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  6. author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  7. title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
  8. Dynamics Trajectories},
  9. journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  10. year = {2011},
  11. volume = {51 (8)},
  12. pages = {2007-2023},
  13. owner = {Brehministrator},
  14. timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  15. },
  16. @ARTICLE{welton2001,
  17. author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  18. title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  19. journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  20. year = {2001},
  21. volume = {3},
  22. pages = {5192-5200},
  23. owner = {Brehministrator},
  24. timestamp = {2011.12.11}
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  37. Citing my own literatureciteO{travis}.
  38. Citing other people's literaturecite{welton2001}.
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  53. author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  54. title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
  55. Dynamics Trajectories},
  56. journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  57. year = {2011},
  58. volume = {51 (8)},
  59. pages = {2007-2023},
  60. owner = {Brehministrator},
  61. timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  62. },
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  64. author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  65. title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
  66. Dynamics Trajectories},
  67. journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  68. year = {2011},
  69. volume = {51 (8)},
  70. pages = {2007-2023},
  71. owner = {Brehministrator},
  72. timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  73. },
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  75. author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  76. title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
  77. Dynamics Trajectories},
  78. journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  79. year = {2011},
  80. volume = {51 (8)},
  81. pages = {2007-2023},
  82. owner = {Brehministrator},
  83. timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  84. },
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  86. author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  87. title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
  88. Dynamics Trajectories},
  89. journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  90. year = {2011},
  91. volume = {51 (8)},
  92. pages = {2007-2023},
  93. owner = {Brehministrator},
  94. timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  95. },
  96. @ARTICLE{welton2001,
  97. author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  98. title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  99. journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  100. year = {2001},
  101. volume = {3},
  102. pages = {5192-5200},
  103. owner = {Brehministrator},
  104. timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  105. }
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  107. author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  108. title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  109. journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  110. year = {2001},
  111. volume = {3},
  112. pages = {5192-5200},
  113. owner = {Brehministrator},
  114. timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  115. }
  116. @ARTICLE{welton20012,
  117. author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  118. title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  119. journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  120. year = {2001},
  121. volume = {3},
  122. pages = {5192-5200},
  123. owner = {Brehministrator},
  124. timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  125. }
  126. @ARTICLE{welton20013,
  127. author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  128. title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  129. journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  130. year = {2001},
  131. volume = {3},
  132. pages = {5192-5200},
  133. owner = {Brehministrator},
  134. timestamp = {2011.12.11}
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  283. Citing my own literaturemycite{travis} andmycite{travis,travis3} andmycite[p.~1]{travis,travis3,travis2,travis1} andmycite{travis,travis3,travis1}
  284. Citing other people's literaturecite{welton2001} andcite{welton2001,welton20013} andcite[p.~1]{welton2001,welton20013,welton20012,welton20011} andcite{welton2001,welton20013,welton20011}.
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