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Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # Multiples Shop | Vinixs and BreakfastDeliqht
  3. #
  5. options:
  6. Price1: &7&m----------||&aPrice
  7. Price2: ||&7&m----------
  8. Nef: &cError: %nl%&7Not enough funds.
  10. command /shop:
  11. permission: rank.default
  12. trigger:
  13. wait 5 ticks
  14. open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lSkyblocks Shop" to player
  15. format slot 10 of player with plain_glass_block named "&f&lGlass" to close then run [make player execute command "/glass"]
  16. format slot 12 of player with 296 named "&a&lFarming" to close then run [make player execute command "/farming"]
  17. format slot 14 of player with redstone named "&c&lRedstone" to close then run [make player execute command "/redstone"]
  18. format slot 16 of player with stone named "&7&lBlocks" to close then run [make player execute command "/blocks"]
  21. #
  22. # Blocks
  23. #
  25. command /blocks:
  26. permission: rank.default
  27. trigger:
  28. wait 5 ticks
  29. open chest with 4 rows named "&7&lBlocks" to player
  30. format slot 0 of player with grass named "&aGrass" with lore "&7&m----------||&aPrice: $50||&7&m----------" to close then run [make player execute command "/buygrass"]
  31. format slot 1 of player with cobble_stone named "&aCobblestone" with lore "&7&m----------||&aPrice: $50||&7&m----------" to close then run [make player execute command "/buycobblestone"]
  32. format slot 2 of player with SMOOTH_STONE_BRICK named "&aStonebrick" with lore "&7&m----------||&aPrice: $50||&7&m----------" to close then run [make player execute command "/buystonebrick"]
  33. format slot 3 of player with sand named "&aSand" with lore "&7&m----------||&aPrice: $50||&7&m----------" to close then run [make player execute command "/buysand"]
  34. format slot 4 of player with diamond block named "&aDiamond Block" with lore "{@Price1}: $300 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buydb"]
  35. format slot 5 of player with iron block named "&aIron Block" with lore "{@Price1}: $220 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyib"]
  36. format slot 6 of player with gold block named "&aGolden Block" with lore "{@Price1}: $110 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buygb"]
  37. format slot 7 of player with log named "&aWood" with lore "{@Price1}: $220 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buylog"]
  38. format slot 27 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to close then run [make player execute command "/shop"]
  40. #
  41. # ---------------------------
  42. #
  44. command /buygrass:
  45. permission: rank.default
  46. trigger:
  47. if player's balance >= 50:
  48. subtract 50 from player's balance
  49. give player 1 grass
  50. send "&aSuccess:"
  51. send "&7Bought x1 Grass."
  52. if player's balance < 50:
  53. send "&cError:"
  54. send "&7Not enough funds."
  56. command /buydb:
  57. permission: rank.default
  58. trigger:
  59. if player's balance >= 300:
  60. subtract 300 from player's balance
  61. give player 1 diamond block
  62. send "&aSuccess:"
  63. send "&7Bought x1 Diamond Block."
  64. if player's balance < 300:
  65. send "&cError:"
  66. send "&7Not enough funds."
  68. command /buyib:
  69. permission: rank.default
  70. trigger:
  71. if player's balance >= 220:
  72. subtract 220 from player's balance
  73. give player 1 iron block
  74. send "&aSuccess:"
  75. send "&7Bought x1 Iron Block."
  76. if player's balance < 220:
  77. send "&cError:"
  78. send "&7Not enough funds."
  80. command /buygb:
  81. permission: rank.default
  82. trigger:
  83. if player's balance >= 110:
  84. subtract 110 from player's balance
  85. give player 1 gold block
  86. send "&aSuccess:"
  87. send "&7Bought x1 Gold Block."
  88. if player's balance < 110:
  89. send "&cError:"
  90. send "&7Not enough funds."
  92. command /buylog:
  93. permission: rank.default
  94. trigger:
  95. if player's balance >= 220:
  96. subtract 220 from player's balance
  97. give player 1 log
  98. send "&aSuccess:"
  99. send "&7Bought x1 Grass."
  100. if player's balance < 220:
  101. send "&cError:"
  102. send "&7Not enough funds."
  104. command /buycobblestone:
  105. permission: rank.default
  106. trigger:
  107. if player's balance >= 50:
  108. subtract 50 from player's balance
  109. give player 1 4
  110. send "&aSuccess:"
  111. send "&7Bought x1 Cobblestone."
  112. if player's balance < 50:
  113. send "&cError:"
  114. send "&7Not enough funds."
  116. command /buystonebrick:
  117. permission: rank.default
  118. trigger:
  119. if player's balance >= 50:
  120. subtract 50 from player's balance
  121. give player 1 98
  122. send "&aSuccess:"
  123. send "&7Bought x1 Stone Brick."
  124. if player's balance < 50:
  125. send "{@Nef}"
  127. command /buysand:
  128. permission: rank.default
  129. trigger:
  130. if player's balance >= 50:
  131. subtract 50 from player's balance
  132. give player 1 sand
  133. send "&aSuccess:"
  134. send "&7Bought x1 Sand."
  135. if player's balance < 50:
  136. send "{@Nef}"
  138. #
  139. # ---------------------------
  140. #
  143. #
  144. # Redstone
  145. #
  147. command /redstone:
  148. permission: rank.default
  149. trigger:
  150. wait 5 ticks
  151. open chest with 4 rows named "&7&lRedstone" to player
  152. format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&aRedstone Block" with lore "{@Price1}: $360 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyredstoneblock"]
  153. format slot 1 of player with redstone named "&aRedstone" with lore "{@Price1}: $40 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyredstone"
  154. format slot 2 of player with redstone_torch_on named "&aRedstone Torch" with lore "{@Price1}: $30 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyredstonetorch"]
  155. format slot 3 of player with redstone_repeater_item named "&aRepeater" with lore "{@Price1}: $100 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyrepeater"]
  156. format slot 4 of player with redstone_comparator_item named "&aComparator" with lore "{@Price1}: $100 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buycomparator"]
  157. format slot 5 of player with hopper named "&aHopper" with lore "{@Price1}: $2000 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyhopper"]
  158. format slot 6 of player with dropper named "&aDropper" with lore "{@Price1}: $300 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buydropper"]
  159. format slot 7 of player with dispenser named "&aDispenser" with lore "{@Price1}: $500 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buydispenser"]
  160. format slot 8 of player with observer named "&aObserver" with lore "{@Price1}: $800 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyobserver"
  161. format slot 9 of player with sticky_piston_base named "&aSticky Piston" with lore "{@Price1}: $1000 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buystickypiston"]
  162. format slot 10 of player with piston_base named "&aPiston" with lore "{@Price1}: $500 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buypiston"]
  163. format slot 11 of player with 123 named "&aRedstone Lamp" with lore "{@Price1}: $750 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyredstonelamp"]
  164. format slot 12 of player with tripwire hook named "&aTripwire Hook" with lore "{@Price1}: $300 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buytripwirehook"]
  165. format slot 13 of player with stone button named "&aStone Button" with lore "{@Price1}: $25 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buystonebutton"]
  166. format slot 14 of player with wooden button named "&aWooden Button" with lore "{@Price1}: $10 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buywoodenbutton"]
  167. format slot 15 of player with lever named "&aLever" with lore "{@Price1}: $50 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buylever"]
  168. format slot 16 of player with stone pressure plate named "&aStone Pressure Plate" with lore "{@Price1}: $75 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buystonepressureplate"]
  169. format slot 17 of player with wooden pressure plate named "&aWooden Pressure Plate" with lore "{@Price1}: $50 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buywoodenpressureplate"]
  170. format slot 27 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to close then run [make player execute command "/shop"
  172. #
  173. # ---------------------------
  174. #
  176. command /buyredstoneblock:
  177. permission: rank.default
  178. trigger:
  179. if player's balance >= 360:
  180. subtract 360 from player's balance
  181. give player 1 152
  182. send "&aSuccess:"
  183. send "&7Bought x1 Redstone Block."
  184. if player's balance < 360:
  185. send "{@Nef}"
  187. command /buyredstone:
  188. permission: rank.default
  189. trigger:
  190. if player's balance >= 40:
  191. subtract 40 from player's balance
  192. give player 1 redstone
  193. send "&aSuccess:"
  194. send "&7Bought x1 Redstone."
  195. if player's balance < 40:
  196. send "{@Nef}"
  198. command /buyredstonetorch:
  199. permission: rank.default
  200. trigger:
  201. if player's balance >= 30:
  202. subtract 30 from player's balance
  203. give player 1 76
  204. send "&aSuccess"
  205. send "&7Bought x1 Redstone Torch."
  206. if player's balance < 30:
  207. send "{@Nef}"
  209. command /buyrepeater:
  210. permission: rank.default
  211. trigger:
  212. if player's balance >= 100:
  213. subtract 100 from player's balance
  214. give player 1 356
  215. send "&aSuccess:"
  216. send "&7Bought x1 Repeater."
  217. if player's balance < 100:
  218. send "{@Nef}"
  220. command /buycomparator:
  221. permission: rank.default
  222. trigger:
  223. if player's balance >= 100:
  224. subtract 100 from player's balance
  225. give player 1 404
  226. send "&aSuccess:"
  227. send "&7Bought x1 Comparator."
  228. if player's balance < 100:
  229. send "{@Nef}"
  231. command /buyhopper:
  232. permission: rank.default
  233. trigger:
  234. if player's balance >= 2000:
  235. subtract 2000 from player's balance
  236. give player 1 hopper
  237. send "&aSuccess"
  238. send "&7Bought x1 Hopper."
  239. if player's balance < 2000:
  240. send "{@Nef}"
  242. command /buydropper:
  243. permission: rank.default
  244. trigger:
  245. if player's balance >= 300:
  246. subtract 300 from player's balance
  247. give player 1 dropper
  248. send "&aSuccess:"
  249. send "&7Bought x1 Dropper."
  250. if player's balance < 300:
  251. send "{@Nef}"
  253. command /buydispenser:
  254. permission: rank.default
  255. trigger:
  256. if player's balance >= 500:
  257. subtract 500 from player's balance
  258. give player 1 dispenser
  259. send "&aSuccess:"
  260. send "&7Bought x1 Dispenser."
  261. if player's balance < 500:
  262. send "{@Nef}"
  264. command /buystickypiston:
  265. permission: rank.default
  266. trigger:
  267. if player's balance >= 1000:
  268. subtract 1000 from player's balance
  269. give player 1 29
  270. send "&aSuccess:"
  271. send "&7Bought x1 Sticky Piston"
  272. if player's balance < 1000:
  273. send "{@Nef}"
  275. #
  276. # ---------------------------
  277. #
  279. #
  280. # Glass
  281. #
  283. command /glass:
  284. permission: rank.default
  285. trigger:
  286. wait 5 ticks
  287. open chest with 4 rows named "&7&lGlass" to player
  288. format slot 0 of player with 95 named "&aWhite Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buywhiteglass"]
  289. format slot 1 of player with 95:11 named "&aBlue Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyblueglass"]
  290. format slot 2 of player with 20 named "&aClear Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyglass"]
  291. format slot 3 of player with 95:5 named "&aLime Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buylimeglass"]
  292. format slot 4 of player with 95:13 named "&aGreen Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buygreenglass"]
  293. format slot 5 of player with 95:2 named "&aMagenta Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buymagentaglass"]
  294. format slot 6 of player with 95:10 named "&aPurple Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buypurpleglass"]
  295. format slot 7 of player with 95:15 named "&aBlack Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyblackglass"]
  296. format slot 8 of player with 95:4 named "&aYellow Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyyellowglass"]
  297. format slot 9 of player with 95:3 named "&aAqua Glass" with lore "{@Price1}: $65 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyaquaglass"]
  298. format slot 27 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to close then run [make player execute command "/shop"]
  300. #
  301. # ---------------------------
  302. #
  304. command /buywhiteglass:
  305. permission: rank.default
  306. trigger:
  307. if player's balance >= 65:
  308. subtract 65 from player's balance
  309. give player 1 95
  310. send "&aSuccess:"
  311. send "&7Bought x1 White Stained Glass"
  312. else:
  313. send "{@Nef}"
  315. command /buyblueglass:
  316. permission: rank.default
  317. trigger:
  318. if player's balance >= 65:
  319. subtract 65 from player's balance
  320. give player 1 95:11
  321. send "&aSuccess:"
  322. send "&7Bought x1 Blue Stained Glass"
  323. else:
  324. send "{@Nef}"
  326. command /buyglass:
  327. permission: rank.default
  328. trigger:
  329. if player's balance >= 65:
  330. subtract 65 from player's balance
  331. give player 1 20
  332. send "&aSuccess:"
  333. send "&7Bought x1 Glass"
  334. else:
  335. send "{@Nef}"
  337. command /buylimeglass:
  338. permission: rank.default
  339. trigger:
  340. if player's balance >= 65:
  341. subtract 65 from player's balance
  342. give player 1 95:5
  343. send "&aSuccess:"
  344. send "&7Bought x1 Lime Stained Glass"
  345. else:
  346. send "{@Nef}"
  348. command /buygreenglass:
  349. permission: rank.default
  350. trigger:
  351. if player's balance >= 65:
  352. subtract 65 from player's balance
  353. give player 1 95:13
  354. send "&aSuccess:"
  355. send "&7Bought x1 Green Stained Glass"
  356. else:
  357. send "{@Nef}"
  359. command /buymagentaglass:
  360. permission: rank.default
  361. trigger:
  362. if player's balance >= 65:
  363. subtract 65 from player's balance
  364. give player 1 95:2
  365. send "&aSuccess:"
  366. send "&7Bought x1 Magenta Stained Glass"
  367. else:
  368. send "{@Nef}"
  370. command /buypurpleglass:
  371. permission: rank.default
  372. trigger:
  373. if player's balance >= 65:
  374. subtract 65 from player's balance
  375. give player 1 95:10
  376. send "&aSuccess:"
  377. send "&7Bought x1 Purple Stained Glass"
  378. else:
  379. send "{@Nef}"
  381. command /buyblackglass:
  382. permission: rank.default
  383. trigger:
  384. if player's balance >= 65:
  385. subtract 65 from player's balance
  386. give player 1 95:15
  387. send "&aSuccess:"
  388. send "&7Bought x1 Black Stained Glass"
  389. else:
  390. send "{@Nef}"
  392. command /buyyellowglass:
  393. permission: rank.default
  394. trigger:
  395. if player's balance >= 65:
  396. subtract 65 from player's balance
  397. give player 1 95:4
  398. send "&aSuccess:"
  399. send "&7Bought x1 Yellow Stained Glass"
  400. else:
  401. send "{@Nef}"
  403. command /buyaquaglass:
  404. permission: rank.default
  405. trigger:
  406. if player's balance >= 65:
  407. subtract 65 from player's balance
  408. give player 1 95:3
  409. send "&aSuccess:"
  410. send "&7Bought x1 Aqua Stained Glass"
  411. else:
  412. send "{@Nef}"
  414. #
  415. # Farming
  416. #
  418. command /farming:
  419. permission: rank.default
  420. trigger:
  421. wait 5 ticks
  422. open chest with 4 rows named "&7&lFarming" to player
  423. format slot 0 of player with 338 named "&aSugar Canes" with lore "{@Price1}: $15 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buysugarcane"]
  424. format slot 1 of player with cactus named "&aCactus" with lore "{@Price1}: $20 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buycactus"]
  425. format slot 2 of player with ink sack named "&aInk Sack" with lore "{@Price1}: $7 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buyinksack"]
  426. format slot 3 of player with seeds named "&aWheat Seeds" with lore "{@Price1}: $20 {@Price2}" to close then run [make player execute command "/buywheatseeds"]
  427. format slot 27 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to close then run [make player execute command "/shop"]
  429. #
  430. # ---------------------------
  431. #
  433. command /buysugarcane:
  434. permission: rank.default
  435. trigger:
  436. if player's balance >= 15:
  437. subtract 15 from player's balance
  438. give player 1 338
  439. send "&aSuccess:"
  440. send "&7Bought x1 Sugarcane."
  441. if player's balance < 15:
  442. send "&cError:"
  443. send "&7Not enough funds."
  445. command /buycactus:
  446. permission: rank.default
  447. trigger:
  448. if player's balance >= 20:
  449. subtract 20 from player's balance
  450. give player 1 cactus
  451. send "&aSuccess:"
  452. send "&7Bought x1 Cactus."
  453. if player's balance < 20:
  454. send "&cError:"
  455. send "&7Not enough funds."
  457. command /buyinksack:
  458. permission: rank.default
  459. trigger:
  460. if player's balance >= 7:
  461. subtract 7 from player's balance
  462. give player 1 ink sack
  463. send "&aSuccess:"
  464. send "&7Bought x1 Ink Sack."
  465. if player's balance < 7:
  466. send "&cError:"
  467. send "&7Not enough funds."
  469. command /buywheatseeds:
  470. permission: rank.default
  471. trigger:
  472. if player's balance >= 20:
  473. subtract 20 from player's balance
  474. give player 1 seeds
  475. send "&aSuccess:"
  476. send "&7Bought x1 WheatSeed(s)."
  477. if player's balance < 20:
  478. send "&cError:"
  479. send "&7Not enough funds."
  480. #
  481. #
  482. #
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