Guest User


a guest
May 24th, 2018
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  1. bind TAB "+showscores"
  2. bind ENTER "+jump"
  3. bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
  4. bind SPACE "+jump"
  5. bind - "sizedown"
  6. bind / "dropweapon; say_team dropped %w"
  7. bind 0 "impulse 210"
  8. bind 1 "weapon_group_1"
  9. bind 2 "weapon_group_2"
  10. bind 3 "say_team SHIELD IN 10"
  11. bind 4 "say_team QUAD IN 10!"
  12. bind 5 "say_team Armour in 10!"
  13. bind 6 "say_team SAFE"
  14. bind 7 "say_team NEED WEAPON"
  15. bind 8 "say_team SHIELD IN 10"
  16. bind 9 "weapon_group_9"
  17. bind = "sizeup"
  18. bind BACKQUOTE "toggleconsole"
  19. bind a "+moveleft"
  20. bind b "weapon_group_6"
  21. bind c "weapon_group_5"
  22. bind d "+moveright"
  23. bind e "+hook"
  24. bind f "weapon_group_4"
  25. bind g "reload"
  26. bind h "say :]"
  27. bind i "+show_info"
  28. bind j "say_team SHIELD IN 10"
  29. bind k "timeout"
  30. bind l "weapon_group_7"
  31. bind m "radar"
  32. bind o "capturevideo"
  33. bind q "weapon_group_3"
  34. bind r "weapon_group_9"
  35. bind s "+back"
  36. bind t "messagemode"
  37. bind u "+con_chat_maximize"
  38. bind v "weapon_group_8"
  39. bind w "+forward"
  40. bind x "say_team ^1%h ^2%a^1^5;g_waypointsprite_team_helpme"
  41. bind y "messagemode2"
  42. bind z "timein"
  43. bind TILDE "toggleconsole"
  44. bind BACKSPACE "dropweapon"
  45. bind UPARROW "+forward"
  46. bind DOWNARROW "+back"
  47. bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
  48. bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
  49. bind ALT "+showaccuracy"
  50. bind CTRL "+crouch"
  51. bind SHIFT "+crouch"
  52. bind F1 "vyes"
  53. bind F2 "vno"
  54. bind F3 "spec"
  55. bind F4 "ready"
  56. bind F5 "slowmo 0.5"
  57. bind F6 "slowmo 1"
  58. bind F7 "slowmo 5"
  59. bind F8 "slowmo 10"
  60. bind F9 "pausedemo"
  61. bind F10 "quit"
  62. bind F11 "disconnect"
  63. bind F12 "screenshot"
  64. bind PAUSE "pause"
  65. bind KP_INS "pausedemo"
  66. bind KP_END "slowmo 0.1"
  67. bind KP_DOWNARROW "slowmo 0.2"
  68. bind KP_PGDN "slowmo 0.3"
  69. bind KP_LEFTARROW "slowmo 0.5"
  70. bind KP_5 "slowmo 1"
  71. bind KP_RIGHTARROW "slowmo 2"
  72. bind KP_HOME "slowmo 3"
  73. bind KP_UPARROW "slowmo 15"
  74. bind KP_PGUP "slowmo 70"
  75. bind KP_DEL "stopdemo"
  76. bind KP_SLASH "thirdperson"
  77. bind KP_MULTIPLY "say_team killed flagcarrier (h:%h a:%a w:%w l:%l)"
  78. bind KP_MINUS "say hi / good luck and have fun"
  79. bind KP_PLUS "capturevideo"
  80. bind KP_ENTER "capturevideo"
  81. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  82. bind MOUSE2 "+attack2"
  83. bind MOUSE3 "say ^3^1%h ^2%a"
  84. bind MWHEELUP "aot_zoom_in"
  85. bind MWHEELDOWN "aot_zoom_out"
  86. bind MOUSE4 "weapnext"
  87. bind MOUSE5 "togglezoom"
  88. bind JOY1 "+crouch"
  89. bind JOY2 "+jump"
  90. bind JOY3 "weapprev"
  91. bind JOY4 "weapnext"
  92. bind JOY5 "+attack2"
  93. bind JOY6 "+attack"
  94. bind JOY7 "+zoom"
  95. bind JOY8 "dropweapon"
  96. bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect"
  97. bind JOY10 "+show_info"
  98. bind JOY11 "+showscores"
  99. bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
  100. in_bind 7 0 "impulse 10"
  101. in_bind 7 1 "impulse 1"
  102. in_bind 7 2 "impulse 2"
  103. in_bind 7 3 "impulse 3"
  104. in_bind 7 4 "impulse 4"
  105. in_bind 7 5 "impulse 5"
  106. in_bind 7 6 "impulse 6"
  107. in_bind 7 7 "impulse 7"
  108. in_bind 7 8 "impulse 8"
  109. in_bind 7 9 "impulse 9"
  110. in_bind 7 KP_INS "impulse 10"
  111. in_bind 7 KP_END "impulse 1"
  112. in_bind 7 KP_DOWNARROW "impulse 2"
  113. in_bind 7 KP_PGDN "impulse 3"
  114. in_bind 7 KP_LEFTARROW "impulse 4"
  115. in_bind 7 KP_5 "impulse 5"
  116. in_bind 7 KP_RIGHTARROW "impulse 6"
  117. in_bind 7 KP_HOME "impulse 7"
  118. in_bind 7 KP_UPARROW "impulse 8"
  119. in_bind 7 KP_PGUP "impulse 9"
  120. seta "_alientrap_net_banlist" ""
  121. "_cl_color" "51"
  122. "_cl_name" "^x03dDMs^xf00||^7kojn^"
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  125. seta "_cl_userid" "6031278740773201"
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  128. "bgmvolume" "0"
  129. "chase_back" "190"
  130. "chase_up" "70"
  131. seta "cl_allow_uid2name" "1"
  132. "cl_autodemo" "1"
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  135. "cl_beams_instantaimhack" "1"
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  138. "cl_bobup" "0"
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  140. "cl_capturevideo_number" "180"
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  142. "cl_decals" "0"
  143. "cl_decals_fadetime" "20"
  144. "cl_forwardspeed" "540"
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  146. seta "cl_gibs_velocity_up" "0"
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  152. seta "cl_showacceleration_scale" "5"
  153. seta "cl_showacceleration_size" "20"
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  168. seta "cl_weaponpriority0" "9 8 4"
  169. seta "cl_weaponpriority1" "7 6 5 1"
  170. seta "cl_weaponpriority2" "7 3"
  171. seta "cl_weaponpriority3" "7 3 2"
  172. seta "cl_weaponpriority4" "8 6 5 2"
  173. seta "cl_weaponpriority5" ""
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  177. "con_chatrect_y" "0.003333"
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  179. "con_notify" "1"
  180. "crosshair" "10"
  181. seta "crosshair_alpha" "1"
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  185. seta "crosshair_campingrifle_color_green" "0.5"
  186. seta "crosshair_campingrifle_color_red" "0.85"
  187. seta "crosshair_campingrifle_ring_size" "1.5"
  188. seta "crosshair_campingrifle_size" "0.85"
  189. seta "crosshair_color" "0.919988 0.919988 0.919988"
  190. seta "crosshair_color_per_weapon" "0"
  191. seta "crosshair_crylink_color_alpha" "0.85"
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  193. seta "crosshair_crylink_color_green" "0.25"
  194. seta "crosshair_crylink_color_red" "0.85"
  195. seta "crosshair_crylink_size" "0.725"
  196. seta "crosshair_dot_size" "1"
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  201. seta "crosshair_electro_size" "0.95"
  202. seta "crosshair_fireball_color_alpha" "1"
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  204. seta "crosshair_fireball_color_green" "1.0"
  205. seta "crosshair_fireball_color_red" "0.2"
  206. seta "crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_alpha" "1.15"
  207. seta "crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_blue" "0"
  208. seta "crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_green" "0.15"
  209. seta "crosshair_grenadelauncher_color_red" "1"
  210. seta "crosshair_grenadelauncher_size" "1.35"
  211. seta "crosshair_hagar_color_alpha" "1"
  212. seta "crosshair_hagar_color_blue" "0.35"
  213. seta "crosshair_hagar_color_green" "0.5"
  214. seta "crosshair_hagar_color_red" "0.85"
  215. seta "crosshair_hagar_size" "1.4"
  216. seta "crosshair_hlac_color_alpha" "1"
  217. seta "crosshair_hlac_color_blue" "0.2"
  218. seta "crosshair_hlac_color_green" "0.65"
  219. seta "crosshair_hlac_color_red" "1"
  220. seta "crosshair_hlac_size" "2"
  221. seta "crosshair_hook_color_alpha" "0.85"
  222. seta "crosshair_hook_color_blue" "0.85"
  223. seta "crosshair_hook_color_green" "1"
  224. seta "crosshair_hook_color_red" "0.65"
  225. seta "crosshair_hook_size" "1.1"
  226. seta "crosshair_laser_color_alpha" "0.75"
  227. seta "crosshair_laser_color_blue" "0.2"
  228. seta "crosshair_laser_color_green" "0.35"
  229. seta "crosshair_laser_color_red" "1"
  230. seta "crosshair_laser_size" "0.55"
  231. seta "crosshair_minelayer_color_alpha" "1.15"
  232. seta "crosshair_minelayer_color_blue" "0"
  233. seta "crosshair_minelayer_color_green" "0.75"
  234. seta "crosshair_minelayer_color_red" "0.75"
  235. seta "crosshair_minstanex_color_alpha" "1"
  236. seta "crosshair_minstanex_color_blue" "1"
  237. seta "crosshair_minstanex_color_green" "0.65"
  238. seta "crosshair_minstanex_color_red" "0.65"
  239. seta "crosshair_minstanex_size" "0.65"
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  242. seta "crosshair_nex_color_green" "0.9"
  243. seta "crosshair_nex_color_red" "0"
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  245. seta "crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_alpha" "0.15"
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  247. seta "crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_color_green" "0"
  248. seta "crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_color_red" "0.8"
  249. seta "crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_movingavg_rate" "0.05"
  250. seta "crosshair_nexvelocity_currentcharge_scale" "30"
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  253. seta "crosshair_porto_color_green" "1"
  254. seta "crosshair_porto_color_red" "0.5"
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  259. seta "crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_green" "0.75"
  260. seta "crosshair_rocketlauncher_color_red" "1"
  261. seta "crosshair_rocketlauncher_size" "1.175"
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  263. seta "crosshair_seeker_color_blue" "0.35"
  264. seta "crosshair_seeker_color_green" "0.35"
  265. seta "crosshair_seeker_color_red" "1"
  266. seta "crosshair_seeker_size" "1.15"
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  269. seta "crosshair_shotgun_color_green" "0.7"
  270. seta "crosshair_shotgun_color_red" "0.7"
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