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a guest
Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. **ERROR**: pre-main prep time: 4028 ms
  2. let it go dude!
  3. **ERROR**: Calling stub instead of sigaction()
  4. Init OS
  5. Init Audio
  6. Init VS
  7. Init Physicsserver
  8. OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: Mozilla
  9. GLES3: max ubo light: 409
  10. GLES3: max ubo reflections: 455, ubo size: 144
  11. ARVR: Registered interface: Native mobile
  12. **ERROR**: exit(0) implicitly called by end of main(), but noExitRuntime, so not exiting the runtime (you can use emscripten_force_exit, if you want to force a true shutdown)
  13. **ERROR**: enlarged memory arrays from 16777216 to 33554432, took 0 ms (has ArrayBuffer.transfer? false)
  14. **ERROR**: ERROR: load_image: Error opening file: res://icon.png
  15. **ERROR**:  At: core/io/image_loader.cpp:54.
  16. effects are ready
  17. DISPATCHING(task:(id:1), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[(condition:cowsay hi), (description:Type "cowsay hi")])), (type:ADD_TASK)
  18. (current_task:Null), (score:0), (tasks:[(id:1), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[(condition:cowsay hi), (description:Type "cowsay hi")])])
  19. **ERROR**: ERROR: emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'state_changed': 'ColorRect(': Method not found.
  20. **ERROR**:  At: core/object.cpp:1201.
  21. (open:True)
  22. 2
  23. middleware func called
  24. DISPATCHING(task:(button:[Button:1548]), (id:1), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[(condition:cowsay hi), (description:Type "cowsay hi")])), (type:SET_CURRENT_TASK)
  25. (current_task:(button:[Button:1548]), (id:1), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[(condition:cowsay hi), (description:Type "cowsay hi")])), (score:0), (tasks:[(button:[Button:1548]), (id:1), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[(condition:cowsay hi), (description:Type "cowsay hi")])])
  26. **ERROR**: ERROR: emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'state_changed': 'ColorRect(': Method not found.
  27. **ERROR**:  At: core/object.cpp:1201.
  28. (open:True)
  29. 2
  30. middleware func called
  31. DISPATCHING(step:cowsay hi), (type:SUBMIT_STEP)
  32. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!success
  33. (current_task:(button:[Button:1548]), (container:[VBoxContainer:955]), (id:1), (label:[Label:1588]), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[])), (score:1), (tasks:[(button:[Button:1548]), (container:[VBoxContainer:955]), (id:1), (label:[Label:1588]), (name:cowsay for days), (steps:[])])
  34. **ERROR**: ERROR: emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'state_changed': 'ColorRect(': Method not found.
  35. **ERROR**:  At: core/object.cpp:1201.
  36. (open:True)
  37. 2
  38. middleware func called
  39. **ERROR**: ERROR: remove_child: Condition ' idx == -1 ' is true.
  40. **ERROR**:  At: scene/main/node.cpp:1403.
  41. DISPATCHING(task:(id:2), (name:cat for days), (steps:[(condition:cat fix.txt), (description:Type "cat fix.txt")])), (type:ADD_TASK)
  42. **ERROR**: Invalid function pointer called with signature 'vii'. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)
  43. **ERROR**: Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.
  44. 61
  45. **ERROR**: exception thrown: TypeError: text.startsWith is not a function,printError@
  46. @
  47. printErr@
  48. abort@
  49. nullFunc_vii@
  50. b61@
  51. __ZNK7Variantcv6StringEv@
  52. __ZNK7Variantcv6StringEv@
  53. __ZNK7Variantcv6StringEv@
  54. __ZNK7Variantcv6StringEv@
  55. __ZN17GDScriptFunctions4callENS_8FunctionEPPK7VariantiRS1_RNS1_9CallErrorE@
  56. __ZN16GDScriptFunction4callEP16GDScriptInstancePPK7VariantiRNS2_9CallErrorEPNS_9CallStateE@
  57. __ZN16GDScriptInstance4callERK10StringNamePPK7VariantiRNS3_9CallErrorE@
  58. __ZN6Object4callERK10StringNamePPK7VariantiRNS3_9CallErrorE@
  59. __ZN7Variant8call_ptrERK10StringNamePPKS_iPS_RNS_9CallErrorE@
  60. __ZN16GDScriptFunction4callEP16GDScriptInstancePPK7VariantiRNS2_9CallErrorEPNS_9CallStateE@
  61. __ZN16GDScriptInstance4callERK10StringNamePPK7VariantiRNS3_9CallErrorE@
  62. __ZN6Object4callERK10StringNamePPK7VariantiRNS3_9CallErrorE@
  63. __ZN6Object11emit_signalERK10StringNamePPK7Varianti@
  64. __ZN6Object11emit_signalERK10StringNameRK7VariantS5_S5_S5_S5_@
  65. __ZN5Timer13_notificationEi@
  66. __ZN5Timer14_notificationvEib@
  67. __ZN6Object12notificationEib@
  68. __ZN9SceneTree19_notify_group_pauseERK10StringNamei@
  69. __ZN9SceneTree4idleEf@
  70. __ZN4Main9iterationEv@
  71. __ZN13OS_JavaScript17main_loop_iterateEv@
  72. __ZL9main_loopv@
  73. dynCall_v@
  74. RuntimeEnvironment/Module.dynCall_v@
  75. browserIterationFunc@
  76. runIter@
  77. Browser_mainLoop_runner@
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