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Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. Ok buddy, buckle up this is gonna be a fan-fuckin-tastick ride. Sooo, before I start I just want to say congrats on letting the best thing slip away. Let’s begin shall we? Before you say it, I know the moment Vixa dumped me your mind went to attack mode. You instantly saw your chance, and don’t fucking say otherwise because I know how you are. You’ve had a thing for her well before I met her. I mean, why else would you instantly throw her host manager? Oh yeah…. Brownie points ;) buttering her up under the table, had her fooled too. So then the breakup. She came to you broken and sad, started as you just comforting her, I get it, I would do the same, but deep down you knew what you were really wanting. I don’t blame you buddy, she’s an amazing girl. Ok, so within 3 days you’re “testing the waters”…. Mhmm sure, in your mind you’re overjoyed, you know you have her. But oh wait… fuck…. She’s going to Texas soon. OK ok, you got this, you can live without her for a few days….. Then Kay arrives…. Fuck! An ex you never got over. Been there, it sucks. So with Vixa away you get flirty I bet, like you are with every woman, but this time something sparks. Every emotion you had while with her comes flooding back. But! Instead of being a proper gentleman and suppressing those feelings you let them boil over. You let them pull you… why? What does Kay have over Vixa? Other than readily available to fuck since ya know the girl you say you love is in Texas…. My point being is, where the fuck is your logic here? Not only do you let this fuck over a relationship with a fantastic woman, you also let the woman walk over you and Chang YOUR club like you’re some submissive little bitch. Cmon mate, pull you head outa you ass for one fucking moment and think with you head and not your dick!!!
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