

May 20th, 2019
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  1. hudwarp_override "1" // # def 0
  2. dof_overrideParams "0" // # def 0
  3. tsaa_blendfactoroverride "1" // # def 0
  4. thirdperson_override "-1" // # Set to -1 to stop overriding. Set to 0 to force first person, 1 to force third person
  5. mat_screen_blur_override "1" // # def -1
  6. mat_light_edit "1" // # def 0. Used by light edit to turn on overrides.
  7. mat_autoexposure_override_min_max "1" // # def 0 When this is not zero, mat_autoexposure_min and mat_autoexposure_max override any existing setting in the map.
  8. map_settings_override "1" // # If this is enabled then the following ConVars will be functional and override the maps current value: fog_enable, mat_bloomscale
  9. rui_overrideVguiTextRendering "1" // # def 1
  10. // #
  11. // #------------------------------------------------------------ // #
  12. // # Material (mat_) // #
  13. // #------------------------------------------------------------ // #
  14. // #
  15. mat_envmap_scale "1" // # def 1. 0 looks terrible
  16. mat_envmapsize "8" // #
  17. mat_envmaptgasize "8" // #
  18. mat_enable_ssr "0" // #
  19. mat_drawflat "1" // #
  20. mat_letterbox_aspect_goal "0.0" // # Letterbox treshold (0) removes letterboxing
  21. mat_letterbox_aspect_threshold "0.0" // # Letterbox treshold (0) removes letterboxing
  22. mat_diffuse "0" // # def 1
  23. mat_depthtest_force_disabled "1" // # def 0
  24. mat_disable_bloom "1" // #
  25. mat_disable_lightmap_ambient "1" // #
  26. mat_force_bloom "0" // #
  27. mat_fastnobump "1" // #
  28. mat_fastspecular "1" // #
  29. mat_disable_lightmaps "1" // #
  30. mat_disable_lightwarp "1" // #
  31. mat_bloomscale "0" // #
  32. mat_bloom_streak_amount "0" // #
  33. mat_bloom_wide_amount "0" // #
  34. mat_global_lighting "0" // #
  35. mat_dynamic_tonemapping "0" // #
  36. mat_specular "0" // #
  37. mat_disable_model_ambient "1" // #
  38. mat_compressedtextures "1" // #
  39. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "1" // #
  40. mat_bumpmap "0" // #
  41. mat_showlowresimage "1" // # !!! 1 = Might crash game.
  42. mat_hdr_enabled "0" // #
  43. mat_hdr_level "0" // #
  44. mat_postprocess_enable "0" // #
  45. mat_vignette_enable "0" // #
  46. mat_enable_ssr "0" // #
  47. mat_fxaa_enable "0" // #
  48. mat_mip_linear "0" // # Texture filtering
  49. mat_phong "0" // # Phong reflection. local illumination of points on a surface (Might decrease model visability)
  50. mat_reducefillrate "1" // # Shaderthruput 0 = High (better Quality), 1 = Low (more fps)
  51. mat_shadowstate "0" // # noShadow(0)/circelAsShadow(1)/playerModelAsShadow(2)
  52. mat_filtertextures "0" // # Filter textures on(1)/off(0)
  53. mat_filterlightmaps "0" // #
  54. mat_detail_tex "0" // #
  55. mat_depthfeather_enable "0" // #
  56. mat_depthbias_shadowmap "0" // #
  57. mat_depthbias_tightshadowmap "0" // #
  58. mat_disable_dof "1" // #
  59. mat_dof_enabled "0" // #
  60. mat_dof_max_blur_radius "0" // #
  61. mat_dof_quality "0" // #
  62. mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" // #
  63. mat_displacementmap "0" // #
  64. mat_reduceparticles "1" // #
  65. mat_instancing "1" // #
  66. mat_sky_scale "5" // #
  67. mat_colorcorrection_editor "0" // #
  68. mat_fullbright "1" // #
  69. mat_grain_enable "0" // #
  70. mat_aaquality "0" // #
  71. mat_antialias "0" // # Anti-aliasing on(1,2,4,8)/off(0)
  72. mat_forceaniso "0" // # Anisotropic filtering on(1,2,4,8,16)/off(0)
  73. mat_screen_blur_enabled "0" // #
  74. mat_motion_blur_enabled "0" // #
  75. mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity "0" // #
  76. mat_motion_blur_falling_max "0" // #
  77. mat_motion_blur_falling_min "0" // #
  78. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled "0" // #
  79. mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max "0" // #
  80. mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity "0" // #
  81. mat_motion_blur_strength "0" // #
  82. mat_colcorrection_disableentities "1" // # flattens colorspace?
  83. mat_queue_mode "2" // # forces the game into using multiple threads
  84. mat_shadercount "0" // #
  85. mat_vsync "0" // # Ensure VSync is disabled by default
  86. mat_hide_sun_in_last_cascade "1" // #
  87. mat_antialias_mode "0" // #
  88. mat_colorcorrection "0" // #
  89. mat_aaquality "0" // #
  90. mat_alphacoverage "0" // #
  91. mat_software_aa_strength "0" // #
  92. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "0" // #
  93. mat_disable_particles "0" // #
  94. mat_normalmaps "0" // #
  95. mat_normals "0" // #
  96. mat_filterlightmaps "0" // #
  97. mat_postprocessing_combine "0" // #
  98. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor "0" // #
  99. mat_clipz "1" // # Clips what is drawn for a performance improvement
  100. mat_viewportscale "1" // # Adjust render resolution (adjust as a % from 1.0 to 0.1 in increments of 0.1 or 0.05).
  101. mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil "1" // # Use stencil buffer for iGPUs and weak GPUs
  102. mat_syncGPU "0" // # def 0
  103. mat_sharpen_amount "0" // # def 0
  104. mat_light_edit "1" // # def 0
  105. mat_depthbias_shadowmap "0.00001" // # def 0.000025
  106. mat_cloudmask "0" // # def 0
  107. mat_filterlightmaps "0" // #
  108. mat_picmip "4" // #
  109. // #
  110. // #------------------------------------------------------------ // #
  111. // # Renderer (r_) // #
  112. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  113. // #
  114. r_dynamic "0" // #
  115. r_eyegloss "0" // # CSGO
  116. r_eyemove "0" // # CSGO
  117. r_eyeshift_x "0" // # CSGO
  118. r_eyeshift_y "0" // # CSGO
  119. r_eyeshift_z "0" // # CSGO
  120. r_eyesize "0" // # CSGO
  121. r_fastzreject "1" // # Use the optimized Z-Buffer Alorithm automatic(-1)/on(1)/off(0)
  122. r_decalstaticprops "0" // # Do not use some lighting data for static props, disable decals on static props
  123. r_decals "0" // #
  124. r_forcecheapwater "1" // #
  125. r_waterdrawreflection "0" // # If set to 0, disables all reflections on top of water. Will boost performance quite noticeably in areas with water at the cost of some realism.
  126. r_waterforceexpensive "0" // # # If set to 0 disables all refraction - that is images which appear distorted under the water. This will boost performance at the cost of realism, however you may experience some graphical anomalies on the water or even in the sky for some reason.
  127. r_waterforcereflectentities "0" // # 1 = High (reflect all), 0 = Low
  128. r_jiggle_bones "0" // #
  129. r_shadows "0" // # Shadows on(1)/off(0)
  130. r_shadowrendertotexture "0" // # 1 = High, 0 = Low
  131. r_shadowmaxrendered "0" // # Max count of rendered Shadow [TF2-VideoConfigMenu: 0=min 32=High]
  132. r_modeldecal_maxtotal "1" // #
  133. r_rimlight "0" // #
  134. r_threaded_particles "1" // # (1)Process particle systems in parallel. (2) Process particle systems one at a time.
  135. r_updaterefracttexture "0" // #
  136. r_updaterefracttexture_allowmultiple "0" // #
  137. r_maxdlights "0" // # Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen. The larger this maximum, the more chance of slowdowns during scenes with multiple dynamic light sources. Reducing this value can improve performance in scenes with multiple dynamic lights, such as in heavy combat.
  138. r_volumetric_lighting_enabled "0" // #
  139. r_particle_lighting_enable "0" // #
  140. r_particle_low_res_enable "1" // #
  141. r_occlusion "1" // # Use CPU to have the GPU skip rendering models/props you cannot see
  142. r_occludeemaxarea "1" // # Skip occlusion of objects that are too large to test for
  143. r_occluderminarea "10" // # Skip occluders that are too small to block anything worth our time
  144. r_worldlights "0" // # Number of world lights to use per vertex
  145. r_3dsky "0" // # Show 3D Backgrounds (like Buildings)
  146. r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // # Rendering of multiple Texturelayers on(1)/off(0)
  147. r_particle_timescale "3" // # def1. Particle speed
  148. r_eyes "0" // # Eyes on(1)/off(0)
  149. r_teeth "0" // # Teeth on(1)/off(0)
  150. r_flex "0" // # Use facial animation on(1)/off(0)
  151. r_drawdetailprops "0" // # 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
  152. r_propsmaxdist "1" // # Behind this distance they are not rendered
  153. r_drawmodeldecals "0" // # Render decals on the Models on(1)/off(0)
  154. r_maxmodeldecal "0" // # Count of Decals to Render on the Models
  155. r_drawtracers_firstperson "0" // # does not work.
  156. r_dxgi_max_frame_latency "0" // # (Default 0) = 3 frames. pre-rendered frames.
  157. r_drawscreenspaceparticles "0" // #
  158. r_waterdrawrefraction "0" // #
  159. r_ambientmin "0" // # Ambient boost never
  160. r_lightaverage "0" // # Disable this lighting job that uses a lot of CPU even if it is not needed/noticeable
  161. r_flashlightdepthtexture "0" // #
  162. r_glint_procedural "1" // # (0)Use the default eye glinting method. (1) Use CPU eye glinting, for fast CPUs and slow GPUs
  163. r_norefresh "1" // # Do not store a useless and unused frame time variable
  164. r_queued_post_processing "1" // # Offloads post processing to the material system. Performance improvement if your driver/GPU works with it
  165. r_drawflecks "0" // #
  166. r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms "0" // # def 0
  167. r_PhysPropStaticLighting "1" // # Use premade lighting for props
  168. r_overlayfadeenable "0" //
  169. r_fullscreen "1" // #
  170. r_dopixelvisibility "0" // # Do not do CPU intensive pixelvis (disabled anyway by building_cubemaps 1)
  171. r_ropetranslucent "0" // # Skip simulating ropes
  172. r_flashlightscissor "1" // #
  173. r_entityclips "1" // # (0)Skip clipping entities, saves CPU time, (1) Clip entities when the CPU cost is worth saving GPU work
  174. r_visambient "0" // #
  175. r_hunkalloclightmaps "0" // # If a lightmap cannot be fit into the hunk, use dynamic memory
  176. r_dxgi_max_frame_latency "0" // #
  177. r_DrawDisp "0" // #
  178. r_drawparticles "0" // #
  179. r_drawsprites "0" // #
  180. r_drawstaticlight "0" // #
  181. r_drawviewmodel "0" // #
  182. r_dynamiclighting "0" // #
  183. r_particle_lighting_force "0" // #
  184. r_sse_s "0" // #
  185. r_visualizetraces "0" // #
  186. r_vismodellighting "0" // # def 0
  187. r_updaterefracttexture "0" // #
  188. r_txaaEnabled "0" // #
  189. r_modeldecal_maxtotal "0" // #
  190. r_drawworld "0" // #
  191. r_drawtranslucentrenderables "0" // #
  192. r_drawstaticprops "0" // #
  193. r_drawsky "0" // #
  194. r_drawopaquerenderables "0" // #
  195. r_drawentities "0" // #
  196. r_drawbrushmodels "0" // #
  197. r_ditherAlpha "0" // #
  198. r_ditherFade "0" // #
  199. r_blurmenubg "0" // #
  200. r_DrawBeams "0" // #
  201. r_threadeddetailprops "1" // #
  202. r_queued_ropes "1" // #
  203. r_drawtracers "0" // # does not work.
  204. // #
  205. // # ------------------------------------------------------------// #
  206. // # Client (cl_) // #
  207. // # ------------------------------------------------------------// #
  208. // #
  209. cl_cull_weapon_fx "0" // #
  210. cl_ejectbrass "0" // # Disables brass ejection
  211. cl_smooth "0" // #
  212. cl_lagcompensation "1" // #
  213. cl_predictweapons "1" // # perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
  214. cl_predict "1" // # Perform client side prediction.
  215. cl_disable_ragdolls "1" // #
  216. cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // #
  217. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time "0" // #
  218. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_local_view_player "0" // #
  219. cl_ragdoll_force_fade_time_on_moving_geo "0" // #
  220. cl_ragdoll_self_collision "0" // #
  221. cl_ragdoll_maxcount "0" // #
  222. cl_particle_max_count "0" // #
  223. cl_particle_limiter_max_particle_count "10" // #
  224. cl_particle_limiter_max_system_count "10" // #
  225. cl_forcepreload "0" // # No!
  226. cl_drawmonitors "0" // #
  227. cl_detailfade "0" // # Distance across which detail props fade in
  228. cl_detaildist "0" // # Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
  229. cl_drawshadowtexture "0" // #
  230. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff "0" // #
  231. cl_new_impact_effects "0" // #
  232. cl_show_splashes "0" // #
  233. cl_showfiredbullets "0" // #
  234. cl_particle_limiter_min_kill_distance "1" // #
  235. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0" // #
  236. cl_SetupAllBones "0" // # Do not force every animation component of a model to be set up
  237. cl_aggregate_particles "1" // #
  238. cl_allowAnimsToInterpolateBackward "0" // #
  239. cl_threaded_bone_setup "1" // #
  240. cl_anim_detail_dist "1" // #
  241. cl_anim_face_dist "1" // #
  242. cl_decal_alwayswhite "1" // # 2 = full alpha. 1 = def
  243. cl_idealpitchscale "0" // # def 0
  244. cl_minimal_rtt_shadows "1" // #
  245. cl_particle_snoozetime "0.166667" // # def "0.166667"
  246. cl_phys_maxticks "3" // # def 3
  247. cl_phys_props_enable "0" // # Disable client side physics props
  248. // #
  249. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  250. // # Sound // #
  251. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  252. // #
  253. miles_occlusion "0" // #
  254. miles_occlusion_force "0" // #
  255. miles_occlusion_partial "0" // #
  256. sound_volume_music_game "0" // #
  257. sound_volume_music_lobby "0" // #
  258. snd_mix_async "1" // #
  259. snd_pitchquality "0" // #
  260. snd_async_fullyasync "1" // #
  261. // #
  262. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  263. // # Hud // #
  264. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  265. // #
  266. hud_setting_minimapRotate "1" // # rotate minimap 0-off 1-on
  267. hud_setting_pingAlpha "0.300000" // #
  268. // #
  269. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  270. // # Stream // #
  271. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  272. // #
  273. stream_cache_high_priority_static_models "1" // # def 1.Never preload static models (??) 0 = Never preload; 1 = Preload static models; 2 = Always Preload
  274. stream_cache_preload_from_rpak "1" // # Never preload and store into cache from rpak (??) 0 = Never preload; 1 = Preload static models; 2 = Always Preload
  275. stream_drop_unused "1" // # drop unused textures aggressively
  276. stream_enable "0" // # this is important for the picmip in videoconfig.txt
  277. stream_memory "1" // # 0 uncapped?
  278. stream_picmip "4" // #
  279. // #
  280. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  281. // # Misc // #
  282. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  283. // #
  284. // # A // #
  285. anim_3wayblend "0" // #
  286. ai_expression_frametime "0" // # Disable expressions entirely
  287. // # B // #
  288. bink_materials_enabled "0" // #
  289. bink_preload_videopanel_movies "0" // #
  290. building_cubemaps "1" // #
  291. // # C // #
  292. csm_coverage "0" // #
  293. csm_enabled "0" // #
  294. csm_world_shadows "0" // #
  295. csm_cascade_res "0" // # def "1024" Set the cascading shadow maps rendertarget resolution
  296. csm_quality_level "1" // #
  297. csm_renderable_shadows "0" // #
  298. csm_rope_shadows "0" // #
  300. // # D // #
  301. disp_dynamic "0" // # Do not use dynamic meshses for world geometry (displacements)
  302. dvs_enable "0" // # Enable dynamic viewport scaling.
  303. dlight_enable "0" // #
  304. dof_enable "0" // #
  306. dodge_viewTiltMax "0" // # def 10. Amount of view tilt while dodging in degrees
  307. // # E // #
  308. env_lightglow "0" // #
  309. engine_no_focus_sleep "0" // # Do not limit FPS when the engine is not focused because the focus detection can be buggy on some systems or while streaming and may limit your FPS, without you knowing
  310. exec usersettings.cfg // # load usersettings file
  311. // # F // #
  312. fps_max "190" // # Until apex fix how the game runs on +200fps
  313. fps_max_use_refresh "0" // #
  314. fog_enable "0" // #
  315. fog_enableskybox "0" // #
  316. fog_enable_water_fog "0" // #
  317. fog_volume "0" // #
  318. flex_rules "0" // #
  319. flex_smooth "0" // # Do not smooth facial animations
  320. // # G // #
  321. g_ragdoll_fadespeed "10000" // # The rate of ragdoll fading (higher is faster fading rate, so 0 will not fade and cause memleaks)
  322. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed "10000" // # The rate of ragdoll fading in low violence // #
  323. // # H // #
  324. hudchat_new_message_fade_duration "1" // #
  325. host_threaded_sound "0" // # def 0
  326. host_sleep "0" // # def 0. Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
  327. mp_usehwmmodels "-1" // # Do not use or load high quality characters
  328. mp_usehwmvcds "-1" // # Do not use or load high quality character facial expressions
  329. // # I // #
  330. intro_viewed "1" // #
  331. // # J // #
  332. // # K // #
  333. // # L // #
  334. lightmap_realtimelight "0" // #
  335. lightmap_realtimeshadows "0" // #
  336. lightmap_ambient "0" // #
  337. // #
  338. // What is locator ? // #
  339. locator_topdown_style "0" // # def 0
  340. locator_split_maxwide_percent "0.5" // # def .5
  341. locator_split_len "1.0" // # def 1
  342. locator_lerp_time "1.75" // # def 1.75
  343. locator_lerp_speed "5.0" // # def 5
  344. locator_lerp_rest "1" // # def 1
  345. locator_fade_time "0.3" // # def 0.3
  346. locator_background_thickness_y "0" // # def 0
  347. locator_background_thickness_x "8" // # def 8
  348. locator_background_style "0" // # def 0
  349. locator_background_shift_y "1" // # def 1
  350. locator_background_shift_x "3" // # def 3
  351. locator_background_border_thickness "3" // # def 3
  352. locator_background_border_color "255 255 255 15"// # def "255 255 255 15"
  353. locator_icon_max_size_non_ss "2" // # def 2
  354. locator_icon_min_size_non_ss "1" // # def 1
  355. locator_start_at_crosshair "0" // # def 0
  356. // # M // #
  357. mainmenu_background_movie "" // # Background movie. Dir to file.
  358. mp_decals "0" // # Disable decals
  359. muzzleflash_light "0" // #
  360. modeldecals_forceAllowed "0" // #
  361. model_fadeRangeFraction "0" // #
  362. // # N // #
  363. not_focus_sleep "9999999999999" // #
  364. nb_shadow_dist "0" // #
  365. // # O // #
  366. // # P // #
  367. pvs_yield "1" // # default 1
  368. projectile_filltrails "2" // # Fill the gap between the gun barrel and the first seen projectile position for trail Fx (1: 1st person only, 2: 3rd person only, 3: 1st and 3rd persons)
  369. projectile_faketrails "0" // #
  370. pertrianglecollision "0" // #
  371. particle_dlights_enable "0" // # def 0. particle_dlights_enable
  372. particle_gpu_level "0" // # default 0
  373. // # Q // #
  374. // # R // #
  375. rope_solid_minalpha "0" // # Skip drawing non-solid part of ropes
  376. rope_solid_minwidth "0.1" // # Skip drawing ropes if they are not large enough on screen
  377. rope_smooth "0" // # Skip a long smoothing operation for ropes
  378. rope_subdiv "0" // # Skip heavy loops for rope subdivisions
  379. rope_collide "0" // # Skip CPU heavy world collisions for ropes
  380. rope_wind_dist "0" // # Do not apply CPU intensive wind to ropes
  381. rope_averagelight "0" // # (1)Only use average light, instead of an extra max intensity average with 0. (0) Simplify rope lighting for weak GPUs, at the cost of a bit of CPU time
  382. rope_rendersolid "0" // # Skip rendering solid part of ropes
  383. ragdoll_sleepaftertime "0" // #
  384. // # S // #
  385. sort_opaque_meshes "1" // # def 0 "Sort opaque meshes front to back to try to improve rendering speed. This may not be worth the CPU cost."
  386. ssao_enabled "0" // #
  387. sssss_enable "0" // #
  388. shadow_capable "0" // #
  389. shadow_enable "0" // #
  390. shadow_default_filter_size "0" // #
  391. shadow_filter_maxstep "0" // #
  392. shadow_maxspotshadows "0" // #
  393. // #
  394. showfps_enabled "0" // #
  395. showfps_heightpercent "0" // #
  396. showfps_mouse_latency "0" // #
  397. showfps_smoothtime "0" // #
  398. showfps_spinner "0" // #
  399. // #
  400. showhitlocation "0" // #
  401. showmem_enabled "0" // #
  402. shownet_enabled "0" // #
  403. showsnapshot_enabled "0" // #
  404. // #
  405. ssao_blur "0" // #
  406. static_shadow "0" // #
  407. static_shadow_res "0" // #
  408. shadow_multisampled "0" // #
  409. stream_mips_use_staging_texture "0" // # def 0
  410. shake_offsetFactor_human "0" // # def 1
  411. sleep_when_meeting_framerate "0" // #
  412. sleep_when_meeting_framerate_headroom_ms "0" // #
  413. // # T // #
  414. tsaa_numsamples "64" // # def 64
  415. tsaa_curframeblendamount "0.05" // # def 0.05
  416. tf_particles_disable_weather "1" // #
  417. tweak_light_shadows_every_frame "0" // #
  418. tracer_extra "0" // #
  419. // # U // #
  420. // # V // #
  421. violence_ablood "0" // #
  422. violence_hblood "0" // #
  423. violence_hgibs "0" // #
  424. violence_agibs "0" // #
  425. violence_ablood "0" // #
  426. viewmodel_selfshadow "0" // #
  427. viewmodelShake_sourceRollRange "0" // #
  428. viewmodelShake "0" // #
  429. vsm_ignore_face_planes "1" // #
  430. vphysics_threadmode "1" // #
  431. // # W // #
  432. // # X // #
  433. // # Y // #
  434. // # Z // #
  435. // # + // #
  436. +speed // # Auto sprint
  437. // #
  438. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  439. // # Message // #
  440. // # ----------------------------------------------------------- // #
  441. // # // #
  442. // # We output the message in usersettings.cfg since its // # // Load message in the last loaded config
  443. // # loaded after this // #
  444. // # // #
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