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- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Threading;
- namespace Pooling
- {
- public enum LoadingMode { Eager, Lazy, LazyExpanding };
- public enum AccessMode { FIFO, LIFO, Circular };
- public class Pool<T> : IDisposable
- {
- private bool isDisposed;
- private Func<Pool<T>, T> factory;
- private LoadingMode loadingMode;
- private IItemStore itemStore;
- private int size;
- private int count;
- private Semaphore sync;
- public Pool(int size, Func<Pool<T>, T> factory)
- : this(size, factory, LoadingMode.Lazy, AccessMode.FIFO)
- {
- }
- public Pool(int size, Func<Pool<T>, T> factory,
- LoadingMode loadingMode, AccessMode accessMode)
- {
- if (size <= 0)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size", size,
- "Argument 'size' must be greater than zero.");
- if (factory == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
- this.size = size;
- this.factory = factory;
- sync = new Semaphore(size, size);
- this.loadingMode = loadingMode;
- this.itemStore = CreateItemStore(accessMode, size);
- if (loadingMode == LoadingMode.Eager)
- {
- PreloadItems();
- }
- }
- public T Acquire()
- {
- sync.WaitOne();
- switch (loadingMode)
- {
- case LoadingMode.Eager:
- return AcquireEager();
- case LoadingMode.Lazy:
- return AcquireLazy();
- default:
- Debug.Assert(loadingMode == LoadingMode.LazyExpanding,
- "Unknown LoadingMode encountered in Acquire method.");
- return AcquireLazyExpanding();
- }
- }
- public void Release(T item)
- {
- lock (itemStore)
- {
- itemStore.Store(item);
- }
- sync.Release();
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (isDisposed)
- {
- return;
- }
- isDisposed = true;
- if (typeof(IDisposable).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)))
- {
- lock (itemStore)
- {
- while (itemStore.Count > 0)
- {
- IDisposable disposable = (IDisposable)itemStore.Fetch();
- disposable.Dispose();
- }
- }
- }
- sync.Close();
- }
- #region Acquisition
- private T AcquireEager()
- {
- lock (itemStore)
- {
- return itemStore.Fetch();
- }
- }
- private T AcquireLazy()
- {
- lock (itemStore)
- {
- if (itemStore.Count > 0)
- {
- return itemStore.Fetch();
- }
- }
- Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
- return factory(this);
- }
- private T AcquireLazyExpanding()
- {
- bool shouldExpand = false;
- if (count < size)
- {
- int newCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
- if (newCount <= size)
- {
- shouldExpand = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Another thread took the last spot - use the store instead
- Interlocked.Decrement(ref count);
- }
- }
- if (shouldExpand)
- {
- return factory(this);
- }
- else
- {
- lock (itemStore)
- {
- return itemStore.Fetch();
- }
- }
- }
- private void PreloadItems()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- T item = factory(this);
- itemStore.Store(item);
- }
- count = size;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Collection Wrappers
- interface IItemStore
- {
- T Fetch();
- void Store(T item);
- int Count { get; }
- }
- private IItemStore CreateItemStore(AccessMode mode, int capacity)
- {
- switch (mode)
- {
- case AccessMode.FIFO:
- return new QueueStore(capacity);
- case AccessMode.LIFO:
- return new StackStore(capacity);
- default:
- Debug.Assert(mode == AccessMode.Circular,
- "Invalid AccessMode in CreateItemStore");
- return new CircularStore(capacity);
- }
- }
- class QueueStore : Queue<T>, IItemStore
- {
- public QueueStore(int capacity) : base(capacity)
- {
- }
- public T Fetch()
- {
- return Dequeue();
- }
- public void Store(T item)
- {
- Enqueue(item);
- }
- }
- class StackStore : Stack<T>, IItemStore
- {
- public StackStore(int capacity) : base(capacity)
- {
- }
- public T Fetch()
- {
- return Pop();
- }
- public void Store(T item)
- {
- Push(item);
- }
- }
- class CircularStore : IItemStore
- {
- private List<Slot> slots;
- private int freeSlotCount;
- private int position = -1;
- public CircularStore(int capacity)
- {
- slots = new List<Slot>(capacity);
- }
- public T Fetch()
- {
- if (Count == 0)
- throw new InvalidOperationException("The buffer is empty.");
- int startPosition = position;
- do
- {
- Advance();
- Slot slot = slots[position];
- if (!slot.IsInUse)
- {
- slot.IsInUse = true;
- --freeSlotCount;
- return slot.Item;
- }
- } while (startPosition != position);
- throw new InvalidOperationException("No free slots.");
- }
- public void Store(T item)
- {
- Slot slot = slots.Find(s => object.Equals(s.Item, item));
- if (slot == null)
- {
- slot = new Slot(item);
- slots.Add(slot);
- }
- slot.IsInUse = false;
- ++freeSlotCount;
- }
- public int Count
- {
- get { return freeSlotCount; }
- }
- private void Advance()
- {
- position = (position + 1) % slots.Count;
- }
- class Slot
- {
- public Slot(T item)
- {
- this.Item = item;
- }
- public T Item { get; private set; }
- public bool IsInUse { get; set; }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- public bool IsDisposed
- {
- get { return isDisposed; }
- }
- }
- public interface IFoo : IDisposable
- {
- void Test();
- }
- public class Foo : IFoo
- {
- private static int count = 0;
- private int num;
- public Foo()
- {
- num = Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Goodbye from Foo #{0}", num);
- }
- public void Test()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Hello from Foo #{0}", num);
- }
- }
- public class PooledFoo : IFoo
- {
- private Foo internalFoo;
- private Pool<IFoo> pool;
- public PooledFoo(Pool<IFoo> pool)
- {
- if (pool == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("pool");
- this.pool = pool;
- this.internalFoo = new Foo();
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- if (pool.IsDisposed)
- {
- internalFoo.Dispose();
- }
- else
- {
- pool.Release(this);
- }
- }
- public void Test()
- {
- internalFoo.Test();
- }
- }
- }
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