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a guest
Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Translations xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  3. <Translation Id="list_jails" Value="{0} jail/s available: {1}" />
  4. <Translation Id="command_jurisdiction" Value="You do not have jurisdiction to execute this command." />
  5. <Translation Id="jail_list_empty" Value="The jail list is empty." />
  6. <Translation Id="jail_list_other" Value="Jail: {0}. Position {1} Rotation {2}. " />
  7. <Translation Id="jail_help" Value="Show all jails or show information for a specific jail. Use /jail [&lt;jail&gt;]" />
  8. <Translation Id="jail_not_found" Value="jail {0} not found!" />
  9. <Translation Id="jail_usage" Value="[create/remove/update/list] [&lt;jail&gt;] to set, remove ,update or list a jail." />
  10. <Translation Id="Jail_create_success" Value="jail {0} created here!" />
  11. <Translation Id="jail_create_error" Value="Jail {0} already exists" />
  12. <Translation Id="remove_usage" Value="Use: /removejail [jail] to remove a jail." />
  13. <Translation Id="jail_remove_sucess" Value="Jail {0} removed!" />
  14. <Translation Id="jail_name_changed" Value="Jail {0} changed to {1}" />
  15. <Translation Id="jail_position_changed" Value="Jail {0} changed to here" />
  16. <Translation Id="unset_warning" Value="Prison cell {0} contains prisoners." />
  17. <Translation Id="tp_usage" Value="Use: /jp tp [cell name] to teleport for the prison cell." />
  18. <Translation Id="tp_sucess" Value="Transported to cell {0}." />
  19. <Translation Id="tp_error" Value="Prison cell {0} does not exist." />
  20. <Translation Id="arrest_usage" Value="Use: /arrest &lt;player&gt; &lt;jail&gt; &lt;reason&gt; [time(optional)] to add the player in a jail." />
  21. <Translation Id="arrest_sucess" Value="You arrested {0}!" />
  22. <Translation Id="arrest_target_reason" Value="You were detained after allegedly {0}." />
  23. <Translation Id="arrest_target_message" Value="You arrested by {3} on {2} in ." />
  24. <Translation Id="arrest_target_message_time" Value="You arrested by {0} on {1} for {2} minutes" />
  25. <Translation Id="arrest_target_already_arrest" Value="{0} is already arrested!" />
  26. <Translation Id="officer_invalid" Value="You do not have permission to do it." />
  27. <Translation Id="cuff_usage" Value="Use: /jp cuff [player name] to handcuff a player." />
  28. <Translation Id="uncuff_usage" Value="Use: /jp uncuff [player name] to unfetter a player." />
  29. <Translation Id="cuff_target" Value="You handcuffed by {0}!" />
  30. <Translation Id="uncuff_sucess" Value="You cuffed {0}!" />
  31. <Translation Id="uncuff_target" Value="You uncuffed by {0}!" />
  32. <Translation Id="cuff_sucess" Value="You uncuffed {0}!" />
  33. <Translation Id="cuff_target_already_cuffed" Value="{0} is already cuffed!" />
  34. <Translation Id="cuff_target_already_uncuffed" Value="{0} is already uncuffed!" />
  35. <Translation Id="player_not_found" Value="Player not found or is not online." />
  36. <Translation Id="cop_usage" Value="Use: Use: [add/remove/update/info/rep] [&lt;player&gt;], to manager or show cop info." />
  37. <Translation Id="cop_info_me_not_found" Value="You do not has information." />
  38. <Translation Id="cop_info_me" Value="SteamId: {0}, PlayerName: {1}, SteamName: {2}, Arrests: {3}, Rep: {4}, Is cop: {5}, Cop since: {6}." />
  39. <Translation Id="cop_remove_error" Value="Cop not found." />
  40. <Translation Id="cop_not_found" Value="Player is not a cop." />
  41. <Translation Id="cop_already_exists" Value="Player is already a cop." />
  42. <Translation Id="cop_add_success" Value="Player successfully added to coppers." />
  43. <Translation Id="cop_target_add_success" Value="You joined the coppers." />
  44. <Translation Id="cop_player_remove" Value="You joined the coppers." />
  45. <Translation Id="cop_target_remove" Value="You joined the coppers." />
  46. <Translation Id="chat_global_disabled" Value="You cant do this." />
  47. <Translation Id="cop_rep_sucess" Value="player rep sucess" />
  48. <Translation Id="prisoner_info_me" Value="jail: {0}, Reason: {1}, Arrested in {2}, arrest time: {3}, arrest end in: {4}, copper: {5} ." />
  49. </Translations>
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