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Apr 16th, 2016
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  544. <h3>( portrayal: )</h3>
  546. <ul>
  547. <li type=disc>My interpretation of <b>ANAKIN SKYWALKER</b> is based off of the novel series, as well as the movies.
  548. <li type=disc>I am well aware of the tv show & of course the animated films.
  549. <li type=disc>Anakin’s FaceClaim will mostly be of <i>Hayden Christensen</i>.
  550. <li type=disc>This is not my first Anakin blog. In fact, it is my third blog due to the fact that I wanted a change. & because my original was deleted due to issues.
  551. </ul><p>
  553. <h3>( Interactions: )</h3>
  554. <ul>
  555. <li type=disc>I am a <b>private</b> & <b>selective</b>. meaning i will <i>only</i> write with mutuals or people i follow.
  556. <li type=disc>Non-mutuals are free to send in ask memes. But I will not thread with you. Sorry.
  557. <li type=disc>If i’ve followed you, it means i want to rp with you.
  558. <li type=disc>Feel free to tag me in any starter or greeter posts, & turn any memes into threads. If I don’t answer, it means it is either in my <i>drafts</i>, or I have <b>not</b> <i>seen</i> it.
  559. <li type=disc>Smut’s are fine by me. But you must be 18+ & we must have a pre-established relationship with me & my muse.
  560. <li type=disc>"Nsfw" content such as violence/gore/sex will be present. I will tag accordingly.
  561. <li type=disc>Feel free to tag me in a random thing at any point in time. I will get to it as soon as i can. besides, i rather enjoy being tagged in a random post. i find them fun & challenging.
  562. <li type=disc>You do not have to match my style of writing/formatting. but please try and respond accordingly.
  563. <li type=disc>Cut your damn posts, it's messy if you don't & i will only grow annoyed & stop RPing.
  564. <li type=disc>No <i>godmodding</i>. if you do more than once, i will block.
  565. <li type=disc>If you want to continue an ask, please move it to a new post. <b>DO NOT</b> reblog the ask, because i will ignore it.
  566. <li type=disc>I reply with 100x100 static and gif icons. All of them are made by me. <b>DO NOT STEAL</b>.<p>
  567. </ul>
  569. <h3>( Crossovers and OC'S: )</h3>
  571. <ul>
  572. <li type=disc>All crossovers and ocs are welcome, so long as I can find a bio page about your muse.
  573. <li type=disc>I am extremely picky when it comes to OC's. I refuse to apologize for it.
  574. </ul>
  576. <h3>( Shipping: )</h3>
  578. <ul>
  579. <li type=disc>I am a Multishipper. but I only ship chemistry. That includes a canon relationship.
  580. <li type=disc><i>ANIDALA</i> is my main ship.
  581. <li type=disc>Do not push ships on me, or RPs with me only to do a ship. Build-up is required for any relationship with my muse.
  582. <li type=disc>I am <b>NOT</b> open to M/M ships.
  583. <li type=disc>I am open to <i>BROTPS</i>.
  584. <li type=disc>I am willing to do exclusives. But, it will have to be talked about. & no, i will not do any exclusives with Obi-Wan’s or Padmè’s.
  586. </ul>
  588. <h3>( Askbox + IM: )</h3>
  589. <ul>
  590. <li type=disc> My <i>ASKBOX</i> is <b>NOT</b> open for plotting ideas. If you want to plot with me, send me an <i>IM</i>.
  591. <li type=disc>My IM's are for <i>Mutuals</i> only. Meaning if i don't follow, don't ask me for a thread.
  592. <li type=disc>My askbox <b>IS</b> open for Meme's as well as for Random Questions for the Mun & Muse. That's it.
  593. <li type=disc>If you send me a message in my ask, asking me to plot with you. i will ignore it. You have been warned.
  594. <li type=disc>Remember that because this is my blog. I reserve the right not to answer. <b>DO NOT</b> pressure me.
  595. <li type=disc>Send me hate. I block you. Simple right?
  596. </ul>
  598. <h1>( Un-Followings: )</h1>
  600. <ul>
  601. <li type=disc>If you post a lot of <i>Anon Hate</i>. I believe it enables those to send it, so please, just delete and ignore.
  602. <li type=disc>If you are gone without a warning for weeks or more, I shall unfollow. If you decide to return and start RPing with me again, I shall re-follow.
  603. <li type=disc><b>DO NOT</b> harass me for replies. I have a busy life outside of this blog. I work and have family obligations to attend too well before the needs of this blog.
  604. <li type=disc><b>DO NOT</b> harrass me for plot ideas.
  605. <li type=disc>I most likely will not follow you because: too much ooc posts. none text-reblogs. no about page. & lastly because i can't see how our muses will interact.<p>
  606. </ul>
  608. <h3>( other: )</h3>
  610. <ul>
  611. <li type=disc>Again, all icons made by me, so <b>DO NOT STEAL</b>.
  612. <li type=disc>My OOC FaceClaim is,
  613. <li type=disc><a href=””>former blog is here</a>.
  614. <li type=disc><sub>Background by <br><a href= “”>bcniko</a>.
  615. </ul>
  617. <h3>( mun. )</h3>
  619. <ul>
  620. <li type=disc>You can call me Gabby or Anakin-mun. Either one is fine.
  621. <li type=disc>I live within the Eastern Time Zone.
  622. <li type=disc> I’m not really that bad of a person. But let me know if I have offended you in any way, or if you just want to talk. My ask is always open.
  623. <li type=disc>Just a little warning, I can be a bit hyper once you get to know me. So don't be shy & just hit me up tumblr IM or askbox if you want to do something.
  624. <li type=disc>To make sure i know you read my rules, send me ❝ The force is strong with this one... ❞
  625. </ul>
  626. </div>
  628. <div id="box4" class="popup_block"><h1>Navigation</h1>
  630. <h1>blog tags</h1>
  631. <blockquote>
  632. <ul>
  633. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">psa</a>
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  635. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">answered questions</a>
  636. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">anonymous questions</a>
  637. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">promo's</a><br>
  638. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">self promos</a>
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  641. <h1>blog pages</h1>
  642. <blockquote>
  643. <ul>
  645. <li type=disc><a href="/">Bio</a>
  646. <li type=disc><a href="/">Verses</a></blockquote>
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  649. <h1>Rp Tags</h1>
  650. <blockquote>
  651. <ul>
  652. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">meme's</a>
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  656. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/ᵗʰᵉ-ᶠᵒʳᶜᵉ-ᶦˢ-ˢᵗʳᵒᶰᵍ-ʷᶦᵗʰ-ᵗʰᶦˢ-ᵒᶰᵉ⋅-(-musings-)">musings</a></blockquote>
  657. </ul>
  659. <h1>Muse Graphics</h1>
  660. <blockquote>
  661. <ul>
  662. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/ʷʰᵉʳᵉ-ˢʰᵒᵘᶫᵈ-ᶦ-ˢᵉʳᵛᵉ﹖-(-queue-)">queue</a>
  663. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">gallery</a>
  664. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Anakin</a></blockquote>
  665. </ul>
  667. <h1>Family Graphics</h1>
  668. <blockquote>
  669. <ul>
  670. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Shmi Skywalker</a>
  671. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Luke Skywalker</a>
  672. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Leia "Organa" Skywalker</a>
  673. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Obi-Wan</a>
  674. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Owen Lars</a></blockquote>
  675. </ul>
  677. <h1>Lovers Graphics</h1>
  678. <blockquote>
  679. <ul>
  680. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Padmè Amidala</a></blockquote>
  681. </ul>
  683. <h1>Lovers OTP Tag</h1>
  684. <blockquote>
  685. <ul>
  686. <li type=disc><a href="/tagged/">Anidala</a></blockquote>
  688. </ul>
  690. </div>
  692. <div id="box5" class="popup_block"><h1>Mechanical</h1>
  693. <h1></h1>
  695. <ul>
  696. <li type=disc>
  697. </ul>
  699. </div>
  700. </div>
  702. <div id="box6" class="popup_block"><h1>Mun</h1>
  703. <small><img src=""</small>
  704. <h1>Personal Info</h1>
  705. <blockquote>
  706. <ul>
  707. <li type=disc><b><u>Name</u></b>: Gabby.
  708. <li type=disc><b><u>FC</u></b>: Ichigo Kurosaki.
  709. <li type=disc><b><u>DOB</u></b>: April 6th, 1992.
  710. <li type=disc><b><u>Age</u></b>: 24.
  711. <li type=disc><b><u>Zodiac</u></b>: Aries.
  712. </ul>
  713. <h1>Etymology</h1>
  714. <ul>
  715. <li type=disc><b><u>Gender</u></b>: Female.
  716. <li type=disc><b><u>Usage</u></b>: French & English.
  717. <li type=disc><b><u>Prounounced</u></b> ga-bree-EL.
  718. <li type=disc><b><u>Meaning & History</u></b>: Feminine form of Gabriel, which is derived from the Hebrew gavhrī’ēl (God is my strength). Gabriel is borne in the Bible by one of the seven archangels, the herald of Good News who appeared to Mary to announce her pregnancy and the impending birth of the Christ child. Gabrielle is "heroine of God". Feminine of Gabriel. Gabriella is the Italian form.</blockquote>
  719. </ul>
  721. <h1>Appearance</h1>
  722. <blockquote>
  723. <ul>
  724. <li type=disc><b><u>Hair Color</u></b>: Brown with Natural Highlights.
  725. <li type=disc><b><u>Eyes</u></b>: Black.
  726. <li type=disc><b><u>Height</u></b>: 5'4"</blockquote>
  727. </ul>
  729. <h1>Other</h1>
  730. <blockquote>
  731. <ul>
  732. <li type=disc><b><u>Game Systems</u></b>: Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 4 & Game Cube.
  733. <li type=disc><b><u>Favorite Novels</u></b>: Star Wars, Memoirs of a Geisha, Mythos Academy series, Percy Jackson series & Heroes of Olympus series, Inheritance Cycle, Wild Orchid: A Retelling of "The Ballad of Mulan", Avalon High, Star Wars, The Mortal Instruments series, Vampire Kisses series, Fairy Bad Day.
  734. <li type=disc><b><u>Anime Movies</u></b>: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Princess Mononoke, Spirted Away, Howl's Moving Castle, How To Train Your Dragon (1&2), Disney Movies, etc.
  735. <li type=disc><b><u>None-Anime Movies</u></b>: Star Wars, Star Trek, The Mummy Series, Disney Movies, Marvel films, etc.
  736. <li type=disc><b><u>TV Shows</u></b>: House Hunters International, NCIS, David Tutera My Fair Wedding, Game of Thrones, C.H.A.R.M.E.D, Galavant, Fashion Police, Merlin, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, etc.
  737. <li type=disc><b><u>Anime Shows</u></b>: Fairy Tail, Naruto, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, Kaze No Stigma, Bleach, Soul Eater, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Wolfs Rain, Code: Breaker, Rave Master, Full Metal Panic, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho.
  738. <li type=disc><b><u>Manga</u></b>: Fairy Tail, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Code: Breaker, Rave Master, Bleach, Soul Eater, Naruto, Ayoshi no Ceres, Rasario + Vampire, Inyasha, Full Metal Panic, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Nura: Rise of the Yokai.
  739. <li type=disc><b><u>Video Games</u></b>: Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, Dragon Dogma, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Star Wars, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom of Amalur the Reckoning 2, Assassin Creed series & Dragon Age.</blockquote>
  740. </ul>
  742. </div>
  744. <div id="box7" class="popup_block"><h1>Other Accounts</h1>
  745. <small><img src=""</small>
  746. <h1>Personal.</h1>
  747. <blockquote>
  748. <ul>
  749. <li type=disc><a href="">Blog</a>.
  750. <li type=disc><b><u>FaceClaim</u></b>: Emilie De Ravin
  751. <li type=disc><b><u>Bio</u></b>: Hello there, this is my personal blog where i do not post any of my roleplays on. here you will find only icons made by me, and of course pictures of things that i like.
  752. personally, i like to think of this as my own little fantasy world, where i come to escape the pressures of reality. so come, & please enjoy yourself!
  753. I follow everyone who follows me back: Including blogs that have no relations to Rping.</blockquote>
  754. </ul>
  756. <small><img src=""</small>
  757. <h1>Jace Herondale</h1>
  758. <blockquote>
  759. <ul>
  760. <li type=disc><a href="">Blog</a>.
  761. <li type=disc><b><u>FaceClaim</u></b>: Dominic Sherwood, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Diane Kruger, Chris Pratt, Alex Pettyfer & Dakota Goyo.
  762. <li type=disc><b><u>Bio</u></b>: Jace Herondale, is one of the best Shadowhunters of his time, currently residing in the New York Institute.
  763. Raised by Valentine Morgenstern, Jace was revealed to be the biological son of the late Celine and Stephen Herondale.</blockquote>
  764. </ul>
  766. <h1>Fa Mulan</h1>
  767. <ul>
  768. <small><img src=""</small>
  769. <blockquote>
  770. <ul>
  771. <li type=disc><a href="">Blog</a>.
  772. <li type=disc><b><u>FaceClaim</u></b>: Disney version of Mulan & Liu Yifei
  773. <li type=disc><b><u>Bio</u></b>: My interpretation of Fa Mulan is based off both disney movies & the novel; Wild Orchid: A Retelling of "The Ballad of Mulan".</blockquote>
  774. </ul>
  775. </div>
  777. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  778. </html>
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