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Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. #┌--┐ ┌-----┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌----┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐ ┌--┐
  2. #| | | ┌┐ | | | | | | | └--┘ | | | | └--┘ | | | ┌┐ | | | | | └--┘ | |
  3. #| | | └┘ | | |┌┐| | | └---┐ ┌--┐ ┌-┘ └-┐ ┌-----┐ | | ┌--┐ ┌-----┐ ┌-┘ └-┐ | └┘ | ┌-┐ ┌-┐ | | ┌-┐ | | ┌-┐ ┌--┐ ┌-┘ └-┐
  4. #| | | ┌--┘ | └┘└┘ | | ┌┐ | | | └-┐ ┌-┘ | - | | | | | | ---| └-┐ ┌-┘ | └┐ | | | | | |/ / | |/ / | | └-┐ ┌-┘
  5. #| | | | | ┌┐ | | || | | | | | | ┌---┘ | | | | └--┐ | | | | ┌┐ | | | | | | \ | \ | | | |
  6. #| | | | | ┌┘└┐ | | || | | | | | | └---┐ | | | | ┌--┘ | | | | └┘ | | └-┘ | | |\ \ | |\ \ | | | |
  7. #└--┘ └--┘ └--┘ └--┘ └--┘└--┘ └--┘ └--┘ └-----┘ └--┘ └--┘ └-----┘ └--┘ └-----┘ └-----┘ └--┘ └-┘ └--┘ └-┘ └--┘ └--┘
  8. #Plugin made by davidcubesvk.
  9. #
  10. # ► Don't understand / know how to set up?
  11. # All terms and setup process are available on my website. Link is in all of my plugins' descriptions.
  12. # ► Need any help?
  13. # Contact me through any of listed methods on my website, I'd like to help!
  14. #
  15. #Disconnect messages:
  16. disconnect:
  17. #If player tries to connect to the server with IP not corresponding with any of whitelisted IPs, disconnect with message (use \n for new line):
  18. whitelist: "&7[&bIPWhiteList&7] &cPlease connect with IP:!"
  19. #If SocketClient failed to start (type = SOCKET), or failed to connect to the database server (type = MYSQL), or data.yml file not found (type = YML)
  20. #and player tries to join, disconnect with message (use \n for new line):
  21. failure: "&7[&bIPWhiteList&7] &cWe are now having technical problems.\n\n&cPlease try again in a while."
  22. #If player tries to connect as player that's already online:
  23. online: "&7[&bIPWhiteList&7] &cAlready connected to the server!\n\n&cIf you believe this is an error, contact staff."
  24. #Logging:
  25. log:
  26. #Enable logging:
  27. enabled: true
  28. #Log the CHECK_CONNECTION data output message (if connect.type = SOCKET):
  29. #INFO! Connection messages are also logged - e.g. data input and output of socket, what is being written in the database.
  30. # If using socket connection, IPWhiteListBukkit sends the CHECK_CONNECTION message to IPWhiteList to check the connection.
  31. # Checking connection is set to every second (can change on connect.socket.connectionCheck), so you get this message
  32. # every one second in log file. This can lead to 4.3MB/24h logs only from this message.
  33. logCheckConnection: false
  34. #Connecting to bungeeCord:
  35. connect:
  36. #Type of the connection (more and detailed info can be found on the wiki):
  37. #- YML: connection provided by data.yml file created in plugin's data folder
  38. #- SOCKET: connection using sockets
  39. #- MYSQL: connection using MySQL database
  40. type: YML
  41. #Full path to data.yml file in IPWhiteList's folder (on BungeeCord):
  42. #NOTE! You can use ../ strings at the beginning of the path to go one folder up (begins at folder where this plugin's .jar file is).
  43. # As directory and file separator please use \\ (on Windows) or / (on Linux).
  44. bungeePath: 'C:\Users\Митко\Desktop\Servers\BungeeCord\plugins\IPWhiteList\data.yml'
  45. #Socket configuration:
  46. socket:
  47. #IP of the server (IP of the machine where is server with IPWhiteList plugin hosted, or if on the same machine):
  48. ip:
  49. #Port of the server (as set in IPWhiteList's config.yml):
  50. port: 4444
  51. #Automatic connection check delay (in ticks):
  52. connectionCheck: 20
  53. #Reconnect delay when failed to connect or connection failed (in seconds):
  54. reconnect: 2
  55. #MySQL connection:
  56. mysql:
  57. #Host:
  58. host: ""
  59. #Port:
  60. port: ""
  61. #Username
  62. username: ""
  63. #Password:
  64. password: ""
  65. #Database:
  66. database: ""
  67. #Table name to use (as set in IPWhiteList's config.yml):
  68. table: "ipwhitelist"
  69. #Use SSL certificate to connect (secure way for communication):
  70. useSSL: true
  71. #Delay between reconnecting attempts, when connection has been unexpectedly closed (in seconds):
  72. reconnect: 3
  73. #Command configuration:
  74. command:
  75. #No permission message:
  76. noPermission: "&7[&bIPWhiteListBukkit&7] You do not have permission to run this command!"
  77. #Invalid format message:
  78. invalidFormat: "&7[&bIPWhiteListBukkit&7] Invalid format. Please use &b/ipWhiteListBukkit &7to reload the connection."
  79. #Successful execution:
  80. connectionReload: "&7[&bIPWhiteListBukkit&7] Connection reloaded!"
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