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Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. How to get to Gold by Sertzu:
  2. 1. Stop playing champs you're bad at. (Talking about you Silver Yasuo, Zed, Vayne mains)
  3. 2. Stop hating yourself
  4. 3. Have fun playing the game
  5. 4. Play on a PC that isn't a fucking toaster
  6. 5. Your team sucks and the enemy team sucks. Show them that you are better.
  7. 6. Stop listening to advice from sub Diamond 3 players. Also ignore every advice that you read on /r/leagueofcancer.
  8. 7. Play mid if you're confident in carrying. Spam one champ and fistfuck the enemy midlaner back into his mother's womb.
  9. 8. Play carry champs that can snowball easily and safe. I recommend Anivia, Lux, Vel'Koz or Veigar.
  10. 9. Play Annie if you're a virgin and you really just want to get gold and nothing else.
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