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Feb 21st, 2019
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  1. Ragebot
  2. You should use "Anti-untrusted" when playing spread HvH, even if it is not a valve server. The aimbot and anti aim correction will behave differently depending on 'anti untrusted'.
  4. Target selection
  6. Cycle: Advance to the next target after each shot
  8. Cycle 2x: Advance to the next target after two shots
  10. Best hit chance: Select the target that you have the best chance of hitting
  12. Multi-point
  14. Allows you to aim at the edge of hitboxes instead of just the center
  16. 'Low, medium, and high' controls the number of extra points to check per tick. Using 'Low' can be a big FPS booster.
  18. Multi-point scale: The maximum distance from the center of the hitbox the points should be
  20. Dynamic multi-point: Will force the cheat to aim at the centre of the visible portion of the enemy, instead of on the edge, to increase hitchance in mm-style hvh.
  22. Body hitbox scale
  23. Increase chance of hitting a player that is using fake angles by decreasing slider. Only effective against stomach hitbox. This is good for AWPing in no-spread.
  25. Minimum damage
  26. Set 'minimum damage' all the way left to enable automatic minimum damage:
  28. [enemy health] [weapon name] [min damage nospread] [min damage spread]
  30. [10] [ak47] nospread=1.0, spread=1.0
  31. [10] [awp] nospread=10.0, spread=10.0
  32. [10] [scar20] nospread=3.0, spread=3.0
  33. [10] [dualies] nospread=1.0, spread=2.0
  34. [10] [sg553] nospread=1.0, spread=1.0
  35. [10] [negev] nospread=1.0, spread=1.0
  36. [10] [revolver] nospread=5.0, spread=6.0
  37. [10] [scout] nospread=10.0, spread=10.0
  39. [50] [ak47] nospread=5.0, spread=6.0
  40. [50] [awp] nospread=50.0, spread=50.0
  41. [50] [scar20] nospread=13.0, spread=16.0
  42. [50] [dualies] nospread=6.0, spread=8.0
  43. [50] [sg553] nospread=5.0, spread=6.0
  44. [50] [negev] nospread=3.0, spread=4.0
  45. [50] [revolver] nospread=25.0, spread=31.0
  46. [50] [scout] nospread=50.0, spread=50.0
  48. [100] [ak47] nospread=10.0, spread=13.0
  49. [100] [awp] nospread=100.0, spread=100.0
  50. [100] [scar20] nospread=25.0, spread=31.0
  51. [100] [dualies] nospread=12.0, spread=15.0
  52. [100] [sg553] nospread=9.0, spread=11.0
  53. [100] [negev] nospread=6.0, spread=8.0
  54. [100] [revolver] nospread=50.0, spread=63.0
  55. [100] [scout] nospread=75.0, spread=75.0
  57. 1st example: The person has 10 hp, the min damage, if you have an ak47 equiped, while playing spread hvh, would be 1 min damage.
  58. 2nd example: The person has 100 hp, you have an awp, you are playing nospread, the min damage will be 100.
  60. Enemy HP (+x) will use the current hp of the enemy + ammount from the slider as the minimum damage. for example they have 65 hp, you have it set to HP + 5 your min damage is now 70.
  62. Other
  64. Minimum hit chance: The aimbot will only shoot if the chance of hitting the player is at least this high
  66. Reduce aim step: Will reduce how fast the aimbot will snap per tick. This will prevent you from getting kicked in official casual servers, but will prevent you from bhopping with anti aim enabled
  68. Override AWP: Override aimbot settings while using AWP to increase your chance of hitting
  70. Other
  71. Quickstop - Aimbot makes you stop, if it can shoot an enemy.
  72. Quickstop + Slide x2- Aimbot makes you stop and automatically begins to use slow motion, this will make you slide two times as fast than the other +slide option.
  73. Accuracy boost- Enables various methods of making the aimbot more accurate. Very resource intensive, if you get FPS drops, use a lower value. Using maximum will automatically adjust depending on your FPS.
  74. Accuracy boost options:
  75. . Refine shot: Increases chances of hitting enemy.
  76. . Extended back: Uses various methods to increase the backtracking window at the expense of FPS.
  77. Anti-aim resolver- Will try to find their real angle at the expense of shooting more bullets.
  78. Anti-aim resolver override- Allows you to move your crosshair left/right of an enemy, or on their body, which forces their yaw to sideways and backwards temporarily. Sort of like a quicker playerlist.
  80. Delay shot - Allow the aimbot to temporarily prevent shooting if it thinks it will have a better chance of hitting shortly thereafter.
  81. Predict - Better than delay shot if using fakelag while shooting or if you think you have a ping disadvantage. Runs the risk of miss-predicting enemies in certain situations.
  82. Prefer body aim-
  83. . Fake angles- The aimbot will aim at body if it detects the enemy is using fake angles.
  84. . Aggressive - Disable body aim if the enemy is resolved correctly.
  85. . High inaccuracy - Body hitboxes are preferred if you have a better chance at hitting them due to high spread.
  86. Duck peek assist - While crouched, and holding the hotkey, it will uncrouch you until you shoot, then re-crouch, so that the enemy does not get a chance to shoot you back.
  87. Delay shot on unduck - Will prevent the aimbot from shooting momenterily, if it thinks it can take a better shot once you are un-crouched.
  89. Anti-Aims
  90. Freestanding - Will choose the ideal angle to prevent getting hit by the player closest to your crosshair.
  91. Freestanding real yaw offset - Allows you to change the real angle of freestanding to thwart "freestanding resolvers"
  92. Freestanding fake yaw offset - Sets the "size" of the flick when standing still. Using 0 disables the flicking entirely. It's best using 90, or 80(if using twist.)
  93. Freestanding ignore duck - This will force freestanding to ignore the fact you are ducking, and instead assume you are standing always.
  94. Always update fake yaw - This will force your fake angle to update if the real comes close to it. Having this disabled will force it to not update.
  96. Edge yaws:
  97. . Static - Will use fake-LBY, and is made for edging in mm-style hvh.
  98. . Subtle - Will displace as much of the head without updating your LBY. This is made for boxing in nospread-style hvh where only a small part of you is visible at any given time.
  99. Crooked - Fake LBY for nospread HvH. This overrides most other AA settings. You are probably better off without it.
  100. Twist - This will change how your anti-aim flicks occasionaly, in an attempt to reveal less information to the enemy about your real angle.
  102. Fake lag
  103. On weapon activity- Will enable when you swap weapons or reload.
  104. On enemy visible- When the aimbot sees a visible enemy it will fakelag.
  105. On stand- Fakelags during the period you uncrouch, good for headglitching in MM-Style HvH.
  108. Dynamic fakelag- Consistent minimal fake lag amount. Good against low ping players.
  109. Fluctuate fakelag- Fluctuates between fake lag disabled/enabled.
  110. Maximum fakelag- Consistent maximum fake lag amount. Effective against high ping players.
  112. Variance - Adds more/less randomization to the aforementioned fakelag options
  113. Limit - Whats the maximum amount of fakelag it should use. This slider may also affect other non-fakelag features, such as slow motion with a value of 1%.
  114. Fakelag while shooting - Not recommended if you have high ping.
  115. Reset on bunny hop - Will disable fakelag the momment you bhop, in an attempt to make it more difficult to hit you.
  116. Reset on standstill - Will disable fakelag the momment you stop moving. This will mean your LBY begins to be faked instantly. Having this disabled will mean your LBY is faked slightly later after stopping.
  118. Fix leg movement - Will attempt to desync the leg hitboxes, so that they cannot easily shoot your feet while moving.
  120. Misc
  121. Z-hop
  122. Top slider- How wide it will strafe
  123. Bottom slider- How frequent it strafes left/right
  125. Other
  126. Dump MM wins- If you use it during a matchmaking game, the ammount of wins they have will be posted in console.
  127. Use -insecure in csgo launch options to be able to bypass sv_cheats/hidden cvars.
  128. Ping spike- Artificially increase your ping to shift the backtrack window up to 1 second. Can cause aimbot inaccuracies if you shoot before the indicator is fully green in the bottom left.
  129. Air duck-
  130. . On - whenever in air
  131. . Spam - will spam duck/unduck-- good with maximum fakelag.
  132. . Fake - You will appear as crouching but you're actually standing. Best with maximum fake lag.
  133. . On Land - Will make you jump lower than a normal bhop, using "On land" fakelag will make you jump even lower.
  135. Player List
  136. Force yaw
  137. Forces the yaw to a static value set by the slider
  138. Away from me- Forces the enemy to look away, then adds the value of the slider onto it. For example setting someone to away from me (0) would be the solution to backwards + dynamic(at targets)
  139. Lowerbody yaw- Forces yaw to a static lower body yaw value
  140. Nearest enemy - Similar to away from me, but instead of putting them away from you, it puts them away from the nearest teammate. Setting someone to Nearest enemy (0) would be the solution to backwards + at targets, using at targets "nearest mode" for example.
  142. Legitbot features
  143. Aimbot
  144. Speed - Control the aimbot's "sensitivity", also known as "smooth" in other cheats.
  145. Speed(in attack) - Control the aimbot's "sensitivity" while shooting.
  147. Speed scale- FOV - increases speed slowly as your crosshair gets closer to the target-- this prevents hard flicks when using a lower %, good for awping.
  149. Maximum lock-on time - how much long should the aimbot keep aim-locking after your crosshair is over the hitbox
  150. using 1ms would mean it only aims when you move your crosshair.
  151. using a high maximum lock on time without triggerbot, or combined with a high triggerbot delay, might look really sketchy to Overwatch as it will aimlock for a while before shooting, this looks even worse when using a high aimbot speed.
  153. Reaction time - Simulated human reaction time. For example, when using 'always on' with AWP, and someone walks into your FOV, it won’t instantly lock onto them, instead it waits for how long you have the slider set to. It can sometimes be annoying using high reaction time, for example you might see someone on your ESP, and expect it to shoot the second you peak, but it wont. It's best using a "human" value of 50+ to avoid OW. It's good using low reaction time when you jiggle peak for example on pistol round.
  155. Maximum FOV - how far away from the crosshair should the enemy be before aimbot is activated. It's best to use a bigger FOV such 5-15 when using always on aimbot.
  157. Quickstop - when the aimbot is enabled (a target is in your FOV) it will stop you from moving. This is good for jiggle peaking around corners with deagles/scouts.
  159. Recoil Compensation
  160. First slider is the vertical recoil, using 100% would mean the recoil will not move up or down at all, using something greater than 100%, such as 105% means that it overcompensates vertical recoil by 5% and vice versa for using 95% or 80%, it will shoot "above" in some cases as it compensates only 95% and 80% of the recoil respectively,
  161. second slider is horizontal recoil, same logic for above. Using a high value looks sketchy, as horizontal recoil can be harder to control, for example on the CZ pistol, or other guns which don't have clear recoil patterns.
  163. Triggerbot
  164. Minimum hitchance - the trigger bot will hit this amount of shots at least. Using a high value while moving means the triggerbot wont activate with most guns. Using a lower value might mean you miss shots with a deagle while fast peaking someone.
  165. Reaction time= the triggerbot wont shoot for this amount of time, after your crosshair is over the enemy. Using 0 ms will allow for the triggerbot to aim through walls, this might be useful for holding mid Dust 2 cross with an AWP.
  166. Burst fire - the triggerbot will not just shoot 1 bullet, it will shoot for the ammount of time specified by the slider.
  167. Some examples:
  168. using 110 ms with ak47, will shoot 2 bullets
  169. using 220 ms with ak47 will shoot 3 bullets
  170. using 90 ms with M4A4 will shoot 2 bullets
  171. using 180 ms with M4A4 will shoot 3 bullets
  173. Other
  174. Accuracy boost - increase chance of hitting moving targets.
  175. Standalone recoil compensation - the recoil compensation will work without the aimbot having to be activated/enabled.
  176. Fake angles - This will enable anti-aim for legit play except your legs do not glitch out unlike with normal fake angles.
  177. You can enable automatic weapons in the misc tab and set the delay in between the shots. This will make pistols "automatic"-- good for tec9's.
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