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a guest
Feb 24th, 2020
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  2. TODO:
  4. BaseEntity:
  5. Damage based on velocity of impact
  6. Velocity exchanged based on velocity of both parties
  7. Radial and Point Damage distributing to Components
  9. BaseComponent:
  10. Set up damage systems
  11. Make component "blast off" when destroyed, generating a free floating pick up
  12. Create Hookup functionality, called when a BaseComponent is hooked into a ship
  13. Investigate making all components APEX destructible
  15. BaseHull:
  16. Provide loadable mesh name
  17. Provide Socket analysis
  18. Provide mass if not already available
  19. Loads mesh on Hookup
  21. DerivedHull:
  22. For each mesh we have, create a Hull that sets it up appropriately
  24. BaseShip:
  25. When hooking up components, attach them to sockets if available
  26. Energy and Ammo system stubs
  27. Augment Move to fire Thrusters if move successful
  28. Augment Fire to have Recoil if applicable
  29. Create WeaponChange system
  30. Investigate a LinkedWeapons system
  31. Create FriendOrFoe system
  32. Create Team system (list of ships associated with you directly)
  34. BaseMunition:
  35. Create Requirements API
  36. Add Target var
  37. Add hook to call when hitting enemy
  38. Enforce having a hull
  40. PeashooterMunition:
  41. Use a Hull rather than a raw Mesh
  42. Make fully Physic'd if not already
  43. Put as much functionality into BaseMunition
  45. DerivedMunitions:
  46. Create BulletMunition (fires point based shot)
  47. Create ShotgunMunition (fires multiple point based shots in a configurable pattern)
  48. Create KineticMunition (fires extremely fast projectile)
  50. Create BombMunition (fires with an arc like a mortar)
  51. Create MineMunition (places behind ship with no or min velocity, explodes depending on fuse)
  52. Create MissileMunition (fired in a parabolic arc, homes on target, has limited fuel, fires attached Weapons after delay)
  53. Create TorpedoMunition (fires in straight line, homes on target, has limited fuel, explodes depending on fuse)
  55. Create BeamMunition (continuous fire of beam that damages on touch, moves near instantly)
  56. Create PlasmaMunition (expands and contracts as it moves, can be charged)
  58. BaseThruster:
  59. Give BaseThruster an editable FString for the name of the Thruster Effect
  60. Load UClass on Hookup
  61. Create Fire function, nearly identical to Weapon's Fire function, which fires Thruster effect
  63. BaseWeapon:
  64. Give BaseWeapon an editable FString for the name of the Munition to fire
  65. Load UClass on Hookup
  66. Return Project on Fire (as an optional, so we can check if firing occured at all)
  68. DerivedWeapons:
  69. Create PointEnergyWeapon
  70. Create ChargedEnergyWeapon
  71. Create ContinuousEnergyWeapon
  72. Create ROFAmmoWeapon
  73. Investigate other weapont types
  75. BasePlayerShip / PlayerAI:
  76. Create Mouse controls
  77. Fix Keyboard controls
  78. Create Keyboard Only controls
  79. Create Touch controls
  80. Create Gamepad controls
  81. Make Camera adjustable
  83. BaseEnemyShip:
  84. Move functionality out of ExperimentalEnemyShip into here
  86. DerivedAI:
  87. Create BaseNPCAI class
  88. Create Execution API (takes a set of points, moves ship through them while avoiding others)
  90. Create LeaderAI (Provides leadership role and AI)
  91. Create SuppressorAI (Lays down covering fire/forces enemy ship to move)
  92. Create AttackerAI (Shoots at enemy ship from a safe position, prefers light arms)
  93. Create GrenadierAI (Shoots at enemy ship from a safe position, prefers heavy arms)
  94. Create ScoutAI (Rushes enemy ship)
  95. Create EscortAI (Stays near priority ships, protects them)
  96. Create EngineerAI (Restores/Enhances near by ships)
  97. Create SniperAI (Stays away and takes shots from a distance)
  98. Create StealthAI (Circles around the enemy ship, keeps hidden)
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