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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. >Obama vs Ron Paul
  2. I'm a registered Dem and I'd vote for Ron Paul. Unfortunately, the old media and the GOP establishment (this includes fucktards like Palin) are thoroughly against him, and Republicans are going to go full retard so I'll end up having to stomach voting Obama.
  4. Conservatives, why in the FUCK are you letting a Mormon from Massachusetts be your candidate? What the fuck is wrong with you? You're letting the old media turn it into yet another federalist fucktard from Texas who's for the government forcing little girls to get STD vaccines versus a Mormon former Massachusetts governor who came up with the same thing as Obamacare for his state and is a RINO. You're putting those two forward instead of Ron Paul who independents would flock to--and independents are the ones who'll swing this election--as well as a solid GOP base and even get people like me to vote against party lines. Then again, you already went full retard by backing all kinds of batshit insane, idiotic, crypto-Satanist whackjobs after the epic failure of Dubya, so I've kind of given up all hope of y'all ever again backing a reasonable candidate.
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