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a guest
Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. white_alpha".
  2. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_green_calpha".
  3. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_red_calpha".
  4. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_orange_calpha".
  5. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_white_calpha".
  6. Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_weakpoint".
  7. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_scriptint".
  8. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_alpha_scriptint".
  9. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_calpha_scriptint".
  10. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_scriptint".
  11. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_zonly_scriptint".
  12. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_alpha_scriptint".
  13. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_calpha_scriptint".
  14. Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_normal".
  15. Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_locked_gun".
  16. Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_token_locked_gun".
  17. Error: Could not find material "fontcache".
  18. Error: Could not find material "fontcache_distfield".
  19. Error: Could not find material "fontcache_glow".
  20. Error: Could not find material "fontcache_outline".
  21. Error: Could not find material "fontcache_shadow".
  22. Error: Could not find material "lui_loader_no_offset".
  23. Error: Could not find weapon "killstreak_dogs_cp".
  24. Error: Could not find weapon "killstreak_emp_cp".
  25. Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_mp".
  26. Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_cp".
  27. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/impacts/fx_flesh_hit_neck_fatal".
  28. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
  29. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/trail/fx_trail_blood_streak".
  30. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
  31. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
  32. Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
  33. Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
  34. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
  35. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
  36. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
  37. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
  38. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
  39. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
  40. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
  41. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
  42. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
  43. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
  44. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
  45. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
  46. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
  47. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb".
  48. Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
  49. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor".
  50. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor_face".
  51. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_body_light".
  52. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_knee_sparks".
  53. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_sparks".
  54. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step".
  55. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step_steam".
  56. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_head_light".
  57. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_light_dmg".
  58. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_wpn_flamethrower".
  59. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wpn_115_muz".
  60. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
  61. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
  62. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
  63. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
  64. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
  65. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
  66. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
  67. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
  68. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
  69. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
  70. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
  71. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
  72. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
  73. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
  74. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
  75. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
  76. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
  77. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
  78. Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
  79. Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
  80. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_arm_left_loop_optim".
  81. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_arm_right_loop_optim".
  82. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_head_loop_optim".
  83. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_hip_left_loop_optim".
  84. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_hip_right_loop_optim".
  85. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_leg_left_loop_optim".
  86. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_leg_right_loop_optim".
  87. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_torso_loop_optim".
  88. Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
  89. Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
  90. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
  91. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
  92. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
  93. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
  94. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
  95. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
  96. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
  97. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_fire_torso_zmb".
  98. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_head_shot_zod_zmb".
  99. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_purple_zod_zmb".
  100. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_zod_zmb".
  101. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_intro_zod_zmb".
  102. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_tell_zod_zmb".
  103. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_travel_zod_zmb".
  104. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_zod_zmb".
  105. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
  106. Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
  107. Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
  108. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_motes_100x100".
  109. Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten".
  110. Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38".
  111. Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
  112. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy_damage".
  113. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally_damage".
  114. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy".
  115. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally".
  116. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_keyline_ph_yellow".
  117. Error: line 1494: Invalid line in playlist 1
  118. Error: line 1495: Invalid line in playlist 1
  119. Error: line 1514: Invalid line in playlist 2
  120. Error: line 1515: Invalid line in playlist 2
  121. Error: line 1533: Invalid line in playlist 3
  122. Error: line 1534: Invalid line in playlist 3
  123. Error: line 1552: Invalid line in playlist 4
  124. Error: line 1553: Invalid line in playlist 4
  125. Error: line 1572: Invalid line in playlist 5
  126. Error: line 1573: Invalid line in playlist 5
  127. Error: line 1592: Invalid line in playlist 6
  128. Error: line 1593: Invalid line in playlist 6
  129. Error: line 1612: Invalid line in playlist 7
  130. Error: line 1613: Invalid line in playlist 7
  131. Error: line 1631: Invalid line in playlist 8
  132. Error: line 1632: Invalid line in playlist 8
  133. Error: line 1652: Invalid line in playlist 9
  134. Error: line 1653: Invalid line in playlist 9
  135. Error: line 1671: Invalid line in playlist 10
  136. Error: line 1672: Invalid line in playlist 10
  137. Error: line 1742: Invalid line in playlist 20
  138. Error: line 1743: Invalid line in playlist 20
  139. Error: line 1761: Invalid line in playlist 21
  140. Error: line 1762: Invalid line in playlist 21
  141. Error: line 1870: Invalid line in playlist 24
  142. Error: line 1871: Invalid line in playlist 24
  143. Error: line 1890: Invalid line in playlist 25
  144. Error: line 1891: Invalid line in playlist 25
  145. Error: line 2955: Invalid line in playlist 104
  146. Error: line 2956: Invalid line in playlist 104
  147. Error: line 2983: Invalid line in playlist 105
  148. Error: line 2984: Invalid line in playlist 105
  149. Error: line 3005: Invalid line in playlist 106
  150. Error: line 3006: Invalid line in playlist 106
  151. Error: line 3032: Invalid line in playlist 107
  152. Error: line 3033: Invalid line in playlist 107
  153. Error: line 3054: Invalid line in playlist 108
  154. Error: line 3055: Invalid line in playlist 108
  155. Error: line 3075: Invalid line in playlist 109
  156. Error: line 3076: Invalid line in playlist 109
  157. Error: Could not find weapon "killstreak_dogs_cp".
  158. Error: Could not find weapon "killstreak_emp_cp".
  159. Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_mp".
  160. Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_cp".
  161. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/impacts/fx_flesh_hit_neck_fatal".
  162. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
  163. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/trail/fx_trail_blood_streak".
  164. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
  165. Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
  166. Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
  167. Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
  168. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
  169. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
  170. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
  171. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
  172. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
  173. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
  174. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
  175. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
  176. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
  177. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
  178. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
  179. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
  180. Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
  181. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_blood_torso_explo_zmb".
  182. Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
  183. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor".
  184. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor_face".
  185. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_body_light".
  186. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_knee_sparks".
  187. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_sparks".
  188. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step".
  189. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step_steam".
  190. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_head_light".
  191. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_light_dmg".
  192. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_wpn_flamethrower".
  193. Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wpn_115_muz".
  194. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
  195. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
  196. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
  197. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
  198. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
  199. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
  200. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
  201. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
  202. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
  203. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
  204. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
  205. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
  206. Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
  207. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
  208. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
  209. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
  210. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
  211. Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
  212. Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
  213. Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
  214. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_arm_left_loop_optim".
  215. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_arm_right_loop_optim".
  216. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_head_loop_optim".
  217. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_hip_left_loop_optim".
  218. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_hip_right_loop_optim".
  219. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_leg_left_loop_optim".
  220. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_leg_right_loop_optim".
  221. Error: Could not find fx "fire/fx_fire_ai_human_torso_loop_optim".
  222. Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
  223. Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
  224. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
  225. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
  226. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
  227. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
  228. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
  229. Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
  230. Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
  231. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_fire_torso_zmb".
  232. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_head_shot_zod_zmb".
  233. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_purple_zod_zmb".
  234. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_zod_zmb".
  235. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_intro_zod_zmb".
  236. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_tell_zod_zmb".
  237. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_travel_zod_zmb".
  238. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_zod_zmb".
  239. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
  240. Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
  241. Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
  242. Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_motes_100x100".
  243. Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten".
  244. Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38".
  245. Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
  246. Error: Could not find structuredtable "gamedata/tables/common/mod_game_types.json".
  247. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy_damage".
  248. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally_damage".
  249. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy".
  250. Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally".
  251. Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_keyline_ph_yellow".
  252. Error: '24' is not a valid value for dvar 'sv_maxclients'
  253. Domain is any integer from 1 to 18
  254. Error: '24' is not a valid value for dvar 'sv_maxclients'
  255. Domain is any integer from 1 to 18
  256. Setting up gametype Klassisch (running script zclassic)
  257. Error: Could not find material "specialty_instakill_zombies".
  258. Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies".
  259. Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies_blue".
  260. Error: Could not find material "specialty_firesale_zombies".
  261. Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_bonfire".
  262. Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_deathmachine".
  263. Error: Could not find material "t7_zm_hd_specialty_zmblood".
  264. Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_instakill_zombies".
  265. Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_doublepoints_zombies".
  266. Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_firesale_zombies".
  267. Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_giant_deathmachine".
  270. ERROR: Could not find zone 'ge_zm_box2'
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