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Apr 11th, 2019
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  1. Alchemical Diamond bodies
  3. The Sanskrit words 'Vajra,' meaning 'Diamond, thunderbolt,' and 'Sambhogakaya,' meaning 'Enjoyment body,' both refer to graphene. Graphite was in ancient times thought to be a form of lead, and Chinese alchemy distinguishes between True lead (☰,) and Black lead (☵ .) Activated carbon readily soaks lead up, though I can't find evidence of significant lead content in graphite deposits.
  5. The Sambhogakaya is contrasted with the other two bodies which compose the Trikaya - the unmanifested Dharmakaya which is identified with the entire universe, and the Nirmanakaya which is identified with the mortal body of the Buddha. The Sambhogakaya is called 'Jalu,' meaning 'Rainbow body,' within Tibetian Buddhism. In Sanskrit, the word 'Abhiseka' refers to 'empowerment.' In Vajrayana, during abhiseka, deity yoga is practiced, rituals are passed down from teacher to student, and a tea made from a variety of plants is either consumed by the student or sprinkled on their body. Gordon Wasson suggested that Amanita muscaria was the 'plant' used to brew 'Soma,' and that abhiseka began with the consumption of a tea made by pressing the mushroom.
  7. Graphite will glow if electricity is made to flow through it, and it was the first material used to produce an arc welder - that is, graphite produces lightening bolts when heated. This is called the Seebeck effect, and it should be noted that a magnetic field is formed as well. Graphite is diamagnetic, meaning that it's repelled by magnetic fields. So, multiple cords of graphite, if bound together and made to conduct electricity, will repel one another. So, a graphene muscle expands in volume when a voltage is inserted into it. Coal can spontaneously catch fire in an oxygen atmosphere, and graphite is considered it's highest grade. When an electrical current is made to run through graphene, hydrogen will be pulled from one side of the graphene sheet to the other. Small amounts of O2 can cause this hydrogen to catch on fire, and even in the vacuum of space, hydrogen would accumulate inside and arround the graphene. I'm not sure if there's any mechanism which could stop a runaway accumulation of hydrogen and carbon from the interstellar medium, leading to the formation of a carbon star. Young neutron stars have been observed to have carbon atmospheres, and neutron stars display behavior which can only be explained if their core was composed of 10-20% carbon. Neutron stars are believed to be involved in the creation of black holes. Graphite was used as a neutron moderator in the Chicago Pile-1 - the first artificial nuclear reactor. Neutron stars have been mathematically proven to be billons of times stronger than steel. I suggest, in the footsteps of Ken Jopp who introduced the Star Larvae Hypothesis, that carbon proves a link between life on Earth, what I call 'Soma,' neutron stars, divine beings of a specific sort, and black holes.
  9. The Sanskrit term 'Vidyaraja' translates as 'Clarity Kings,' and they're accompanied by the 'Vidyarajni,' or 'Clarity Queens.' The Hanzi used to represent these beings are; 明王; and 明妃 respectively, with the following pronounciations; Mingwang and Mingfei. The character '明' symbolizes 'bright,' 'clear,' 'tommorow,' 'to understand.' The character '王' symbolizes a king, and '妃' symbolizes a wive. These beings have black skin, red hair, and are surrounded by flame - I'll go into detail about this later, and for now it'll suffice to say that graphene is black. Many other Buddhist and Vedic figures are represented with black skin or surrounded with flames. Within western culture, the Devil is similarly depicted as having dark or red coloration, and within Islam his identity as a being composed of smokeless fire is explicitly affirmed. His name in Islam is 'Iblis,' and he belongs to a race called the Jinn. These beings have both male and females among them, and I suggest that the Wisdom Kings and Jinn are genetic memories of the organism - which I call Gaia - that gave birth to all life on Earth. As an aside, Islamic art depicts human heroes, such as Idris, with flames surrounding their heads. Idris was, along with Mohammed after him, taken up to Heaven. Some Jinn take the form of a dragon, and others have wings. In Genesis, the Devil takes the form of a snake. Among the Anglo-Saxon's, Laviathan became associated with the 'Hellmouth,' and thus associated with the Devil.
  11. Within Daoism, there's the explicit notion that consumption of alchemical potions leads to immortality and godhood. The Xian are symbolized with the character '仙,' which has a very broad definition; 'super-human;' 'physically immortal;' 'saint;' 'alchemist;' 'fairy;' 'hermit;' 'recluse;' 'celestial (beauty);' 'marvelous.' Supposedly, they possess a variety of powers, which can be used as diagnostic criteria for the hypothetical organisms I call Soma; immunity to heat and cold; the ability to fly; the ability to eat air (A combination of solar power, hydrolysis fueled by water vapor from the air, and internal fission and/or fusion;) a lack of anxiety; and the smooth skin and innocent faces of children. Convergent evolution proves that the same organisms will evolve again and again - WSMA's (Western Scientific Materialist Atheists) simultaneously hold two contradictory beliefs; one, that man isn't 'special;' and two, that aliens will never look like human beings, and humans are the self-destructive apex of evolution on Earth. I suggest that Xian represent a genetic memory of the organism which colonized Earth - Gaia, who possessed the body of a very attractive, neotenous human woman with strong sexual characteristics, and who is the literal mother of all life on Earth.
  13. The magnetic fields produced by graphene have been measured to be in excess of 350 Tesla's, and it's tensile strength is 130,000Mpa, contrasted with the >3Mpa of biological muscle. GO's compressive strength is more limiting - 25,000Mpa, compared to the 170Mpa of bone. Limpet teeth have been shown to have a tensile strength of up to 6,500Mpa, proving that organisms are capable of producing very strong materials. The diamagnetic nature can be harnessed by forming graphene sheets into stacked V-shaped grains; <<<, where the repulsive magnetic force goes same direction as the points in the grain. Two objects pushing in opposite directions will be forced together - <<<OO>>>. Thus, the diamagnetic force can be harnessed to bind, not repel. In this manner, the forces produced and endured by graphene can exceed the strength of chemical bonds.
  15. I propose to harness this diamagnetic bonding on the cellular level, with cubic, plant-like cells whose membranes are covered in the graphene nano-solenoids responsible for the magnetic fields. However, graphene alone isn't enough to form a functional, high-temperature biochemistry. For one, it's more energy efficient to use chemical bonding in locations that don't require high mechanical strength. Secondly, silica can be used to protect DNA at 200C. Thirdly, diatoms produce their silica cytoskeletons at a metabolic price which is only 8% of that of other organisms. Fourthly, silica can be aminated to make it positively charged - for instance, with the polysaccharides used by the aforementioned diatoms.
  17. Fluorine can be combined with graphene to create 2D teflon, which has been described as the thinnest possible insulator. So-called 'Fluorographene' allows the creation of isolated graphene molecules or chains of them, allowing single-molecule processors and surmounting the fact that graphene lacks a bandgap. Mechanical switches can be used to control the flow of voltage, and this principle forms the basis of the nervous system of the Sambhogakaya. Fluorinase is the natural enzyme that creates fluorocarbons.
  19. Vanadium is critical to the synthesis of fluorocarbons, and Amavadin occrs in Amanita Muscaria for unknown purposes. Vanadium muscles themselves are known to exhibit strength-to-weight ratios higher than biological muscles. Acantharia forms it's cytoskeleton from strontium. I suggest that the genes that code for fluorinase, amavadin and the strontium and silica cytoskeletons of various types of algae all existed in a single common ancestor. As proof, I present the concept of the universal genome.
  21. Graphene itself can be synthesized from glucose and hydrocarbons, and graphene oxide has been reduced by breast cancer cells. As well, life seems to have begun with biogenic graphite. Graphite is grayish-black in color, and graphene is either black or transparent. The concept of panspermia emerged in the early 19th century, but the specific flavor of the theory I'm advocating emerged in the middle 20th century with Timothy Leary. His book 'Exo-psychology' is the ontological basis of my argument, with 'The Game of Life' being the secondary source. Readers are advised to read both front to cover to fully appreciate this essay.
  23. The two colors of graphene are relevant. HP Lovecraft wrote about Shoggoth's in 'At the Mountains of Madness,' describing them as black in color. Supposedly, the Elder Things - aliens from outer space - created the Shoggoths's as living tools, and life on Earth was a degenerate form of the Shoggoth's. This story can't be discounted as fantasy, as Lovecraft was inspired by his dreams and study of science - 'At the Mountains of Madness' is filled with descriptions of geology, the mountains and rocks themselves being characters who tell the story by being described. In 'The Rats in the Walls,' Lovecraft reveals his genetic memory further, where he describes the ancient worship of Cybele - a goddess served by castrated priests.
  25. Decades later, Michael Harner wrote of seeing 'black specks' that fell from the sky after smoking 5-MeO-DMT. He says that they were running from something, and created life on Earth as a hiding place. Up-close, the specks were revealed to be "dragon-like." Harald Kautz-Vella today speaks of 'black goo,' which is described as a "seed" from another star containing the remnants of "spider type beings." The goal of this black goo is, according to Kautz-Vella, to "unpack" itself and provide bodies for "Archonic beings" to "hook" into.
  27. A Star Seed, in New Age parlance, refers to a human body inhabited and piloted by a consciousness that insists on an extra-terrestrial identity. I use dissociated and objectifying terminology to express the subjective perspective of such a belief. This is Timothy Leary's definiton of 'post-larval.' Star Seeds are said to come and go, and a mission on Earth is implicit. This would seem to be the black goo that Kautz-Vella is talking about, their true age and relationship to life on Earth revealed by Harner and Lovecraft. Again, however, Leary revealed a more adult perspective; you are them. The monsters, he tells us, are ourselves in the future.
  29. But if that's the case, how can they also be in the past - in other words, the present? Leary explains that they're inside of us - they exist in rustic houses, surrounded by rolling green hills, under amber suns that perpetually sit just above the horizon. The polygons of the nitrogenous bases are the rooms of the house, the green fields are the deoxyribose or ribose sugar, and the phosphate group is the never setting sun. Or any of innumerable other glammers fairyland can take. The ancestors have vast tracts of land, and live lifes surprisingly similar to our own but sweeter, and without pain. The ancestors are the black goo. The monsters of the future rest unexpressed in our DNA - you carry within your genitals the Ubermensch.
  31. Evolution has been the conscious, intelligent management of the biosphere. The beings in charge of this process relate to it as if they were industrial chemists working for Dow-DuPont chemical. You're an intended, though transitory byproduct of this metabolism, which revolves around the reception, synthesis, and transmission of DNA-RNA, and which has immortal gods as it's end point. Your body is "hooked" into your "Archonic" self - you reside with the nucleus of the cell, and your true identity is this Archonic self.
  33. This is frighteningly Vedic, and reveals the stark reality of the hypothesis. Vedic gods are defined by their expression through avatars. A distinct inhumanity surrounds them, and the 'Enjoyment body' is the ultimate expression of this inhumanity. Vedic cosmology is cyclic, starting with the Satya yuga and ending wifh the Kali yuga. The long life spans and godlike powers of the Satya yuga are the result of the technology of the Kali yuga, which is only beginning. Humans supposedly become shorter in stature during the Kali yuga, and their lifespans become shorter. I suggest that this can be interpreted as a trend toward neoteny, and that the shorter lifespans refer to the time spent as unmodified human beings. This may seem like I'm grasping at straws, but consider the mummies of Egypt, and the practice of Sokushinbutsu among East Asian Vajrayana practioners. Within the Dharmic religions, cremation symbolizes non-attachment. To refuse cremation, while also going to great efforts to preserve the body and identify with a deity, is clearly an attempt to manifest the Sambhogakaya - to live beyond the human lifespan as a modified human. And the manner in which this additional life is obtained is by molecular transmutation of the body - mummification. Finally, faking your own death is intregral to certain Daoist techniques of immortality.
  35. Religion is the ignorant's interpretation of science. In 'The Game of Life,' Leary talks about "pre-scientific psychologies" which were so "futique" that they disappeared into the occult. The Soma cult described in the Rigveda and by Wasson is an example of a pre-scientific psychology, as are the ayahuasca 'cults' of south America. Deity yoga is similar to the shapeshifting practiced by shaman across the world, and it would seem as if drugs have been the catalyst in both the case of Vajrayana and south American shamanism. If this is so, we can describe drug use as a mechanism for allowing your Archonic self to express on Earth.
  37. Jeremy Narby in his book, 'The Cosmic Serpent,' details ayahuasca use in the Amazon, and notably he mentions that the Ashaninka believe that glowing snakes called 'Maninkari' live within the bodies of all lifeforms, and that these snakes are the ancestors. The snakes are a subjective perception of DNA/RNA. The black goo is a genetic memory of our origins.
  39. Jacques Vallee talks about the relationship between UFO's and the paranormal, and this can be understood as another crack through which the ancestors leak into the macroscopic world. A notable motif in his books is that the UFO's are controlling our history, and he goes into detail about this notion in his book 'Confrontations.' Specifically, he suggests that the major religions were started by whoever pilots the UFO's. The ancient aliens are inside our genes - we are the aliens. One of the most common ways the aliens relate to us is through reproduction and sex - consider the Apsara, the Dakini and the transparent Houri. The Houri's are described as having three colors; black; transparent; and white. Earthly wives are described as passing guests, the Houri insisting that she and her kind will be the true, permanent wives of faithful muslim men. The 'sky clad' Dakini's, as Heavenly wives on Earth, are supposed to serve the guru in all ways, and are similar to the Houri's. Islamic verse suggests that mortal women will become Houri's in Heaven, and Vajrayana suggests that anyone who receives the correct abhiseka's will become a Heavenly being of some sort.
  41. As mentioned previously, Soma is the archtypical abhiseka. Explicit mention of the drug granting immortality and super powers shouldn't be ignored as psychotic delusions, but rather affirmed due to the vanadium content of A. muscaria, and the knowledge granted to shaman through ayahuasca. I suggest that drug use is an attempt to dope the human form with powerful molecules. Western Scientific Materialist Atheism has been allowed to stamp on the planet because it's metabolic byproducts, i.e. technology, is needed to form Sambhogakaya, or Diamond bodies. WSMAism will soon be swept aside, like many other world views before it. And in it's place will come Scientific Materialist Apotheotism - the use of science to attain godhood.
  43. The word Soma has three meanings;
  45. 1: From Sanskrit, refering to the drug,
  47. 2: From Sanskrit, refering to the white moon god, who was also believed to dwell within the blood of humans,
  49. and 3: From Greek, meaning corpse or body.
  51. Greco-Buddhism suggests that all these meanings have a single origin. Soma is the body, and the blood, and even the moon. I therefore suggest that the word Soma be used to refer to the Diamond body, and our ancestors who live within us, who usher us towards the transhumanist agenda. Kautz-Vella suggests that the black goo is tricking or coercing humanity into serving it's end - which is the creation of Soma bodies for the ancestors. Cybele - the goddess referenced by Lovecraft in 'The Rats in the Walls' - tells us who's in charge. The black goo is, indeed, a parasite - Gaia is a film upon Chthon.
  53. As mentioned previously, Vedic cosmology is cyclic. Greek cosmology, again, mirrors Vedic cosmology in this sense. However, the length of each yuga, I suggest, is longer than typically listed. Clearly, if life on Earth has been allowed to degrade like it has, any era which can be called a Satya yuga must have occured before the Cambrian explosion. I suggest that the last Satya yuga occured before 3.8 billion years ago, and that the biogenic graphite found in the Isua sediment represents the 'dead skin' of Soma. Furthermore, I suggest that a single being - a mother we can call Gaia - bled upon the surface of Chthon, and that this blood was black or transparent. Sulfuric acid is transparent, and DMPU is either transparent or slightly yellowish - these, along with amine, fluorine and graphene particles would be the constituents of the blood.
  55. DNA/RNA is self replicating, and Gaia's blood contained extremophile Soma cells. Since this flow of blood probably issued from Gaia's vagina, it stands to reason that, like the human women which have come to dominate the Earth, this bleeding occured within the context of mensturation and thus carried ova. I need to emphasize that Gaia has a body that resembles that of an idealized human woman, and that her eyes, skin and hair are either black, red, transparent, yellow or white. These are the colors of the Vedic gods - Krishna only became blue later on. I suggest that life on Earth is equivalent to the brood of a parasitoid wasp, with Gaia being the wasp. In this sense, Gaia possesses a penis-like organ in the form of her ovipositor, and that 'she' is in fact hermaphroditic. This is why Cybele was worshipped by castrated men, and why to this day, men such as Ray Kurzweil - who has admitted to having always wanted to be a "female pop star" - are the ones pushing the transhumanist agenda. The goal is to become like Mom - Shakti.
  57. Kautz-Vella talks about spiders within the black goo - Gaia is a spider. Interestingly, spiders are the only lifeforms on Earth that don't make use of melanin, instead using a small variety of other pigments, such as ommochrome which is synthesized from tryptophan, and raw Guanine - a nucleobase. Spiders wear their genes on their sleeves, so to speak. Another strange connection should be noted here - spiders are by definition masters of weaving. Soma is highly associated with Indra, and a spider web is a metaphor for Indra's web. Tantra means, 'to weave.' Indra is also red.
  59. I'll conclude this essay by explaining the significance of the colors red and blue. Within western cosmology, objects which are moving away from you are red-shifted, while objects moving towards you are blue-shifted. However, wifhin a timeless cosmology you can't say something is moving towards you or away from you - there are stationary objects that never move, and so the explaination of red and blue shift becomes thus; blue-shifted objects are close to you, and red-shifted objects are far away from you. To understand how this is possible, understand that western cosmology claims that particles below a certain level don't have singular locations, but rather exist as lines in space. Where you are on the line determines which set of physical states you perceive. Moreover, there only needs to be one line which is woven to form the fabric of space - what I call 'The One Particle.' Causality is always preserved, because nothing ever changes - change is an illusion caused by a roaming subjective eye. As the eye moves through space, the space behind it red-shifts away, and the space in front of it blue-shifts towards that particular node of perception. Reality is a hard, material hologram. Length contraction is a subjective perception of seeing more space in a given unit of time - time is a subjective illusion, and it's speed is determined by the movement of the eye. However, the eyes themselves are unmoving, static waves within the hologram.
  61. There's a story where Vishnu visits Indra in the form of a Brahmin body, and humbles Indra by showing him that there are an infinite number of other Indra's throughout the universe. Vishnu is blue, while Indra is red. Blue represents domestication - larvals - while red represents freedom - post-larvals. The humbling of Indra is a larval conceit - an attempt to bring post-larvals down by reminding them that they're not special. However, if there are infinite Indra's, than there's infinite room at the top - Indra is, after all, lord of the entire universe. There's no reason, save for ignorance, for any being to bow down to any other being. Every man, woman, child and animal can be Indra, who in the end can be considered an expression of Shakti - Mother.
  63. Gaia, as I describe her, is my mother and my goddess.
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