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Dec 14th, 2017
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  1. A Wrinkle In Time was fun reading!!Here is what I think is the summary of a Wrinkle in Time is.Meg Murry, Calvin O' Keefe, and Charles Wallace go on an intergalactic mission to save Mr.Murry.They travel with the help of Mrs.Which, Who, and Whatsit, who use the 5th dimension, the tesseract.They first land on a planet called Uriel where they learn about the dark thing and meet the happy medium.Next, they travel to a planet known as Camzotz where the meet the man with the red eyes who persuades Charles Wallace to go under the power of IT, a disembodied brain, who wants the entire universe to be the same.Meg saves her father but couldn't save Charles Wallace.They retreated to another planet that shares the same sun as Camzotz where they meet 3 tentacle-armed monsters who care for Meg.After Meg gets well the three Mrs's tell Meg she has something that IT does not.In her second encounter with it, she learns that she has love, but IT does not.She uses her love for Charles Wallace to free him from IT's grasp and defeats IT.Then she returns home to their mother with Charles Wallace and the story ends.
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