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Oct 16th, 2018
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  1. { skill: 268845586, filler: 0, cooldown: 79020 }
  2. [sActionStage]==========================
  3. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  4. x: -3280.09130859375,
  5. y: -12493.7734375,
  6. z: 1204.5787353515625,
  7. w: 7208,
  8. model: 10810,
  9. skill: 268845558,
  10. filler: 0,
  11. stage: 0,
  12. speed: 1,
  13. projectileSpeed: 1,
  14. id: 111697855,
  15. unk: 1,
  16. unk1: 0,
  17. toX: -3280.09130859375,
  18. toY: -12493.7734375,
  19. toZ: 1204,
  20. unk2: 0,
  21. unk3: 0,
  22. movement: [] }
  23. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  24. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  25. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  26. id: 10152340,
  27. duration: 30000,
  28. unk: 0,
  29. stacks: 1,
  30. unk2: 0 }
  31. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  32. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  33. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  34. id: 10152342,
  35. duration: 2147483647,
  36. unk: 0,
  37. stacks: 1,
  38. unk2: 0 }
  39. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  40. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  41. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  42. id: 10152345,
  43. duration: 32000,
  44. unk: 0,
  45. stacks: 1,
  46. unk2: 0 }
  47. Time Delay = 1586ms for 268845558
  48. [sActionEnd]==========================
  49. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  50. x: -3280.09130859375,
  51. y: -12493.7734375,
  52. z: 1204,
  53. w: 7208,
  54. model: 10810,
  55. skill: 268845558,
  56. filler: 0,
  57. type: 0,
  58. id: 111697855 }
  59. > hajkhdksahdkjsahkjdhsakdhksadsadsaddasdsadasdsadsadsadadsadsadsadasdsadsahdlsa
  60. hfsalhdlksahdlsahldsadhldsalhdlssasad[cStartSkill]==========================
  61. { skill: 268506557,
  62. filler: 0,
  63. w: 7585,
  64. x1: -3262.630615234375,
  65. y1: -12478.236328125,
  66. z1: 1203.851318359375,
  67. x2: -2845.88671875,
  68. y2: -12098.1318359375,
  69. z2: 1243.4180908203125,
  70. unk1: 1,
  71. unk2: 0,
  72. unk3: 0,
  73. target: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: true },
  74. unk4: 0 }
  75. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  76. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  77. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  78. id: 30050,
  79. duration: 3100,
  80. unk: 0,
  81. stacks: 1,
  82. unk2: 0 }
  83. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  84. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  85. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  86. id: 10152040,
  87. duration: 3100,
  88. unk: 0,
  89. stacks: 1,
  90. unk2: 0 }
  91. [sActionStage]==========================
  92. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  93. x: -3262.630615234375,
  94. y: -12478.236328125,
  95. z: 1202,
  96. w: 7712,
  97. model: 10810,
  98. skill: 268506557,
  99. filler: 0,
  100. stage: 0,
  101. speed: 1,
  102. projectileSpeed: 1,
  103. id: 111717619,
  104. unk: 1,
  105. unk1: 0,
  106. toX: 0,
  107. toY: 0,
  108. toZ: 0,
  109. unk2: 0,
  110. unk3: 0,
  111. movement: [] }
  112. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  113. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  114. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  115. id: 10152010,
  116. duration: 3100,
  117. unk: 0,
  118. stacks: 1,
  119. unk2: 0 }
  120. [cStartSkill]==========================
  121. { skill: 268855557,
  122. filler: 0,
  123. w: 7585,
  124. x1: -3262.630615234375,
  125. y1: -12478.236328125,
  126. z1: 1203.851318359375,
  127. x2: -2825.0966796875,
  128. y2: -12079.6337890625,
  129. z2: 1241.854736328125,
  130. unk1: 0,
  131. unk2: 0,
  132. unk3: 0,
  133. target: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: true },
  134. unk4: 0 }
  135. Time Delay = 309ms for 268506557
  136. [sActionEnd]==========================
  137. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  138. x: -3262.630615234375,
  139. y: -12478.236328125,
  140. z: 1202,
  141. w: 7712,
  142. model: 10810,
  143. skill: 268506557,
  144. filler: 0,
  145. type: 6,
  146. id: 111717619 }
  147. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  148. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  149. id: 10152010 }
  150. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  151. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  152. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  153. id: 10152011,
  154. duration: 3100,
  155. unk: 0,
  156. stacks: 1,
  157. unk2: 0 }
  158. [sActionStage]==========================
  159. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  160. x: -3262.630615234375,
  161. y: -12478.236328125,
  162. z: 1202,
  163. w: 7706,
  164. model: 10810,
  165. skill: 268855557,
  166. filler: 0,
  167. stage: 0,
  168. speed: 1,
  169. projectileSpeed: 1,
  170. id: 111718243,
  171. unk: 1,
  172. unk1: 0,
  173. toX: 0,
  174. toY: 0,
  175. toZ: 0,
  176. unk2: 0,
  177. unk3: 0,
  178. movement: [] }
  179. [cStartInstanceSkillEx]==========================
  180. { skill: 268506559,
  181. filler: 0,
  182. target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364424, unsigned: true },
  183. x1: -3262.630615234375,
  184. y1: -12478.236328125,
  185. z1: 1203.851318359375,
  186. x2: -3155.08349609375,
  187. y2: -12375.08203125,
  188. z2: 1234.7994384765625,
  189. w: 7974,
  190. unk: 0 }
  191. Time Delay = 387ms for 268855557
  192. [sActionEnd]==========================
  193. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  194. x: -3262.630615234375,
  195. y: -12478.236328125,
  196. z: 1202,
  197. w: 7706,
  198. model: 10810,
  199. skill: 268855557,
  200. filler: 0,
  201. type: 6,
  202. id: 111718243 }
  203. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  204. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  205. id: 30050 }
  206. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  207. { skill: 268506556, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  208. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  209. { skill: 268506557, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  210. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  211. { skill: 268506558, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  212. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  213. { skill: 268506559, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  214. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  215. { skill: 268506559, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  216. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  217. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  218. id: 10152040 }
  219. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  220. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  221. id: 10152011 }
  222. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  223. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  224. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  225. id: 30050,
  226. duration: 3100,
  227. unk: 0,
  228. stacks: 1,
  229. unk2: 0 }
  230. [sStartCooltimeSkill]==========================
  231. { skill: 268506559, filler: 0, cooldown: 8955 }
  232. [sActionStage]==========================
  233. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  234. x: -3262.630615234375,
  235. y: -12478.236328125,
  236. z: 1203.851318359375,
  237. w: 7974,
  238. model: 10810,
  239. skill: 268506559,
  240. filler: 0,
  241. stage: 0,
  242. speed: 1.5299999713897705,
  243. projectileSpeed: 1.5299999713897705,
  244. id: 111719008,
  245. unk: 1,
  246. unk1: 0,
  247. toX: -3262.630615234375,
  248. toY: -12478.236328125,
  249. toZ: 1203,
  250. unk2: 0,
  251. unk3: 0,
  252. movement: [] }
  253. [sSystemMessage]==========================
  254. { message: '@935' }
  255. [sCannotStartSkill]==========================
  256. { skill: 71103 }
  257. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  258. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  259. id: 30050 }
  260. [sAbnormalityBegin]==========================
  261. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  262. source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  263. id: 10152081,
  264. duration: 4100,
  265. unk: 0,
  266. stacks: 1,
  267. unk2: 0 }
  268. [cStartSkill]==========================
  269. { skill: 268855557,
  270. filler: 0,
  271. w: 7492,
  272. x1: -3262.630615234375,
  273. y1: -12478.236328125,
  274. z1: 1203.851318359375,
  275. x2: -2827.1083984375,
  276. y2: -12088.328125,
  277. z2: 1238.672119140625,
  278. unk1: 0,
  279. unk2: 0,
  280. unk3: 0,
  281. target: Long { low: 0, high: 0, unsigned: true },
  282. unk4: 0 }
  283. [sCannotStartSkill]==========================
  284. { skill: 420101 }
  285. Time Delay = 753ms for 268506559
  286. [sActionEnd]==========================
  287. { source: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  288. x: -3262.630615234375,
  289. y: -12478.236328125,
  290. z: 1203,
  291. w: 7974,
  292. model: 10810,
  293. skill: 268506559,
  294. filler: 0,
  295. type: 0,
  296. id: 111719008 }
  297. [sAbnormalityEnd]==========================
  298. { target: Long { low: 1780487, high: 50364416, unsigned: true },
  299. id: 10152081 }
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