
Feb 21st, 2022
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  1. Last login: Tue Feb 22 02:47:18 on ttys001
  2. ~ ............................................................... 03:02:45 am
  3. > curl -sD - -L ""
  4. HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  5. Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 03:02:46 GMT
  6. Server: Apache
  7. Last-Modified: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 22:16:39 GMT
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  14. <title>Hacked By DE47H BR41N</title>
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  49. <h1>Hacked By DE47H_BR41N</h1>
  50. <h2>&quot;Illusion Silent Killer.&quot;</h2>
  51. <h3>Establishing friendship for the sake of Allah and enmity for that.</h3>
  52. <div class="animasi" align="bottom">
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  54. <button type="button" class="btn" onclick="play()">Play <b>Music</button><button type="button" class="btn" onclick="pause()">Pause <b>Music</button><br><br>
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  57. function showTime() {
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  105. function play() {
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  109. function pause() {
  110. var audio = document.getElementById("lagu");
  111. audio.pause();
  112. }
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  114. <audio id="lagu" src=""></audio>
  115. <br>&#12300; <marquee height='23' width='40%' behavior='alternate' scrollamount='10'> DEATH BRAIN - Salah din1337 - MR.Droid Hacker - @4N0NYM0U5 - ./Cybertron RA9 - Black_Py - Mr Injector - & All Muslim Hackers -</marquee> &#12301;<br>&copy2021 | Illusion Silent Killer</h2>
  116. <html>%
  117. ~ ............................................................... 03:02:46 am
  118. >
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