompt("Enter Script:");
  4508. document.head.appendChild(d);
  4509. }
  4510. </script>
  4511. <button onclick="MyFunc()">Run Custom Script</button>
  4512. >>
  4513. Isabella Worthingbanks - Thu, 03 Mar 2016 11:42:28 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35268 Report Quick Reply
  4514. <script>
  4517. var innit=prompt("Enter starting size:(px)");
  4520. var outit=prompt("Enter stopping size:(px)");
  4523. if(outit>5555){
  4526. alert('# To Big!!');
  4529. }else{
  4532. while(innit!=outit){
  4535. innit++;
  4538. document.write("<img src="+innit+"></img>");
  4541. }
  4544. }
  4547. </script>
  4548. >>
  4549. Python Even Odd Number's SRC - Thu, 03 Mar 2016 13:53:19 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35269 Report Quick Reply
  4550. >>349odd = (n2 for n2 in range(1,10) if n2%2==True)
  4551. for n2 in odd:
  4552. print (n2)
  4553. even = (n1 for n1 in range(1,10) if n1%2==False)
  4554. for n1 in even:
  4555. print (n1,)
  4556. >>
  4557. Isabella Worthingbanks - Thu, 03 Mar 2016 13:55:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35270 Report Quick Reply
  4558. odd = (n2 for n2 in range(1,10) if n2%2==True)
  4559. for n2 in odd:
  4560. print (n2)
  4561. even = (n1 for n1 in range(1,10) if n1%2==False)
  4562. for n1 in even:
  4563. print (n1,)
  4564. >>
  4565. JS Google Maps Random Destination Updated Version SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 03 Mar 2016 17:52:52 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35271 Report Quick Reply
  4566. <center>
  4567. <html>
  4568. <script src="">
  4569. </script>
  4570. <script>
  4571. var intRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.9999);
  4572. var inttRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.9999);
  4573. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  4574. var marker;
  4575. function initialize()
  4576. {
  4577. var mapProp = {
  4578. center:myCenter,
  4579. zoom:10,
  4580. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
  4581. };
  4582. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  4583. var rndmrk=Math.random(Math.floor()*1);
  4584. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  4585. position:myCenter,
  4586. animation:google.maps.Animation.DROP,
  4587. });
  4588. var marker1=new google.maps.Marker({
  4589. position:myCenter,
  4590. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  4591. });
  4592. marker.setMap(map);
  4593. marker1.setMap(map);
  4594. alert('Latitude: '+intRnd+' Longitude: '+inttRnd);
  4595. }
  4596. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script>
  4597. <body>
  4598. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  4599. <font color="red">
  4600. <center>
  4601. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  4602. </center>
  4603. >>
  4604. JS Web Audio API Oscillator Synth (SRC) (Final) (V3)!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 04 Mar 2016 12:19:26 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35272 Report Quick Reply
  4605. <body onload="chk4.checked=true;" bgcolor="lightblue">
  4606. <b>
  4607. <font color="darkblue">
  4608. <center>
  4609. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  4610. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="100">
  4611. <br>Frequency:<br>
  4612. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="100">
  4613. <br>
  4614. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  4615. chk3.checked=false;
  4616. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  4617. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  4618. chk3.checked=false;
  4619. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  4620. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  4621. chk2.checked=false;
  4622. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  4623. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  4624. chk2.checked=false;
  4625. chk3.checked=false"> Saw
  4626. <br>
  4627. <b>
  4628. <button onclick="script:
  4629. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  4630. var Freq=Text2.value;
  4631. var context = new AudioContext();
  4632. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  4633. if(chk1.checked==true){
  4634. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  4635. }
  4636. if(chk2.checked==true){
  4637. oscillator.type = 'square';
  4638. }
  4639. if(chk3.checked==true){
  4640. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  4641. }
  4642. if(chk4.checked==true){
  4643. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  4644. }
  4645. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  4646. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  4647. oscillator.start(0);
  4648. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  4649. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);"><b><font color=darkblue>Play Sound</button>
  4650. <button onclick="script:
  4651. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  4652. var Freq=Text1.value;
  4653. oscillator.stop(0);
  4654. oscillator.disconnect(0);"><b><font color=darkblue>Stop Sound</button>
  4655. <button onclick="script:chk1.checked=false
  4656. chk2.checked=false
  4657. chk3.checked=false
  4658. chk4.checked=false
  4659. Text1.value='';
  4660. Text2.value='';"><font color=darkblue><b>Clear All</button>
  4661. </center>
  4662. >>
  4663. JQuery Get/Modify Browser Display Size SRC - Fri, 04 Mar 2016 16:19:04 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35274 Report Quick Reply
  4664. <script src=""></script>
  4665. <script>
  4666. $(document).ready(function(){
  4667. $("button").click(function(){
  4668. var txt = "<center>";
  4669. $('body').css('width','1000');
  4670. $('body').css('height','1000')
  4671. txt += "Height of body: " + $('body').width()+'<p>Width Of body: '+$('body').height();
  4672. $('div').html(txt);
  4673. });
  4674. });
  4675. </script>
  4676. <div id="div1"></div>
  4677. <br>
  4678. <center>
  4679. <button>Display dimensions of div</button>
  4680. </center>
  4681. >>
  4682. JQuery Get/Modify Browser Display Size SRC(Updated)!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 04 Mar 2016 16:22:22 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35275 Report Quick Reply
  4683. <script src=""></script>
  4684. <script>
  4685. $(document).ready(function(){
  4686. $("button").click(function(){
  4687. var txt = "<center>";
  4688. $('body').css('width','1000');
  4689. $('body').css('height','1000')
  4690. txt += "Height of body: " + $('body').width()+'<p>Width Of body: '+$('body').height();
  4691. $('div').html(txt);
  4692. });
  4693. });
  4694. </script>
  4695. <div id="div1"></div>
  4696. <br>
  4697. <center>
  4698. <button>Display And Modify DOM Visible Height/Width</button>
  4699. </center>
  4700. >>
  4701. JQuery Make Bounds Huge SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 04 Mar 2016 16:33:43 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35276 Report Quick Reply
  4702. <script src=""></script>
  4703. <script>
  4704. $(document).ready(function(){
  4705. $("button").click(function(){
  4706. var txt = "<center>";
  4707. $('body').css('width',1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37);
  4708. $('body').css('height',1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37+1e37)
  4709. txt += "Height of body: " + $('body').width()+'<p>Width Of body: '+$('body').height();
  4710. $('div').html(txt);
  4711. });
  4712. });
  4713. </script>
  4714. <div id="div1"></div>
  4715. <br>
  4716. <center>
  4717. <button>Display And Modify DOM Visible Height/Width</button>
  4718. </center>
  4719. >>
  4720. JQuery Button Event Handlers SRC(Annoying Alert LOL!!WvAZa2Cl - Sat, 05 Mar 2016 06:24:45 EST ID:f7Gsxxgt No.35277 Report Quick Reply
  4721. <html>
  4722. <script src=""></script>
  4723. <script>
  4724. $('button').ready(function(){
  4725. alert('button ready');
  4726. $('button').click(function(){
  4727. alert('button clicked');
  4728. });
  4729. $('button').mouseover(function(){
  4730. alert('over the button!!');
  4731. });
  4732. $('button').mouseout(function(){
  4733. alert('outside of the button!!');
  4734. });
  4735. $('button').mousedown(function(){
  4736. alert('mousedown!!');
  4737. });
  4738. $('button').mouseup(function(){
  4739. alert('mouseup!!');
  4740. });
  4741. });
  4742. </script>
  4743. <button>CLICK HERE NOW!!!!!</button>
  4744. </html>
  4745. >>
  4746. CSS Animation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:32:46 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35278 Report Quick Reply
  4747. <style>
  4748. div {
  4749. width: 100px;
  4750. height: 100px;
  4751. background: red;
  4752. position: relative;
  4753. -webkit-animation-name: mymove;
  4754. -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;
  4755. animation-name: mymove;
  4756. animation-duration: 10s;
  4757. }
  4759. /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
  4760. @-webkit-keyframes mymove {
  4761. from {left: 100px;}
  4762. to {top: 200px;}
  4763. }
  4765. @keyframes mymove {
  4766. from {left: 100px;}
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  4769. </style>
  4770. <body>
  4771. <div onclick="alert('hit me!!');"></div>
  4772. </body>
  4773. </html>
  4774. >>
  4775. Update - Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:36:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35279 Report Quick Reply
  4776. <style>
  4777. div {
  4778. width: 100px;
  4779. height: 100px;
  4780. background: red;
  4781. position: relative;
  4782. -webkit-animation-name: mymove;
  4783. -webkit-animation-duration: 10s;
  4784. animation-name: mymove;
  4785. animation-duration: 10s;
  4786. }
  4787. @-webkit-keyframes mymove {
  4788. from {left: 100px;}
  4789. to {top: 200px;}
  4790. }
  4792. @keyframes mymove {
  4793. from {left: 100px;}
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  4796. </style>
  4797. <body>
  4798. <div onclick="script:alert('hit me!!');"></div>
  4799. </body>
  4800. </html>
  4801. >>
  4802. JQuery Mobile SRC DEMO!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 05 Mar 2016 23:51:54 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35280 Report Quick Reply
  4803. <center>
  4804. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  4805. <script src=""></script>
  4806. <script src=""></script>
  4807. </head>
  4809. <div data-role="main" class="ui-content">
  4810. <a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all" onclick="$(this).css('background-color','red');
  4811. $(this).css('color','white');
  4812. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4813. $(this).css('background-color','darkblue');">Show Popup</a>
  4815. <div data-role="popup" id="myPopup" color="red" fontfamily="sans-serif"onclick="$(this).css('background-color','red');
  4816. $(this).css('color','white');
  4817. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4818. $(this).css('background-color','darkblue');">
  4819. <p>This is a simple popup.</p>
  4820. </div>
  4821. </div>
  4822. <script>
  4823. function Func
  4824. $(this).css('background-color','red');
  4825. $(this).css('color','white');
  4826. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4827. $(window).css('background-color','darkblue');
  4828. }
  4829. </script>
  4830. >>
  4831. Eliza Snodfield - Sun, 06 Mar 2016 02:09:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35281 Report Quick Reply
  4832. <center>
  4833. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  4834. <script src=""></script>
  4835. <script src=""></script>
  4836. </head>
  4838. <div data-role="main" class="ui-content">
  4839. <a href="#myPopup" data-rel="popup" class="ui-btn ui-btn-inline ui-corner-all" onclick="$(this).css('background-color','red');
  4840. $(this).css('color','white');
  4841. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4842. $(this).css('background-color','darkblue');">Show Popup</a>
  4844. <div data-role="popup" id="myPopup" color="red" fontfamily="sans-serif"onmouseover="$(this).css('background-color','red');
  4845. $(this).css('color','white');
  4846. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4847. $(this).css('background-color','darkblue');">
  4848. <p>This is a simple popup.</p>
  4849. </div>
  4850. </div>
  4851. <script>
  4852. function Func
  4853. $(this).css('background-color','red');
  4854. $(this).css('color','white');
  4855. $(this).css('header','bold');
  4856. $(window).css('background-color','darkblue');
  4857. }
  4858. </script>
  4859. >>
  4860. JQuery Toggle Canvas IN/OUT SRC - Tue, 08 Mar 2016 17:53:32 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35287 Report Quick Reply
  4861. <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  4862. <script src=""></script>
  4863. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="2204" height="2540" style="border:0px solid #d3d3d3;"background-color:"#000000"; >
  4864. Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>
  4865. <script>
  4866. var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  4867. var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
  4868. ctx.shadowBlur = 20;
  4869. ctx.fillStyle = "green";
  4870. ctx.shadowColor = "blue";
  4871. ctx.fillRect(20, 20, 100, 80);
  4872. ctx.shadowColor = "black";
  4873. setTimeout(ctx.fillRect(100, 20, 100, 80),100);
  4874. setTimeout(ctx.fillRect(50, 20, 100, 80),200);
  4875. $(this).ready(function(){
  4876. $("canvas").slideToggle('15999');
  4877. $("canvas").slideToggle('25999');
  4878. });
  4879. </script>
  4880. >>
  4881. JQuery Css Toggling - Wed, 09 Mar 2016 08:16:43 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35291 Report Quick Reply
  4882. <!DOCTYPE html>
  4883. <html>
  4884. <head>
  4885. <script src=""></script>
  4886. <script>
  4887. $(document).ready(function(){
  4888. $("button").click(function(){
  4889. $("h1, h2, p, button, window").toggleClass("red");
  4890. });
  4891. });
  4892. </script>
  4893. <style>
  4894. .red {
  4895. background-color: red;
  4896. }
  4897. </style>
  4898. </head>
  4899. <body>
  4901. <h1>Heading 1</h1>
  4902. <h2>Heading 2</h2>
  4904. <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  4905. <p>This is another paragraph.</p>
  4907. <button>Toggle class</button>
  4909. </body>
  4910. </html>
  4911. >>
  4912. body click event handler src JS!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 11 Mar 2016 03:49:29 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35296 Report Quick Reply
  4913. <body onmousedown="myFunction()"></body>
  4914. <script>
  4915. function myFunction() {
  4916. alert("body clicked");
  4917. }
  4918. </script>
  4919. >>
  4920. JS Mouse Coords Event Handler - Sat, 12 Mar 2016 00:28:11 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35297 Report Quick Reply
  4921. <script>
  4922. function display(event) {
  4923. document.body.textContent ="Mouse Location: X: " + event.pageX+ ": Y:" + event.pageY;
  4924. }
  4925. var sch = false
  4926. var lastEvent;
  4927. addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) {
  4928. lEvent = event;
  4929. if (!sch) {
  4930. sch = true;
  4931. setTimeout(function() {
  4932. sch = false;
  4933. display(lEvent);
  4934. }, 180);
  4935. }
  4936. });
  4937. </script>
  4938. >>
  4939. JQuery Obfusicate Page SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 14 Mar 2016 12:58:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35299 Report Quick Reply
  4940. <!DOCTYPE html>
  4941. <html>
  4942. <script src=""></script>
  4943. <script>
  4944. $(document).ready(function(){
  4945. var obfu=confirm("Do You want the page obfusicated?")
  4946. if(obfu==true){
  4947. $("*").css("background", "white");
  4948. $("*").css("color", "white");
  4949. }else{
  4950. $("*").css("background", "red");
  4951. $("*").css("color", "darkblue");
  4952. }
  4953. });
  4954. </script>
  4955. <h1>Hello World!!</h1>
  4956. <p>DJ BrU in tha house!!!<br>
  4957. <div>
  4958. </div>
  4959. </html>
  4960. >>
  4961. JQuery Toggle Fade FX SRC - Mon, 14 Mar 2016 14:54:31 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35300 Report Quick Reply
  4962. <center>
  4963. <script src=""></script>
  4964. <script>
  4965. $(document).ready(function(){
  4966. $("button").click(function(){
  4967. $("p").toggle().fadeToggle();
  4968. });
  4969. });
  4970. </script>
  4972. <p>Testing 12345!!</p>
  4973. <button>Test</button>
  4974. </center>
  4975. >>
  4976. JS X/Y Mouse Location SRC V2!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 14 Mar 2016 20:42:58 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35303 Report Quick Reply
  4977. <center>
  4978. <body onmousemove="myFunction()"></button>
  4980. <p id="demo"></p>
  4982. <script>
  4983. function myFunction() {
  4984. var x = "Mouse Location: X" + event.x + " Y:"+event.y;
  4985. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
  4986. }
  4987. </script>
  4988. </center>
  4989. >>
  4990. JS X/Y Mouse Location SRC V2!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 14 Mar 2016 20:44:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35304 Report Quick Reply
  4991. <center>
  4992. <body onmousemove="myFunction()"></button>
  4994. <p id="demo"></p>
  4996. <script>
  4997. function myFunction() {
  4998. var x = "Mouse Location: X: " + event.x + " Y: "+event.y;
  4999. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
  5000. }
  5001. </script>
  5002. </center>
  5003. >>
  5004. X/Y Mouse Loc Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 15 Mar 2016 01:02:22 EST ID:BTARyTeY No.35305 Report Quick Reply
  5005. <h1>
  5006. <center>
  5007. <body onmousemove="myFunction()" bgcolor=black></button>
  5008. <font color="lightblue">
  5009. <p id="demo"></p>
  5010. <script>
  5011. function myFunction() {
  5012. var x = "Mouse Location: X: " + event.x + " Y: "+event.y;
  5013. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
  5014. }
  5015. </script>
  5016. </center>
  5017. </h1>
  5018. >>
  5019. X/Y Mouse Loc Updated!!ml+pEPFC - Tue, 15 Mar 2016 01:15:38 EST ID:BTARyTeY No.35306 Report Quick Reply
  5020. <h1>
  5021. <center>
  5022. <body onload ="myFunction()" onmousemove="myFunction()" bgcolor=black></button>
  5023. <font color="lightblue">
  5024. <p id="demo"></p>
  5025. <script>
  5026. function myFunction() {
  5027. var x = "Mouse Location: X: " + event.x + " Y: "+event.y;
  5028. var f=x.replace('X: undefined Y: undefined','X: 0 Y: 0');
  5029. document.getElementById("demo").innerText = f;
  5030. }
  5031. </script>
  5032. </center>
  5033. </h1>
  5034. >>
  5035. JS WebAudio/Video API Set OGG/MP4 to fastest FPS/BPM!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 15 Mar 2016 04:16:16 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35307 Report Quick Reply
  5036. <html>
  5037. <body>
  5038. <button onclick="getSpeed()" type="button">Current Speed?</button>
  5039. <button onclick="setSpeed()" type="button">Set Vid/Sound To Fastest FPS/BPM</button><br>
  5040. <video id="myVideo" width="320" height="176" visible="false">
  5041. <source src="mov_bbb.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  5042. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
  5043. </video>
  5044. <script>
  5045. var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");
  5046. function getSpeed() {
  5047. alert(vid.defaultPlaybackRate);
  5048. }
  5049. function setSpeed() {
  5050. vid.defaultPlaybackRate = 4.0;
  5051. vid.load();
  5053. }
  5054. </script>
  5055. </body>
  5056. </html>
  5057. >>
  5058. JS Aria Menu/Button SRC - Tue, 15 Mar 2016 05:49:12 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35308 Report Quick Reply
  5059. <html>
  5060. <head>
  5061. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=10">
  5062. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  5063. <script src=""></script>
  5064. <script src=""></script>
  5065. </head>
  5066. <body>
  5067. <div class="container">
  5068. <h2>Dropdown Example</h2>
  5069. <div class="dropdown" color="green">
  5070. <button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" id="menu1" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-color="red">Dropdown Example
  5071. <span class="caret"></span></button>
  5072. <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="menu1">
  5073. <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#" onmouseup="alert('HTML is kool!!');">HTML</a></li>
  5074. <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="0" href="#" onmouseup="alert('CSS is kool!!');">CSS</a></li>
  5075. <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="1" href="#" onmouseup="alert('JS is kool!!');">JavaScript</a></li>
  5076. <li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>
  5077. <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="2" href="#" onmouseup="alert('DJ BrU is kool!!');">About Us</a></li>
  5078. </ul>
  5079. </div>
  5080. </div>
  5081. <script>
  5082. $(document).ready(function(){
  5083. $(".dropdown-toggle").dropdown();
  5084. });
  5085. </script>
  5086. </body>
  5087. </html>
  5088. >>
  5089. JS G- MAPS Random Everything ZOOM TOO!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 15 Mar 2016 14:31:21 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35309 Report Quick Reply
  5090. <html>
  5091. <head>
  5092. <center>
  5093. <script
  5094. src="">
  5095. </script>
  5097. <script>
  5098. var intRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*90.99999);
  5099. var inttRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*90.9999);
  5100. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  5101. var marker;
  5102. var zoom=Math.floor(Math.random()*16);
  5104. function initialize()
  5105. {
  5106. var mapProp = {
  5107. center:myCenter,
  5108. zoom:zoom,
  5109. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  5110. };
  5112. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  5114. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  5115. position:myCenter,
  5116. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE
  5117. });
  5119. marker.setMap(map);
  5120. }
  5122. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  5123. </script>
  5124. </head>
  5126. <body>
  5127. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  5128. <font color="red">
  5129. <center>
  5130. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  5131. </center>
  5132. </body>
  5133. </html>
  5134. >>
  5135. JS Time Itteration SRC - Wed, 16 Mar 2016 14:08:48 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35310 Report Quick Reply
  5136. <script>
  5137. var inn=prompt("Enter Delay:");
  5138. function Gen(){
  5139. var d=new Date();
  5140. document.writeln(d.getTime()+'<p>');
  5141. }
  5142. setInterval('Gen()',parseInt(inn));
  5143. </script>
  5144. >>
  5145. JQuery Wack a Mole Game SRC V2!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 16 Mar 2016 20:49:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35311 Report Quick Reply
  5146. <script src=""></script>
  5147. <center>
  5148. <script>
  5149. var scr=0;
  5150. $('document').ready(function(){
  5151. var i=500
  5152. for(var i1=0;i!=i1;i--){
  5153. var randomm=Math.floor(Math.random()*3);
  5154. if(randomm==0){
  5155. $('#img1').css("font-size", "120px");
  5156. $('#img1').css("color","red").slideUp('slow').slideDown('slow');
  5157. $('#img1').css("width","120px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  5158. }
  5159. if(randomm==1){
  5160. $('#img2').css("font-size", "120px");
  5161. $('#img2').css("color","red").slideUp('slow').slideDown('slow');
  5162. $('#img2').css("width","120px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  5163. }
  5164. if(randomm==2){
  5165. $('#img3').css("font-size", "120px");
  5166. $('#img3').css("color","red").slideUp('slow').slideDown('slow');
  5167. $('#img3').css("width","120px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  5168. }
  5169. }
  5171. });
  5172. </script>
  5173. <img src="test" id="img1" left="20" onclick="scr++;
  5174. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"/><space><img src="test2" id="img2" left="30" onclick="scr++;
  5175. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"/>
  5176. <img src="test3" id="img3" left="30" onclick="scr++;
  5177. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"/></p>
  5178. >>
  5179. JS USER LOOKUP DEMO SRC - Thu, 17 Mar 2016 06:09:39 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35312 Report Quick Reply
  5180. <script>
  5181. var p=prompt("Enter User Name To Lookup:");
  5183. </script>
  5184. >>
  5185. JQuery Box Resize Animation SRC - Thu, 17 Mar 2016 08:36:12 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35313 Report Quick Reply
  5186. <script src=""></script>
  5187. <script>
  5188. $(document).ready(function(){
  5189. $("button").click(function(){
  5190. var s=prompt('Enter Size Of Square: In pixel format IE:300');
  5191. var div = $("div");
  5192. div.animate({height: s}, "fasts");
  5193. div.animate({width: s}, "slow");
  5194. div.animate({height: s}, "fast");
  5195. div.animate({width: s}, "slow");
  5196. $("p").html(div.queue().s);
  5197. });
  5198. });
  5199. </script>
  5200. <button>Start</button>
  5201. <p></p>
  5202. <div style="width:0px;height:0px;position:center;left:0px;top:0px;;background-color:darkblue;"></div>
  5203. >>
  5204. JQuery Insert After Function - Thu, 17 Mar 2016 18:50:25 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35314 Report Quick Reply
  5205. <center>
  5206. <script src=""></script>
  5207. <script>
  5208. $(document).ready(function(){
  5209. $("button").click(function(){
  5210. var p=prompt("Enter String:");
  5211. $("p").after("<marquee>"+p);
  5212. });
  5213. });
  5214. </script>
  5215. </head>
  5216. <body>
  5217. <button>Insert content after paragraph.</button>
  5218. <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  5219. </center>
  5220. >>
  5221. JS Display All Elements SRC - Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:42:47 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35315 Report Quick Reply
  5222. <script>
  5223. var sitemap = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
  5224. for (var i = 0; i < 333; i++) {
  5226. document.writeln(sitemap+'\n');
  5227. }
  5230. </script>
  5231. >>
  5232. JS Display All Elements SRC Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:47:08 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35316 Report Quick Reply
  5233. <script>
  5234. var sitemap = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
  5235. for (var i = 0; i < sitemap.length; i++) {
  5236. document.writeln(sitemap+'\n');
  5237. }
  5238. </script>
  5239. >>
  5240. JS Display All Elements SRC Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 06:55:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35317 Report Quick Reply
  5241. <script>
  5242. var sitemap = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
  5243. for (var i = 0; i < sitemap.length; i++) {
  5244. document.writeln(sitemap+'\n');
  5245. }
  5246. </script>
  5247. >>
  5248. JS Display All Elements SRC Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 06:55:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35318 Report Quick Reply
  5249. >>35317 isnt there!!
  5250. >>
  5251. C!awOGuFVa/Q - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 07:07:24 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35319 Report Quick Reply
  5252. using System;
  5253. using System.Collections.Generic;
  5254. using System.Linq;
  5255. using System.Text;
  5256. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  5258. namespace Google_Fu_Controller
  5259. {
  5260. class Program
  5261. {
  5262. static void Main(string[] args)
  5263. {
  5264. String Inn2;
  5265. String Inn1;
  5266. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
  5267. Console.Title = "Google Fu Controller 1.0 [Coded By BrÜ] []";
  5268. Console.WriteLine("Google Fu Controller 1.0\n\nCoded By BrÜ\n\\n\n1. Enter any date to check, ie: 01,02,1999.\n\n2. Enter any keyword to lookup.\n\n3. Enter a file type to lookup, ie: zip, exe, jpg, or png.\n\n4. Enter any keywork to lookup within the body of a page.\n\n5. Enter any URL to lookup.\n\n6. Goto my website....\n\n7. Exit console application now. ");
  5269. Console.WriteLine("\n\nEnter Any Number Between 1-7:\n");
  5270. Inn1 = Console.ReadLine();
  5271. if (Inn1.Contains("1"))
  5272. {
  5273. Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Date To Check:");
  5274. Inn2 = Console.ReadLine();
  5275. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + Inn2);
  5276. }
  5277. if (Inn1.Contains("2"))
  5278. {
  5279. Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Keyword To Lookup:");
  5280. Inn2 = Console.ReadLine();
  5282. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + Inn2);
  5283. }
  5284. if (Inn1.Contains("3"))
  5285. {
  5286. Console.WriteLine("\nEnter File Type To Lookup:");
  5287. Inn2 = Console.ReadLine();
  5289. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + Inn2);
  5290. }
  5291. if (Inn1.Contains("4"))
  5292. {
  5293. Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Keyword To Lookup:");
  5294. Inn2 = Console.ReadLine();
  5296. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + Inn2);
  5297. }
  5298. if (Inn1.Contains("5"))
  5299. {
  5300. Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Keyword Or URL To Lookup:");
  5301. Inn2 = Console.ReadLine();
  5303. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + Inn2);
  5304. }
  5305. if (Inn1.Contains("6"))
  5306. {
  5307. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("");
  5308. }
  5309. if (Inn1.Contains("7"))
  5310. {
  5312. }
  5313. }
  5314. }
  5315. }
  5316. >>
  5317. JQuery Harder Game Base SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 07:11:04 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35320 Report Quick Reply
  5318. <script src=""></script>
  5319. <center>
  5320. <script>
  5321. var scr=0;
  5322. $('document').ready(function(){
  5323. var i=prompt("Enter # Of Times To Toggle:");
  5324. for(var i1=0;i!=i1;i--){
  5325. $('img').css("font-size", "200px");
  5326. $('img').css("color","red").slideUp('slow').slideDown(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  5327. $('img').css("width","200px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  5328. }
  5329. });
  5330. </script>
  5331. <img src="test" onclick="scr++;
  5332. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"></p>
  5333. >>
  5334. JS Multi Line IDE Demo SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:44:06 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35322 Report Quick Reply
  5335. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Check Array InDOM</button><p>
  5336. <script>
  5337. function testFunc() {
  5338. var out= prompt("Enter # of input's to generate:");
  5339. var scr=prompt("Enter Javascript Line To Run:");
  5340. var chk= confirm("Ok for checked cancelforunchecked:");
  5341. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5342. var x =document.createElement("SCRIPT");
  5343. x.type= "text/javascript";
  5344. x.text= (""+scr);
  5345. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5346. document.body.innerHTML=(x.text);
  5347. }
  5348. }
  5349. </script>
  5350. >>
  5351. JS Multi Line IDE Demo SRC!!GohEPdn+ - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:46:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35323 Report Quick Reply
  5352. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Muliple JS Lines In DOM</button><p>
  5353. <script>
  5354. function testFunc() {
  5355. var out= prompt("Enter # of lines to call:");
  5356. var scr=prompt("Enter Javascript Line To Run:");
  5357. var chk= confirm("Ok for checked cancelforunchecked:");
  5358. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5359. var x =document.createElement("SCRIPT");
  5360. x.type= "text/javascript";
  5361. x.text= (""+scr);
  5362. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5363. document.body.innerHTML=(x.text);
  5364. }
  5365. }
  5366. </script>
  5367. >>
  5368. JS Multi Line IDE Demo SRC!!HKOT3Cvn - Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:48:18 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35324 Report Quick Reply
  5369. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Muliple JS Lines In DOM</button><p>
  5370. <script>
  5371. function testFunc() {
  5372. var out= prompt("Enter # of lines to call:");
  5373. var scr=prompt("Enter Javascript Line To Run:");
  5374. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5375. var x =document.createElement("SCRIPT");
  5376. x.type= "text/javascript";
  5377. x.text= (""+scr);
  5378. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5379. document.body.innerHTML=(x.text);
  5380. }
  5381. }
  5382. </script>
  5383. >>
  5384. JS Google Maps Custom Image SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 19 Mar 2016 08:48:26 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35327 Report Quick Reply
  5385. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5386. <html>
  5387. <head>
  5388. <script
  5389. src="">
  5390. </script>
  5392. <script>
  5393. var i=parseFloat(Math.random()*54.29999);
  5394. var u=parseFloat(Math.random()*54.29999);
  5395. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(u,i);
  5397. function initialize()
  5398. {
  5399. var mapProp = {
  5400. center:myCenter,
  5401. zoom:5,
  5402. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  5403. };
  5405. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  5407. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  5408. position:myCenter,
  5409. icon:''
  5410. });
  5412. marker.setMap(map);
  5413. }
  5415. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  5416. </script>
  5417. </head>
  5419. <body>
  5420. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  5421. </body>
  5422. >>
  5423. JS Google Maps Custom Image SRC!!8m5mL5z2 - Sat, 19 Mar 2016 08:49:51 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35328 Report Quick Reply
  5424. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5425. <html>
  5426. <head>
  5427. <script
  5428. src="">
  5429. </script>
  5430. <script>
  5431. var i=parseFloat(Math.random()*54.29999);
  5432. var u=parseFloat(Math.random()*54.29999);
  5433. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(u,i);
  5434. function initialize()
  5435. {
  5436. var mapProp = {
  5437. center:myCenter,
  5438. zoom:5,
  5439. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.STREETVIEW
  5440. };
  5441. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  5443. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  5444. position:myCenter,
  5445. icon:''
  5446. });
  5447. marker.setMap(map);
  5448. }
  5449. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  5450. </script>
  5451. </head>
  5452. <body>
  5453. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  5454. </body>
  5455. >>
  5456. JS Google Maps Custom Image SRC!!QPeYnCbi - Sat, 19 Mar 2016 08:51:28 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35329 Report Quick Reply
  5457. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5458. <html>
  5459. <head>
  5460. <script src="">
  5461. </script>
  5462. <script>
  5463. var i=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.29999);
  5464. var u=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.29999);
  5465. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(u,i);
  5466. function initialize()
  5467. {
  5468. var mapProp = {
  5469. center:myCenter,
  5470. zoom:5,
  5471. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.STREETVIEW
  5472. };
  5473. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  5475. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  5476. position:myCenter,
  5477. icon:''
  5478. });
  5479. marker.setMap(map);
  5480. }
  5481. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  5482. </script>
  5483. </head>
  5484. <body>
  5485. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  5486. </body>
  5487. >>
  5488. JQuery Toggle Menu SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 19 Mar 2016 09:03:05 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35330 Report Quick Reply
  5489. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5490. <html>
  5491. <head>
  5492. <script src=""></script>
  5493. <script>
  5494. $(document).ready(function(){
  5495. $("#flip").mousedown(function(){
  5496. $("#panel").slideToggle('fast');
  5497. });
  5498. });
  5499. </script>
  5500. <style>
  5501. #panel, #flip {
  5502. padding: 5px;
  5503. font-size: 18px;
  5504. text-align: center;
  5505. background-color: #555;
  5506. color: white;
  5507. border: solid 1px #666;
  5508. border-radius: 3px;
  5509. }
  5510. #panel {
  5511. padding: 50px;
  5512. size:0px;
  5513. }
  5514. </style>
  5515. </head>
  5516. <body>
  5517. <div id="flip">Click to toggle panel up/down!!</div>
  5518. <div id="panel">Sub panel text here!!!!!</div>
  5519. </body>
  5520. </html>
  5521. >>
  5522. JS Horizontal Scrolling Animation SRC - Sat, 19 Mar 2016 23:45:30 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35333 Report Quick Reply
  5523. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5524. <html>
  5525. <style>
  5526. #animate {
  5527. width: 80px;
  5528. height: 80px;
  5529. position: absolute;
  5530. background-color: yellow;
  5531. }
  5532. </style>
  5533. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  5534. <p>
  5535. <center>
  5536. <button onclick="myMove()">Start Animation</button>
  5537. </center>
  5538. </p>
  5539. <div id ="container">
  5540. <div id ="animate"></div>
  5541. </div>
  5542. <script>
  5543. function myMove() {
  5544. var elem = document.getElementById("animate");
  5545. var pos = 5;
  5546. var id = setInterval(frame, 5);
  5547. function frame() {
  5548. if (pos >= 600) {
  5549. pos=0;
  5550. pos++;
  5551. = pos + 'px';
  5552. } else {
  5553. pos++;
  5554. = pos + 'px';
  5555. }
  5556. }
  5557. }
  5558. </script>
  5559. </body>
  5560. </html>
  5561. >>
  5562. JS Random Key Assignment Algorithm!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 20 Mar 2016 08:45:19 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35336 Report Quick Reply
  5563. <script>
  5564. var i=0;
  5565. var p=prompt('Enter String');
  5566. var coundRnd=0;
  5567. for(i=0;i<p.length;i++){
  5568. if(i!=p.length){
  5569. var N=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  5570. document.writeln(p.charAt(i)+":"+N);
  5571. }
  5572. }
  5573. </script>
  5574. >>
  5575. JS Gey Keypress Event - Mon, 21 Mar 2016 10:18:04 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35345 Report Quick Reply
  5576. <script>
  5577. var e = new Event("keypress");
  5578. var p=prompt("Enter Key Value:");
  5579. e.key=(''+p);
  5580. e.keyCode=e.key.charCodeAt(e.key);
  5581. document.dispatchEvent(e);
  5582. document.write(e.key.charCodeAt(e));
  5583. </script>
  5584. >>
  5585. JQuery Date/Time SRC - Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:29:56 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35346 Report Quick Reply
  5586. <script src=""></script>
  5587. <script>
  5588. $(document).ready(function(){
  5589. var d=new Date()
  5590. var boo=0;
  5591. while(boo!=822){
  5592. boo++;
  5593. $('div').text(''+d.getTime());
  5594. }
  5595. });
  5596. </script>
  5597. <div>cdd</div>
  5598. >>
  5599. JQuery Date/Time SRC Fixed!!v7l8syMf - Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:30:54 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35347 Report Quick Reply
  5600. <script src=""></script>
  5601. <script>
  5602. $(document).ready(function(){
  5603. var d=new Date()
  5604. $('div').text(''+d.getTime());
  5605. });
  5606. </script>
  5607. <div>cdd</div>
  5608. >>
  5609. JS Session Storage Source Code!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 21 Mar 2016 22:15:30 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35348 Report Quick Reply
  5610. <script>
  5611. var p1=window.sessionStorage.getItem('64');
  5612. alert(p1);
  5613. var p=prompt("Enter Value:");
  5614. window.sessionStorage.setItem('64',p+':'+p+p1+',');
  5615. </script>
  5616. >>
  5617. JS Session Random Key Value Storage Source Code!!u7vPuY3Y - Mon, 21 Mar 2016 22:29:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35349 Report Quick Reply
  5618. <script>
  5619. var i=0;
  5620. var p1=window.sessionStorage.getItem('keyval');
  5621. alert(p1);
  5622. var p=prompt('Enter String');
  5623. var coundRnd=0;
  5624. for(i=0;i<p.length;i++){
  5625. if(i!=p.length){
  5626. var N=Math.floor(Math.random()*999999999999999);
  5627. document.writeln(p.charAt(i)+":"+N);
  5628. window.sessionStorage.setItem('keyval',p.charAt(i)+":"+N);
  5629. }
  5630. }
  5631. </script>
  5632. >>
  5633. JS Display Device Info In DOM!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 01:44:24 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35350 Report Quick Reply
  5634. <script language=javascript>
  5635. var Str;
  5637. Str=(navigator.appVersion)
  5639. if(Str=="5.0 (Linux; U; en-us; KFAPWI Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Silk/3.13 Safari/535.19 Silk-Accelerated=true"){
  5640. alert("You are using a amazon kindle fire!!");
  5642. }
  5643. if (Str=="5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 7647.84.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36"){
  5644. alert("You are using chrome!!");
  5646. }
  5647. if (Str=="5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B137 Safari/601.1"){
  5648. alert("Apple IPhone 5");
  5650. }
  5651. if(Str=="5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0; en-us; GT-I9300 Build/IMM76D) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30"){
  5652. alert("You are using a Samsung Galaxy Running Android 4.0!!");
  5654. }
  5655. if(Str=="5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"){
  5656. alert("You are Running a Iphone 6!!");
  5658. }
  5659. </script>
  5660. >>
  5661. JS Display Device Info In DOM!!KVQIummg - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 01:56:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35351 Report Quick Reply
  5662. <script language=javascript>
  5664. var Str;
  5665. Str=(navigator.appVersion)
  5667. if(Str=="5.0 (Linux; U; en-us; KFAPWI Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Silk/3.13 Safari/535.19 Silk-Accelerated=true"){
  5668. alert("You are using a amazon kindle fire!!");
  5670. }
  5671. if (Str=="5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 7647.84.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36"){
  5672. alert("You are using a Chromebook!!");
  5674. }
  5675. if (Str=="5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B137 Safari/601.1"){
  5676. alert("Apple IPhone 5");
  5678. }
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  5680. alert("You are using a Samsung Galaxy Running Android 4.0!!");
  5682. }
  5683. if(Str=="5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5"){
  5684. alert("You are Running a Iphone 4!!");
  5685. }
  5687. if(Str=="5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"){
  5688. alert("You are Running a Iphone 6!!");
  5689. }
  5691. if(Str=="5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; en-us; LGMS323 Build/KOT49I.MS32310c) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/46.0.2490.76 Mobile Safari/537.36"){
  5692. alert("You are Running a LG Optimis L70.");
  5693. }
  5695. if(Str=="5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B137 Safari/601.1"){
  5696. alert("You are Running a IPAD.");
  5697. }
  5699. </script>
  5700. >>
  5701. JQuery Custom Window Opacity!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 03:41:28 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35352 Report Quick Reply
  5702. <script src=""></script>
  5703. <script>
  5704. $(document).ready(function(){
  5705. var p=prompt("Enter any value between 0.0 - 1.0:");
  5706. $('body').css("opacity",""+p);
  5707. });
  5708. </script>
  5709. </head>
  5710. <body>
  5711. <p>This IS A TEST!!</p>
  5712. >>
  5713. JS Embed Custom SWF File in DOM SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 04:26:16 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35353 Report Quick Reply
  5714. <html>
  5715. <body>
  5716. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  5717. <script>
  5718. function myFunction() {
  5719. var out = prompt("Enter # Of SWF Instances:");
  5720. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5721. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  5722. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  5723. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5724. }
  5725. }
  5726. </script>
  5727. </body>
  5728. </html>
  5729. >>
  5730. JS Embed Custom SWF File in DOM SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 04:29:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35354 Report Quick Reply
  5731. <html>
  5732. <body>
  5733. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  5734. <script>
  5735. function myFunction() {
  5736. var out = prompt("Enter # Of SWF Instances:");
  5737. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5738. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  5739. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  5740. x.setAttribute("height","1000px");
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  5742. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5743. }
  5744. }
  5745. </script>
  5746. </body>
  5747. </html>
  5748. >>
  5749. JS Embed Custom Canvas SS SRC - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 05:53:52 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35355 Report Quick Reply
  5750. <canvas width="640" height="480" id="c"></canvas>
  5751. <script>
  5752. var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
  5753. var streamRecorder =;
  5754. function stopRecording() {
  5755. streamRecorder.getRecordedData(gotData);
  5756. }
  5757. function gotData(blob) {
  5758. var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5759.'POST', 'uploadMessage');
  5760. x.send(blob);
  5761. }
  5762. var frame = 0;
  5763. function updateCanvas() {
  5764. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  5765. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 640, 480);
  5766. ctx.fillText("Frame " + frame, 0, 200);
  5767. ++frame;
  5768. }
  5769. setInterval(updateCanvas, 30);
  5770. </script>
  5771. >>
  5772. JS Embed Custom Canvas SS SRC CRSH - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 06:00:31 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35356 Report Quick Reply
  5773. <html>
  5774. <body>
  5775. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  5776. <script>
  5777. function myFunction() {
  5778. var out = prompt("Enter # Of SWF Instances:");
  5779. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  5780. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  5781. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  5782. x.setAttribute("height","10000px");
  5783. x.setAttribute("width","10000px");
  5784. document.body.appendChild(x);
  5785. }
  5786. }
  5787. </script>
  5788. </body>
  5789. </html>
  5790. >>
  5791. JQuery Audo Slide Out On DOM Window Load Event SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 08:21:21 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35357 Report Quick Reply
  5792. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5793. <html>
  5794. <head>
  5795. <script src=""></script>
  5796. <script>
  5797. $(this).ready(function(){
  5798. $('body').toggle('33388');
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  5800. </script>
  5801. <center>
  5802. </head>
  5803. <body>
  5804. <h1>
  5805. <body bgcolor=darkblue>
  5806. <font color=hotpink>
  5807. <p>I will disappear on window load!!</p>
  5808. <p>Click me away!</p>
  5809. <p>Click me too!</p>
  5810. </center>
  5811. </body>
  5812. </html>
  5813. >>
  5814. JQUERY MOUSE X/Y POS SRC - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 22:44:26 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35362 Report Quick Reply
  5815. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5816. <html>
  5817. <head>
  5818. <script src=""></script>
  5819. <script>
  5820. $(document).click(function(e){
  5821. $('div').text(''+e.pageX);
  5822. $('p').text(''+e.pageY);
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  5825. </script>
  5826. </head>
  5827. <body>
  5829. <div>If you click on me, I will disappear.</div>
  5830. <p id='p1'>Click me away!</p>
  5833. </body>
  5834. </html>
  5835. >>
  5836. JQUERY MOUSE X/Y POS SRC - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 22:45:09 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35363 Report Quick Reply
  5837. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5838. <html>
  5839. <head>
  5840. <script src=""></script>
  5841. <script>
  5842. $(document).click(function(e){
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  5847. </script>
  5848. </head>
  5849. <body>
  5851. <div>89</div>
  5852. <p id='p1'>69</p>
  5855. </body>
  5856. </html>
  5857. >>
  5858. Final UPDATE!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 22 Mar 2016 22:55:15 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35364 Report Quick Reply
  5859. <html>
  5860. <center>
  5861. <h2>
  5862. <body bgcolor=darkblue>
  5863. <font color=darkorange>
  5864. X/Y Mouse Location:
  5865. <br>
  5866. <br>
  5867. <script src=""></script>
  5868. <script>
  5869. $(document).mousemove(function(e){
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  5872. });
  5873. </script>
  5874. </head>
  5875. <body>
  5876. <div></div>
  5877. <p id='p1'></p>
  5878. </body>
  5879. </html>
  5880. >>
  5881. JQuery Execute HTML In DOM Element!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 07:38:53 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35365 Report Quick Reply
  5882. <html>
  5883. <center>
  5884. <script src=""></script>
  5885. <script>
  5886. $("document").ready(function(){
  5887. $("button").click(function(){
  5888. var HTML= prompt("Enter HTML To Load In Your Web Browser:");
  5889. $("p").html(""+HTML);
  5890. });
  5891. });
  5892. </script>
  5893. </head>
  5894. <body>
  5895. <p></p>
  5896. <button>Run HTML Inline</button>
  5897. </body>
  5898. </center>
  5899. </html>
  5900. >>
  5901. Betsy Blackletudging - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 10:14:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35366 Report Quick Reply
  5902. <script>
  5903. var x=document.querySelector('script').classList.toggle('script');
  5904. alert(x);
  5905. document.write(x.toString);
  5906. </script>
  5907. >>
  5908. meta redirection source!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:38:18 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35367 Report Quick Reply
  5909. <HTML><HEAD>
  5910. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
  5911. <TITLE>Redirecting</TITLE>
  5912. <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1; url=">
  5913. </HEAD>
  5914. <BODY onLoad="location.replace('https://optof\'+document.location.hash)">
  5915. Redirecting you to</BODY></HTML>
  5916. >>
  5917. - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:47:23 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35368 Report Quick Reply
  5919. >>
  5920. JS Node List SRC DEMO!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 18:09:26 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35369 Report Quick Reply
  5921. <script>
  5923. for(var i=0;i<1000;i++){
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  5925. var t=(nodelist)+t;
  5926. alert(t);
  5927. }
  5928. </script>
  5929. >>
  5930. JS Node List SRC DEMO!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 18:11:33 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35370 Report Quick Reply
  5931. <script>
  5932. for(var i=0;i<1000;i++){
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  5934. var t=(nodelist)+t;
  5935. alert(t);
  5936. }
  5937. </script>
  5938. >>
  5939. JQuery huge fontsize - Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:40:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35371 Report Quick Reply
  5940. <!DOCTYPE html>
  5941. <html>
  5942. <head>
  5943. <script src=""></script>
  5944. <script>
  5945. $(document).ready(function(){
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  5948. </script>
  5949. </head>
  5950. <body>
  5952. <h1>Welcome to My Homepage</h1>
  5954. <p class="intro">My name is Donald.</p>
  5955. <p>I live in Duckburg.</p>
  5956. <p>My best friend is Mickey.</p>
  5958. <p>Who is your favourite:</p>
  5959. <ul id="choose">
  5960. <li>Goofy</li>
  5961. <li>Mickey</li>
  5962. <li>Pluto</li>
  5963. </ul>
  5965. </body>
  5966. </html>
  5967. >>
  5968. JQuery Trigger Event's SRC - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 03:25:23 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35389 Report Quick Reply
  5969. <head>
  5970. <script src=""></script>
  5971. <script>
  5972. $(document).ready(function(){
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  5976. $("button").click(function(){
  5977. $("input").trigger("click");
  5978. });
  5979. });
  5980. </script>
  5981. <body>
  5982. <input type="button" value="test"><br><br>
  5983. <button onclick="alert('yo');">Trigger the click event </button>
  5984. </body>
  5985. </html>
  5986. >>
  5987. JQuery Random Animation SRC - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 04:36:49 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35390 Report Quick Reply
  5988. <center>
  5990. <body bgcolor=000000>
  5991. <script src=""></script>
  5992. <script>
  5993. var intt=0;;
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  5998. div.animate({left:Math.floor(Math.random()*300), opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
  5999. div.animate({left:Math.floor(Math.random()*300), opacity: '0.9', }, "slow");
  6000. div.animate({top:Math.floor(Math.random()*300),opacity:'0.9'},rate);
  6001. div.animate({top:Math.floor(Math.random()*300),opacity:'0.9'},rate);
  6002. div.animate({left:Math.floor(Math.random()*300), opacity: '0.9'}, "slow");
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  6005. div.animate({top:'100px',opacity:'0.9'},"slow");
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  6009. div.animate({top:Math.floor(Math.random()*300),opacity:'0.9'},"fast");
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  6018. });
  6019. });
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  6022. <button>Start Animation</button>
  6025. <div style="background:green;color:black;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  6026. >>
  6027. JQuery Wack A Mole Final UPDATE!!kDPkPSYZ - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:08:00 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35391 Report Quick Reply
  6028. <script src=""></script>
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  6047. <img src="test.png" id="img" onclick="scr++;
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  6053. <img src="test2.png" id="img1" onclick="scr++;
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  6055. alert('You Win!!');
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  6058. this.visible=false;">
  6059. <img src="test3.png" id="img2" onclick="scr++;
  6060. if(scr==25){
  6061. alert('You Win!!');
  6063. }
  6064. this.visible=false;">
  6065. >>
  6066. JQuery Wack A Mole Final UPDATE!!kDPkPSYZ - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:33:39 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35392 Report Quick Reply
  6067. <script src=""></script>
  6068. <center>
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  6086. <img src="" id="img" onclick="scr++;
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  6100. alert('You Win!!');
  6102. }
  6103. this.visible=false;">
  6104. >>
  6105. JQuery Fade In/Out At Random Speed SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 17:17:48 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35393 Report Quick Reply
  6106. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6107. <html>
  6108. <head>
  6109. <script src=""></script>
  6110. <script>
  6111. $(document).ready(function(){
  6112. $("button").click(function(){
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  6114. });
  6115. });
  6116. </script>
  6118. <p hidden='true'>TEST!!!!!!</p>
  6119. <button>Start</button>
  6120. </html>
  6121. >>
  6122. JS ScrollTo Func SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 18:17:57 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35394 Report Quick Reply
  6123. <script>
  6124. scrollTo(0,0);
  6125. </script>
  6126. d
  6127. dd
  6128. d
  6130. d
  6134. <p>
  6135. d
  6154. <br>
  6166. <p>
  6186. dd
  6187. d
  6191. <p>
  6208. <img src=a:>
  6220. <p>
  6224. </p>
  6225. das
  6226. <p>
  6227. <p>
  6228. <p>
  6229. <p>
  6230. das
  6231. <p>das
  6232. <p>das
  6233. <p>das
  6234. <button onclick="var out=prompt('Enter Value:');
  6235. scrollTo(out,out);">test</button>
  6237. <p>das
  6238. <p>das
  6239. <p>das
  6240. <p>das
  6241. <p>das
  6242. <p>das
  6243. <p>das
  6244. <p>das
  6245. <p>
  6247. <br>
  6249. d
  6250. das
  6251. <p>das
  6252. <p>das
  6253. <p>das
  6254. <p>das
  6255. <p>das
  6256. <p>das
  6257. <p>das
  6258. <p>das
  6259. <p>das
  6260. <p>das
  6261. <p>das
  6262. <p>
  6268. <br>
  6271. f
  6272. >>
  6273. JS Server Side Updates!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 19:57:32 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35396 Report Quick Reply
  6274. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6275. <html>
  6276. <body>
  6278. <h1>Getting server updates</h1>
  6279. <div id="result"></div>
  6281. <script>
  6282. if(typeof(EventSource) !== "undefined") {
  6283. var source = new EventSource("demo_sse.php");
  6284. source.onmessage = function(event) {
  6285. document.getElementById("result").innerHTML += + "<br>";
  6286. };
  6287. } else {
  6288. document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support server-sent events...";
  6289. }
  6290. </script>
  6292. </body>
  6293. </html>
  6294. >>
  6295. JS AUDIO PLAYER DEMO LOL SRC STEALTH!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 20:16:06 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35398 Report Quick Reply
  6296. <audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"><audio/>
  6297. <script>
  6298. var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
  6300. </script>
  6301. >>
  6302. JS AUDIO API Wave DEMO SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 20:38:21 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35399 Report Quick Reply
  6303. <script>
  6304. var real = new Float32Array(2.0);
  6305. var imag = new Float32Array(2.0);
  6306. var ac = new AudioContext();
  6307. var osc = ac.createOscillator(ac.context);
  6309. real[0] = 1.1;
  6310. imag[0] = 1.1;
  6311. real[1] = 2.1;
  6312. imag[1] = 2.0;
  6314. var wave = ac.createPeriodicWave(real, imag);
  6316. osc.setPeriodicWave(wave);
  6318. osc.connect(ac.destination);
  6320. osc.start(0);
  6321. osc.stop(1);
  6322. </script>
  6323. >>
  6324. JS AUDIO API Wave DEMO SRC!!BYKJD04p - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 20:42:56 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35400 Report Quick Reply
  6325. <audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"><audio/>
  6326. <script>
  6327. var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
  6329. </script>
  6331. <script>
  6332. var a = document.getElementById("aud");
  6334. function getPlaySpeed() {
  6335. alert(a.playbackRate);
  6336. }
  6338. function setPlaySpeed(value) {
  6339. a.playbackRate = value;
  6340. }
  6341. setPlaySpeed(0.5);
  6342. </script>
  6344. </body>
  6345. </html>
  6346. >>
  6347. JQuery Peekaboo SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 20:50:45 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35401 Report Quick Reply
  6348. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6349. <html>
  6350. <head>
  6351. <style>
  6352. div#peekaboo{
  6353. position:fixed;
  6354. bottom:0px;
  6355. right:-352px;
  6356. background: #C4E6FF;
  6357. padding:25px;
  6358. width:300px;
  6359. height:200px;
  6360. font-size:48px;
  6361. }
  6362. </style>
  6363. <script>
  6364. function yScrollHandler(){
  6365. var win = document.getElementById("peekaboo");
  6366. if((window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) >= document.body.offsetHeight){
  6367. // = "right 0.7s ease-in-out 0s";
  6368. = "right 0.7s ease-in-out 0s";
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  6371. = "right 0.7s ease-in-out 0s";
  6372. = "-452px";
  6373. }
  6374. }
  6375. window.onscroll = yScrollHandler;
  6376. </script>
  6377. </head>
  6378. <body>
  6379. <h2>Scroll Bottom Y Handler Function</h2>
  6380. <p style="height:1600px; font-size:18px;">
  6381. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a Peekaboo box effect ↓
  6382. </p>
  6383. <div id="peekaboo">Peekaboo!</div>
  6384. </body>
  6385. </html>
  6386. >>
  6387. WEBAPI SLOW IT DOWN!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 21:10:10 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35402 Report Quick Reply
  6388. <button id="m1" min="0.1" max="1.5" value="1.0" onclick="a.playbackRate=m1.value-.5;">Slow It DOwn!!</button>
  6389. <audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"><audio/>
  6390. <script>
  6391. var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
  6393. </script>
  6395. <script>
  6396. var a = document.getElementById("aud");
  6398. function getPlaySpeed() {
  6399. alert(a.playbackRate);
  6400. }
  6402. function setPlaySpeed(value) {
  6403. a.playbackRate = value;
  6404. }
  6405. setPlaySpeed(1.0);
  6406. </script>
  6408. </body>
  6409. </html>
  6410. >>
  6411. WEBAPI SPEED IT UP!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 27 Mar 2016 21:17:06 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35403 Report Quick Reply
  6412. <button id="m1" min="0.1" max="1.5" value="1.0" onclick="a.playbackRate=m1.value++;">Slow It DOwn!!</button>
  6413. <audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"><audio/>
  6414. <script>
  6415. var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
  6417. </script>
  6419. <script>
  6420. var a = document.getElementById("aud");
  6422. function getPlaySpeed() {
  6423. alert(a.playbackRate);
  6424. }
  6426. function setPlaySpeed(value) {
  6427. a.playbackRate = value;
  6428. }
  6429. setPlaySpeed(1.0);
  6430. </script>
  6432. </body>
  6433. </html>
  6434. >>
  6435. Audio API Speed Update SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 11:35:36 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35406 Report Quick Reply
  6436. <audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"></audio>
  6437. <script>
  6438. var a = document.getElementById("aud");
  6439. function getPlaySpeed() {
  6440. alert(a.playbackRate);
  6441. }
  6443. var set=prompt("Enter Value Between 0.5 and 1.0:");
  6444. a.playbackRate = set;
  6446. setPlaySpeed(set);
  6447. </script>
  6449. </body>
  6450. </html>
  6451. >>
  6452. Audio API Speed Update SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 12:04:55 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35407 Report Quick Reply
  6453. <html>
  6454. <script
  6455. src="">
  6456. </script>
  6458. <script>
  6459. var m1=parseFloat(Math.random()*98.99);
  6460. var m2=parseFloat(Math.random()*98.99);
  6461. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(m1,m2);
  6463. function initialize()
  6464. {
  6465. var mapProp = {
  6466. center:myCenter,
  6467. zoom:10,
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  6471. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  6473. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  6474. position:myCenter,
  6475. });
  6477. marker.setMap(map);
  6480. var msg = prompt("Enter String:");
  6481. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  6482. content:'<audio type="audio/mpeg" id="aud" src="" autoplay="false"><audio/>'
  6483. });
  6486. }
  6488. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  6489. </script>
  6490. </head>
  6492. <body>
  6493. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  6494. </body>
  6495. </html>
  6496. >>
  6497. Priscilla Sunkinwell - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 18:36:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35410 Report Quick Reply
  6498. package com.mycompany.myapp;
  6500. import*;
  6501. import android.os.*;
  6502. import android.content.*;
  6504. public class MainActivity extends Activity
  6505. {
  6506. @Override
  6507. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  6508. {
  6509. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  6511. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  6512. Intent i= new Intent(Intent.ACTION_ASSIST);
  6513. startActivity(i);
  6514. };
  6516. }
  6517. >>
  6518. JS Decode WHat this DO? - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:12:27 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35411 Report Quick Reply
  6519. <script>
  6520. var out=decodeURIComponent("%C3%99%E2%80%A6%C3%99%CB%86%C3%98%C2%AC%C3%99%CB%86%C3%98%C2%AF%C3%98%C2%A
  6521. 9");
  6522. alert(out);
  6523. </script>
  6524. >>
  6525. JS PW GEN EXTRA CHARS UPDATE!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:27:57 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35412 Report Quick Reply
  6526. <center>
  6527. Password:<br>
  6528. <input type="text" name="password" id="password"><p>
  6529. Strong<input type="checkbox" id="s1" name="s1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  6530. w1.checked=false;"/>
  6531. Medium<input type="checkbox" id="m1" name="m1" onclick="javascript:s1.checked=false;
  6532. w1.checked=false;"/>
  6533. Weak<input type="checkbox" id="w1" name="w1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  6534. s1.checked=false;"/><p>
  6535. <button onclick="javascript:
  6536. if(s1.checked==true){
  6537. GenStrongPass();
  6538. }
  6539. if(m1.checked==true){
  6540. GenMedPass();
  6541. }
  6542. if(w1.checked==true){
  6543. GenWeakPass();
  6544. }
  6545. ">Generate Password</button><br>
  6546. <br>
  6547. <button onclick="javascript:
  6548. password.value=''
  6549. w1.checked=false;
  6550. m1.checked=false;
  6551. s1.checked=false;
  6552. ">Clear Current Password</button>
  6554. <script>
  6555. function GenWeakPass()
  6556. {
  6557. var text = "";
  6558. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6560. for( var i=0; i < 8; i++ )
  6561. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6563. password.value=(text);
  6564. }
  6565. function GenMedPass()
  6566. {
  6567. var text = "";
  6568. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6570. for( var i=0; i < 12; i++ )
  6571. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6573. password.value=(text);
  6574. }
  6575. function GenStrongPass()
  6576. {
  6577. var text = "";
  6578. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6579. for( var i=0; i < 18; i++ )
  6580. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6582. password.value=(text);
  6583. }
  6584. </script>
  6585. </center>
  6586. >>
  6587. JS PW GEN EXTRA CHARS UPDATE!!bSKjs+T+ - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:39:22 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35413 Report Quick Reply
  6588. <center>
  6589. Password:<br>
  6590. <input type="text" name="password" id="password"><p>
  6591. Strong<input type="checkbox" id="s1" name="s1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  6592. w1.checked=false;"/>
  6593. Medium<input type="checkbox" id="m1" name="m1" onclick="javascript:s1.checked=false;
  6594. w1.checked=false;"/>
  6595. Weak<input type="checkbox" id="w1" name="w1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  6596. s1.checked=false;"/><p>
  6597. <button onclick="javascript:
  6598. if(s1.checked==true){
  6599. GenStrongPass();
  6600. }
  6601. if(m1.checked==true){
  6602. GenMedPass();
  6603. }
  6604. if(w1.checked==true){
  6605. GenWeakPass();
  6606. }
  6607. ">Generate Password</button><br>
  6608. <br>
  6609. <button onclick="javascript:password.value=encodeURI(password.value);
  6610. ">UTF-8 Encode Password</button><br>
  6611. <br>
  6612. <button onclick="javascript:
  6613. password.value=''
  6614. w1.checked=false;
  6615. m1.checked=false;
  6616. s1.checked=false;
  6617. ">Clear The Current Password</button>
  6619. <script>
  6620. function GenWeakPass()
  6621. {
  6622. var text = "";
  6623. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6625. for( var i=0; i < 8; i++ )
  6626. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6628. password.value=(text);
  6629. }
  6630. function GenMedPass()
  6631. {
  6632. var text = "";
  6633. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6635. for( var i=0; i < 12; i++ )
  6636. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6638. password.value=(text);
  6639. }
  6640. function GenStrongPass()
  6641. {
  6642. var text = "";
  6643. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_()''{}.,#$%/\?!";
  6644. for( var i=0; i < 18; i++ )
  6645. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  6647. password.value=(text);
  6648. }
  6649. </script>
  6650. </center>
  6651. >>
  6652. JS githubuseravatar viewer beta DEMO!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 20:11:40 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35416 Report Quick Reply
  6653. <script>
  6654. var p=prompt("Enter #:");
  6656. </script>
  6657. >>
  6658. sweet JS Game DEMO SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 20:51:49 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35417 Report Quick Reply
  6659. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="480" height="320"></canvas>
  6660. <script>
  6661. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  6662. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  6663. var ballRadius = 10;
  6664. var x = canvas.width/2;
  6665. var y = canvas.height-30;
  6666. var dx = 2;
  6667. var dy = -2;
  6668. var paddleHeight = 10;
  6669. var paddleWidth = 75;
  6670. var paddleX = (canvas.width-paddleWidth)/2;
  6671. var rightPressed = false;
  6672. var leftPressed = false;
  6674. document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler, false);
  6675. document.addEventListener("keyup", keyUpHandler, false);
  6677. function keyDownHandler(e) {
  6678. if(e.keyCode == 39) {
  6679. rightPressed = true;
  6680. }
  6681. else if(e.keyCode == 37) {
  6682. leftPressed = true;
  6683. }
  6684. }
  6685. function keyUpHandler(e) {
  6686. if(e.keyCode == 39) {
  6687. rightPressed = false;
  6688. }
  6689. else if(e.keyCode == 37) {
  6690. leftPressed = false;
  6691. }
  6692. }
  6694. function drawBall() {
  6695. ctx.beginPath();
  6696. ctx.arc(x, y, ballRadius, 0, Math.PI*2);
  6697. ctx.fillStyle = "#0095DD";
  6698. ctx.fill();
  6699. ctx.closePath();
  6700. }
  6701. function drawPaddle() {
  6702. ctx.beginPath();
  6703. ctx.rect(paddleX, canvas.height-paddleHeight, paddleWidth, paddleHeight);
  6704. ctx.fillStyle = "#0095DD";
  6705. ctx.fill();
  6706. ctx.closePath();
  6707. }
  6709. function draw() {
  6710. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  6711. drawBall();
  6712. drawPaddle();
  6714. if(x + dx > canvas.width-ballRadius || x + dx < ballRadius) {
  6715. dx = -dx;
  6716. }
  6717. if(y + dy > canvas.height-ballRadius || y + dy < ballRadius) {
  6718. dy = -dy;
  6719. }
  6721. if(rightPressed && paddleX < canvas.width-paddleWidth) {
  6722. paddleX += 7;
  6723. }
  6724. else if(leftPressed && paddleX > 0) {
  6725. paddleX -= 7;
  6726. }
  6728. x += dx;
  6729. y += dy;
  6730. }
  6732. setInterval(draw, 10);
  6733. </script>
  6734. >>
  6735. JS Canvas Fun - Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:49:15 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35418 Report Quick Reply
  6736. <canvas id="canvas" width='500' height='500'></canvas>
  6737. <script>
  6738. function draw() {
  6739. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  6740. for (var i=0;i<255;i++) {
  6741. for (var j=0;j<255;j++) {
  6743. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(50*i)+','+(255-51*i)+',255)';
  6744. ctx.translate(10+j*50,10+i*50);
  6745. ctx.fillRect(2,2,25,25);
  6746. ctx.restore();
  6747. }
  6748. }
  6749. }
  6750. draw();
  6751. </script>
  6752. >>
  6753. JS DOM Replace SCRIPTS ALL!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 29 Mar 2016 04:39:31 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35421 Report Quick Reply
  6754. <script>
  6755. var outt=document.getElementsByTagName("script");
  6756. if(outt){
  6757. var out=outt.replace(out,'');
  6758. alert(outt);
  6759. }else{
  6760. alert('not');
  6761. }
  6762. </script>
  6763. >>
  6764. JS DOM W/ OUT Replace SCRIPTS ALL!!s/sBYonL - Tue, 29 Mar 2016 04:42:02 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35422 Report Quick Reply
  6765. File: 1459240922901.png -(280935 B, 1366x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  6766. 280935
  6767. >>35421
  6768. <script>
  6769. var outt=document.getElementsByTagName("script");
  6770. if(outt){
  6771. //var out=outt.replace(out,'');
  6772. alert(outt);
  6773. }else{
  6774. alert('not');
  6775. }
  6776. </script>
  6777. >>
  6778. JS githubuseravatar viewer updated - Tue, 29 Mar 2016 04:47:07 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35423 Report Quick Reply
  6779. <script>
  6780. var p=prompt("Enter #:");
  6782. </script>
  6783. >>
  6784. JQuery Can U SEE THIS DEMO SRC - Tue, 29 Mar 2016 04:56:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35424 Report Quick Reply
  6785. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6786. <html>
  6787. <head>
  6788. <body bgcolor=blue>
  6789. <script src=""></script>
  6790. <script>
  6791. $(document).ready(function(){
  6792. $("button").click(function(){
  6793. $("div").css('opacity','0.1');
  6794. $("div").css('color','darkblue');
  6795. $("div").animate({fontSize: '100px'}, 5000);
  6796. });
  6797. });
  6798. </script>
  6799. </head>
  6800. <body>
  6802. <button>Start</button>
  6803. <p>The "Start" button starts the animation.</p>
  6804. <div>HEY!! U See ME???</div>
  6805. </body>
  6806. </html>
  6807. >>
  6808. ne ideas?? - Tue, 29 Mar 2016 05:21:15 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35425 Report Quick Reply
  6809. File: 1459243275440.png -(153652 B, 1366x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  6810. 153652
  6811. >>35424
  6812. >>
  6813. JS Custom Element SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 30 Mar 2016 03:42:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35428 Report Quick Reply
  6814. <center>
  6815. <button onclick="testFunc()">Load Button Array In DOM</button><p>
  6816. <script>
  6817. function testFunc() {
  6818. var out=prompt("Enter # of input's to generate:");
  6819. var butVal=prompt("Enter text value Of buttons:");
  6820. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  6821. var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
  6822. x.type=prompt("Enter Type:");
  6823. x.value=""+butVal;
  6824. document.body.appendChild(x);
  6825. }
  6826. }
  6827. </script>
  6828. >>
  6829. Canvas Random Loc Text Drawing SRC - Fri, 01 Apr 2016 18:16:37 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35429 Report Quick Reply
  6830. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6831. <html>
  6832. <body>
  6834. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"
  6835. style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
  6836. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  6837. </canvas>
  6839. <script>
  6840. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  6841. var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
  6842. ctx.font="50px Comic Sans MS";
  6843. ctx.fillStyle = "red";
  6844. ctx.textAlign = "center";
  6845. ctx.fillText("TEST",Math.floor(Math.random()*500),Math.floor(Math.random()*500));
  6846. </script>
  6848. </body>
  6849. </html>
  6850. >>
  6851. Canvas Random Loc Text Drawing SRC NEW - Fri, 01 Apr 2016 18:55:52 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35430 Report Quick Reply
  6852. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6853. <html>
  6854. <body onload="var intt=prompt('Enter Value:');
  6855. for(var i=0;i<intt;i++){
  6856. Draw();
  6857. }">
  6858. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"
  6859. style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
  6860. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  6861. </canvas>
  6862. <script>
  6863. function Draw(){
  6864. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  6865. var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
  6866. ctx.font="50px Comic Sans MS";
  6867. ctx.fillStyle = "red";
  6868. ctx.textAlign = "center";
  6869. ctx.fillText("TEST",Math.floor(Math.random()*500),Math.floor(Math.random()*500));
  6870. }
  6871. </script>
  6872. </body>
  6873. </html>
  6874. >>
  6875. Albert Bardridge - Fri, 01 Apr 2016 21:34:07 EST ID:1LXegojn No.35431 Report Quick Reply
  6876. File: 1459560847856.jpg -(14563 B, 304x425) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  6877. 14563
  6878. >>34905 (OP)
  6879. >>
  6880. Little Update to my Web Audio API Synth SRC - Sun, 03 Apr 2016 00:38:25 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35434 Report Quick Reply
  6881. <html>
  6882. <center>
  6883. <body onload="script:chk4.checked=true;
  6884. chk1.checked=false;
  6885. chk2.checked=false;
  6886. chk3.checked=false;">
  6887. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  6888. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1">
  6889. <br>Frequency:<br>
  6890. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2">
  6891. <br>
  6892. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  6893. chk3.checked=false;
  6894. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  6895. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  6896. chk3.checked=false;
  6897. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  6898. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  6899. chk2.checked=false;
  6900. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  6901. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  6902. chk2.checked=false;
  6903. chk3.checked=false;"> Saw
  6904. <br>
  6905. <button onclick="script:
  6906. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  6907. var Freq=Text2.value;
  6908. var context = new AudioContext();
  6909. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  6910. if(chk1.checked==true){
  6911. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  6912. }
  6913. if(chk2.checked==true){
  6914. oscillator.type = 'square';
  6915. }
  6916. if(chk3.checked==true){
  6917. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  6918. }
  6919. if(chk4.checked==true){
  6920. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  6921. }
  6922. if(chk1.checked||chk2.checked||chk3.checked||chk4.checked){
  6923. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  6924. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  6925. oscillator.start(0);
  6926. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  6927. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  6928. }">Play Sound</button>
  6929. <button onclick="script:
  6930. var PlayLen=Text2.value;
  6931. var Freq=Text1.value;
  6932. oscillator.stop(0);
  6933. oscillator.disconnect(0);">Stop Sound</button>
  6934. <button onclick="script:location.reload();">Clear All</button>
  6935. </center>
  6936. </html>
  6937. >>
  6938. JQuery Ajax Demo SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 03 Apr 2016 04:54:47 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35436 Report Quick Reply
  6939. >>35434
  6940. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6941. <html>
  6942. <head>
  6943. <script src=""></script>
  6944. <script>
  6945. $(document).ready(function(){
  6946. $("button").click(function(){
  6947. $.get("", function(data, status){
  6948. // document.write(data);
  6949. document.body.outerText=(data+':\n\n'+status)
  6951. });
  6952. });
  6953. });
  6954. </script>
  6955. </head>
  6956. <body>
  6957. <button>Send an HTTP GET request to a page and get the result back</button>
  6958. </body>
  6959. </html>
  6960. >>
  6961. Angular SRC DEMO - Sun, 03 Apr 2016 11:42:26 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35437 Report Quick Reply
  6962. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6963. <html>
  6964. <script src=""></script>
  6965. <body>
  6967. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
  6971. <h5>{{myWelcome}}</h5>
  6973. </div>
  6975. <p>The $http service requests a page on the server, and the response is set as the value of the "myWelcome" variable.</p>
  6977. <script>
  6978. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  6979. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  6980. $http({
  6981. method : "POST",
  6982. url : "/angular/tryit.asp"
  6983. }).then(function mySucces(response) {
  6984. $scope.myWelcome =;
  6985. }, function myError(response) {
  6986. $scope.myWelcome = response.statusText;
  6987. });
  6988. });
  6989. </script>
  6991. </body>
  6992. </html>
  6993. >>
  6994. more!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 03 Apr 2016 13:59:21 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35438 Report Quick Reply
  6995. <!DOCTYPE html>
  6996. <html>
  6997. <script src=""></script>
  6998. <body>
  7000. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
  7002. <p>Today's welcome message is:</p>
  7004. <h3>{{myWelcome}}</h3>
  7006. </div>
  7008. <p>The $http service requests a page on the server, and the response is set as the value of the "myWelcome" variable.</p>
  7010. <script>
  7011. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  7012. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  7013. $http.get("try_ng_http_get.htm")
  7014. .then(function(response) {
  7015. $scope.myWelcome = response;
  7016. });
  7017. });
  7018. </script>
  7020. </body>
  7021. </html>
  7022. Today's welcome message is:
  7024. {"data":"<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n<script src=\"\"></script>\r\n<body>\r\n\r\n<div ng-app=\"myApp\" ng-controller=\"myCtrl\"> \r\n\r\n<p>Today's welcome message is:</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>{{myWelcome}}</h1>\r\n\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<p>The $http service requests a page on the server, and the response is set as the value of the \"myWelcome\" variable.</p>\r\n\r\n<script>\r\nvar app = angular.module('myApp', []);\r\napp.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {\r\n $http.get(\"welcome.htm\")\r\n .then(function(response) {\r\n $scope.myWelcome =;\r\n });\r\n});\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n</body>\r\n</html>","status":200,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"url":"try_ng_http_get.htm","headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*"}},"statusText":"OK"}
  7026. The $http service requests a page on the server, and the response is set as the value of the "myWelcome" variable.
  7027. >>
  7028. JQuert Toggle On/Off-HTML DOM Toggle SRC - Mon, 04 Apr 2016 21:30:33 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35440 Report Quick Reply
  7029. <body bgcolor=000000>
  7030. <center>
  7031. <font color=F00FFF>
  7032. <script src=""></script>
  7033. <script>
  7034. var my_toggle=true;
  7035. $(document).ready(function(){
  7036. $('body').click(function(){
  7037. if(my_toggle!=false){
  7038. //$('body').hide();
  7039. $('body').html('<center><h1><font color=limegreen>on')
  7040. my_toggle=false;
  7041. }else{
  7042. $('body').show();
  7043. $('body').html('<center><h1><font color=red>off');
  7044. my_toggle=true;
  7045. }
  7046. });
  7047. });
  7048. </script>
  7049. <h1> Click To Turn On/Off</h1>
  7050. >>
  7051. JS Edit document style and display cookies SRC - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:19:15 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35442 Report Quick Reply
  7052. <html>
  7053. <body>
  7054. <center>
  7055. <p id="demo">THis shows you how to change the document's style and display any cookies.</p>
  7056. <script>
  7057. function myFunction() {
  7060. var x = document.getElementById("e");
  7061. = "20px";
  7062. = "darkblue";
  7065. }
  7066. </script>
  7067. <body onload="myFunction()">
  7068. <button id="e" onclick="myFunction()
  7069. alert(document.cookie);">Show cookies</button>
  7070. </center>
  7071. </body>
  7072. </html>
  7073. >>
  7074. Update/Fix 1 - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:24:19 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35443 Report Quick Reply
  7075. <html>
  7076. <body>
  7077. <center>
  7078. <p id="demo">THis shows you how to change the document's style and display any cookies.</p>
  7079. <script>
  7080. function myFunction() {
  7083. var x = document.getElementById("e");
  7084. = "20px";
  7085. = "darkblue";
  7088. }
  7089. </script>
  7090. <body onload="myFunction()">
  7091. <button id="e" onclick="alert(document.cookie);">Show cookies</button>
  7092. </center>
  7093. </body>
  7094. </html>
  7095. >>
  7096. weird console stuff - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 00:45:17 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35444 Report Quick Reply
  7097. ocument.elementData
  7098. undefined
  7099. document.URL.clear
  7100. undefined
  7102. ""
  7103. Navigated to about:blank
  7104. window.location=GOOG_FIX_SITE_URL+self
  7105. VM1207:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: GOOG_FIX_SITE_URL is not defined(…)(anonymous function) @ VM1207:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn @ (program):878InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap @ (program):811InjectedScript.evaluate @ (program):667
  7106. window.location=GOOG_FIX_SITE_UR+self
  7107. VM1232:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: GOOG_FIX_SITE_UR is not defined(…)(anonymous function) @ VM1232:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn @ (program):878InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap @ (program):811InjectedScript.evaluate @ (program):667
  7108. GOOG
  7109. VM1277:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: GOOG is not defined(…)(anonymous function) @ VM1277:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn @ (program):878InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap @ (program):811InjectedScript.evaluate @ (program):667
  7110. GET /img/theme/svg/middle/28828/like.svg HTTP/1.1
  7111. Host:
  7112. Connection: keep-alive
  7113. Pragma: no-cache
  7114. Cache-Control: no-cache
  7115. Accept: image/webp,image/*,*/*;q=0.8
  7116. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 7834.66.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.111 Safari/537.36
  7117. DNT: 1
  7118. Referer:
  7119. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
  7120. Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
  7121. Cookie: cular-session=599fac93a7b89f391aba7881fdc4dee5; __utma=33585713.2128336723.1459717812.1459727462.1459806490.5; __utmb=33585713.500.9.1459821603572; __utmc=33585713; __utmz=33585713.1459717812.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
  7124. VM1282:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier(…)InjectedScript._evaluateOn @ (program):878InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap @ (program):811InjectedScript.evaluate @ (program):667
  7125. >>
  7126. Fanny Duckville - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 11:16:22 EST ID:1LXegojn No.35446 Report Quick Reply
  7127. >>35444
  7128. Now you're just pasting error messages.
  7129. Get a grip m8.
  7130. >>
  7131. Canvas Sun Animation JS SRC - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:51:13 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35447 Report Quick Reply
  7132. <!DOCTYPE html>
  7133. <html>
  7134. <head>
  7135. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
  7136. <style>
  7137. canvas {
  7138. border:1px solid #d3d3d3;
  7139. background-color: #FFFFFF;
  7140. }
  7141. </style>
  7142. </head>
  7143. <body onload="startGame()">
  7144. <script>
  7146. var myGamePiece;
  7148. function startGame() {
  7149. myGamePiece = new component(30, 30, "yellow", 80, 75);
  7150. myGameArea.start();
  7151. }
  7153. var myGameArea = {
  7154. canvas : document.createElement("canvas"),
  7155. start : function() {
  7156. this.canvas.width = 480;
  7157. this.canvas.height = 270;
  7158. this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
  7159. document.body.insertBefore(this.canvas, document.body.childNodes[0]);
  7160. this.frameNo = 0;
  7161. this.interval = setInterval(updateGameArea, 20);
  7162. },
  7163. stop : function() {
  7164. clearInterval(this.interval);
  7165. },
  7166. clear : function() {
  7167. this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
  7168. }
  7169. }
  7171. function component(width, height, color, x, y) {
  7172. this.width = width;
  7173. this.height = height;
  7174. this.angle = 0;
  7175. this.x = x;
  7176. this.y = y;
  7177. this.update = function() {
  7178. ctx = myGameArea.context;
  7180. ctx.translate(this.x+1, this.y-1);
  7181. ctx.rotate(this.angle);
  7182. ctx.fillStyle = color;
  7183. ctx.fillRect(this.width / -2, this.height / -2, this.width, this.height);
  7184. ctx.restore();
  7185. }
  7186. }
  7188. function updateGameArea() {
  7189. myGameArea.clear();
  7190. myGamePiece.angle += 0.9;
  7191. myGamePiece.update();
  7192. }
  7194. </script>
  7196. <p>The red square will rotate one degree every time the gamearea updates (50 times per second).</p>
  7198. <p>Note: The angle property must be a radian. You can convert degrees into radians by using the formula x * Math.PI / 180</p>
  7199. </body>
  7200. </html
  7201. >>
  7202. JS Canvas Sun Animation Updated SRC - Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:53:49 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35448 Report Quick Reply
  7203. <!DOCTYPE html>
  7204. <html>
  7205. <head>
  7206. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
  7207. <style>
  7208. canvas {
  7209. border:1px solid #03d0d0;
  7210. background-color: #F0FFFF;
  7211. }
  7212. </style>
  7213. </head>
  7214. <body onload="startGame()">
  7215. <script>
  7217. var myGamePiece;
  7219. function startGame() {
  7220. myGamePiece = new component(30, 30, "yellow", 80, 75);
  7221. myGameArea.start();
  7222. }
  7224. var myGameArea = {
  7225. canvas : document.createElement("canvas"),
  7226. start : function() {
  7227. this.canvas.width = 480;
  7228. this.canvas.height = 480;
  7229. this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
  7230. document.body.insertBefore(this.canvas, document.body.childNodes[0]);
  7231. this.frameNo = 0;
  7232. this.interval = setInterval(updateGameArea, 20);
  7233. },
  7234. stop : function() {
  7235. clearInterval(this.interval);
  7236. },
  7237. clear : function() {
  7238. this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
  7239. }
  7240. }
  7242. function component(width, height, color, x, y) {
  7243. this.width = width;
  7244. this.height = height;
  7245. this.angle = 0;
  7246. this.x = x;
  7247. this.y = y;
  7248. this.update = function() {
  7249. ctx = myGameArea.context;
  7251. ctx.translate(this.x+1, this.y-1);
  7252. ctx.rotate(this.angle);
  7253. ctx.fillStyle = color;
  7254. ctx.fillRect(this.width / -2, this.height / -2, this.width, this.height);
  7255. ctx.restore();
  7256. }
  7257. }
  7259. function updateGameArea() {
  7260. myGameArea.clear();
  7261. myGamePiece.angle += 0.9;
  7262. myGamePiece.update();
  7263. }
  7265. </script>
  7266. >>
  7267. JS Audio API Static - Mon, 11 Apr 2016 19:56:51 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35470 Report Quick Reply
  7268. <script>
  7269. var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
  7271. var channels = 2;
  7272. var frameCount = audioCtx.sampleRate * 2.0;
  7274. var myArrayBuffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(2, frameCount, audioCtx.sampleRate);
  7276. for (var channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) {
  7277. var nowBuffering = myArrayBuffer.getChannelData(channel);
  7278. for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
  7279. nowBuffering = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
  7280. }
  7281. }
  7283. var source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
  7284. source.buffer = myArrayBuffer;
  7285. source.connect(audioCtx.destination);
  7286. source.detune.value = 100; // value in cents
  7287. source.start();
  7288. </script>
  7289. >>
  7290. JS Random Color Gen Improved (UPDATE!!WvAZa2Cl - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 10:36:38 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35474 Report Quick Reply
  7291. <script>
  7292. var out1=prompt("Enter Text:");
  7293. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  7294. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  7295. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  7296. }
  7297. function GenStrongPass()
  7298. {
  7299. var text = "";
  7300. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  7301. for(var i=0; i!=7; i++)
  7302. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7303. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  7304. document.write("<font color="+text+">"+out1+"<br>");
  7305. }
  7306. </script>
  7307. >>
  7308. Thomas Pallerham - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 10:42:33 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35475 Report Quick Reply
  7309. <script>
  7310. var out1=prompt("Enter Text:");
  7311. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  7312. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  7313. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  7314. }
  7315. function GenStrongPass()
  7316. {
  7317. var text = "";
  7318. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  7319. for(var i=0; i!=7; i++)
  7320. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7321. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  7322. document.write("<font color="+text+"><b>"+out1+"<br>");
  7323. }
  7324. </script>
  7325. >>
  7326. New Color Fun JS - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 13:40:58 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35477 Report Quick Reply
  7327. <body onload="Test();" onmousehover="Test():" onmousedown="Test();"onmouseup="Test()">
  7328. <script>
  7329. function Test(){
  7330. setInterval("GenStrongPass()",500);
  7331. }
  7332. </script>
  7333. <script>
  7334. function styleBGColor(color){
  7336. }
  7337. function GenStrongPass()
  7338. {
  7339. var text = "";
  7340. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  7341. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  7342. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7344. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  7345. }
  7346. </script>
  7347. >>
  7348. New Color Fun JS UPDATE - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 13:42:19 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35478 Report Quick Reply
  7349. <body onload="Test();" onmousehover="Test():" onmousedown="Test();"onmouseup="Test()">
  7350. <script>
  7351. function Test(){
  7352. setInterval("GenStrongPass()",100);
  7353. }
  7354. </script>
  7355. <script>
  7356. function styleBGColor(color){
  7358. }
  7359. function GenStrongPass()
  7360. {
  7361. var text = "";
  7362. var possible = "FABCGDEG0123456789";
  7363. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  7364. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7366. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  7367. }
  7368. </script>
  7369. >>
  7370. New Color Fun JS UPDATE FINAL - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 15:44:25 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35479 Report Quick Reply
  7371. <body onload="Test();" onmousehover="Test():" onmousedown="Test();"onmouseup="Test()">
  7372. <script>
  7373. function Test(){
  7374. setInterval("GenStrongPass()",50);
  7375. }
  7376. </script>
  7377. <script>
  7378. function styleBGColor(color){
  7380. }
  7381. function GenStrongPass()
  7382. {
  7383. var text = "";
  7384. var possible = "FABCGDEG0123456789";
  7385. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  7386. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7388. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  7389. }
  7390. </script>
  7391. >>
  7392. Thomas Pallerham - Tue, 12 Apr 2016 16:37:42 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35480 Report Quick Reply
  7393. <script>
  7394. var out1=prompt("Enter Text:");
  7395. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  7396. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  7397. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  7398. }
  7399. function GenStrongPass()
  7400. {
  7401. var text = "";
  7402. var possible = "FABCGDE01234567";
  7403. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  7404. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  7405. document.write("<body bgcolor="+text+"/>");
  7406. document.write("<font color="+text+">"+out1+"<br>");
  7407. }
  7408. </script>
  7409. >>
  7410. JQuery Fade Out Random Opacity SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 13 Apr 2016 01:45:25 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35483 Report Quick Reply
  7411. <html>
  7412. <head>
  7413. <script src=""></script>
  7414. <script>
  7415. $(document).ready(function(){
  7416. $("button").click(function(){ $("div").fadeTo("slow",parseFloat(Math.random()*1.0));
  7417. });
  7418. });
  7419. </script>
  7420. </head>
  7421. <body>
  7422. <button>Fade Out Random Opacity</button><br><br>
  7423. <div id="div1" style="width:80px;height:80px;background-color:red;"></div><br>
  7424. </body>
  7425. </html>
  7426. >>
  7427. JQuery Zoom In/Out Image SRC - Wed, 13 Apr 2016 06:30:27 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35484 Report Quick Reply
  7428. <!DOCTYPE html>
  7429. <html>
  7430. <head>
  7431. <script src=""></script>
  7432. <script>
  7433. $(document).ready(function(){
  7434. $("img").mouseover(function(){
  7435. $(this).height('99');
  7436. $(this).width('99');
  7437. });
  7438. $("img").mouseout(function(){
  7439. $(this).height('5');
  7440. $(this).width('5')
  7441. });
  7442. });
  7443. </script>
  7444. </head>
  7445. <body>
  7447. <img src=s height="5" width="5"></img>
  7448. </body>
  7449. </html>
  7450. >>
  7451. js batter srfc - Wed, 13 Apr 2016 07:32:33 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35485 Report Quick Reply
  7452. <script>
  7453. navigator.getBattery().then(function(battery) {
  7454. alert(battery.level);
  7455. // ... and any subsequent updates.
  7456. battery.onlevelchange = function() {
  7457. alert(this.level);
  7458. };
  7459. });
  7460. </script>
  7461. >>
  7462. JQ New Img Resizing SRC - Thu, 14 Apr 2016 15:57:48 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35487 Report Quick Reply
  7463. <html>
  7464. <head>
  7465. <script src=""></script>
  7466. <script>
  7467. $(document).ready(function(){
  7468. $("img").mouseleave(function(){
  7469. $('img').css('height','30');
  7470. $('img').css('width','222');
  7472. });
  7473. $("img").mouseover(function(){
  7474. $('img').css('height','222');
  7475. $('img').css('width','30');
  7476. $('img').css('height','222');
  7477. });
  7478. });
  7479. </script>
  7480. </head>
  7481. <body>
  7483. <img src='a;' width="33" height="30"</img>
  7485. </body>
  7486. </html>
  7487. >>
  7488. JS Enc/Dec URI No GUI SRC - Sat, 16 Apr 2016 15:02:49 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35498 Report Quick Reply
  7489. <script>
  7490. var pp=prompt("Enter:");
  7491. var d = confirm("Press Ok To Encode And Cancel To Decode URI:");
  7492. if(d==true){
  7493. var p=encodeURI(pp);
  7494. }else{
  7495. var p1=decodeURI(pp);
  7496. }
  7497. var all=p+p1;
  7498. var rep=(all.replace("undefined",""));
  7499. var rep2=(rep.replace(null,""));
  7500. alert(rep);
  7501. </script>
  7502. >>
  7503. JQ Animation/Reverse SRC - Mon, 18 Apr 2016 06:21:45 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35505 Report Quick Reply
  7504. <html>
  7505. <head>
  7506. <script src=""></script>
  7507. <script>
  7508. $(document).ready(function(){
  7509. $("#b2").click(function(){
  7510. $("div").animate({
  7511. left: '100px',
  7512. opacity: '1.0',
  7513. height: '10px',
  7514. width: '10px'
  7515. });
  7516. });
  7517. $("#b1").click(function(){
  7518. $("div").animate({
  7519. left: '10px',
  7520. opacity: '1.0',
  7521. height: '10px',
  7522. width: '10px'
  7523. });
  7524. });
  7525. });
  7526. </script>
  7527. </head>
  7528. <body>
  7529. <button id="b2">Start Animation</button>
  7530. <button id="b1">Reverse Animation</button>
  7531. <div style="background:#98bf21;height:10px;width:10px;position:absolute;left:10;"></div>
  7532. </body>
  7533. </html>
  7534. >>
  7535. JS SMS QR Code Gen V1 - Mon, 18 Apr 2016 11:39:01 EST ID:tSOrTy4O No.35506 Report Quick Reply
  7536. <script>
  7537. var num1=prompt("Enter #:");
  7538. var num2=prompt("Enter #");
  7539. document.writeln("<img src="+num1+"&s="+num2+"/>");
  7540. </script>
  7541. >>
  7542. JS Web API Piano Source Code V1 - Sat, 23 Apr 2016 06:28:17 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35518 Report Quick Reply
  7543. <center>
  7544. <h3> Web Piano Example Source V1</h3>
  7545. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" hidden="true">
  7546. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" hidden="true">
  7547. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" hidden="true" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  7548. chk3.checked=false;
  7549. chk4.checked=false;">
  7550. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" hidden="true" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  7551. chk3.checked=false;
  7552. chk4.checked=false;">
  7553. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" hidden="true" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  7554. chk2.checked=false;
  7555. chk4.checked=false;">
  7556. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" hidden="true" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  7557. chk2.checked=false;
  7558. chk3.checked=false;">
  7559. <button hidden ="true" onclick="script:
  7560. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7561. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7562. var context = new AudioContext();
  7563. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7564. if(chk1.checked==true){
  7565. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  7566. }
  7567. if(chk2.checked==true){
  7568. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7569. }
  7570. if(chk3.checked==true){
  7571. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  7572. }
  7573. if(chk4.checked==true){
  7574. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  7575. }
  7576. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7577. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  7578. oscillator.start(0);
  7579. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  7580. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  7581. <button onclick="script:
  7582. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7583. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7584. var context = new AudioContext();
  7585. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7586. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7587. var PlayLen='1';
  7588. var Freq='27.50';
  7589. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7590. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7591. oscillator.start(0);
  7592. oscillator.stop(0.5);">A1</button>
  7593. <button onclick="script:
  7594. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7595. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7596. var context = new AudioContext();
  7597. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7598. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7599. var PlayLen='1';
  7600. var Freq='30.87';
  7601. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7602. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7603. oscillator.start(0);
  7604. oscillator.stop(0.5);">B1</button>
  7605. <button onclick="script:
  7606. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7607. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7608. var context = new AudioContext();
  7609. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7610. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7611. var PlayLen='1';
  7612. var Freq='32.70';
  7613. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7614. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7615. oscillator.start(0);
  7616. oscillator.stop(0.5);">C1</button>
  7617. <button onclick="script:
  7618. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7619. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7620. var context = new AudioContext();
  7621. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7622. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7623. var PlayLen='1';
  7624. var Freq='36.71';
  7625. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7626. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7627. oscillator.start(0);
  7628. oscillator.stop(0.5);">D1</button>
  7629. <button onclick="script:
  7630. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7631. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7632. var context = new AudioContext();
  7633. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7634. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7635. var PlayLen='1';
  7636. var Freq='41.20';
  7637. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7638. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7639. oscillator.start(0);
  7640. oscillator.stop(0.5);">E1</button>
  7641. <button onclick="script:
  7642. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7643. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7644. var context = new AudioContext();
  7645. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7646. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7647. var PlayLen='1';
  7648. var Freq='43.65';
  7649. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7650. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7651. oscillator.start(0);
  7652. oscillator.stop(0.5);">F1</button>
  7653. <button onclick="script:
  7654. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  7655. var Freq=Text2.value;
  7656. var context = new AudioContext();
  7657. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  7658. oscillator.type = 'square';
  7659. var PlayLen='1';
  7660. var Freq='49.00';
  7661. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  7662. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  7663. oscillator.start(0);
  7664. oscillator.stop(0.5);">G1</button>
  7665. </center>
  7666. >>
  7667. Barnaby Drosslechidge - Sat, 23 Apr 2016 11:52:09 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35519 Report Quick Reply
  7668. <script>
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  7678. Barnaby Drosslechidge - Sat, 23 Apr 2016 19:50:16 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35520 Report Quick Reply
  7679. <html>
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  7696. >>
  7697. JS Google Maps API And Random Color BG and Font SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 23 Apr 2016 22:12:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35521 Report Quick Reply
  7698. <html>
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  7771. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!</h2>
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  7775. >>
  7776. JS Algorithm Beta Demo SRC - Wed, 27 Apr 2016 01:07:39 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35533 Report Quick Reply
  7777. <script>
  7778. var p1=prompt('Enter Value:');
  7779. var s=p1.length+Math.sqrt(6)*Math.PI;
  7780. var rev=p1.length-Math.sqrt(6)%Math.PI;
  7781. alert(s);
  7782. alert(rev);
  7783. </script>
  7784. >>
  7785. JS Disquis Ad Blocking Code Not By Me!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 29 Apr 2016 06:26:24 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35541 Report Quick Reply
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  7896. >>
  7897. JQ Ajax Grab Script's SRC - Tue, 03 May 2016 00:52:27 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35543 Report Quick Reply
  7898. <script src=""></script>
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  7907. >>
  7908. JQuery Key Binding SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 03 May 2016 19:16:03 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35544 Report Quick Reply
  7909. <script src=""></script>
  7910. <script>
  7911. $(document).ready(function(){
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  7915. function test(){
  7916. alert('yo');
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  7918. </script>
  7919. >>
  7920. JQ Wack-A-Mole Game Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 03 May 2016 20:42:15 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35545 Report Quick Reply
  7921. <script src=""></script>
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  7952. >>
  7953. JQ Wack-A-Mole Game Updated!!SQLMRI7z - Tue, 03 May 2016 20:47:49 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35546 Report Quick Reply
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  7990. >>
  7991. JQ Wack-A-Mole Game Updated!!+n/Z2gWF - Tue, 03 May 2016 20:56:52 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35547 Report Quick Reply
  7992. <script src=""></script>
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  8023. <img src="test" id="img1" left="20" onclick="scr++
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  8025. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"/>
  8026. <img src="test3" id="img3" left="30" onclick="scr++;
  8027. alert('Hit Me '+scr+' Times!');"/></p>
  8028. >>
  8029. JS Audio API Oscillator SRC - Wed, 04 May 2016 21:53:18 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35554 Report Quick Reply
  8030. <script>
  8031. while(true){
  8032. var real = new Float32Array(3);
  8033. var imag = new Float32Array(3);
  8034. var ac = new AudioContext();
  8035. var ac1=new AudioContext();
  8036. var osc = ac.createOscillator();
  8037. var osc1 = ac1.createOscillator();
  8038. real[0] = 4;
  8039. imag[1] = 2;
  8040. real[11] = 5;
  8041. imag[23] = 8;
  8042. var wave = ac.createPeriodicWave(real, imag);
  8043. var wave1 = ac1.createPeriodicWave(real, imag);
  8044. real[0] = 3;
  8045. imag[1] = 7;
  8046. real[3] = 95;
  8047. imag[4] = 1;
  8048. osc.setPeriodicWave(wave);
  8049. osc.connect(ac.destination);
  8050. osc.start(0);
  8051. osc.detune(5.0);
  8052. osc.stop(3);
  8053. osc1.setPeriodicWave(wave1);
  8054. osc1.connect(ac1.destination);
  8055. osc1.detune(5);
  8056. osc1.start(20);
  8057. osc1.stop(22);
  8058. osc1.disconnect()
  8059. }
  8060. </script>
  8061. >>
  8062. JS Audio API Oscillator SRC LFO/HF0 - Wed, 04 May 2016 22:01:17 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35555 Report Quick Reply
  8063. <script>
  8064. var context = new AudioContext();
  8066. // Create the low frequency oscillator that supplies the modulation signal
  8067. var lfo = context.createOscillator();
  8068. lfo.frequency.value = 1.0;
  8070. // Create the high frequency oscillator to be modulated
  8071. var hfo = context.createOscillator();
  8072. hfo.frequency.value = 440.0;
  8074. // Create a gain node whose gain determines the amplitude of the modulation signal
  8075. var modulationGain = context.createGain();
  8076. modulationGain.gain.value = 50;
  8078. // Configure the graph and start the oscillators
  8079. lfo.connect(modulationGain);
  8080. modulationGain.connect(hfo.detune);
  8081. hfo.connect(context.destination);
  8082. hfo.start(0);
  8083. lfo.start(0);
  8085. </script>
  8086. >>
  8087. JS Audio API Piano SRC V2 - Wed, 04 May 2016 22:26:33 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35556 Report Quick Reply
  8088. <center>
  8089. <h3> Web Piano Example Source V1</h3>
  8090. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" hidden="true">
  8091. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" hidden="true">
  8092. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  8093. chk3.checked=false;
  8094. chk4.checked=false;">
  8095. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8096. chk3.checked=false;
  8097. chk4.checked=false;">
  8098. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8099. chk2.checked=false;
  8100. chk4.checked=false;">
  8101. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk4.checked=true;
  8102. chk1.checked=false;
  8103. chk2.checked=false;
  8104. chk3.checked=false;">
  8105. <button hidden ="false" onclick="script:
  8106. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8107. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8108. var context = new AudioContext();
  8109. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8110. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8111. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8112. }
  8113. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8114. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8115. }
  8116. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8117. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8118. }
  8119. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8120. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8121. }
  8122. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8123. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8124. oscillator.start(0);
  8125. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8126. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  8127. <button onclick="script:
  8128. var context = new AudioContext();
  8129. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8130. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8131. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8132. }
  8133. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8134. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8135. }
  8136. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8137. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8138. }
  8139. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8140. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8141. }
  8142. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8143. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8144. var PlayLen='1';
  8145. var Freq='27.50';
  8146. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8147. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8148. oscillator.start(0);
  8149. oscillator.stop(0.5);">A1</button>
  8150. <button onclick="script:
  8151. var context = new AudioContext();
  8152. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8153. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8154. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8155. }
  8156. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8157. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8158. }
  8159. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8160. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8161. }
  8162. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8163. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8164. }
  8165. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8166. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8167. var PlayLen='1';
  8168. var Freq='30.87';
  8169. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8170. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8171. oscillator.start(0);
  8172. oscillator.stop(0.5);">B1</button>
  8173. <button onclick="script:
  8174. var context = new AudioContext();
  8175. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8176. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8177. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8178. }
  8179. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8180. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8181. }
  8182. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8183. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8184. }
  8185. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8186. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8187. }
  8188. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8189. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8190. var PlayLen='1';
  8191. var Freq='32.70';
  8192. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8193. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8194. oscillator.start(0);
  8195. oscillator.stop(0.5);">C1</button>
  8196. <button onclick="script:
  8197. var context = new AudioContext();
  8198. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8199. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8200. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8201. }
  8202. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8203. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8204. }
  8205. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8206. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8207. }
  8208. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8209. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8210. }
  8211. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8212. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8213. var PlayLen='1';
  8214. var Freq='36.71';
  8215. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8216. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8217. oscillator.start(0);
  8218. oscillator.stop(0.5);">D1</button>
  8219. <button onclick="script:
  8220. var context = new AudioContext();
  8221. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8222. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8223. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8224. }
  8225. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8226. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8227. }
  8228. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8229. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8230. }
  8231. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8232. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8233. }
  8234. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8235. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8236. var PlayLen='1';
  8237. var Freq='41.20';
  8238. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8239. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8240. oscillator.start(0);
  8241. oscillator.stop(0.5);">E1</button>
  8242. <button onclick="script:
  8243. var context = new AudioContext();
  8244. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8245. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8246. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8247. }
  8248. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8249. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8250. }
  8251. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8252. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8253. }
  8254. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8255. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8256. }
  8257. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8258. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8259. var PlayLen='1';
  8260. var Freq='43.65';
  8261. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8262. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8263. oscillator.start(0);
  8264. oscillator.stop(0.5);">F1</button>
  8265. <button onclick="script:
  8266. var context = new AudioContext();
  8267. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8268. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8269. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8270. }
  8271. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8272. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8273. }
  8274. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8275. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8276. }
  8277. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8278. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8279. }
  8280. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8281. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8282. var PlayLen='1';
  8283. var Freq='49.';
  8284. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8285. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8286. oscillator.start(0);
  8287. oscillator.stop(0.5);">G1</button>
  8288. </center>
  8289. >>
  8290. JS Audio API Piano SRC V2 - Wed, 04 May 2016 22:26:33 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35557 Report Quick Reply
  8291. <center>
  8292. <h3> Web Piano Example Source V1</h3>
  8293. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" hidden="true">
  8294. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" hidden="true">
  8295. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  8296. chk3.checked=false;
  8297. chk4.checked=false;">
  8298. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8299. chk3.checked=false;
  8300. chk4.checked=false;">
  8301. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8302. chk2.checked=false;
  8303. chk4.checked=false;">
  8304. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk4.checked=true;
  8305. chk1.checked=false;
  8306. chk2.checked=false;
  8307. chk3.checked=false;">
  8308. <button hidden ="false" onclick="script:
  8309. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8310. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8311. var context = new AudioContext();
  8312. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8313. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8314. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8315. }
  8316. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8317. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8318. }
  8319. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8320. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8321. }
  8322. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8323. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8324. }
  8325. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8326. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8327. oscillator.start(0);
  8328. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8329. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  8330. <button onclick="script:
  8331. var context = new AudioContext();
  8332. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8333. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8334. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8335. }
  8336. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8337. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8338. }
  8339. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8340. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8341. }
  8342. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8343. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8344. }
  8345. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8346. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8347. var PlayLen='1';
  8348. var Freq='27.50';
  8349. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8350. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8351. oscillator.start(0);
  8352. oscillator.stop(0.5);">A1</button>
  8353. <button onclick="script:
  8354. var context = new AudioContext();
  8355. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8356. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8357. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8358. }
  8359. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8360. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8361. }
  8362. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8363. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8364. }
  8365. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8366. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8367. }
  8368. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8369. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8370. var PlayLen='1';
  8371. var Freq='30.87';
  8372. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8373. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8374. oscillator.start(0);
  8375. oscillator.stop(0.5);">B1</button>
  8376. <button onclick="script:
  8377. var context = new AudioContext();
  8378. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8379. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8380. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8381. }
  8382. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8383. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8384. }
  8385. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8386. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8387. }
  8388. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8389. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8390. }
  8391. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8392. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8393. var PlayLen='1';
  8394. var Freq='32.70';
  8395. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8396. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8397. oscillator.start(0);
  8398. oscillator.stop(0.5);">C1</button>
  8399. <button onclick="script:
  8400. var context = new AudioContext();
  8401. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8402. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8403. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8404. }
  8405. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8406. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8407. }
  8408. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8409. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8410. }
  8411. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8412. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8413. }
  8414. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8415. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8416. var PlayLen='1';
  8417. var Freq='36.71';
  8418. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8419. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8420. oscillator.start(0);
  8421. oscillator.stop(0.5);">D1</button>
  8422. <button onclick="script:
  8423. var context = new AudioContext();
  8424. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8425. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8426. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8427. }
  8428. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8429. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8430. }
  8431. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8432. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8433. }
  8434. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8435. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8436. }
  8437. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8438. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8439. var PlayLen='1';
  8440. var Freq='41.20';
  8441. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8442. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8443. oscillator.start(0);
  8444. oscillator.stop(0.5);">E1</button>
  8445. <button onclick="script:
  8446. var context = new AudioContext();
  8447. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8448. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8449. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8450. }
  8451. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8452. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8453. }
  8454. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8455. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8456. }
  8457. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8458. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8459. }
  8460. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8461. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8462. var PlayLen='1';
  8463. var Freq='43.65';
  8464. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8465. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8466. oscillator.start(0);
  8467. oscillator.stop(0.5);">F1</button>
  8468. <button onclick="script:
  8469. var context = new AudioContext();
  8470. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8471. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8472. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8473. }
  8474. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8475. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8476. }
  8477. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8478. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8479. }
  8480. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8481. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8482. }
  8483. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8484. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8485. var PlayLen='1';
  8486. var Freq='49.';
  8487. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8488. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8489. oscillator.start(0);
  8490. oscillator.stop(0.5);">G1</button>
  8491. </center>
  8492. >>
  8493. JS Piano App V3 - Thu, 05 May 2016 03:39:02 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35558 Report Quick Reply
  8494. <center>
  8495. <h3> Web Piano Example Source V1</h3>
  8496. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" hidden="true">
  8497. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" hidden="true">
  8498. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  8499. chk3.checked=false;
  8500. chk4.checked=false;">Triange</input>
  8501. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8502. chk3.checked=false;
  8503. chk4.checked=false;">Square</input>
  8504. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  8505. chk2.checked=false;
  8506. chk4.checked=false;">Sine</input>
  8507. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk4.checked=true;
  8508. chk1.checked=false;
  8509. chk2.checked=false;
  8510. chk3.checked=false;">Sawtooth</input>
  8511. <p>
  8512. <button hidden ="false" onclick="script:
  8513. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8514. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8515. var context = new AudioContext();
  8516. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8517. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8518. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8519. }
  8520. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8521. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8522. }
  8523. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8524. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8525. }
  8526. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8527. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8528. }
  8529. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8530. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8531. oscillator.start(0);
  8532. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8533. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Play Sound</button>
  8534. <button onclick="script:
  8535. var context = new AudioContext();
  8536. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8537. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8538. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8539. }
  8540. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8541. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8542. }
  8543. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8544. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8545. }
  8546. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8547. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8548. }
  8549. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8550. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8551. var PlayLen='1';
  8552. var Freq='27.50';
  8553. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8554. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8555. oscillator.start(0);
  8556. oscillator.stop(0.5);">A1</button>
  8557. <button onclick="script:
  8558. var context = new AudioContext();
  8559. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8560. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8561. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8562. }
  8563. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8564. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8565. }
  8566. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8567. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8568. }
  8569. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8570. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8571. }
  8572. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8573. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8574. var PlayLen='1';
  8575. var Freq='30.87';
  8576. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8577. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8578. oscillator.start(0);
  8579. oscillator.stop(0.5);">B1</button>
  8580. <button onclick="script:
  8581. var context = new AudioContext();
  8582. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8583. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8584. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8585. }
  8586. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8587. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8588. }
  8589. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8590. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8591. }
  8592. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8593. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8594. }
  8595. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8596. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8597. var PlayLen='1';
  8598. var Freq='32.70';
  8599. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8600. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8601. oscillator.start(0);
  8602. oscillator.stop(0.5);">C1</button>
  8603. <button onclick="script:
  8604. var context = new AudioContext();
  8605. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8606. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8607. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8608. }
  8609. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8610. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8611. }
  8612. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8613. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8614. }
  8615. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8616. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8617. }
  8618. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8619. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8620. var PlayLen='1';
  8621. var Freq='36.71';
  8622. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8623. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8624. oscillator.start(0);
  8625. oscillator.stop(0.5);">D1</button>
  8626. <button onclick="script:
  8627. var context = new AudioContext();
  8628. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8629. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8630. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8631. }
  8632. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8633. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8634. }
  8635. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8636. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8637. }
  8638. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8639. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8640. }
  8641. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8642. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8643. var PlayLen='1';
  8644. var Freq='41.20';
  8645. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8646. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8647. oscillator.start(0);
  8648. oscillator.stop(0.5);">E1</button>
  8649. <button onclick="script:
  8650. var context = new AudioContext();
  8651. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8652. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8653. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8654. }
  8655. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8656. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8657. }
  8658. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8659. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8660. }
  8661. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8662. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8663. }
  8664. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8665. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8666. var PlayLen='1';
  8667. var Freq='43.65';
  8668. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8669. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8670. oscillator.start(0);
  8671. oscillator.stop(0.5);">F1</button>
  8672. <button onclick="script:
  8673. var context = new AudioContext();
  8674. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8675. if(chk1.checked==true){
  8676. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8677. }
  8678. if(chk2.checked==true){
  8679. oscillator.type = 'square';
  8680. }
  8681. if(chk3.checked==true){
  8682. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8683. }
  8684. if(chk4.checked==true){
  8685. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8686. }
  8687. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  8688. var Freq=Text2.value;
  8689. var PlayLen='1';
  8690. var Freq='49.';
  8691. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8692. oscillator.connect(context.destination)
  8693. oscillator.start(0);
  8694. oscillator.stop(0.5);">G1</button>
  8695. </center>
  8696. >>
  8697. JS Static Gen SRC - Fri, 06 May 2016 05:30:09 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35561 Report Quick Reply
  8698. <script>
  8699. function RollSlot(){
  8700. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8701. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8702. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8703. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8704. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8705. var Freq=Barr
  8706. var context = new AudioContext();
  8707. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8708. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8709. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8710. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8711. oscillator.start(0);
  8712. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8713. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8714. }
  8715. </script>
  8716. <button onclick="script:
  8717. var rolls=5;
  8718. while(rolls!=0){
  8719. rolls--;
  8720. var Timer = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  8721. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  8722. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  8723. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  8724. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  8725. }">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  8726. <button name="b1" id="b1" onclick="script:
  8727. var PlayLen=prompt('Enter # Of Seconds:');
  8728. var Freq=prompt('Enter Frequency Value:');
  8729. var context = new AudioContext();
  8730. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8731. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  8732. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8733. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8734. oscillator.start(0);
  8735. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8736. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);">Test Play</button>
  8737. >>
  8738. JS Radio Static Gen UPDATED!!SQLMRI7z - Fri, 06 May 2016 05:35:59 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35562 Report Quick Reply
  8739. <script>
  8740. function RollSlot(){
  8741. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8742. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8743. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8744. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8745. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8746. var Freq=Barr
  8747. var context = new AudioContext();
  8748. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8749. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8750. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8751. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8752. oscillator.start(0);
  8753. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8754. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8755. }
  8756. </script>
  8757. <button onclick="script:
  8758. var rolls=5;
  8759. while(rolls!=0){
  8760. rolls--;
  8761. var Timer = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  8762. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  8763. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  8764. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  8765. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  8766. }">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  8767. >>
  8768. JS Static Gen Fin - Fri, 06 May 2016 05:48:46 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35563 Report Quick Reply
  8769. <script>
  8770. function RollSlot(){
  8771. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8772. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8773. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*200);
  8774. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8775. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8776. var Freq=Barr
  8777. var context = new AudioContext();
  8778. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8779. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8780. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8781. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8782. oscillator.start(0);
  8783. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8784. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8785. }
  8786. </script>
  8787. <button onclick="script:
  8788. var rolls=5;
  8789. while(rolls!=0){
  8790. rolls--;
  8791. var Timer = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',100);
  8792. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  8793. var Timer2 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',300);
  8794. var Timer3 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',400);
  8795. var Timer4 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',500);
  8796. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  8797. >>
  8798. JS Static Audio API SRC UPDATE Alt Edition!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 06 May 2016 05:56:53 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35564 Report Quick Reply
  8799. <script>
  8800. function RollSlot(){
  8801. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*400);
  8802. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*400);
  8803. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*400);
  8804. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8805. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8806. var Freq=Barr
  8807. var context = new AudioContext();
  8808. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8809. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8810. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8811. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8812. oscillator.start(0);
  8813. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8814. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8815. }
  8816. </script>
  8817. <button onclick="script:
  8818. var rolls=5;
  8819. while(rolls!=0){
  8820. rolls--;
  8821. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  8822. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  8823. >>
  8824. JS Audio API Static Gen SRC Best Values For Real Sounding Static!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 06 May 2016 07:27:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35565 Report Quick Reply
  8825. <script>
  8826. function RollSlot(){
  8827. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8828. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*169);
  8829. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*169);
  8830. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8831. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8832. var Freq=Barr
  8833. var context = new AudioContext();
  8834. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8835. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8836. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8837. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8838. oscillator.start(0);
  8839. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8840. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8841. }
  8842. </script>
  8843. <button onclick="script:
  8844. var rolls=5;
  8845. while(rolls!=0){
  8846. rolls--;
  8847. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',200);
  8848. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  8849. >>
  8850. JS Iframe Hack - Sat, 07 May 2016 11:34:14 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35567 Report Quick Reply
  8851. var retry = 0;
  8853. function checkIfStarted()
  8854. {
  8855. var demo = document.getElementById( "demo" );
  8856. if( demo.contentWindow["$status"]["started"] ) // We can assume that no adblocker has been avoiding script execution.
  8857. {
  8858. // Relay mouse-up and mouse-move to iFrame
  8859. // This listeners are only invoked outside the iframe
  8860. // so we do not need to check if they have been invoked within
  8861. // the iframe to avoid double invokation.
  8862. // Tested with: Chrome, Firefox
  8864. var position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
  8866. var onMouseUp = function ( e )
  8867. {
  8868. demo.contentWindow.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( e.type, e ) );
  8869. };
  8871. var onMouseMove = function ( e )
  8872. {
  8873. var r = demo.getBoundingClientRect();
  8875. position.x = e.pageX - ( r.left + document.body.scrollLeft );
  8876. position.y = e.pageY - ( + document.body.scrollTop ) + 30;// - 50; // WELL, well,...
  8878. demo.contentWindow['injectMouseMove']( position ); // exposed over defrac
  8879. };
  8881. window.addEventListener( "mouseup", onMouseUp );
  8882. window.addEventListener( "mousemove", onMouseMove );
  8884. cular.pageEvents.on("dispose", function() {
  8885. window.removeEventListener( "mouseup", onMouseUp );
  8886. window.removeEventListener( "mousemove", onMouseMove );
  8887. });
  8889. console.log( "Initialized from outside." );
  8890. }
  8891. else
  8892. {
  8893. if( ++retry == 5 ) // Tried five times to make sure we did not run into timing issues.
  8894. {
  8895. alert( "Please disable your Adblocker for this site" );
  8896. }
  8897. else
  8898. {
  8899. self.setTimeout( checkIfStarted, 500 );
  8900. }
  8901. }
  8902. }
  8904. function waitForStatus()
  8905. {
  8906. var demo = document.getElementById( "demo" );
  8907. if( !demo || !demo.contentWindow || !demo.contentWindow["$status"] )
  8908. self.setTimeout( waitForStatus, 500 );
  8909. else
  8910. self.setTimeout( checkIfStarted, 500 );
  8911. }
  8913. self.setTimeout( waitForStatus, 500 );
  8914. >>
  8915. JS Auto Static Spinner SRC Trippy as Hell!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 07 May 2016 12:51:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35570 Report Quick Reply
  8916. <body bgcolor=black>
  8917. <script>
  8918. function RollSlot(){
  8919. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8920. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8921. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8922. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8923. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8924. var Freq=Barr
  8925. var context = new AudioContext();
  8926. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8927. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  8928. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8929. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8930. oscillator.start(0);
  8931. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8932. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8933. }
  8934. var rolls=4333;
  8935. while(rolls!=0){
  8936. rolls--;
  8937. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',1000);
  8938. }
  8939. </script>
  8940. <center>
  8941. <b>
  8942. <h1>
  8943. <font color=lightblue>
  8944. Loading One Second...
  8945. >>
  8946. IS Sine More Real Sine=Signal?? Yes Or No? - Sat, 07 May 2016 13:03:40 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35571 Report Quick Reply
  8947. <body bgcolor=black>
  8948. <script>
  8949. function RollSlot(){
  8950. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8951. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8952. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  8953. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8954. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8955. var Freq=Barr
  8956. var context = new AudioContext();
  8957. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8958. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8959. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8960. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8961. oscillator.start(0);
  8962. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  8963. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8964. }
  8965. var rolls=4333;
  8966. while(rolls!=0){
  8967. rolls--;
  8968. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',1000);
  8969. }
  8970. </script>
  8971. <center>
  8972. <b>
  8973. <h1>
  8974. <font color=lightblue>
  8975. Loading One Second..
  8976. >>
  8977. High Freq Edition Doubles As Dog Whistle!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 07 May 2016 13:10:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35572 Report Quick Reply
  8978. <body bgcolor=black>
  8979. <script>
  8980. function RollSlot(){
  8981. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
  8982. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
  8983. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999);
  8984. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  8985. var PlayLen=Bar;
  8986. var Freq=Barr
  8987. var context = new AudioContext();
  8988. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  8989. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  8990. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  8991. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  8992. oscillator.start(0);
  8994. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  8995. }
  8996. var rolls=4333;
  8997. while(rolls!=0){
  8998. rolls--;
  8999. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',0.001);
  9000. }
  9001. </script>
  9002. <center>
  9003. <b>
  9004. <h1>
  9005. <font color=lightblue>
  9006. Loading One Second..
  9007. >>
  9008. My Certs are Pwnt But Still Codin Strong Fuck Ad Traps!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 07 May 2016 13:32:42 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35573 Report Quick Reply
  9009. <body bgcolor=black>
  9010. <script>
  9011. function RollSlot(){
  9012. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  9013. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  9014. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*69);
  9015. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  9016. var PlayLen=Bar;
  9017. var Freq=Barr
  9018. var context = new AudioContext();
  9019. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9020. oscillator.type = '1';
  9021. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  9022. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9023. oscillator.start(0);
  9024. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9025. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9026. }
  9027. var rolls=4333;
  9028. while(rolls!=0){
  9029. rolls--;
  9030. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',1000);
  9031. }
  9032. </script>
  9033. <center>
  9034. <b>
  9035. <h1>
  9036. <font color=lightblue>
  9037. Loading One Second..
  9038. >>
  9039. Read up and this is how radio freqs work floats only!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 07 May 2016 13:40:05 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35574 Report Quick Reply
  9040. <body bgcolor=black>
  9041. <script>
  9042. function RollSlot(){
  9043. var Bar=(Math.random()*69.9);
  9044. var Barr=(Math.random()*69.9);
  9045. var Barrr=(Math.random()*69,9);
  9046. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  9047. var PlayLen=Bar;
  9048. var Freq=Barr
  9049. var context = new AudioContext();
  9050. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9051. oscillator.type = '1';
  9052. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  9053. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9054. oscillator.start(0);
  9055. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9056. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9057. }
  9058. var rolls=4333;
  9059. while(rolls!=0){
  9060. rolls--;
  9061. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',1000);
  9062. }
  9063. </script>
  9064. <center>
  9065. <b>
  9066. <h1>
  9067. <font color=lightblue>
  9068. Loading One Second..
  9069. >>
  9070. This Annoying As Creepy as Im THinkin? - Sat, 07 May 2016 13:50:22 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35575 Report Quick Reply
  9071. <body bgcolor=black>
  9072. <script>
  9073. function RollSlot(){
  9074. var Bar=(Math.random()*9999.9);
  9075. var Barr=(Math.random()*9999.9);
  9076. var Barrr=(Math.random()*9999.9);
  9077. document.body.innerHTML='<h1><center><font color=lightblue>'+(Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr);
  9078. var PlayLen=Bar;
  9079. var Freq=Barr
  9080. var context = new AudioContext();
  9081. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9082. oscillator.type = '1';
  9083. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  9084. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9085. oscillator.start(0);
  9086. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9087. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9088. }
  9089. var rolls=4333;
  9090. while(rolls!=0){
  9091. rolls--;
  9092. var Timer1 = setInterval('RollSlot();',0.1);
  9093. }
  9094. </script>
  9095. <center>
  9096. <b>
  9097. <h1>
  9098. <font color=lightblue>
  9099. Loading One Second..
  9100. >>
  9101. JS Fake !Y8HmTY.fgk - Sun, 08 May 2016 10:22:51 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35579 Report Quick Reply
  9102. <script>
  9103. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9104. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9105. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9106. var sum=0;
  9107. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9108. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9109. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9110. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9111. return false;
  9112. }
  9113. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9114. var weight;
  9115. if(i%2==0){
  9116. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9117. }else{
  9118. weight=digit;
  9119. }
  9120. sum+=weight;
  9121. }
  9122. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9123. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9124. return digit;
  9125. }
  9126. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9127. while(amm!=0){
  9128. amm--;
  9129. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9130. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9131. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9132. if(out==0){
  9133. alert(inn);
  9134. alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9135. }else{
  9136. alert(inn);
  9137. alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9138. }
  9139. }
  9140. </script>
  9141. >>
  9142. JS Fake !gHEY.VF9B. - Sun, 08 May 2016 10:30:15 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35580 Report Quick Reply
  9143. <script>
  9144. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9145. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9146. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9147. var sum=0;
  9148. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9149. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9150. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9151. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9152. return false;
  9153. }
  9154. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9155. var weight;
  9156. if(i%2==0){
  9157. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9158. }else{
  9159. weight=digit;
  9160. }
  9161. sum+=weight;
  9162. }
  9163. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9164. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9165. return digit;
  9166. }
  9167. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9168. while(amm!=0){
  9169. amm--;
  9170. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9171. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9172. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9173. if(out==0){
  9174. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  9175. alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9176. }else{
  9177. alert(inn);
  9178. alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9179. }
  9180. }
  9181. if(outs!=undefined){
  9182. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  9183. document.write(clean);
  9184. }
  9185. </script>
  9186. >>
  9187. JS Luhn Fake Gen No Alert Edition!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 08 May 2016 11:33:22 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35581 Report Quick Reply
  9188. <script>
  9189. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9190. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9191. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9192. var sum=0;
  9193. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9194. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9195. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9196. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9197. return false;
  9198. }
  9199. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9200. var weight;
  9201. if(i%2==0){
  9202. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9203. }else{
  9204. weight=digit;
  9205. }
  9206. sum+=weight;
  9207. }
  9208. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9209. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9210. return digit;
  9211. }
  9212. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9213. while(amm!=0){
  9214. amm--;
  9215. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9216. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9217. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9218. if(out==0){
  9219. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  9220. //alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9221. }else{
  9222. //alert(inn);
  9223. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9224. }
  9225. }
  9226. if(outs!=undefined){
  9227. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  9228. document.write(clean);
  9229. }
  9230. </script>
  9231. >>
  9232. Fix - Sun, 08 May 2016 15:33:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35582 Report Quick Reply
  9233. <script>
  9234. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9235. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9236. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9237. var sum=0;
  9238. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9239. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9240. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9241. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9242. return false;
  9243. }
  9244. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9245. var weight;
  9246. if(number%2==0){
  9247. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9248. }else{
  9249. weight=digit;
  9250. }
  9251. sum+=weight;
  9252. }
  9253. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9254. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9255. return digit;
  9256. }
  9257. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9258. while(amm!=0){
  9259. amm--;
  9260. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9261. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9262. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9263. if(out==0){
  9264. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  9265. //alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9266. }else{
  9267. //alert(inn);
  9268. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9269. }
  9270. }
  9271. if(outs!=undefined){
  9272. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  9273. document.write(clean);
  9274. }
  9275. </script>
  9276. >>
  9277. Fix 1 - Sun, 08 May 2016 15:37:52 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35583 Report Quick Reply
  9278. <script>
  9279. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9280. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9281. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9282. var sum=0;
  9283. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9284. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9285. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9286. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9287. return false;
  9288. }
  9289. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9290. var weight;
  9291. if(ch%2==0){
  9292. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9293. }else{
  9294. weight=digit;
  9295. }
  9296. sum+=weight;
  9297. }
  9298. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9299. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9300. return digit;
  9301. }
  9302. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9303. while(amm!=0){
  9304. amm--;
  9305. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9306. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9307. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9308. if(out==0){
  9309. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  9310. //alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9311. }else{
  9312. //alert(inn);
  9313. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9314. }
  9315. }
  9316. if(outs!=undefined){
  9317. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  9318. document.write(clean);
  9319. }
  9320. </script>
  9321. >>
  9322. Fix 2 - Sun, 08 May 2016 15:39:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35584 Report Quick Reply
  9323. <script>
  9324. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  9325. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  9326. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  9327. var sum=0;
  9328. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  9329. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  9330. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  9331. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  9332. return false;
  9333. }
  9334. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  9335. var weight;
  9336. if(digit%2==0){
  9337. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  9338. }else{
  9339. weight=digit;
  9340. }
  9341. sum+=weight;
  9342. }
  9343. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  9344. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  9345. return digit;
  9346. }
  9347. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  9348. while(amm!=0){
  9349. amm--;
  9350. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  9351. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  9352. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  9353. if(out==0){
  9354. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  9355. //alert("Valid Credit Card #!!","","Valid Number!!");
  9356. }else{
  9357. //alert(inn);
  9358. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  9359. }
  9360. }
  9361. if(outs!=undefined){
  9362. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  9363. document.write(clean);
  9364. }
  9365. </script>
  9366. >>
  9367. JS Multi Channel Oscillator Low Band!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:18:03 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35585 Report Quick Reply
  9368. <script>
  9369. function RollSlot(){
  9370. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.99);
  9371. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.99);
  9373. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9374. var PlayLen=21.1;
  9375. if(Bar%2==0){
  9376. var Freq=Bar++;
  9377. }else{
  9378. var Freq=Bar--;
  9379. }
  9380. var context = new AudioContext();
  9381. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9382. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9383. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  9384. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9385. oscillator.start(0);
  9386. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9387. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9388. }
  9389. </script>
  9390. <button onclick="script:
  9391. var rolls=10;
  9392. while(rolls!=0){
  9393. rolls--;
  9394. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',0.001);
  9395. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9396. >>
  9397. JS Multi Channel Oscillator High Band Freq - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:29:37 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35586 Report Quick Reply
  9398. <script>
  9399. function RollSlot(){
  9400. var Bar=parseFloat(10000.9);
  9401. var Barr=parseFloat(10000.9);
  9403. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9404. var PlayLen=80
  9405. if(Bar!=0){
  9406. Bar--
  9407. }else if(Bar!=10.9){
  9408. Bar++
  9409. }
  9410. var context = new AudioContext();
  9411. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9412. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9413. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9414. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9415. oscillator.start(0);
  9416. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9417. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9418. }
  9419. </script>
  9420. <button onclick="script:
  9421. var rolls=10;
  9422. while(rolls!=0){
  9423. rolls--;
  9424. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',0.001);
  9425. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9426. >>
  9427. JS Low and High Oscilators Combined Random Freq Channels!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:35:04 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35587 Report Quick Reply
  9428. <script>
  9429. function RollSlott(){
  9430. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.9);
  9431. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.9);
  9433. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9434. var PlayLen=21.1;
  9435. if(Bar!=0){
  9436. Bar--
  9437. }else if(Bar!=21.9){
  9438. Bar++
  9439. }
  9440. var context = new AudioContext();
  9441. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9442. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9443. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9444. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9445. oscillator.start(0);
  9446. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9447. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9448. }
  9449. </script>
  9450. <button onclick="script:
  9451. var rolls=10;
  9452. while(rolls!=0){
  9453. rolls--;
  9454. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.0001);
  9455. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9456. <script>
  9457. function RollSlot(){
  9458. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*10000.9);
  9459. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*10000.9);
  9461. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9462. var PlayLen=80
  9463. if(Bar!=0){
  9464. Bar--
  9465. }else if(Bar!=10000.9){
  9466. Bar++
  9467. }
  9468. var context = new AudioContext();
  9469. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9470. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9471. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9472. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9473. oscillator.start(0);
  9474. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9475. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9476. }
  9477. </script>
  9478. <button onclick="script:
  9479. var rolls=10;
  9480. while(rolls!=0){
  9481. rolls--;
  9482. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlot();',0.0001);
  9483. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9484. >>
  9485. JS Low Freq Oscillator Final (Best Way To Do This!!Mxa2ixtL - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:38:18 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35588 Report Quick Reply
  9486. <script>
  9487. function RollSlott(){
  9488. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.9);
  9489. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*21.9);
  9491. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9492. var PlayLen=21.1;
  9493. if(Bar!=0){
  9494. Bar--
  9495. }else if(Bar!=21){
  9496. Bar++
  9497. }
  9498. var context = new AudioContext();
  9499. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9500. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9501. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9502. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9503. oscillator.start(0);
  9504. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9505. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9506. }
  9507. </script>
  9508. <button onclick="script:
  9509. var rolls=10;
  9510. while(rolls!=0){
  9511. rolls--;
  9512. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.0001);
  9513. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.002)
  9514. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.03)
  9515. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.04)
  9516. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.5)
  9517. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9518. <script>
  9519. >>
  9520. The Most Annoying Shit Ever!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:41:12 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35589 Report Quick Reply
  9521. <script>
  9522. function RollSlott(){
  9523. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  9524. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  9526. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9527. var PlayLen=80;
  9528. if(Bar!=0){
  9529. Bar--
  9530. }else if(Bar!=21){
  9531. Bar++
  9532. }
  9533. var context = new AudioContext();
  9534. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9535. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  9536. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9537. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9538. oscillator.start(0);
  9539. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9540. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9541. }
  9542. </script>
  9543. <button onclick="script:
  9544. var rolls=10;
  9545. while(rolls!=0){
  9546. rolls--;
  9547. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.0001);
  9548. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.002)
  9549. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.03)
  9550. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.04)
  9551. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.5)
  9552. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9553. <script>
  9554. >>
  9555. Opps Fix!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 09 May 2016 18:52:18 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35590 Report Quick Reply
  9556. <script>
  9557. function RollSlott(){
  9558. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  9559. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  9561. document.body.innerHTML=(Bar+":"+Barr);
  9562. var PlayLen=80;
  9563. if(Bar!=0){
  9564. Bar--
  9565. }else if(Bar!=101){
  9566. Bar++
  9567. }
  9568. var context = new AudioContext();
  9569. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  9570. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  9571. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  9572. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  9573. oscillator.start(0);
  9574. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  9575. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  9576. }
  9577. </script>
  9578. <button onclick="script:
  9579. var rolls=10;
  9580. while(rolls!=0){
  9581. rolls--;
  9582. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.0001);
  9583. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.002)
  9584. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.03)
  9585. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.04)
  9586. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.5)
  9587. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  9588. <script>
  9589. >>
  9590. Cool Class - Tue, 10 May 2016 07:58:27 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35591 Report Quick Reply
  9591. function jsMode(txt) {
  9592. var rest = txt, done = "", sfnuttpos, dfnuttpos, compos, comlinepos, keywordpos, numpos, mypos, y;
  9593. y = 1;
  9594. while (y == 1) {
  9595. sfnuttpos = getPos(rest, "'", "'", jsStringMode);
  9596. dfnuttpos = getPos(rest, '"', '"', jsStringMode);
  9597. compos = getPos(rest, /\/\*/, "*/", commentMode);
  9598. comlinepos = getPos(rest, /\/\//, "<br>", commentMode);
  9599. numpos = getNumPos(rest, jsNumberMode);
  9600. keywordpos = getKeywordPos("js", rest, jsKeywordMode);
  9601. if (Math.max(numpos[0], sfnuttpos[0], dfnuttpos[0], compos[0], comlinepos[0], keywordpos[0]) == -1) {break;}
  9602. mypos = getMinPos(numpos, sfnuttpos, dfnuttpos, compos, comlinepos, keywordpos);
  9603. if (mypos[0] == -1) {break;}
  9604. if (mypos[0] > -1) {
  9605. done += rest.substring(0, mypos[0]);
  9606. done += mypos[2](rest.substring(mypos[0], mypos[1]));
  9607. rest = rest.substr(mypos[1]);
  9608. }
  9609. }
  9610. return "<span style=color:" + jscolor + ">" + done + rest + "</span>";
  9611. }
  9612. function jsStringMode(txt) {
  9613. return "<span style=color:" + jsstringcolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9614. }
  9615. function jsKeywordMode(txt) {
  9616. return "<span style=color:" + jskeywordcolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9617. }
  9618. function jsNumberMode(txt) {
  9619. return "<span style=color:" + jsnumbercolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9620. }
  9621. function getMinPos() {
  9622. var i, arr = [];
  9623. for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  9624. if (arguments[0] > -1) {
  9625. if (arr.length == 0 || arguments[0] < arr[0]) {arr = arguments;}
  9626. }
  9627. }
  9628. if (arr.length == 0) {arr = arguments;}
  9629. return arr;
  9630. }
  9631. function phpMode(txt) {
  9632. var rest = txt, done = "", sfnuttpos, dfnuttpos, compos, comlinepos, comhashpos, keywordpos, mypos, y;
  9633. y = 1;
  9634. while (y == 1) {
  9635. sfnuttpos = getPos(rest, "'", "'", phpStringMode);
  9636. dfnuttpos = getPos(rest, '"', '"', phpStringMode);
  9637. compos = getPos(rest, /\/\*/, "*/", commentMode);
  9638. comlinepos = getPos(rest, /\/\//, "<br>", commentMode);
  9639. comhashpos = getPos(rest, "#", "<br>", commentMode);
  9640. numpos = getNumPos(rest, phpNumberMode);
  9641. keywordpos = getKeywordPos("php", rest, phpKeywordMode);
  9642. if (Math.max(numpos[0], sfnuttpos[0], dfnuttpos[0], compos[0], comlinepos[0], comhashpos[0], keywordpos[0]) == -1) {break;}
  9643. mypos = getMinPos(numpos, sfnuttpos, dfnuttpos, compos, comlinepos, comhashpos, keywordpos);
  9644. if (mypos[0] == -1) {break;}
  9645. if (mypos[0] > -1) {
  9646. done += rest.substring(0, mypos[0]);
  9647. done += mypos[2](rest.substring(mypos[0], mypos[1]));
  9648. rest = rest.substr(mypos[1]);
  9649. }
  9650. }
  9651. rest = done + rest;
  9652. rest = "<span style=color:" + phptagcolor + "><" + rest.substr(4, 4) + "</span>" + rest.substring(8);
  9653. if (rest.substr(rest.length - 5, 5) == "?>") {
  9654. rest = rest.substring(0, rest.length - 5) + "<span style=color:" + phptagcolor + ">?></span>";
  9655. }
  9656. return "<span style=color:" + phpcolor + ">" + rest + "</span>";
  9657. }
  9658. function phpStringMode(txt) {
  9659. return "<span style=color:" + phpstringcolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9660. }
  9661. function phpNumberMode(txt) {
  9662. return "<span style=color:" + phpnumbercolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9663. }
  9664. function phpKeywordMode(txt) {
  9665. var glb = ["$GLOBALS","$_SERVER","$_REQUEST","$_POST","$_GET","$_FILES","$_ENV","$_COOKIE","$_SESSION"];
  9666. if (glb.indexOf(txt) > -1) {
  9667. return "<span style=color:" + phpglobalcolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9668. } else {
  9669. return "<span style=color:" + phpkeywordcolor + ">" + txt + "</span>";
  9670. }
  9671. }
  9672. function getKeywordPos(typ, txt, func) {
  9673. var words, i, pos, rpos = -1, rpos2 = -1, patt;
  9674. if (typ == "js") {
  9675. words = ["abstract","arguments","boolean","break","byte","case","catch","char","class","const","continue","debugger","default","delete",
  9676. "do","double","else","enum","eval","export","extends","false","final","finally","float","for","function","goto","if","implements","import",
  9677. "in","instanceof","int","interface","let","long","native","new","null","package","private","protected","public","return","short","static",
  9678. "super","switch","synchronized","this","throw","throws","transient","true","try","typeof","var","void","volatile","while","with","yield"];
  9679. } else if (typ == "php") {
  9680. words = ["$GLOBALS","$_SERVER","$_REQUEST","$_POST","$_GET","$_FILES","$_ENV","$_COOKIE","$_SESSION",
  9681. "__halt_compiler","abstract","and","array","as","break","callable","case","catch","class","clone","const","continue","declare","default",
  9682. "die","do","echo","else","elseif","empty","enddeclare","endfor","endforeach","endif","endswitch","endwhile","eval","exit","extends","final","for",
  9683. "foreach","function","global","goto","if","implements","include","include_once","instanceof","insteadof","interface","isset","list","namespace","new",
  9684. "or","print","private","protected","public","require","require_once","return","static","switch","throw","trait","try","unset","use","var","while","xor"];
  9685. }
  9686. for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
  9687. pos = txt.indexOf(words)
  9688. if (pos > -1) {
  9689. patt = /\W/g;
  9690. if (txt.substr(pos + words.length,1).match(patt) && txt.substr(pos - 1,1).match(patt)) {
  9691. if (pos > -1 && (rpos == -1 || pos < rpos)) {
  9692. rpos = pos;
  9693. rpos2 = rpos + words.length;
  9694. }
  9695. }
  9696. }
  9697. }
  9698. return [rpos, rpos2, func];
  9699. }
  9700. function getPos(txt, start, end, func) {
  9701. var s, e;
  9702. s =;
  9703. e = txt.indexOf(end, s + (end.length));
  9704. if (e == -1) {e = txt.length;}
  9705. return [s, e + (end.length), func];
  9706. }
  9707. function getNumPos(txt, func) {
  9708. var arr = ["<br>", " ", ";", "(", "+", ")", "[", "]", ",", "&", ":", "{", "}", "/" ,"-", "*", "|", "%"], i, j, c, startpos = 0, endpos, word;
  9709. for (i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
  9710. for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
  9711. c = txt.substr(i, arr[j].length);
  9712. if (c == arr[j]) {
  9713. if (c == "-" && (txt.substr(i - 1, 1) == "e" || txt.substr(i - 1, 1) == "E")) {
  9714. continue;
  9715. }
  9716. endpos = i;
  9717. if (startpos < endpos) {
  9718. word = txt.substring(startpos, endpos);
  9719. if (!isNaN(word)) {return [startpos, endpos, func];}
  9720. }
  9721. i += arr[j].length;
  9722. startpos = i;
  9723. i -= 1;
  9724. break;
  9725. }
  9726. }
  9727. }
  9728. return [-1, -1, func];
  9729. }
  9730. }
  9731. >>
  9732. JS Canvas SRC - Wed, 11 May 2016 10:31:13 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35598 Report Quick Reply
  9733. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',50);">
  9734. <canvas id="canvas" width='500' height='500'></canvas>
  9735. <script>
  9736. function draw1() {
  9737. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  9738. for (var i=0;i<255;i++) {
  9739. for (var j=0;j<255;j++) {
  9741. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  9742. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*255);
  9743. ctx.fillRect(2,2,20,20);
  9744. ctx.restore();
  9745. }
  9746. }
  9747. }
  9748. </script>
  9749. >>
  9750. JS Canvas SRC UPDATE!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 11 May 2016 10:36:49 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35599 Report Quick Reply
  9751. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',50);">
  9752. <canvas id="canvas" width='500' height='500'></canvas>
  9753. <script>
  9754. function draw1() {
  9755. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  9756. for (var i=0;i<255;i++) {
  9757. for (var j=0;j<255;j++) {
  9759. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  9760. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*255);
  9761. ctx.fillRect(22,22,20,20);
  9762. ctx.restore();
  9763. }
  9764. }
  9765. }
  9766. </script>
  9767. >>
  9768. JS Canvas SRC UPDATE FINAL!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 11 May 2016 11:00:59 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35600 Report Quick Reply
  9769. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',5);">
  9770. <canvas id="canvas" width='500' height='500'></canvas>
  9771. <script>
  9772. function draw1() {
  9773. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  9774. for (var i=0;i<255;i++) {
  9775. for (var j=0;j<255;j++) {
  9777. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  9778. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*255);
  9779. ctx.fillRect(22,22,20,20);
  9780. ctx.restore();
  9781. }
  9782. }
  9783. }
  9784. </script>
  9785. >>
  9786. Canvas JS Faster Moving FPS (FINAL UPDATE!!WvAZa2Cl - Wed, 11 May 2016 11:57:57 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35601 Report Quick Reply
  9787. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',0.5);">
  9788. <canvas id="canvas" width='1000' height='1000'></canvas>
  9789. <script>
  9790. function draw1() {
  9791. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  9792. for (var i=0;i<45;i++) {
  9793. for (var j=0;j<256;j++) {
  9795. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  9796. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*256);
  9797. ctx.fillRect(25,25,15,15);
  9798. ctx.restore();
  9799. }
  9800. }
  9801. }
  9802. </script>
  9803. >>
  9804. Henry Bimmlefene - Wed, 11 May 2016 12:37:02 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35602 Report Quick Reply
  9805. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',0.5);">
  9806. <canvas id="canvas" width='1000' height='1000'></canvas>
  9807. <script>
  9808. function draw1() {
  9809. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  9810. for (var i=0;i<45;i++) {
  9811. for (var j=0;j<256;j++) {
  9813. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  9814. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*256);
  9815. ctx.fillRect(-10,-10,15,15);
  9816. ctx.restore();
  9817. }
  9818. }
  9819. }
  9820. </script>
  9821. >>
  9822. JS Random IP Geolocation Lookup - Wed, 11 May 2016 14:39:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35603 Report Quick Reply
  9823. <script>
  9824. var i=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  9825. var u=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  9826. var t=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  9827. var r=Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
  9829. </script>
  9830. >>
  9831. Polly Winderlock - Wed, 11 May 2016 17:09:25 EST ID:lP2HGMzK No.35605 Report Quick Reply
  9832. >>35603
  9833. Please die.
  9834. >>
  9835. JS Chrome Dynamic Loading Scripts - Fri, 13 May 2016 09:59:27 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35615 Report Quick Reply
  9836. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
  9837. <html xmlns="">
  9838. <head>
  9839. <title>Dynamic Loading Script Testing</title>
  9840. <script type="text/javascript">
  9841. function page_load()
  9842. {
  9843. var script = document.createElement('script')
  9844. script.setAttribute("id", "dynamicLoadingScript");
  9845. script.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");
  9846. script.text = "var someVariable = 0;\n" +
  9847. "someVariable = window.location;\n" +
  9848. "alert(someVariable);";
  9850. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);
  9851. }
  9852. </script>
  9853. </head>
  9854. <body onload="page_load();">
  9855. </body>
  9856. </html>
  9857. >>
  9858. JS Append Scripts - Fri, 13 May 2016 11:25:49 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35616 Report Quick Reply
  9859. <script src=""></script>
  9860. <script>
  9861. function appendScript() {
  9862. var txt = document.createElement("script");
  9863. txt.innerHTML = "alert('yo')";
  9864. $("*").append(txt);
  9865. }
  9866. </script>
  9867. <p></p>
  9868. <button onclick="appendScript()">Append Javascript</button>
  9869. >>
  9870. JQ Append Script To Dom Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 03:49:44 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35617 Report Quick Reply
  9871. <script src=""></script>
  9872. <script>
  9873. function appendScript() {
  9874. var txt = document.createElement("script");
  9875. txt.innerHTML = prompt("Enter JS TO RenderL");
  9876. $("*").append(txt);
  9877. }
  9878. </script>
  9879. <p></p>
  9880. <button onclick="appendScript()">Append Javascript</button>
  9881. >>
  9882. JQ Append JS Script To DOM FIX 2 UPDATED!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 03:50:47 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35618 Report Quick Reply
  9883. >>35617
  9884. <script src=""></script>
  9885. <script>
  9886. function appendScript() {
  9887. var txt = document.createElement("script");
  9888. txt.innerHTML = prompt("Enter JS TO Render:");
  9889. $("*").append(txt);
  9890. }
  9891. </script>
  9892. <p></p>
  9893. <button onclick="appendScript()">Append Javascript</button>
  9894. >>
  9895. JQ Marquee Fade/Flicker Effect SRC - Sat, 14 May 2016 08:45:48 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35619 Report Quick Reply
  9896. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  9897. <font color='green'>
  9898. <script src="">
  9899. </script>
  9900. <h3>
  9901. <marquee>Move The Mouse Around To See The Flicker Effect!!!!!!</marquee>
  9902. </h3>
  9903. <script>
  9904. $("body").mousemove(function() {
  9905. $("h3").fadeinColor=('red');
  9906. $("h3").fadeIn(Math.random()*100);
  9907. $("h3").fadeoutColor=('blue');
  9908. $("h3").fadeOut(Math.random()*100);
  9909. });
  9910. </script>
  9911. >>
  9912. JS SUper Flash/Sezure Demo/UPDATE!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 09:32:08 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35620 Report Quick Reply
  9913. <body onload="Test();">
  9914. <script>
  9915. function Test(){
  9916. setInterval("GenStrongPass()",0.001);
  9917. }
  9918. </script>
  9919. <script>
  9920. function styleBGColor(color){
  9922. }
  9923. function GenStrongPass()
  9924. {
  9925. var text = "";
  9926. var possible = "FABCGDEG0123456789";
  9927. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  9928. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  9930. document.write(text+"\n<br>");
  9931. }
  9932. </script>
  9933. >>
  9934. JS Canvas Draw Text To Random Position V2!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 13:57:44 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35621 Report Quick Reply
  9935. <html>
  9936. <body onload="
  9937. Draw();">
  9938. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"
  9939. style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
  9940. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  9941. </canvas>
  9942. <script>
  9943. function Draw(){
  9944. var intt=prompt("Enter #:");
  9945. var t=prompt('Enter Text To Display:');
  9946. for(var i=0;i<intt;i++){
  9947. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  9948. var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
  9949. ctx.font="50px Comic Sans MS";
  9950. ctx.fillStyle = "red";
  9951. ctx.textAlign = "center";
  9952. ctx.fillText(""+t,Math.floor(Math.random()*500),Math.floor(Math.random()*500));
  9953. }
  9954. }
  9955. </script>
  9956. </body>
  9957. </html>
  9958. >>
  9959. Ajax Start Demo JQuery!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 20:19:52 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35622 Report Quick Reply
  9960. <script src=""></script>
  9961. <script>
  9962. $(document).ready(function(){
  9963. $(document).ajaxStart(function(){
  9964. $('*').html("<iframe src='' width='500' height='500'>");
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  9966. $("button").click(function(){
  9967. $("div").load("demo.asp");
  9968. });
  9969. });
  9970. </script>
  9973. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
  9975. <button>Change Content</button>
  9976. >>
  9977. Updated!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 14 May 2016 20:28:24 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35623 Report Quick Reply
  9978. <script src=""></script>
  9979. <script>
  9980. $(document).ready(function(){
  9981. $(document).ajaxStart(function(){
  9982. var tt=prompt("Enter URL:");
  9983. $('*').html("<iframe src="+tt+"<iframe/>");
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  9985. $("button").click(function(){
  9986. $("div").load("demo.asp");
  9987. });
  9988. });
  9989. </script>
  9991. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
  9992. <textbox value="cx" id="tt" name="tt" height="100" width="100"></textbox>
  9993. <button>Show IFrame Site</button>
  9994. >>
  9995. Updated V2 - Sat, 14 May 2016 20:37:34 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35624 Report Quick Reply
  9996. <script src=""></script>
  9997. <script>
  9998. $(document).ready(function(){
  9999. $(document).ajaxStart(function(){
  10000. var tt=prompt("Enter URL:");
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  10003. $("button").click(function(){
  10004. $("div").load(""+tt);
  10005. });
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  10007. </script>
  10009. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
  10010. <textbox value="cx" id="tt" name="tt" height="100" width="100"></textbox>
  10011. <button>Show IFrame Site</button>
  10012. >>
  10013. Update V3 - Sat, 14 May 2016 20:39:23 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35625 Report Quick Reply
  10014. <script src=""></script>
  10015. <script>
  10016. $(document).ready(function(){
  10017. $(document).ajaxStart(function(){
  10018. var tt=prompt("Enter URL:");
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  10021. $("button").click(function(){
  10022. $("*").load(""+tt);
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  10025. </script>
  10027. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
  10028. <textbox value="cx" id="tt" name="tt" height="100" width="100"></textbox>
  10029. <button>Show IFrame Site</button>
  10030. >>
  10031. New - Sat, 14 May 2016 20:41:29 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35626 Report Quick Reply
  10032. <script src=""></script>
  10033. <script>
  10034. $(document).ready(function(){
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  10039. $("button").click(function(){
  10040. $("*").load(""+tt);
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  10042. });
  10043. </script>
  10045. <div><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
  10046. <textbox value="cx" id="tt" name="tt" height="100" width="100"></textbox>
  10047. <button>Show IFrame Site</button>
  10048. >>
  10049. Modded By Me For Style And Functionality AS Seen on W3C!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 15 May 2016 02:44:35 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35627 Report Quick Reply
  10050. <!DOCTYPE html>
  10051. <html>
  10052. <center>
  10053. <body>
  10054. <canvas id="canvas" width="440" height="440"
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  10057. <script>
  10058. var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
  10059. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  10060. var radius = canvas.height / 2;
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  10063. setInterval('drawClock();',0.1);
  10064. function drawClock() {
  10065. drawFace(ctx, radius);
  10066. drawNumbers(ctx, radius);
  10067. drawTime(ctx, radius);
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  10069. function drawFace(ctx, radius) {
  10070. var grad;
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  10100. ctx.translate(0, radius*0.85);
  10101. ctx.rotate(-ang);
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  10104. function drawTime(ctx, radius){
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  10109. //hour
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  10111. hour=(hour*Math.PI/6)+
  10112. (minute*Math.PI/(6*60))+
  10113. (second*Math.PI/(360*60));
  10114. drawHand(ctx, hour, radius*0.5, radius*0.07);
  10115. //minute
  10116. minute=(minute*Math.PI/30)+(second*Math.PI/(30*60));
  10117. drawHand(ctx, minute, radius*0.8, radius*0.07);
  10118. // second
  10119. second=(second*Math.PI/30);
  10120. drawHand(ctx, second, radius*0.9, radius*0.02);
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  10122. function drawHand(ctx, pos, length, width) {
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  10126. ctx.moveTo(0,0);
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  10130. ctx.rotate(-pos);
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  10132. </script>
  10133. </body>
  10134. </html>
  10135. >>
  10136. JQ HTML Render IN DOM UPDATED VERSION!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 15 May 2016 14:40:51 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35628 Report Quick Reply
  10137. <script src=""></script>
  10138. <script>
  10139. $("document").ready(function(){
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  10142. $("*").html("<p>"+HTML);
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  10145. </script>
  10146. </head>
  10147. <body>
  10148. <p></p>
  10149. <button>Run HTML Inline</button>
  10150. </body>
  10151. </center>
  10152. </html>
  10153. <script>
  10154. document.write(x);
  10155. </script>
  10156. >>
  10157. W3SCHOOL Navigation html,js,jquery ect - Mon, 16 May 2016 14:38:39 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35633 Report Quick Reply
  10158. <script>
  10159. var p=prompt("Enter Path Type:");
  10160. this.window.mime='txt/html';
  10161. location='/'+p+'/';
  10162. </script>
  10163. >>
  10164. Angular Ajax Demo - Tue, 17 May 2016 11:37:17 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35635 Report Quick Reply
  10165. <script src=""></script>
  10168. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10172. </div>
  10174. <script>
  10175. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10176. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10177. $http.get("tryit.asp")
  10178. .then(function(response) {
  10179. alert(;
  10180. $scope.myWelcome =;
  10181. });
  10182. });
  10183. </script>
  10184. >>
  10185. Angular Ajax Demo V2 - Tue, 17 May 2016 12:35:40 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35636 Report Quick Reply
  10186. <script src=""></script>
  10187. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10188. </div>
  10189. <script>
  10190. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10191. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10192. $http.get("tryit.asp")
  10193. .then(function(response) {
  10194. alert((;
  10195. $scope.myWelcome =;
  10197. });
  10198. });
  10199. </script>
  10200. >>
  10201. Angular Get Gif Text Data - Tue, 17 May 2016 12:45:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35637 Report Quick Reply
  10202. <script src=""></script>
  10203. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10204. </div>
  10205. <script>
  10206. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10207. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10208. $http.get("")
  10209. .then(function(response) {
  10210. alert((;
  10211. $scope.myWelcome =;
  10213. });
  10214. });
  10215. </script>
  10216. >>
  10217. Angular Get Gif Text Data(Show The Publishing Tool If Exif Data is Found!!WvAZa2Cl - Tue, 17 May 2016 13:05:44 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35638 Report Quick Reply
  10218. <script src=""></script>
  10219. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10220. </div>
  10221. <script>
  10222. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10223. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10224. $http.get("")
  10225. .then(function(response) {
  10226. var;
  10227. var rep=r.replace("ImageReady",null);
  10228. if(r.indexOf('exif'||(r.indexOf("EXIF")))){
  10229. alert("Exif Data Found!!");
  10230. }
  10231. if(r.indexOf('ImageReady')){
  10232. alert("Adobe Image Ready");
  10233. }
  10234. alert((rep));
  10235. $scope.myWelcome = rep;
  10236. document.body.innerText=rep;
  10237. });
  10238. });
  10239. </script>
  10240. </body>
  10241. >>
  10242. Angular Get Gif Text Data(Show The Publishing Tool If Exif Data is Found!!+GAR4LMj - Tue, 17 May 2016 13:14:25 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35639 Report Quick Reply
  10243. <script src=""></script>
  10244. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10245. </div>
  10246. <script>
  10247. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10248. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10249. $http.get("")
  10250. .then(function(response) {
  10251. var;
  10252. var rep=r.replace("ImageReady","");
  10253. if(r.indexOf('exif'||(r.indexOf("EXIF")))){
  10254. alert("Exif Data Found!!");
  10255. }
  10256. if(r.indexOf('ImageReady')){
  10257. alert("Adobe Image Ready");
  10258. }
  10259. alert((rep));
  10260. $scope.myWelcome = rep;
  10261. document.body.innerText=rep;
  10262. });
  10263. });
  10264. </script>
  10265. </body>
  10266. >>
  10267. JQ Ajax Get Raw File Contents!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 18 May 2016 02:02:47 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35641 Report Quick Reply
  10268. <script src=""></script>
  10269. <script>
  10270. $(document).ready(function(){
  10271. $("button").click(function(){
  10272. $.post("tryit.asp", function(requestData,e){
  10273. document.body.innerText=("Data: " + requestData + "\nStatus: "+e + status);
  10274. });
  10275. });
  10276. });
  10277. </script>
  10278. </head>
  10279. <body>
  10280. <button>POST Request</button>
  10281. >>
  10282. JQ Re-styling Src - Thu, 19 May 2016 06:43:26 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35643 Report Quick Reply
  10283. <script src=""></script>
  10284. <script>
  10285. $(document).ready(function(){
  10286. $("button").click(function(){
  10287. $.post("tryit.asp", function(requestData,e){
  10288. document.getElementById("dragbar").style.cursor='arrow';
  10289. document.body.innerText=("Data: " + requestData + "\nStatus: "+e + status);
  10290. });
  10291. });
  10292. });
  10293. </script>
  10294. </head>
  10295. <body>
  10296. <button>POST Request</button>
  10297. >>
  10298. JQ Re-styling Src - Thu, 19 May 2016 07:10:00 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35644 Report Quick Reply
  10299. >>35643
  10300. >>
  10301. JQ Re-styling Src.html!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 19 May 2016 07:11:00 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35645 Report Quick Reply
  10302. <script src=""></script>
  10303. <script>
  10304. $(document).ready(function(){
  10305. $("button").click(function(){
  10306. $.post("tryit.asp", function(requestData,e){
  10307. document.body.cursor='0';
  10308. document.body.innerHTML=("Data: " +requestData.replace(requestData,':-p')+"<br>Status:\n"+e + status);
  10309. });
  10310. });
  10311. });
  10312. </script>
  10313. </head>
  10314. <body>
  10315. <button>POST Request</button>
  10316. <br>
  10317. <img border="20" src="/images/stop.gif" align="absmiddle" width="332" height="332">
  10318. >>
  10319. Angular Load Any File To Text - Thu, 19 May 2016 16:59:16 EST ID:BTARyTeY No.35647 Report Quick Reply
  10320. <script src=""></script>
  10321. <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" hidden>
  10322. </div>
  10323. <script>
  10324. var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
  10325. app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
  10326. var p=prompt("Enter File Path ie: tryjs_assign_plusequal, or tryit.asp:");
  10327. $http.get(""+p)
  10328. .then(function(response) {
  10329. var;
  10330. var rep=r.replace("ImageReady","");
  10331. if(r.indexOf('exif'||(r.indexOf("EXIF")))){
  10332. //alert("Exif Data Found!!");
  10333. }
  10334. if(r.indexOf('ImageReady')){
  10335. //alert("Adobe Image Ready");
  10336. }
  10337. alert((rep));
  10338. $scope.myWelcome = rep;
  10339. document.body.innerText=rep;
  10340. });
  10341. });
  10342. </script>
  10343. </body>
  10344. >>
  10345. Ajax Get Raw File Contents (.get Request) (better then .post IMO!!WvAZa2Cl - Thu, 26 May 2016 23:52:53 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35661 Report Quick Reply
  10346. <script src=""></script>
  10347. <script>
  10348. $(document).ready(function(){
  10349. $("button").click(function(){
  10350. var dat=prompt("Enter URL Or Subdirectory:");
  10351. $.get(""+dat, function(requestData){
  10352. document.body.innerText=requestData;
  10353. });
  10354. });
  10355. });
  10356. var a=this.offsetParent(false);
  10357. </script>
  10358. </head>
  10359. <body>
  10360. <button>Ajax Get Request</button>
  10361. >>
  10362. Ajax Get Raw File Contents (.get Request) (better then .post IMO!!o7Q/WvVg - Thu, 26 May 2016 23:55:12 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35662 Report Quick Reply
  10363. <script src=""></script>
  10364. <script>
  10365. $(document).ready(function(){
  10366. $("button").click(function(){
  10367. var dat=prompt("Enter URL Or Subdirectory:");
  10368. $.get(""+dat, function(requestData){
  10369. document.body.innerText=requestData;
  10370. });
  10371. });
  10372. });
  10373. </script>
  10374. </head>
  10375. <body>
  10376. <button>Ajax Get Request</button>
  10377. >>
  10378. ajaxSend Method In JQ!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 27 May 2016 00:08:26 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35663 Report Quick Reply
  10379. <html>
  10380. <center>
  10381. <head>
  10382. <script src=""></script>
  10383. <script>
  10384. $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, opt){
  10385. opt.url='';
  10386. $("div").ajaxSend("<p>Requesting..</p>");
  10387. });
  10388. $("button").click(function(){
  10389. $("div").html("<marquee><b>Updated Content!!!</b>");
  10390. });
  10391. });
  10392. </script>
  10393. </head>
  10394. <body>
  10395. <div><h2>Test!!!!!!</h2></div>
  10396. <button>Change Data</button>
  10397. </body>
  10398. </html>
  10399. >>
  10400. JQuery Ajax Get File Request(RUN THIS ON W3SCHOOLS!!/wSF0Xp5 - Fri, 27 May 2016 01:54:34 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35664 Report Quick Reply
  10401. <html>
  10402. <center>
  10403. <head>
  10404. <script src=""></script>
  10405. <script>
  10406. $(document).ready(function(){
  10407. $("button").click(function(){
  10408. var dat=prompt("Enter URL:","/lib/w3schools_footer.js","/lib/w3schools_footer.js");
  10409. $.get(""+dat, function(data, status){
  10410. document.body.innerText=(data);
  10411. });
  10412. });
  10413. });
  10414. </script>
  10415. </head>
  10416. <body>
  10417. <button>Send AJAX GET Request To URL</button>
  10418. </body>
  10419. </html>
  10420. >>
  10421. JS Slot Machine Demo SRC - Fri, 27 May 2016 04:28:41 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35665 Report Quick Reply
  10422. <center>
  10423. <font color="FFF000">
  10424. <script>
  10425. var Score=0;
  10426. var Raw;
  10427. var Raww;
  10428. var Rawww;
  10429. function RollSlot(){
  10430. var Bar=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  10431. var Barr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  10432. var Barrr=Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
  10433. Raw=Bar;
  10434. Raww=Barr;
  10435. Rawww=Barrr;
  10436. document.body.innerHTML=("<center>Slot Machine:<br>"+Bar+":"+Barr+":"+Barrr+"<center><br>Score: "+Score+"<br><button onclick='script:CheckIfWon();'>Pull</button><br>");
  10437. }
  10438. function CheckIfWon(){
  10439. if(Raw==Raww&&Rawww==Raw){
  10440. Score=Score+155;
  10441. alert("You Won Large!!");
  10442. alert(Score);
  10443. return true;
  10444. }
  10445. if(Raw==Raww){
  10446. Score=Score+5;
  10447. alert("You Won Small!!");
  10448. alert(Score);
  10449. return true;
  10450. }
  10451. if(Raw==Rawww){
  10452. Score=Score+10;
  10453. alert("You Won Small!!");
  10454. alert(Score);
  10455. return true;
  10456. }
  10457. if(Raww==Rawww){
  10458. Score=Score+15;
  10459. alert("You Won Small!!");
  10460. alert(Score);
  10461. return true;
  10462. }
  10463. else{
  10464. alert("You Lost!!");
  10465. }
  10466. }
  10467. function stop(){
  10468. CheckIfWon();
  10469. }
  10470. </script>
  10471. <button onclick="script:
  10472. var rolls=5;
  10473. while(rolls!=0){
  10474. rolls--;
  10475. setInterval ('RollSlot();',200);
  10476. break;
  10477. }
  10478. RollSlot();">Roll Slot Test Now!!</button>
  10479. >>
  10480. JS PW/Key Gen Updated Version!!+n/Z2gWF - Fri, 27 May 2016 05:15:42 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35667 Report Quick Reply
  10481. <center>
  10482. Password:<br>
  10483. <input type="text" name="password" id="password"><p>
  10484. Strong<input type="checkbox" id="s1" name="s1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  10485. w1.checked=false;"/>
  10486. Medium<input type="checkbox" id="m1" name="m1" onclick="javascript:s1.checked=false;
  10487. w1.checked=false;"/>
  10488. Weak<input type="checkbox" id="w1" name="w1" onclick="javascript:m1.checked=false;
  10489. s1.checked=false;"/><p>
  10490. <button onclick="javascript:
  10491. if(s1.checked==true){
  10492. GenStrongPass();
  10493. return;
  10494. }
  10495. if(m1.checked==true){
  10496. GenMedPass();
  10497. return;
  10498. }
  10499. if(w1.checked==true){
  10500. GenWeakPass();
  10501. return;
  10502. }else{
  10503. alert('Please select strong, medium or weak now!!');
  10504. }
  10505. ">Generate Password</button><br>
  10506. <br>
  10507. <button onclick="javascript:
  10508. password.value=''
  10509. w1.checked=false;
  10510. m1.checked=false;
  10511. s1.checked=false;
  10512. ">Clear Current Password</button>
  10514. <script>
  10515. function GenWeakPass()
  10516. {
  10517. var text = "";
  10518. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?_+-()$%^&*@!<>{}[]`~";
  10520. for( var i=0; i < 9; i++ )
  10521. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  10523. password.value=(text);
  10524. }
  10525. function GenMedPass()
  10526. {
  10527. var text = "";
  10528. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?_+-()$%^&*@!<>{}[]`~";
  10530. for( var i=0; i < 15; i++ )
  10531. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  10533. password.value=(text);
  10534. }
  10535. function GenStrongPass()
  10536. {
  10537. var text = "";
  10538. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,/\?_+-()$%^&*@!<>{}[]`~";
  10540. for( var i=0; i < 26; i++ )
  10541. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  10543. password.value=(text);
  10544. }
  10545. </script>
  10546. </center>
  10547. >>
  10548. JS Type Text V3 - Fri, 27 May 2016 08:13:00 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35668 Report Quick Reply
  10549. <script>
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  10557. var i=setTimeout("doit('<h1><font color=lightgreen><body bgcolor=black><center>A')",1000);
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  10568. >>
  10569. JS Type Text V3 FINAL!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 27 May 2016 08:18:17 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35669 Report Quick Reply
  10570. <script>
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  10586. var i=setTimeout("doit('!')",9000);
  10587. var i=setTimeout("doit('!')",10000);
  10589. </script>
  10590. >>
  10591. JS SWF EMBED/Chrome Crash/Freeze Browser+OS!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 27 May 2016 08:39:02 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35670 Report Quick Reply
  10592. <html>
  10593. <body>
  10594. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  10595. <script>
  10596. function myFunction() {
  10597. var out = 444444444;
  10598. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  10599. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
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  10605. }
  10606. </script>
  10607. </body>
  10608. </html>
  10609. >>
  10610. JS Norway Weather Sat Resize Radar View Custom Height/Width JS!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 27 May 2016 14:53:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35671 Report Quick Reply
  10611. <script>
  10612. var w=prompt("Enter Width Size:");
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  10614. document.write('<img style="-webkit-user-select: none; cursor: zoom-in;" src=";type=reflectivity;content=animation;size=large" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'"></body></html>');
  10615. </script>
  10616. >>
  10617. JS Launcher - Sat, 28 May 2016 15:58:05 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35675 Report Quick Reply
  10618. <script>
  10619. var p=prompt("Enter Roll App Name To Launch:");
  10620. var url=""+p;
  10622. window.location=url;
  10623. </script>
  10624. >>
  10625. SVG JS SRC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:40:23 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35683 Report Quick Reply
  10626. <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" onload=";">
  10627. <rect x="25" y="25" width="200" height="200" fill="white" stroke-width="40">
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  10631. <line x1="500" y1="500" x2="500" y2="500" stroke="blue" stroke-width="55" />
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  10633. >>
  10634. SVG JS SRC - Tue, 31 May 2016 04:23:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35684 Report Quick Reply
  10635. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  10637. <script>
  10638. var count=0
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  10642. setInterval("document.write('<body bgcolor=000000><font color=darkgreen>C ')",1030);
  10644. setInterval("count++;if(count>=15){window.location.reload();}",1040);
  10646. </script>
  10647. >>
  10648. SVG JS INJECT SCRIPT DEMO - Tue, 31 May 2016 15:23:54 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35685 Report Quick Reply
  10649. <html>
  10650. <body>
  10651. <svg height="30" width="200">
  10652. <script x="122" y="15" fill="red">alert(document.location);</script>
  10653. <text x="1" y="14">yo</text>
  10654. </svg>
  10655. </body>
  10656. </html>
  10657. >>
  10658. Caroline Pogglestock - Thu, 02 Jun 2016 17:46:08 EST ID:1OqntvqP No.35687 Report Quick Reply
  10659. <script>
  10660. var rrr=0;
  10661. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  10662. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  10663. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  10664. var sum=0;
  10665. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  10666. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  10667. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  10668. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  10669. return false;
  10670. }
  10671. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  10672. var weight;
  10673. if(ch%2==0){
  10674. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  10675. }else{
  10676. weight=digit;
  10677. }
  10678. sum+=weight;
  10679. }
  10680. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  10681. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  10682. return digit;
  10683. }
  10684. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  10685. while(amm!=0){
  10686. amm--;
  10687. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  10688. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  10689. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  10690. if(out==0){
  10691. rrr++;
  10692. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  10694. }else{
  10695. //alert(inn);
  10696. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  10697. }
  10698. }
  10699. if(outs!=undefined){
  10700. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  10701. document.write(clean);
  10702. }
  10703. alert(rrr+ " Valid Numbers!!","","Valid Number!!");
  10704. </script>
  10705. >>
  10706. New!!oYNfRBBn - Thu, 02 Jun 2016 19:20:01 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35688 Report Quick Reply
  10707. <script>
  10708. var valcnt=0;
  10709. function luhnCheckDigit(number){
  10710. var validChars="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
  10711. number = number.toUpperCase().trim();
  10712. var sum=0;
  10713. for(var i=0;i<number.length;i++){
  10714. var ch=number.charAt(number.length-i-1);
  10715. if(validChars.indexOf(ch)<0){
  10716. alert("Invalid Chars Found!!");
  10717. return false;
  10718. }
  10719. var digit=ch.charCodeAt(0)-48;
  10720. var weight;
  10721. if(ch%2==0){
  10722. weight=(2*digit)-parseInt(digit/5)*9;
  10723. }else{
  10724. weight=digit;
  10725. }
  10726. sum+=weight;
  10727. }
  10728. sum=Math.abs(sum)+10;
  10729. var digit=(10 -(sum%10))%10;
  10730. return digit;
  10731. }
  10732. var amm=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  10733. var orig=amm;
  10734. while(amm!=0){
  10735. amm--;
  10736. var inn=Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999999999);
  10737. //var inn=prompt("Enter Any Credit Card #:");
  10738. var out=luhnCheckDigit(""+inn);
  10739. if(out==0){
  10740. valcnt++;
  10741. var outs=(inn)+"<br>"+outs;
  10743. }else{
  10744. //alert(inn);
  10745. //alert("Invalid Credit Card #!!","","Invalid Number!!");
  10746. }
  10747. }
  10748. if(outs!=undefined){
  10749. var clean=outs.replace("undefined","");
  10750. document.write(clean);
  10751. }
  10752. if(valcnt==1){
  10753. alert(valcnt+ " Valid Number Generated From "+orig+" Attempts!!");
  10754. }else{
  10755. alert(valcnt+ " Valid Numbers Generated From "+orig+" Attempts!!");
  10756. }
  10757. </script>
  10758. >>
  10759. JS Random Hex Color Gen WIth Custom Input SRC FINAL!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 02 Jun 2016 20:34:58 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35689 Report Quick Reply
  10760. <script>
  10761. var words=prompt("Enter Text To Display:");
  10762. var p1=prompt("Enter Amount Of Colors:");
  10763. for(var i1=0;i1!=p1;i1++){
  10764. setTimeout(GenStrongPass(),1000);
  10765. }
  10766. function GenStrongPass()
  10767. {
  10768. var text = "";
  10769. var possible = "FABCGDE0123456789";
  10770. for(var i=0; i!=6; i++)
  10771. text+=possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*possible.length));
  10772. document.write("<body bgcolor=#000000>");
  10773. document.write("<font color="+text+"><p>"+words+"<br>"+text+"<br>");
  10774. }
  10775. </script>
  10776. >>
  10777. JS Numeric Input Object Range Validation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 08:48:25 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35691 Report Quick Reply
  10778. <html>
  10779. <body bgcolor="#BFF0A0">
  10780. <center>
  10781. <b>
  10782. Numeric Range To Validate: 0-1000<p>
  10783. <input type="number" min="0" max="1000" value="500" id="num" name="num" style="font-size:15px;font-family:sans;color:red;width:155px;height:25px;background-color:lightblue;"></input><br>
  10784. <button onclick="script:Test();" style="font-size:13px;font-family:sans;width:155px;height:35px;background-color:lightgreen"><b>Validate Number Now</button>
  10785. <script>
  10786. function Test(){
  10787. var el=document.getElementById('num').value;
  10788. if(el>1000){
  10789. alert("Value To Large!!");
  10790. }else if(el<0){
  10791. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10792. }else{
  10793. alert("Success!!");
  10794. }
  10795. }
  10796. </script>
  10797. </center>
  10798. </html>
  10799. >>
  10800. JS Numeric Input Object Range Validation SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 08:48:25 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35692 Report Quick Reply
  10801. <html>
  10802. <body bgcolor="#BFF0A0">
  10803. <center>
  10804. <b>
  10805. Numeric Range To Validate: 0-1000<p>
  10806. <input type="number" min="0" max="1000" value="500" id="num" name="num" style="font-size:15px;font-family:sans;color:red;width:155px;height:25px;background-color:lightblue;"></input><br>
  10807. <button onclick="script:Test();" style="font-size:13px;font-family:sans;width:155px;height:35px;background-color:lightgreen"><b>Validate Number Now</button>
  10808. <script>
  10809. function Test(){
  10810. var el=document.getElementById('num').value;
  10811. if(el>1000){
  10812. alert("Value To Large!!");
  10813. }else if(el<0){
  10814. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10815. }else{
  10816. alert("Success!!");
  10817. }
  10818. }
  10819. </script>
  10820. </center>
  10821. </html>
  10822. >>
  10823. JS Numeric Input Object Range Validation SRC!!wa+aBOXU - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:20:04 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35693 Report Quick Reply
  10824. <html>
  10825. <body bgcolor="#BFF0A0">
  10826. <font color="darkgreen">
  10827. <center>
  10828. <b>
  10829. Numeric Range To Validate: 0-1000<p>
  10830. <input type="number" min="0" max="1000" value="500" id="num" name="num" style="font-size:15px;font-family:sans;color:red;width:155px;height:25px;background-color:lightblue;"></input><br>
  10831. <button onclick="script:Test();" style="font-size:13px;font-family:sans;width:155px;height:35px;background-color:lightgreen"><font color="darkgreen"><b>Validate Number Now</button>
  10832. <script>
  10833. function Test(){
  10834. var el=document.getElementById('num').value;
  10835. if(el>1000){
  10836. alert("Value To Large!!");
  10837. }else if(el<0){
  10838. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10839. }else{
  10840. alert("Success!!");
  10841. }
  10842. }
  10843. </script>
  10844. </center>
  10845. </html>
  10846. >>
  10847. JS Numeric Input Object Range Validation SRC!!xLOknYPd - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:36:40 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35694 Report Quick Reply
  10848. <html>
  10849. <body bgcolor="#BFF0A0">
  10850. <font color="darkgreen">
  10851. <center>
  10852. <b>
  10853. Numeric Range To Validate: 0-1000<p>
  10854. <input type="number" min="0" max="1000" value="500" id="num" name="num" style="font-size:15px;font-family:sans;color:red;width:155px;height:25px;background-color:lightblue;"></input><br>
  10855. <button onclick="script:Test();" style="font-size:13px;font-family:sans;width:155px;height:35px;background-color:lightgreen"><font color="darkgreen"><b>Validate Number Now</button>
  10856. <script>
  10857. function Test(){
  10858. var el=document.getElementById('num').value;
  10859. if(el>1000){
  10860. alert("Value To Large!!");
  10861. return;
  10862. }else if(el<0){
  10863. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10864. return;
  10865. }else if(el==0){
  10866. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10867. return;
  10868. }else if(el==""){
  10869. alert("Invalid Entry!!");
  10870. return;
  10871. }else{
  10872. alert("Success!!");
  10873. return;
  10874. }
  10875. }
  10876. </script>
  10877. </center>
  10878. </html>
  10879. >>
  10880. JS Numeric Input Object Range Validation SRC!!WPDGFe8k - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:46:30 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35695 Report Quick Reply
  10881. <html>
  10882. <body bgcolor="#BFF0A0">
  10883. <font color="darkgreen">
  10884. <center>
  10885. <b>
  10886. Numeric Range To Validate: 0-1000<p>
  10887. <input type="number" min="1" max="1000" value="500" id="num" name="num" style="font-size:15px;font-family:sans;color:red;width:155px;height:25px;background-color:lightblue;"></input><br>
  10888. <button onclick="script:Test();" style="font-size:13px;font-family:sans;width:155px;height:35px;background-color:lightgreen"><font color="darkgreen"><b>Validate Number Now</button>
  10889. <script>
  10890. function Test(){
  10891. var el=document.getElementById('num').value;
  10892. if(el>1000){
  10893. alert("Value To Large!!");
  10894. return;
  10895. }else if(el<0){
  10896. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10897. return;
  10898. }else if(el==0){
  10899. alert("Value To Small!!");
  10900. return;
  10901. }else if(el==""){
  10902. alert("Invalid Entry!!");
  10903. return;
  10904. }else{
  10905. alert("Success!!");
  10906. return;
  10907. }
  10908. }
  10909. </script>
  10910. </center>
  10911. </html>
  10912. >>
  10913. Maps Google Custom Show Lat/Lng Based On Curson Pos!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 21:11:39 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35696 Report Quick Reply
  10914. <!DOCTYPE html>
  10915. <html>
  10916. <head>
  10917. <meta charset="utf-8">
  10918. <title>Custom map projections</title>
  10919. <style>
  10920. html, body {
  10921. height: 100%;
  10922. margin: 0;
  10923. padding: 0;
  10924. }
  10925. #map {
  10926. height: 100%;
  10927. }
  10928. #coords {
  10929. background-color: black;
  10930. color: white;
  10931. padding: 5px;
  10932. }
  10933. </style>
  10934. </head>
  10935. <body>
  10936. <div id="map"></div>
  10937. <div id="coords"></div>
  10938. <script>
  10939. // This example defines an image map type using the Gall-Peters
  10940. // projection.
  10941. //
  10943. function initMap() {
  10944. // Create a map. Use the Gall-Peters map type.
  10945. var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
  10946. zoom: 0,
  10947. center: {lat: 0, lng: 0},
  10948. mapTypeControl: false
  10949. });
  10951. initGallPeters();
  10952. map.mapTypes.set('gallPeters', gallPetersMapType);
  10953. map.setMapTypeId('gallPeters');
  10955. // Show the lat and lng under the mouse cursor.
  10956. var coordsDiv = document.getElementById('coords');
  10957. map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER].push(coordsDiv);
  10958. map.addListener('mousemove', function(event) {
  10959. coordsDiv.textContent =
  10960. 'lat: ' + Math.round( + ', ' +
  10961. 'lng: ' + Math.round(event.latLng.lng());
  10962. });
  10964. // Add some markers to the map.
  10965. {
  10966. return {
  10967. title: feature.getProperty('name'),
  10968. optimized: false
  10969. };
  10970. });
  10972. }
  10974. var gallPetersMapType;
  10975. function initGallPeters() {
  10976. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X = 800;
  10977. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y = 512;
  10979. // Fetch Gall-Peters tiles stored locally on our server.
  10980. gallPetersMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
  10981. getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
  10982. var scale = 1 << zoom;
  10984. // Wrap tiles horizontally.
  10985. var x = ((coord.x % scale) + scale) % scale;
  10987. // Don't wrap tiles vertically.
  10988. var y = coord.y;
  10989. if (y < 0 || y >= scale) return null;
  10991. return '' +
  10992. 'javascript/examples/full/images/gall-peters_' + zoom +
  10993. '_' + x + '_' + y + '.png';
  10994. },
  10995. tileSize: new google.maps.Size(GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X, GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y),
  10996. isPng: true,
  10997. minZoom: 0,
  10998. maxZoom: 1,
  10999. name: 'Gall-Peters'
  11000. });
  11002. // Describe the Gall-Peters projection used by these tiles.
  11003. gallPetersMapType.projection = {
  11004. fromLatLngToPoint: function(latLng) {
  11005. var latRadians = * Math.PI / 180;
  11006. return new google.maps.Point(
  11007. GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X * (0.5 + latLng.lng() / 360),
  11008. GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y * (0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sin(latRadians)));
  11009. },
  11010. fromPointToLatLng: function(point, noWrap) {
  11011. var x = point.x / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X;
  11012. var y = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, point.y / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y));
  11014. return new google.maps.LatLng(
  11015. Math.asin(1 - 2 * y) * 180 / Math.PI,
  11016. -180 + 360 * x,
  11017. noWrap);
  11018. }
  11019. };
  11020. }
  11022. // GeoJSON, describing the locations and names of some cities.
  11023. var cities = {
  11024. type: 'FeatureCollection',
  11025. features: [{
  11026. type: 'Feature',
  11027. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-87.650, 41.850]},
  11028. properties: {name: 'Chicago'}
  11029. }, {
  11030. type: 'Feature',
  11031. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-149.900, 61.218]},
  11032. properties: {name: 'Anchorage'}
  11033. }, {
  11034. type: 'Feature',
  11035. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-99.127, 19.427]},
  11036. properties: {name: 'Mexico City'}
  11037. }, {
  11038. type: 'Feature',
  11039. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-0.126, 51.500]},
  11040. properties: {name: 'London'}
  11041. }, {
  11042. type: 'Feature',
  11043. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [28.045, -26.201]},
  11044. properties: {name: 'Johannesburg'}
  11045. }, {
  11046. type: 'Feature',
  11047. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [15.322, -4.325]},
  11048. properties: {name: 'Kinshasa'}
  11049. }, {
  11050. type: 'Feature',
  11051. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [151.207, -33.867]},
  11052. properties: {name: 'Sydney'}
  11053. }, {
  11054. type: 'Feature',
  11055. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0]},
  11056. properties: {name: '0°N 0°E'}
  11057. }]
  11058. };
  11059. </script>
  11060. <script async defer src=""></script>
  11061. </body>
  11062. </html>
  11063. >>
  11064. Maps Google Custom Show Lat/Lng Based On Cursor Pos!!SQLMRI7z - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 22:01:34 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35697 Report Quick Reply
  11065. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11066. <html>
  11067. <head>
  11068. <meta charset="utf-8">
  11069. <title>Custom map projections</title>
  11070. <style>
  11071. html, body {
  11072. height: 100%;
  11073. margin: 0;
  11074. padding: 0;
  11075. }
  11076. #map {
  11077. height: 100%;
  11078. width: 100%;
  11079. }
  11080. #coords {
  11081. font-size:24px;
  11082. color: forestgreen;
  11083. padding: 1px;
  11084. }
  11085. </style>
  11086. </head>
  11087. <body>
  11088. <div id="map"></div>
  11089. <div id="coords"></div>
  11090. <script>
  11091. // This example defines an image map type using the Gall-Peters
  11092. // projection.
  11093. //
  11095. function initMap() {
  11096. var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
  11097. zoom: 10,
  11098. center: {lat: 0, lng: 0},
  11099. mapTypeControl: false
  11100. });
  11102. initGallPeters();
  11103. map.mapTypes.set('gallPeters', gallPetersMapType);
  11104. map.setMapTypeId('gallPeters');
  11106. // Show the lat and lng under the mouse cursor.
  11107. var coordsDiv = document.getElementById('coords');
  11108. map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER].push(coordsDiv);
  11109. map.addListener('mousemove', function(event) {
  11110. coordsDiv.textContent =
  11111. 'lat: ' + Math.round( + ', ' +
  11112. 'lng: ' + Math.round(event.latLng.lng());
  11113. });
  11115. // Add some markers to the map.
  11116. {
  11117. return {
  11118. title: feature.getProperty('name'),
  11119. optimized: false
  11120. };
  11121. });
  11123. }
  11125. var gallPetersMapType;
  11126. function initGallPeters() {
  11127. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X = 800;
  11128. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y = 512;
  11130. gallPetersMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
  11131. getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
  11132. var scale = 10 << zoom;
  11134. var x = ((coord.x % scale) + scale) % scale;
  11137. var y = coord.y;
  11138. if (y < 0 || y >= scale) return null;
  11140. return '' +
  11141. 'javascript/examples/full/images/gall-peters_' + zoom +
  11142. '_' + x + '_' + y + '.png';
  11143. },
  11144. tileSize: new google.maps.Size(800, 512),
  11145. isPng: false,
  11146. minZoom: 0,
  11147. maxZoom: 0,
  11148. name: 'my map'
  11149. });
  11151. // Describe the Gall-Peters projection used by these tiles.
  11152. gallPetersMapType.projection = {
  11153. fromLatLngToPoint: function(latLng) {
  11154. var latRadians = * Math.PI / 180;
  11155. return new google.maps.Point(
  11156. GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X * (0.5 + latLng.lng() / 360),
  11157. GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y * (0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sin(latRadians)));
  11158. },
  11159. fromPointToLatLng: function(point, noWrap) {
  11160. var x = point.x / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X;
  11161. var y = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, point.y / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y));
  11163. return new google.maps.LatLng(
  11164. Math.asin(1 - 2 * y) * 180 / Math.PI,
  11165. -180 + 360 * x,
  11166. noWrap);
  11167. }
  11168. };
  11169. }
  11171. var cities = {
  11172. type: 'FeatureCollection',
  11173. features: [{
  11174. type: 'Feature',
  11175. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-8.650, 4.850]},
  11176. properties: {name: 'LaLaLand'}
  11177. }, {
  11178. type: 'Feature',
  11179. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-149.900, 61.218]},
  11180. properties: {name: 'Cold as shit!!'}
  11181. }, {
  11182. type: 'Feature',
  11183. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-99.127, 19.427]},
  11184. properties: {name: 'Cartel City'}
  11185. }, {
  11186. type: 'Feature',
  11187. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-0.126, 51.500]},
  11188. properties: {name: 'Ey M8'}
  11189. }, {
  11190. type: 'Feature',
  11191. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [28.045, -26.201]},
  11192. properties: {name: 'Africa With White Ppl!!'}
  11193. }, {
  11194. type: 'Feature',
  11195. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [15.322, -4.325]},
  11196. properties: {name: 'Kinshasa...Where?'}
  11197. }, {
  11198. type: 'Feature',
  11199. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [151.207, -33.867]},
  11200. properties: {name: 'Surfin AUS!!'}
  11201. }, {
  11202. type: 'Feature',
  11203. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-117.200, 33.867]},
  11204. properties: {name: 'Sothern Cali Baby!!'}
  11205. }, {
  11206. type: 'Feature',
  11207. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [-0, 0]},
  11208. properties: {name: 'Middle Earth'}
  11209. }]
  11210. };
  11211. </script>
  11212. <script async defer src=""></script>
  11213. </body>
  11214. </html>
  11215. >>
  11216. Maps Google Custom Show Lat/Lng Based On Cursor Pos!!nEP++iLi - Fri, 03 Jun 2016 23:10:14 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35698 Report Quick Reply
  11217. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11218. <html>
  11219. <head>
  11220. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  11221. <title>Google Map's API Demo By BrU!!!!!</title>
  11222. <style>
  11223. html, body {
  11224. height: 100%;
  11225. margin: 0;
  11226. padding: 0;
  11227. }
  11228. #map {
  11229. height: 100%;
  11230. }
  11231. #coords {
  11232. color: darkred;
  11233. font-size:25px;
  11234. padding: 5px;
  11235. }
  11236. </style>
  11237. </head>
  11238. <body>
  11239. <div id="map"></div>
  11240. <div id="coords"></div>
  11241. <script>
  11242. function initMap() {
  11243. var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
  11244. zoom:0,
  11245. center: {lat: 0, lng: 0},
  11246. mapTypeControl: true,
  11247. });
  11248. initGallPeters();
  11249. map.mapTypes.set('gallPeters', gallPetersMapType);
  11250. map.setMapTypeId('gallPeters');
  11251. var coordsDiv = document.getElementById('coords');
  11252. map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER].push(coordsDiv);
  11253. map.addListener('mousemove', function(event) {
  11254. coordsDiv.textContent =
  11255. 'lat: ' + Math.round( + ',' +'lng: '+Math.round(event.latLng.lng());
  11256. });
  11257. {
  11258. return {
  11259. title: feature.getProperty('name'),
  11260. optimized: true
  11261. };
  11262. });
  11264. }
  11266. var gallPetersMapType;
  11267. function initGallPeters() {
  11268. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X = 800;
  11269. var GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y = 512;
  11271. gallPetersMapType = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
  11272. getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
  11273. var scale = 100 ^ zoom;
  11274. var x = ((coord.x % scale) + scale) % scale;
  11275. var y = coord.y;
  11276. if (y < 0 || y >= scale) return null;
  11277. return ''+'javascript/examples/full/images/gall-peters_' + zoom + '_' + x + '_' + y + '.png';
  11278. },
  11279. tileSize: new google.maps.Size(GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X,GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y),
  11280. isPng: true,
  11281. minZoom: 0,
  11282. maxZoom: 15,
  11283. name: 'Gall-Peters'
  11284. });
  11285. gallPetersMapType.projection = {
  11286. fromLatLngToPoint: function(latLng) {
  11287. var latRadians = * Math.PI / 180;
  11288. return new google.maps.Point(
  11289. GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X * (0.5+latLng.lng()/360),GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y * (0.5 - 0.5 * Math.sin(latRadians)));
  11290. },
  11291. fromPointToLatLng: function(point, noWrap) {
  11292. var x = point.x / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_X;
  11293. var y = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, point.y / GALL_PETERS_RANGE_Y));
  11294. return new google.maps.LatLng(
  11295. Math.asin(1 - 2 * y) * 180 / Math.PI,-180 + 360 * x,noWrap);
  11296. }
  11297. };
  11298. }
  11299. //Cities \/ Down Here!!
  11300. var cities = {//None!!
  11301. features: [{
  11302. }, {
  11303. type: 'Feature',
  11304. geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0]},
  11305. properties: {name: '0°N 0°E'}
  11306. }]
  11307. };
  11308. </script>
  11309. <script async defer src=""></script>
  11310. </body>
  11311. </html>
  11312. >>
  11313. More JQ Animations For Fun!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 04 Jun 2016 13:13:59 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35700 Report Quick Reply
  11314. <script src=""></script>
  11315. <script>
  11316. $(document).ready(function(){
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  11323. $("p").animate({opacity:'0.0'});
  11324. });
  11325. });
  11326. </script>
  11330. <button width="150px">Start Animation</button>
  11332. <p>Testing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11333. <div style="background:red;height:100px;width:100px;position:absolute;"></div>
  11335. </body>
  11336. </html>
  11337. >>
  11338. More JQ Animations For Fun!!QS0xfYHh - Sat, 04 Jun 2016 15:41:37 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35701 Report Quick Reply
  11339. <script src="">
  11340. </script>
  11341. <script>
  11342. $(document).ready(function(){
  11343. alert("Move the mouse around the page to see the JQuery scrolling marquee random flashing effect!!\n\nEnjoy the free source codes by me!!!!!... - BrÜ");
  11344. alert("PS: You can do this for the h1 through h6 tags, enjoy.");
  11345. });
  11346. $(document).mousemove(function(){
  11347. $('h1').html('<font color=green>B').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
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  11349. $('h3').html('<font color=blue>Ü').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11350. $('h4').html('<font color=magenta>!!').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11351. });
  11352. </script>
  11353. <body bgcolor=#000000>
  11354. <marquee>
  11355. <h1></h1><h2></h2><h3></h3><h4></h4>
  11356. </marquee>
  11357. >>
  11358. More JQ Animations For Fun!!QS0xfYHh - Sat, 04 Jun 2016 15:44:45 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35702 Report Quick Reply
  11359. <script src="">
  11360. </script>
  11361. <script>
  11362. $(document).ready(function(){
  11363. alert("Move the mouse around the page to see the JQuery scrolling marquee random flashing effect!!\n\nEnjoy the free source codes by me!!!!!... - BrU");
  11364. alert("PS: You can do this for the h1 through h6 tags, enjoy.");
  11365. });
  11366. $(document).mousemove(function(){
  11367. $('h1').html('<font color=green>B').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11368. $('h2').html('<font color=red>R').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11369. $('h3').html('<font color=blue>U').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11370. $('h4').html('<font color=magenta>!!').fadeToggle(Math.random()*900);
  11371. });
  11372. </script>
  11373. <body bgcolor=#000000>
  11374. <marquee>
  11375. <h1></h1><h2></h2><h3></h3><h4></h4>
  11376. </marquee>
  11377. >>
  11378. JQ Multicolor Highlighting SRC - Tue, 07 Jun 2016 07:02:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35707 Report Quick Reply
  11379. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11380. <html>
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  11389. $('p').css('color','white');
  11390. });
  11391. </script>
  11392. </head>
  11393. <body>
  11395. <h1>Welcome!!</h1>
  11397. <p class="first">My name is Donald.</p>
  11398. <p class="i">I live in Duckburg.</p>
  11399. <p class="o">I love Duckburg.</p>
  11400. <p class="last">My best friend is Mickey.</p>
  11402. </body>
  11403. </html>
  11404. >>
  11405. JQ Multicolor Highlighting Random Toggle BG Color FX SRC - Tue, 07 Jun 2016 08:03:43 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35708 Report Quick Reply
  11406. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11407. <html>
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  11411. $(document).mousemove(function(){
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  11426. <body bgcolor="#000000">
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  11428. <font color=red>
  11429. <h1>Jquery Rand Toggle Fade Toggle:</h1><b>
  11430. <p class="first">My name is DJ BrU.</p>
  11431. <p class="i">I live in Trapville.</p>
  11432. <p class="o">I love Trap Music!!</p>
  11433. <p class="last">My best friend is Socks!!</p></b>
  11434. </body>
  11435. </html>
  11436. >>
  11437. JQ Multicolor Highlighting Random Toggle BG Color FX SRC!!y9KCjPtm - Tue, 07 Jun 2016 08:12:06 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35709 Report Quick Reply
  11438. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  11443. $(document).mousemove(function(){
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  11458. <body bgcolor="#000000">
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  11460. <font color=darkred>
  11461. <h1>Jquery Rand Toggle Fade Toggle:</h1><b>
  11462. <p class="first">My name is DJ BrU.</p>
  11463. <p class="i">I live in Trapville.</p>
  11464. <p class="o">I love Trap Music!!</p>
  11465. <p class="last">My best friend is Socks!!</p></b>
  11466. </body>
  11467. </html>
  11468. >>
  11469. JQ Multicolor Highlighting Random Toggle BG Color FX SRC!!4ze7LUpY - Tue, 07 Jun 2016 08:16:41 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35710 Report Quick Reply
  11470. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  11475. $(document).mousemove(function(){
  11476. $("p").filter(".first").css("background-color", "magenta").fadeToggle(Math.random()*2300);;
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  11478. $("p").filter(".i").css("background-color", "green").fadeToggle(Math.random()*2300);
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  11490. <body bgcolor="#000000">
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  11492. <font color=darkred>
  11493. <h1>Jquery Rand Toggle Fade Toggle:</h1><b>
  11494. <p class="first">My name is DJ BrU.</p>
  11495. <p class="i">I live in Trapville.</p>
  11496. <p class="o">I love Trap Music!!</p>
  11497. <p class="last">My best friend is Socks!!</p></b>
  11498. </body>
  11499. </html>
  11500. >>
  11501. JS Custom Meta Tag SRC - Wed, 08 Jun 2016 15:04:47 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35715 Report Quick Reply
  11502. <script>
  11503. var d=document.createElement('meta');
  11504. d.setAttribute('name','viewport');
  11505. d.setAttribute('content','none');
  11506. document.head.appendChild(d)
  11507. document.write(d.content);
  11508. alert(d.content);
  11509. </script>
  11510. >>
  11511. XHTML/XML Custom encoding SRC - Wed, 08 Jun 2016 15:21:26 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35717 Report Quick Reply
  11512. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
  11513. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  11514. "">
  11515. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  11516. <head>
  11517. <title>404 - Not Found</title>
  11518. </head>
  11519. <body>
  11520. <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>
  11521. </body>
  11522. </html>
  11523. >>
  11524. Wesley Fuckingson - Wed, 08 Jun 2016 16:39:29 EST ID:UbSntvr/ No.35719 Report Quick Reply
  11525. >>35717
  11526. His web scraping script failed guise.
  11527. >>
  11528. XHR Ajax File (Drag & Drop Redirect) To URL - Thu, 09 Jun 2016 01:37:46 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35722 Report Quick Reply
  11529. <script>
  11530. $(function().mouseup(file,e) {
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  11533. var upload = function(files) {
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  11540. alert(;
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  11544. xhr.onload = function() {
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  11550. xhr.send(formData);
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  11567. alert(;
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  11571. });
  11573. </script>
  11575. <div id='upload_area' class='dropzone'>Drag & Drop or click to upload files</div>
  11576. >>
  11577. gmaps framing experiment - Fri, 10 Jun 2016 09:05:33 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35726 Report Quick Reply
  11578. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11579. <html>
  11580. <head>
  11581. <title>Page Title</title>
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  11584. <script
  11585. src="">
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  11588. <script>
  11589. var m1=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  11590. var m2=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  11591. //var p=prompt("Ener Latitude:");
  11592. //var p1=prompt("Enter Longitude");
  11593. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(m1,m2);
  11595. function initialize()
  11596. {
  11597. var mapProp = {
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  11605. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  11606. position:myCenter,
  11607. });
  11609. marker.setMap(map);
  11612. var msg =("<embed src=''></embed>");
  11613. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  11614. content:msg
  11615. });
  11618. }
  11620. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
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  11622. </head>
  11624. <body>
  11625. <frame>
  11626. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:530px;"></div>
  11627. </body>
  11628. </html>
  11629. <body>
  11631. <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
  11632. <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  11634. </body>
  11635. </html>
  11636. >>
  11637. JQ scrolling experiment v2 - Fri, 10 Jun 2016 09:25:34 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35727 Report Quick Reply
  11638. <html>
  11639. <head>
  11640. <center>
  11641. <script src=""></script>
  11642. <script
  11643. src="">
  11644. </script>
  11646. <script>
  11647. var intRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  11648. var inttRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  11649. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  11650. var marker;
  11652. function initialize()
  11653. {
  11654. var mapProp = {
  11655. center:myCenter,
  11656. zoom:5,
  11657. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  11658. };
  11660. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  11662. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  11663. zoom:0,
  11664. position:myCenter,
  11665. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  11666. });
  11668. marker.setMap(map);
  11669. }
  11671. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  11672. $('*').mousemove(function(){
  11673. ('*').zoom(fadeIn('0.1'));
  11674. });
  11675. </script>
  11676. </head>
  11679. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:500px;"></div>
  11680. <font color="red">
  11681. <center>
  11682. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  11683. </center>
  11684. </body>
  11685. </html>
  11686. >>
  11687. JQ scrolling experiment v3 With Embeded Maps SRC - Fri, 10 Jun 2016 09:30:12 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35728 Report Quick Reply
  11688. <script>
  11689. $(function().mouseup(file,e) {
  11690. var dropzone = document.getElementById('upload_area');
  11692. var upload = function(files) {
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  11698. formData.append(file[x].name);
  11699. alert(;
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  11703. xhr.onload = function() {
  11704. var data = this.responseText;
  11705. alert(data);
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  11726. alert(;
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  11734. <div id='upload_area' class='dropzone'></div>
  11736. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11737. <html>
  11738. <head>
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  11740. </head>
  11741. <html>
  11742. <script
  11743. src="">
  11744. </script>
  11746. <script>
  11747. var m1=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  11748. var m2=Math.floor(Math.random()*98.99);
  11749. //var p=prompt("Ener Latitude:");
  11750. //var p1=prompt("Enter Longitude");
  11751. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(m1,m2);
  11753. function initialize()
  11754. {
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  11761. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  11763. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  11764. position:myCenter,
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  11767. marker.setMap(map);
  11770. var msg =("<embed src=''></embed>");
  11771. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  11772. content:msg
  11773. });
  11776. }
  11778. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  11779. </script>
  11780. </head>
  11782. <body>
  11783. <frame>
  11784. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:530px;"></div>
  11785. </body>
  11786. </html>
  11787. <body>
  11789. <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
  11790. <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  11792. </body>
  11793. </html>
  11795. <html>
  11796. <head>
  11797. <center>
  11798. <script src=""></script>
  11799. <script
  11800. src="">
  11801. </script>
  11803. <script>
  11804. var intRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  11805. var inttRnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*99.9999);
  11806. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  11807. var marker;
  11809. function initialize()
  11810. {
  11811. var mapProp = {
  11812. center:myCenter,
  11813. zoom:5,
  11814. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  11815. };
  11817. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  11819. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  11820. zoom:0,
  11821. position:myCenter,
  11822. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  11823. });
  11825. marker.setMap(map);
  11826. }
  11828. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  11829. $('*').mousemove(function(){
  11830. ('*').zoom(fadeIn('0.1'));
  11831. });
  11832. </script>
  11833. </head>
  11836. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:500px;"></div>
  11837. <font color="red">
  11838. <center>
  11839. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  11840. </center>
  11841. </body>
  11842. </html>
  11843. >>
  11844. JS Oscillator Static Radio SRC Updated Custom TIme Feature!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 10 Jun 2016 10:33:43 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35729 Report Quick Reply
  11845. <script>
  11846. var PlayLen=prompt("Enter Value:");
  11847. document.writeln('<center>'+PlayLen+' Seconds Click Roll Now!!!<br>');
  11848. function RollSlott(){
  11849. var Bar=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  11850. var Barr=parseFloat(Math.random()*101.9);
  11851. if(Bar!=0){
  11852. Bar--
  11853. }else if(Bar!=101){
  11854. Bar++
  11855. }
  11856. var context = new AudioContext();
  11857. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  11858. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  11859. oscillator.frequency.value = Bar;
  11860. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  11861. oscillator.start(0);
  11862. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  11863. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);
  11864. }
  11865. </script>
  11866. <button onclick="script:
  11867. var rolls=10;
  11868. while(rolls!=0){
  11869. rolls--;
  11870. var Timer1 = setTimeout ('RollSlott();',0.0001);
  11871. }">Roll Static Test Now!!</button>
  11872. >>
  11873. JQ Animation/Data Obfusication Method!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 12 Jun 2016 12:51:40 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35734 Report Quick Reply
  11874. <!DOCTYPE html>
  11875. <html>
  11876. <head>
  11877. <center>
  11878. <script src=""></script>
  11879. <script>
  11880. $(document).ready(function(){
  11881. $("button").click(function(){
  11882. $("div").animate({top: '1000px'}, 500);
  11883. $("div").animate({top: '0'}, 600);
  11885. $("div").animate({opacity: '0.0'}, 500);
  11886. $("div").animate({opacity: '1.0'}, 800);
  11887. });
  11890. });
  11891. </script>
  11892. </head>
  11893. <body>
  11895. <button id="start">Start</button>
  11897. <p> Animation/Obfusication Demo For JQuery!!
  11898. <p><p>
  11900. <p>
  11904. <p><p>
  11905. <textarea>Write Secrets Here!!</textarea>
  11909. ..
  11910. </p></p></p></p></p>
  11911. <center>
  11912. <div style="background:#ffffff;height:200px;width:500px;position:absolute;">Top Secret Data!!</div>
  11914. </body>
  11915. </html>
  11916. >>
  11917. JS Chrome Insta Embed/Crash!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 13 Jun 2016 09:05:32 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35738 Report Quick Reply
  11918. <html>
  11919. <body>
  11920. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  11921. <script>
  11922. function myFunction() {
  11923. var out = 5000;
  11924. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  11925. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  11926. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  11927. x.setAttribute("height","10000px");
  11928. x.setAttribute("width","10000px");
  11929. document.body.appendChild(x);
  11930. }
  11931. }
  11932. </script>
  11933. </body>
  11934. </html>
  11935. >>
  11936. JS Chrome Insta Embed/Crash!!GwyHiT5b - Mon, 13 Jun 2016 09:09:19 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35739 Report Quick Reply
  11937. <html>
  11938. <body>
  11939. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  11940. <script>
  11941. function myFunction() {
  11942. var out = 5;
  11943. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  11944. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  11945. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  11946. x.setAttribute("height","10000px");
  11947. x.setAttribute("width","10000px");
  11948. document.body.appendChild(x);
  11949. }
  11950. }
  11951. </script>
  11952. </body>
  11953. </html>
  11954. >>
  11955. JS Particle Animation V1 - Wed, 15 Jun 2016 02:01:12 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35740 Report Quick Reply
  11956. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',0.5);">
  11957. <canvas id="canvas" width='1000' height='1000'></canvas>
  11958. <script>
  11959. function draw1() {
  11960. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  11961. for (var i=0;i<30;i++) {
  11962. for (var j=0;j<256;j++) {
  11964. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(i/i)+','+(j*j)+','+(j*i)+')';
  11965. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*256);
  11966. ctx.fillRect(-10,-10,15,15);
  11967. ctx.restore();
  11968. }
  11969. }
  11970. }
  11971. </script>
  11972. >>
  11973. JS Particle Animation V2 - Wed, 15 Jun 2016 02:01:43 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35741 Report Quick Reply
  11974. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',0.5);">
  11975. <canvas id="canvas" width='1000' height='1000'></canvas>
  11976. <script>
  11977. function draw1() {
  11978. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  11979. for (var i=0;i<45;i++) {
  11980. for (var j=0;j<256;j++) {
  11982. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(i*i)+','+(j*i)+','+(j*i)+')';
  11983. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*256);
  11984. ctx.fillRect(-10,-10,15,15);
  11985. ctx.restore();
  11986. }
  11987. }
  11988. }
  11989. </script>
  11990. >>
  11991. JS Particle Animation V3 (Deep Blue Sea) - Wed, 15 Jun 2016 02:41:27 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35742 Report Quick Reply
  11992. <body onload="setInterval('draw1();',0.5);">
  11993. <canvas id="canvas" width='1000' height='1000'></canvas>
  11994. <script>
  11995. function draw1() {
  11996. var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  11997. for (var i=0;i<30;i++) {
  11998. for (var j=0;j<256;j++) {
  12000. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+(i/i)+','+(j-j)+','+(j*i)+')';
  12001. ctx.translate(j*i,j+i*+Math.random()*256);
  12002. ctx.fillRect(-10,-10,15,15);
  12003. ctx.restore();
  12004. }
  12005. }
  12006. }
  12007. </script>
  12008. >>
  12009. JS Canvas Random Rect Canvas SRC V1 - Wed, 15 Jun 2016 23:49:08 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35744 Report Quick Reply
  12010. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12011. <html>
  12012. <body>
  12014. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"
  12015. style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
  12016. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  12017. </canvas>
  12019. <script>
  12020. var i=prompt("Enter # Of Times To Scramble Canvas:");
  12021. for(var i1=0;i1!=i;i1++){
  12022. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  12023. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  12024. ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
  12025. ctx.fillRect(Math.random()*100,Math.random()*100,Math.random()*100,Math.random()*100);
  12026. }
  12027. </script>
  12029. </body>
  12030. </html>
  12031. >>
  12032. JS Google Maps Random Location SRC NEW UPDATE(Most Location's Ever!!fIaLzzga - Thu, 16 Jun 2016 06:59:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35747 Report Quick Reply
  12033. <html>
  12034. <head>
  12035. <center>
  12036. <script
  12037. src="">
  12038. </script>
  12040. <script>
  12041. var intRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*180.99999);
  12042. var inttRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*80.9999);
  12043. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  12044. var marker;
  12046. function initialize()
  12047. {
  12048. var mapProp = {
  12049. center:myCenter,
  12050. zoom:5,
  12051. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  12052. };
  12054. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  12056. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  12057. position:myCenter,
  12058. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE
  12059. });
  12061. marker.setMap(map);
  12062. }
  12064. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  12065. </script>
  12066. </head>
  12068. <body>
  12069. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  12070. <font color="red">
  12071. <center>
  12072. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  12073. </center>
  12074. </body>
  12075. </html>
  12076. >>
  12077. JS Stop The Bullets Game No Canvas Or WebGL Needed Just Raw HTML/ JS!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 16 Jun 2016 08:38:33 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35748 Report Quick Reply
  12078. <script language="javascript">
  12079. var Score
  12080. Score=(0);
  12081. alert("Click as many boxes as you can in one minute.");
  12082. </script>
  12083. <body onload=setTimeout("window.location.href='GAMEOVER.html'",100000); bgcolor="ffffff">
  12084. <center>
  12085. <marquee onclick="style:background-color='ffffff'" scrolldelay="100">
  12086. <div style="height:10px;width:10px;">
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  12202. </marquee>
  12203. </center>
  12204. </body>
  12205. >>
  12206. UPDATED V2( THis is a generator for buildings/modern art as u can see here!!wUx+8Hs9 - Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:12:50 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35750 Report Quick Reply
  12207. File: 1466082770279.png -(177259 B, 1366x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  12208. 177259
  12209. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12210. <html>
  12211. <body>
  12213. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"
  12214. style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
  12215. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  12216. </canvas>
  12218. <script>
  12219. var i=18;
  12220. for(var i1=0;i1!=i;i1++){
  12221. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  12222. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  12223. ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
  12224. ctx.fillRect(Math.random()*500,Math.random()*500,Math.random()*500,Math.random()*500);
  12225. }
  12226. </script>
  12228. </body>
  12229. </html>
  12230. >>
  12231. My JS Calculator Updated For Cross Browser Support!!vVWR8L52 - Thu, 16 Jun 2016 22:15:57 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35751 Report Quick Reply
  12232. <center>
  12233. <title>Calculator</title>
  12234. <h4>Input:</h4>
  12235. <input value="0"; id="Input" name="Input"</input>
  12236. <br>
  12237. <h4>Keypad:</h4>
  12238. <input type="button"; value=" 1 "; onclick="javascript:
  12239. var IntHolder;
  12240. var IntHolder0;
  12241. IntHolder=(1);
  12242. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12243. "></input>
  12244. <input type="button"; value=" 2 "; onclick="javascript:
  12245. var IntHolder;
  12246. var IntHolder0;
  12247. IntHolder=(2);
  12248. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12249. "></input>
  12250. <input type="button"; value=" 3 "; onclick="javascript:
  12251. var IntHolder;
  12252. var IntHolder0;
  12253. IntHolder=(3);
  12254. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12255. "></input>
  12256. <br>
  12257. <input type="button"; value=" 4 "; onClick="javascript:
  12258. var IntHolder
  12259. var IntHolder0
  12260. IntHolder=(4);
  12261. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12262. "></input>
  12263. <input type="button"; value=" 5 "; onClick="javascript:
  12264. var IntHolder
  12265. var IntHolder0
  12266. IntHolder=(5);
  12267. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12268. "></input>
  12269. <input type="button"; value=" 6 "; onClick="javascript:
  12270. var IntHolder
  12271. var IntHolder0
  12272. IntHolder=(6);
  12273. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12274. "></input>
  12275. <br>
  12276. <input type="button"; value=" 7 "; onClick="javascript:
  12277. var IntHolder
  12278. var IntHolder0
  12279. IntHolder=(7);
  12280. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12281. "></input>
  12282. <input type="button"; value=" 8 "; onClick="javascript:
  12283. var IntHolder
  12284. var IntHolder0
  12285. IntHolder=(8);
  12286. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12287. "></input>
  12288. <input type="button"; value=" 9 "; onClick="javascript:
  12289. var IntHolder
  12290. var IntHolder0
  12291. IntHolder=(9);
  12292. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12293. "></input>
  12294. <br>
  12295. <input type="button"; value=" 0 "; onClick="javascript:
  12296. var IntHolder
  12297. var IntHolder0
  12298. IntHolder=(0);
  12299. Input.value=(IntHolder);
  12300. "></input>
  12301. <h4>Input:</h4>
  12302. <input value="0"; id="Input1" name="Input1"</input>
  12303. <h4>Keypad:</h4>
  12304. <input type="button"; value=" 1 "; onClick="javascript:
  12305. var IntHolder
  12306. var IntHolder0
  12307. IntHolder=(1);
  12308. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12309. "></input>
  12310. <input type="button"; value=" 2 "; onClick="javascript:
  12311. var IntHolder
  12312. var IntHolder0
  12313. IntHolder=(2);
  12314. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12315. "></input>
  12316. <input type="button"; value=" 3 "; onClick="javascript:
  12317. var IntHolder
  12318. var IntHolder0
  12319. IntHolder=(3);
  12320. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12321. "></input>
  12322. <br>
  12323. <input type="button"; value=" 4 "; onClick="javascript:
  12324. var IntHolder
  12325. var IntHolder0
  12326. IntHolder=(4);
  12327. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12328. "></input>
  12329. <input type="button"; value=" 5 "; onClick="javascript:
  12330. var IntHolder
  12331. var IntHolder0
  12332. IntHolder=(5);
  12333. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12334. "></input>
  12335. <input type="button"; value=" 6 "; onClick="javascript:
  12336. var IntHolder
  12337. var IntHolder0
  12338. IntHolder=(6);
  12339. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12340. "></input>
  12341. <br>
  12342. <input type="button"; value=" 7 "; onClick="javascript:
  12343. var IntHolder
  12344. var IntHolder0
  12345. IntHolder=(7);
  12346. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12347. "></input>
  12348. <input type="button"; value=" 8 "; onClick="javascript:
  12349. var IntHolder
  12350. var IntHolder0
  12351. IntHolder=(8);
  12352. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12353. "></input>
  12354. <input type="button"; value=" 9 "; onClick="javascript:
  12355. var IntHolder
  12356. var IntHolder0
  12357. IntHolder=(9);
  12358. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12359. "></input>
  12360. <br>
  12361. <input type="button"; value=" 0 " onclick="javascript:
  12362. var IntHolder
  12363. var IntHolder0
  12364. IntHolder=(0);
  12365. Input1.value=(IntHolder);
  12366. "></input>
  12368. <h4>Operators:</h4>
  12369. <input type="button"; value=" + "; onClick="javascript:
  12370. var IntHolder
  12371. IntHolder=Number(Input.value) + Number(Input1.value)
  12372. Output.value=(IntHolder);
  12373. "></input>
  12374. <input type="button"; value=" - "; onClick="javascript:
  12375. var IntHolder
  12376. IntHolder=Input.value - Input1.value
  12377. Output.value=(IntHolder);
  12378. "></input>
  12379. <input type="button"; value=" X "; onClick="javascript:
  12380. var IntHolder
  12381. IntHolder=Input.value * Input1.value
  12382. Output.value=(IntHolder);
  12383. "></input>
  12384. <input type="button"; value=" / "; onClick="javascript:
  12385. var IntHolder
  12386. IntHolder=Input.value / Input1.value
  12387. Output.value=(IntHolder);
  12388. "></input>
  12389. <br>
  12390. <br>
  12391. <h4>Result:</h4>
  12392. <input value=""; id="Output" name="Output"</input>
  12393. </center>
  12394. >>
  12395. Py Slot Machine SRC With Jackpot!!vVWR8L52 - Fri, 17 Jun 2016 07:39:35 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35752 Report Quick Reply
  12396. import random
  12397. out="N"
  12398. score=0
  12399. inn=raw_input("To Play Now Enter Y:Yes or N:No:")
  12400. rand=random.randrange(1,10)
  12401. rand1=random.randrange(1,10)
  12403. rand2=random.randrange(1,10)
  12405. if inn=="Y":
  12406. print('',rand,rand1,rand2)
  12407. if(rand==rand1):
  12408. if(rand2==rand1):
  12409. score=score+random.randrange(1,199999)
  12410. print('Jackpot: ',score)
  12411. if (inn=='N'):
  12412. print('U Suck!!')
  12413. if (inn!='N'):
  12414. print('')
  12415. >>
  12416. JS Canvas Graffite Wall SRC V1 - Mon, 20 Jun 2016 23:25:22 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35756 Report Quick Reply
  12417. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12418. <html>
  12419. <body onmousemove="drawe();">
  12420. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px">
  12421. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  12422. </canvas>
  12423. <script>
  12424. function drawe(){
  12425. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  12426. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  12427. ctx.moveTo(event.x,event.y);
  12428. ctx.lineTo(event.x+5,event.y+5);
  12429. ctx.stroke();
  12430. }
  12431. </script>
  12432. </body>
  12433. </html>
  12434. >>
  12435. JS Canvas Wave Drawer SRC V1 - Mon, 20 Jun 2016 23:47:01 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35757 Report Quick Reply
  12436. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12437. <html>
  12438. <body onmousemove="drawe();" onchange="drawe();">
  12439. <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px">
  12440. Your browser does not support the canvas element.
  12441. </canvas>
  12442. <script>
  12443. function drawe(){
  12444. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  12445. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  12446. ctx.moveTo(event.x++,event.y=+1);
  12447. ctx.lineThickness='100px';
  12448. ctx.lineTo(event.x,event.y);
  12449. ctx.stroke();
  12450. }
  12451. </script>
  12452. </body>
  12453. </html>
  12454. >>
  12455. JS Log Changin Times Function While Striping AM/PM - Wed, 22 Jun 2016 03:33:14 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35758 Report Quick Reply
  12456. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12457. <html>
  12458. <body>
  12459. <script>
  12460. var myVar = setInterval(myTimer ,1000.0);
  12461. function myTimer() {
  12462. var dat = new Date();
  12463. document.body.innerText+= dat.toLocaleTimeString().trim(2,4).replace('AM','\n\n').replace('PM','\n\n');
  12464. }
  12465. </script>
  12466. </body>
  12467. </html>
  12468. >>
  12469. JQuery Wrap Inner Browser Freeze Crash - Thu, 23 Jun 2016 03:09:34 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35760 Report Quick Reply
  12470. <!DOCTYPE html>
  12471. <html>
  12472. <head>
  12473. <script src=""></script>
  12474. <script>
  12475. $(document).ready(function(){
  12476. $("button").click(function(){
  12477. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>"); $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12478. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12479. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12480. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12481. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12482. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12483. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12484. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12485. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12486. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12487. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12488. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12489. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12490. $("*").wrapInner("<h1>");
  12491. });
  12492. });
  12493. </script>
  12494. </head>
  12495. <body>
  12497. <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  12498. <p>This is another paragraph.</p>
  12500. <button>Wrap a b element around the content of each p element</button>
  12502. </body>
  12503. </html>
  12504. >>
  12505. JS Web Audio Drum/Dubstep Wobble Gen SRC - Thu, 23 Jun 2016 06:01:58 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35761 Report Quick Reply
  12506. <center>
  12507. <button>Start Wobble</button>
  12508. <script>
  12509. var context = new AudioContext();
  12510. var frequency;
  12511. document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", GenRandomWobble);
  12512. function GenRandomWobble() {
  12513. frequency = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)+50;
  12514. var Osc1 = context.createOscillator();
  12515. var Osc2 = context.createOscillator();
  12516. Osc1.type = "saw";
  12517. Osc1.frequency.value = frequency;
  12518. Osc1.connect(context.destination);
  12519. Osc2.type = "saw";
  12520. Osc2.frequency.value = frequency;
  12521. Osc2.detune.value = -90;
  12522. Osc2.connect(context.destination);
  12523. Osc1.start(context.currentTime);
  12524. Osc1.stop(context.currentTime + 4);
  12525. Osc2.start(context.currentTime + 0);
  12526. Osc2.stop(context.currentTime + 4);
  12527. alert('Frequency: '+frequency);
  12528. }
  12529. </script>
  12530. </center>
  12531. >>
  12532. JS Web Audio API UK Hardcore Random Bass Gen - Thu, 23 Jun 2016 23:45:43 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35763 Report Quick Reply
  12533. <center>
  12534. <button>Start Wobble</button>
  12535. <script>
  12536. var context = new AudioContext();
  12537. var frequency;
  12538. document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", GenRandomWobble);
  12539. function GenRandomWobble() {
  12540. frequency = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  12541. var Osc1 = context.createOscillator();
  12542. var Osc2 = context.createOscillator();
  12543. Osc1.type = "saw";
  12544. Osc1.frequency.value = frequency;
  12545. Osc1.connect(context.destination);
  12546. Osc2.type = "saw";
  12547. Osc2.frequency.value = frequency;
  12548. Osc1.detune.value = -15;
  12549. Osc2.detune.value=-90;
  12550. Osc2.connect(context.destination);
  12551. Osc1.start(context.currentTime);
  12552. Osc1.stop(context.currentTime + Math.random()*50);
  12553. Osc2.start(context.currentTime + 0);
  12554. Osc2.stop(context.currentTime + Math.random()*50);
  12555. alert('Frequency: '+frequency);
  12556. }
  12557. </script>
  12558. </center>
  12559. >>
  12560. JS Wobble/Bassline Gen W/ Random Freq & Playback Times!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 25 Jun 2016 00:24:59 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35764 Report Quick Reply
  12561. <center>
  12562. <button>Start Wobble</button>
  12563. <script>
  12564. var context = new AudioContext();
  12565. var frequency;
  12566. document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", GenRandomWobble);
  12567. function GenRandomWobble() {
  12568. frequency = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)+50;
  12569. var Osc1 = context.createOscillator();
  12570. var Osc2 = context.createOscillator();
  12571. Osc1.type = "saw";
  12572. Osc1.frequency.value = frequency;
  12573. Osc1.connect(context.destination);
  12574. Osc2.type = "saw";
  12575. Osc2.frequency.value = frequency;
  12576. Osc2.detune.value = -90;
  12577. Osc2.connect(context.destination);
  12578. var Timer =Math.floor(Math.random()*60);
  12579. Osc1.start(context.currentTime);
  12580. Osc1.stop(context.currentTime + Timer);
  12581. Osc2.start(context.currentTime + 0);
  12582. Osc2.stop(context.currentTime + Timer);
  12583. alert('Frequency: '+frequency+ "\n\nSeconds Total: "+Timer);
  12584. }
  12585. </script>
  12586. </center>
  12587. >>
  12588. JS Toggle DOM Style W/ No CSS!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 26 Jun 2016 13:27:53 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35769 Report Quick Reply
  12589. <center>
  12590. <script>
  12591. var v=0;
  12592. function styleToggle() {
  12593. v++;
  12594. if (v!=2){
  12595. var x;
  12596. = "29px";
  12597. "red";
  12598. "#000000";
  12599. }
  12600. if (v==2){
  12601. v=0;
  12602. var x;
  12603. = "16px";
  12604. "black";
  12605. "#FFFFFF";
  12606. }
  12607. }
  12608. </script>
  12610. <button onclick="styleToggle()">Click Me!</button>
  12611. <h2><p>YO!!!!!!</p></h2>
  12612. </body>
  12613. </center>
  12614. >>
  12615. JS pictue Scanner/Viewer (Enumeration) (SRC) - Sun, 26 Jun 2016 22:26:18 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35770 Report Quick Reply
  12616. <script>
  12617. var min=prompt("Enter Base #:");
  12618. var max=prompt("Enter Highest #:");
  12619. for(var i=min;i!=max;i++){
  12620. document.writeln("<img src="+i+">");
  12621. }
  12622. </script>
  12623. >>
  12624. UPDATED JS Avatar/Picture Scanner!!vVWR8L52 - Sun, 26 Jun 2016 22:44:14 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35771 Report Quick Reply
  12625. <script>
  12626. var min=prompt("Enter Base # (0-9999:)");
  12627. var max=prompt("Enter Highest # (0-9999:)");
  12628. for(var i=min;i!=max;i++){
  12629. document.writeln("<img src="+i+">");
  12630. }
  12631. </script>
  12632. >>
  12633. JS Randomly Enumerated Local Or Remote Image Gallery Gen SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Mon, 27 Jun 2016 07:59:20 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35772 Report Quick Reply
  12634. <html>
  12635. <body>
  12636. <button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
  12637. <script>
  12638. function myFunction() {
  12639. var Inn;
  12640. var Rnd;
  12641. Inn=prompt("Enter Ammount:");
  12642. for(var i=0;i<Inn;i++){
  12643. Rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*12+1);
  12644. setInterval(document.write('<img src='+Rnd+'.png<p><p>'),1000000)
  12645. }
  12646. }
  12647. </script>
  12648. </body>
  12649. </html>
  12650. >>
  12651. JS Curson FX Mod By Me - Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:54:18 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35778 Report Quick Reply
  12652. <!-- Lets make a cool flame effect -->
  12653. <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
  12654. /*Some styles*/
  12655. {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
  12657. #canvas {display: block;}
  12658. <script>
  12659. window.onload = function(){
  12660. var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
  12661. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  12663. //Make the canvas occupy the full page
  12664. var W = window.innerWidth, H = window.innerHeight;
  12665. canvas.width = W;
  12666. canvas.height = H;
  12668. var particles = [];
  12669. var mouse = {};
  12671. //Lets create some particles now
  12672. var particle_count = 100;
  12673. for(var i = 0; i < particle_count; i++)
  12674. {
  12675. particles.push(new particle());
  12676. }
  12678. //finally some mouse tracking
  12679. canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', track_mouse, false);
  12681. function track_mouse(e)
  12682. {
  12683. //since the canvas = full page the position of the mouse
  12684. //relative to the document will suffice
  12685. mouse.x = e.pageX;
  12686. mouse.y = e.pageY;
  12687. }
  12689. function particle()
  12690. {
  12691. //speed, life, location, life, colors
  12692. //speed.x range = -2.5 to 2.5
  12693. //speed.y range = -15 to -5 to make it move upwards
  12694. //lets change the Y speed to make it look like a flame
  12695. this.speed = {x: -2.5+Math.random()*5, y: -15+Math.random()*10};
  12696. //location = mouse coordinates
  12697. //Now the flame follows the mouse coordinates
  12698. if(mouse.x && mouse.y)
  12699. {
  12700. this.location = {x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y};
  12701. }
  12702. else
  12703. {
  12704. this.location = {x: W/2, y: H/2};
  12705. }
  12706. //radius range = 10-30
  12707. this.radius = 10+Math.random()*55
  12708. //life range = 20-30
  12709. = 20+Math.random()*10;
  12710. this.remaining_life =;
  12711. //colors
  12712. this.r = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
  12713. this.g = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
  12714. this.b = Math.round(Math.random()*255);
  12715. }
  12717. function draw()
  12718. {
  12719. //Painting the canvas black
  12720. //Time for lighting magic
  12721. //particles are painted with "lighter"
  12722. //In the next frame the background is painted normally without blending to the
  12723. //previous frame
  12724. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
  12725. ctx.fillStyle = "black";
  12726. ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);
  12727. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
  12729. for(var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++)
  12730. {
  12731. var p = particles;
  12732. ctx.beginPath();
  12733. //changing opacity according to the life.
  12734. //opacity goes to 0 at the end of life of a particle
  12735. p.opacity = Math.round(p.remaining_life/*100)/100
  12736. //a gradient instead of white fill
  12737. var gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(p.location.x, p.location.y, 0, p.location.x, p.location.y, p.radius);
  12738. gradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba("+p.r+", "+p.g+", "+p.b+", "+p.opacity+")");
  12739. gradient.addColorStop(0.5, "rgba("+p.r+", "+p.g+", "+p.b+", "+p.opacity+")");
  12740. gradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba("+p.r+", "+p.g+", "+p.b+", 0)");
  12741. ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
  12742. ctx.arc(p.location.x, p.location.y, p.radius, Math.PI*2, false);
  12743. ctx.fill();
  12745. //lets move the particles
  12746. p.remaining_life--;
  12747. p.radius--;
  12748. p.location.x += p.speed.x;
  12749. p.location.y += p.speed.y;
  12751. //regenerate particles
  12752. if(p.remaining_life < 0 || p.radius < 0)
  12753. {
  12754. //a brand new particle replacing the dead one
  12755. particles = new particle();
  12756. }
  12757. }
  12758. }
  12760. setInterval(draw, 33);
  12761. }
  12762. </script>
  12763. >>
  12764. Updated Code!!vVWR8L52 - Tue, 28 Jun 2016 19:30:11 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35779 Report Quick Reply
  12765. >>35769
  12766. <center>
  12767. <button id="but" onclick="styleToggle()"><b>Click Me!</button>
  12768. <script>
  12769. var v=0;
  12770. function styleToggle() {
  12771. var x;
  12772. v++;
  12773. if (v!=2){
  12774. x.fontSize = "29px";
  12775. x.fontFamily="ariel bold";
  12776. x.color= "red";
  12777. x.background= "#000000";
  12778. }
  12779. if (v==2){
  12780. v=0;
  12781. x.fontSize = "16px";
  12782. x.fontFamily="sans bold";
  12783. x.color= "black";
  12784. x.background= "#FFFFFF";
  12785. }
  12786. }
  12787. </script>
  12789. <h2><p>YO!!!!!!</p></h2>
  12790. </body>
  12791. </center>
  12792. >>
  12793. JQuery Wack-A-Mole SRC Update - Tue, 28 Jun 2016 23:58:47 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35781 Report Quick Reply
  12794. <script src=""></script>
  12795. <center>
  12796. <script>
  12797. var scr=0;
  12798. $('document').ready(function(){
  12799. var i=20;
  12800. for(var i1=0;i!=i1;i--){
  12801. $('#img').css("font-size", "100px");
  12802. $('#img').css("color", "red").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*200)).slideDown('fast');
  12803. $('#img').css("width","100px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  12804. $('#img1').css("font-size", "100px");
  12805. $('#img1').css("color", "red").slideUp('fast').slideDown('fast');
  12806. $('#img1').css("width","100px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  12807. $('#img2').css("font-size", "100px");
  12808. $('#img2').css("color", "red").slideUp('fast').slideDown('slow');
  12809. $('#img2').css("width","100px").slideUp(Math.floor(Math.random()*300));
  12810. }
  12811. });
  12812. </script>
  12813. <img src="" id="img" onclick="scr++;
  12814. if(scr==25){
  12815. alert('You Win!!');
  12817. }
  12818. this.visible=false;">
  12819. <img src="" id="img1" onclick="scr++;
  12820. if(scr==25){
  12821. alert('You Win!!');
  12823. }
  12824. this.visible=false;">
  12825. <img src="" id="img2" onclick="scr++;
  12826. if(scr==25){
  12827. alert('You Win!!');
  12829. }
  12830. this.visible=false;">
  12831. >>
  12832. JS Imgur Random Photo FInder SRC - Wed, 29 Jun 2016 18:33:37 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35789 Report Quick Reply
  12833. <script>
  12834. function GenImGurImage()
  12835. {
  12836. var text = "";
  12837. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
  12839. for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
  12840. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  12841. document.write('<img src='+text+'.jpg></img>');
  12842. }
  12843. GenImGurImage()
  12844. </script>
  12845. >>
  12846. JS Imgur Random Media Content Finder/Downloader SRC - Thu, 30 Jun 2016 01:49:58 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35790 Report Quick Reply
  12847. <script>
  12848. function GenImGurImage()
  12849. {
  12850. var text = "";
  12851. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
  12853. for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
  12854. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  12855. document.write('<iframe height=0 width=0 hidden=true src='+text+'></iframe>');
  12856. }
  12857. GenImGurImage()
  12858. </script>
  12859. >>
  12860. JS Imgur Mass Random Photo Content Finder/Downloader SRC - Thu, 30 Jun 2016 14:11:12 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35794 Report Quick Reply
  12861. <script>
  12862. function GenImGurImage()
  12863. {
  12864. var amm1=0;
  12865. var amm=prompt("Enter # Of Images To Generate:");
  12866. var text = "";
  12867. var possible="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678";
  12868. while(amm1!=amm){
  12869. amm1++;
  12870. for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
  12871. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  12872. document.write("<img src="+text+".jpg></img>");
  12873. text="";
  12874. }
  12875. }
  12876. GenImGurImage()
  12877. </script>
  12878. >>
  12879. JS Imgur Random Media Hyperlink Gen SRC - Fri, 01 Jul 2016 19:57:50 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35807 Report Quick Reply
  12880. <script>
  12881. function GenImGurImage()
  12882. {
  12883. var i=0;
  12884. var amm=prompt("Enter # Of Links To Get:");
  12885. var text = "";
  12886. var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
  12887. while(amm!=i){
  12888. i++;
  12889. for( var i1=0; i1<5; i1++ )
  12890. text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
  12891. document.writeln('<a height=20 width=20 href='+text+'>'+text+'</a><p>');
  12892. text='';
  12893. }
  12894. }
  12895. GenImGurImage()
  12896. </script>
  12897. >>
  12898. JS /HTML DOC Fade Toggle Random Opacity & Interval's Enless Loop Effect SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:50:47 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35815 Report Quick Reply
  12899. <script src=""></script>
  12900. <script>
  12901. $(document).ready(function(){
  12902. $("*").mousemove(function(){
  12903. var op=(Math.random()*1.0);
  12904. $("*").fadeTo("."+op,parseFloat(op));
  12905. if(op!=1.0){
  12906. $('*').css('color','green');
  12907. }
  12908. });
  12909. });
  12910. </script>
  12912. <body>
  12913. <button>HTML DOC Fade To Random Opacity Endless Loop Effect SRC</button><br><br>
  12914. <div id="div1" style="width:80px;height:80px;background-color:red;"></div><br>
  12915. </html>
  12916. </body>
  12917. >>
  12918. More JQ Randomized GFX FX - Tue, 05 Jul 2016 04:54:56 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35817 Report Quick Reply
  12919. <center>
  12920. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  12921. <script src=""></script>
  12922. <script>
  12923. $(document).mousemove(function(){
  12924. $("*").slideUp(Math.random()*909);
  12925. $("*").slideDown(Math.random()*900);
  12926. $("*").fadeOut(Math.random()*1909);
  12927. $("*").fadeIn(Math.random()*1909);
  12928. });
  12929. </script>
  12930. <style>
  12931. div {
  12932. height:100px;
  12933. width:100px;
  12934. background-color: green;border: solid 5px lightgrey;
  12935. }
  12936. </style>
  12937. </head>
  12938. <body>
  12939. <div id="d0"></div>
  12940. </body>
  12941. </html>
  12942. </center>
  12943. >>
  12944. JS Synth Gen W/ Random Oscillator Feature V5 SRC!!vVWR8L52 - Wed, 06 Jul 2016 08:54:21 EST ID:+6d1kOO+ No.35818 Report Quick Reply
  12945. <body onload="chk4.checked=true;" bgcolor="lightblue">
  12946. <b>
  12947. <font color="darkblue">
  12948. <center>
  12949. Time:(Seconds)<br>
  12950. <input type="text" id="Text1" name="Text1" value="100">
  12951. <br>Frequency:<br>
  12952. <input type="text" id ="Text2" name="Text2" value="100">
  12953. <br>
  12954. <input type="checkbox" id="chk1" name="chk1" onclick="script:chk2.checked=false;
  12955. chk3.checked=false;
  12956. chk4.checked=false;"> Triangle
  12957. <input type="checkbox" id="chk2" name="chk2" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  12958. chk3.checked=false;
  12959. chk4.checked=false;"> Square
  12960. <input type="checkbox" id="chk3" name="chk3" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  12961. chk2.checked=false;
  12962. chk4.checked=false;"> Sine
  12963. <input type="checkbox" id="chk4" name="chk4" onclick="script:chk1.checked=false;
  12964. chk2.checked=false;
  12965. chk3.checked=false"> Saw
  12966. <br>
  12967. <b>
  12968. <button onclick="script:
  12969. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  12970. var Freq=Text2.value;
  12971. var context = new AudioContext();
  12972. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  12973. if(chk1.checked==true){
  12974. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  12975. }
  12976. if(chk2.checked==true){
  12977. oscillator.type = 'square';
  12978. }
  12979. if(chk3.checked==true){
  12980. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  12981. }
  12982. if(chk4.checked==true){
  12983. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  12984. }
  12985. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  12986. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  12987. oscillator.start(0);
  12988. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  12989. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);"><b><font color=darkblue>Play Sound</button>
  12990. <button onclick="script:
  12991. var PlayLen=Text1.value;
  12992. var Freq=Text2.value;
  12993. var context = new AudioContext();
  12994. oscillator=context.createOscillator();
  12995. if(chk1.checked==true){
  12996. oscillator.type = 'triangle';
  12997. }
  12998. if(chk2.checked==true){
  12999. oscillator.type = 'square';
  13000. }
  13001. if(chk3.checked==true){
  13002. oscillator.type = 'sine';
  13003. }
  13004. if(chk4.checked==true){
  13005. oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
  13006. }
  13007. var var1=Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
  13008. var var2=Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
  13009. var PlayLen=var1
  13010. var Freq=Text1.var2;
  13011. Text1.value=var1;
  13012. Text2.value=var2;
  13013. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  13014. oscillator.frequency.value = Freq;
  13015. oscillator.connect(context.destination);
  13016. oscillator.start(0);
  13017. oscillator.stop(PlayLen);
  13018. oscillator.disconnect(PlayLen);"><b><font color=darkblue>Gen Random</button>
  13019. <button onclick="script:
  13020. Text1.value='100';
  13021. Text2.value='100';
  13022. oscillator.stop(0);
  13023. oscillator.disconnect(context.destination);"><b><font color=darkblue>Stop Sound</button>
  13024. <button onclick="script:chk1.checked=false
  13025. chk2.checked=false
  13026. chk3.checked=false
  13027. chk4.checked=false
  13028. Text1.value='';
  13029. Text2.value='';"><font color=darkblue><b>Clear All</button>
  13030. </center>
  13031. >>
  13032. Hannah Dinnerfuck - Thu, 07 Jul 2016 14:41:28 EST ID:f/XPczBa No.35822 Report Quick Reply
  13033. >>34905 (OP)
  13035. You should git pull a github account my friend
  13036. >>
  13037. John Snodfoot - Fri, 15 Jul 2016 22:30:35 EST ID:NxO5qO3u No.35857 Report Quick Reply
  13038. File: 1468636235660.jpg -(108588 B, 712x709) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  13039. 108588
  13041. >>
  13042. William Fecklehadge - Sat, 23 Jul 2016 22:37:01 EST ID:t6/Ma4GA No.35900 Report Quick Reply
  13043. >>35281
  13044. >>
  13045. Cyril Cabberladge - Wed, 24 Aug 2016 04:29:22 EST ID:M7vtEEA0 No.36055 Report Quick Reply
  13046. Is this thread passed its bump limit?
  13047. >>
  13048. C-Higgy !lfsExjBfzE - Wed, 24 Aug 2016 10:37:12 EST ID:9PGXmQ+r No.36056 Report Quick Reply
  13049. >>36055
  13050. Yes it is
  13051. >>
  13052. JS Google Maps Buffer Overflow - Fri, 30 Sep 2016 01:19:11 EST ID:OEFE9/xF No.36214 Report Quick Reply
  13053. <center>
  13054. <html>
  13055. <script src="">
  13056. </script>
  13057. <script>
  13058. var intRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.9999);
  13059. var inttRnd=parseFloat(Math.random()*99.9999);
  13060. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(intRnd,inttRnd);
  13061. var marker;
  13062. function initialize()
  13063. {
  13064. var mapProp = {
  13065. center:myCenter,
  13066. zoom:10,
  13067. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
  13068. };
  13069. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  13070. var rndmrk=Math.random(Math.floor()*1);
  13071. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  13072. position:myCenter,
  13073. animation:google.maps.Animation.DROP,
  13074. });
  13075. var marker1=new google.maps.Marker({
  13076. position:myCenter,
  13077. animation:google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE,
  13078. });
  13079. marker.setMap(map);
  13080. marker1.setMap(map);
  13081. <html>
  13082. <body>
  13083. <button onclick="myFunction()">Test</button>
  13084. <script>
  13085. function myFunction() {
  13086. var out = prompt("Enter # Of SWF Instances:");
  13087. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  13088. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  13089. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  13090. x.setAttribute("width", "10000in");
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  13092. document.body.appendChild(x);
  13093. }
  13094. }
  13095. </script>
  13096. </body>
  13097. </html>
  13098. }
  13099. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script>
  13100. <body>
  13101. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  13102. <font color="red">
  13103. <center>
  13104. <h2>Refresh Browser For A Random Desination!!
  13105. </center>
  13106. >>
  13107. JS Google Maps Buffer Overflow - Fri, 30 Sep 2016 01:22:14 EST ID:OEFE9/xF No.36215 Report Quick Reply
  13108. <html>
  13109. <script
  13110. src="">
  13111. </script>
  13113. <script>
  13114. var p=prompt("Ener Latitude:");
  13115. var p1=prompt("Enter Longitude");
  13116. var myCenter=new google.maps.LatLng(p,p1);
  13118. function initialize()
  13119. {
  13120. var mapProp = {
  13121. center:myCenter,
  13122. zoom:5,
  13123. mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
  13124. };
  13126. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
  13128. var marker=new google.maps.Marker({
  13129. position:myCenter,
  13130. });
  13132. marker.setMap(map);
  13135. var msg = prompt("Enter String:");
  13136. var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
  13137. content:msg
  13138. });
  13139. var out = prompt("Enter # Of SWF Instances:");
  13140. for(var i=0;i<out;i++){
  13141. var x = document.createElement("EMBED");
  13142. x.setAttribute("src", "helloworld.swf");
  13143. x.setAttribute("width", "10000in");
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  13145. document.body.appendChild(x);
  13147. }
  13149. google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
  13150. </script>
  13151. </head>
  13153. <body>
  13154. <div id="googleMap" style="width:500px;height:380px;"></div>
  13155. </body>
  13156. </html>
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