
The Beastmaster

Nov 25th, 2018
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  5. <title>The Beastmaster (1982)</title>
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  9. <info>Maax (Rip Torn) je pokvaren i moći gladan čarobnjak koji planira uzurpirati carstvo kralja Zeda (Red Loomis), no kada mu njegove proročice otkrivaju da će mu propast donijeti Zedov sin, Maax naređuje da se sina ubije. Vještica krade iz utrobe Zedove žene dijete i prenosi ga magijom u utrobu goveda te ga kreće žrtvovati. Nailazi seljak (Ben Hammer) i skače djetetu u pomoć, otjeravši vješticu. Seljak dijete imenuje Dar (Marc Singer) i odgoji ga u svom selu kao sina. Kao malen, Dar otkriva moć empatije sa životinjama koju je primio tijekom povezanosti s govedom. Kada je već odrastao, Dar se ponovno susreće sa svojim progoniteljem koji u selo šalje Hordu, svoju osobnu vojsku, koja ubija sve u selu osim Dara. Nakon toga, Dar kreće na put osvete na kojem će mu se pridružiti podjednako ljudi i divlje životinje, s mišlju o dva čovjeka: predvodniku Horde i čarobnjaku Maaxu.</info>
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  13. <title>Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time (1991)</title>
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  17. <info>Dar, the Beastmaster, learns of a previously-unknown half-brother, Arklon, who plans to conquer the land with the help of a sorceress named Lyranna. Both escape to present day Los Angeles through a dimensional portal. Dar and his animal companions, Ruh, Kodo, Podo and Sharak, must follow them through the portal and stop them from obtaining a neutron bomb. During his visit, Dar meets a rich girl named Jackie Trent, and they become friends.</info>
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  21. <title>Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus (1996)</title>
  22. <link></link>
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  25. <info>In the third installment in the series, Dar, the Beastmaster (Marc Singer) teams up with Seth (Tony Todd) to rescue his brother King Tal (Casper Van Dien). They learn that the boy was captured by the evil Lord Agon (David Warner), who has been sacrificing young prisoners in order to magically retain his youth, and seeks to gain immortality by releasing the dark god Braxus from his prison. Along the way, the heroes are assisted by a beautiful witch named Morgana (Lesley-Anne Down), her acrobatic sidekick Bey (Keith Coulouris), and a warrior woman named Shada (Sandra Hess).</info>
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