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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. -- neuroticProvision [NP] began pestering intelligentInsight [II] at 23:56 --
  2. -- neuroticProvision [NP] is chilling out at Elizan's hive in the Land of Rivers and Frogs, trying to decide who to talk to/attack next --
  3. -- intelligentInsight [II] Pokes his head inside, sees her and leers. --
  4. II: O| Hey zere zveetcheekz, come here often? |o
  5. -- intelligentInsight [II] Laughs. --
  6. -- neuroticProvision [NP] turns around to look at Shadow Lunaro, giving a rather psychotic leer of her own --
  7. -- intelligentInsight [II] proceeds to laugh even harder. --
  8. NP: Well, if i+ isn'+ Karuna.
  9. NP: ♀h, n♀, Karuna has /s♀me/ class.
  10. -- neuroticProvision [NP] stands up and walks over to him. --
  11. II: O| Clazz vould only hold me back! |o
  12. II: O| I cannot be tamed by ze chainz of zociety, hovever looze zey may be. |o
  13. -- neuroticProvision [NP] finally reaches Shadow Lunaro and grabs him by the tie. --
  14. NP: Ugh, s+♀p +alking already.
  15. -- neuroticProvision [NP] pulls him in by the tie and begins sloppy makeouts --
  16. NP: *replace all men+i♀ns ♀f +he w♀rd "+ie" wi+h "shir+"
  17. -- intelligentInsight [II] Enthusiastically returns the sloppiest of makeouts. --
  18. -- neuroticProvision [NP] grabs the back of Shadow Lunaro's head, thrusting her tongue into his mouth... and stabs him in the leg with a pair of scissors. --
  19. -- intelligentInsight [II] Bites down hard, groaning in pain. --
  20. -- neuroticProvision [NP] grins against the kiss, and twists the knife around a bit, before pulling away, her tongue bleeding. --
  21. NP: *sciss♀rs
  22. NP: *n♀+ knife g♀ddammi+ h♀w d♀ I w♀rds?
  23. NP: Hah... y♀u're g♀♀d f♀r s♀me+hing, a+ leas+.
  24. -- intelligentInsight [II] Casually pulls the scisscorknife out of his leg and offers it to her. --
  25. -- neuroticProvision [NP] takes it back, smiling. --
  26. II: O| You're not zo bad yourzelf zveetie. |o
  27. NP: S♀, h♀w was mee+ing ♀+her-me?
  28. II: O| Zuffice to zay you are a much better kizzer. |o
  29. -- intelligentInsight [II] rolls his eyes. --
  30. II: O| Boooooring. |o
  31. -- neuroticProvision [NP] brushes some hair out of her eyes. --
  32. NP: Well yeah, I'm all +he in+eres+ing bi+s ♀f her, af+er all~
  33. II: O| And I am all ze fun and exciting bitz of ze idiot. |o
  34. II: O| Viz much better hair. |o
  35. NP: Well, I dunn♀, his reac+i♀n +♀ ge++ing s+abbed is much funnier +han y♀urs.
  36. NP: Al+h♀ugh...
  37. -- neuroticProvision [NP] licks her lips, a bit of yellow-brown blood trailing along them. --
  38. -- intelligentInsight [II] Grins. --
  39. II: O| Funnier, but not more fun, yeah? |o
  40. -- neuroticProvision [NP] just gives him a half-lidded gaze, along with her crazy-grin --
  41. NP: Defini+ely.
  42. -- intelligentInsight [II] Grins even wider. --
  43. II: O| Zough I muzt zay, zere iz a certain... Appeal, to ozer you. |o
  44. II: O| Zo innocent! |o
  45. NP: Yeah?
  46. NP: Hmmph, are y♀u in+♀ +ha+ +ype, +hen?
  47. II: O| I didn't zay zat, juzt making a comment. |o
  48. II: O| Zhe got a little fiezty tovardz ze... End. It reminded me of you a little. |o
  49. NP: ...
  50. NP: +ha+ righ+...
  51. -- neuroticProvision [NP] turns away from Lunaro, looking thoughtful --
  52. -- neuroticProvision [NP] faces him again, grinning --
  53. II: O| I do hope you aren't mad! |o
  54. NP: ♀h n♀, n♀+ a+ all.
  55. II: O| ... In a vay zat I vouldn't enjoy, zat iz. |o
  56. -- neuroticProvision [NP] laughs --
  57. II: O| Like I zaid, I vaz zinking of you. |o
  58. -- intelligentInsight [II] Sneers. --
  59. NP: I was +hinking ♀f y♀u +♀♀, if i+ helps.
  60. NP: All +ha+ g♀rge♀us blue bl♀♀d~
  61. II: O| Av, baby. Zveet az alvayz I zee. |o
  62. -- neuroticProvision [NP] chuckles --
  63. NP: S♀ +hen, wh♀ d♀ y♀u plan +♀ mee+ wi+h nex+?
  64. II: O| Hm... |o
  65. II: O| Vell, I vaz zinking Zolena. |o
  66. II: O| Zen maybe Elpiza... Zprite. |o
  67. NP: +ha+ ♀ugh+ +♀ be in+eres+ing!
  68. NP: I was +hinking ♀f visi+ing S♀lena +♀♀
  69. II: O| Zen ze one on derze, if I can manage it... |o
  70. II: O| Oh vere you? |o
  71. II: O| Oh, I have a vonderful plan! |o
  72. NP: Hm?
  73. II: O| Ve zhould totally tag team. |o
  74. NP: Hmm...
  75. NP: N♀+ a bad plan, ac+ually.
  76. II: O| Teach zat bitch to play viz my heart... |o
  77. II: O| I um... |o
  78. II: O| Lunaro'z heart. |o
  79. II: O| Not zat I actually care. |o
  80. NP: Righ+, ♀f c♀urse n♀+.
  81. -- neuroticProvision [NP] says this with all the snark. All of it. --
  82. II: O| Anyvay, yez. It iz clearly ze bezt plan becauze I am ze bezt. |o
  83. -- intelligentInsight [II] misses all of the snark, all of it. --
  84. NP: Qui+e s♀.
  85. NP: As f♀r Elpiza, +ha+ migh+ be fun +♀♀.
  86. II: O| Oh yez. |o
  87. II: O| Zhe iz a fun one indeed! Zo very zimilar to her alternate, but not, at ze zame time. |o
  88. NP: N♀+ +♀ men+i♀n she's g♀+ a li++le bi+ ♀f ♀+her y♀u...
  89. II: O| Yez, true. |o
  90. -- intelligentInsight [II] Frowns. --
  91. II: O| I am not really zure hov I feel about zat. |o
  92. -- neuroticProvision [NP] laughs without sympathy --
  93. NP: Well, we'll burn +ha+ bridge when we ge+ +♀ i+.
  94. II: O| Yez, of courze. |o
  95. II: O| Azide from Zol, vho elze do you plan do... Vizit, next? |o
  96. NP: N♀+ sure. Maybe s♀me ♀f +he +r♀lls +ha+ d♀n'+ kn♀w Elizan all +ha+ well.
  97. NP: Wear s♀me shades ♀r s♀me+hing s♀ +hey can'+ see my eyes...
  98. NP: And jus+ le+ l♀♀se~
  99. II: O| Oh my! Zat'z great! |o
  100. II: O| Maybe I zhould try zat too... |o
  101. NP: Wha+, hi+ ♀n any ♀f +he ladies +ha+ haven'+ heard ♀f Lunar♀ ye+?
  102. II: O| Zough it vould be tough for one az devilizhly handzome az me to imperzonate him... |o
  103. -- neuroticProvision [NP] laughs again --
  104. II: O| Hmm... A fev come to mind zough. |o
  105. -- intelligentInsight [II] Grins. --
  106. II: O| Zizkuz, for one. |o
  107. NP: ♀♀♀h~
  108. NP: Pr♀mise me y♀u'll +ell me h♀w +ha+ ♀ne g♀es
  109. II: O| And her little tealblood lapdog. |o
  110. II: O| But of courze! |o
  111. II: O| Zough you vill have to offer me zomezing in return, zveezeart. |o
  112. -- intelligentInsight [II] Winks. --
  113. NP: Heh. I'm sure I can +hink ♀f s♀me+hing +ha+ y♀u'd wan+.
  114. II: O| Bear in mind zat you are alvayz in pozezzion of... |o
  115. -- intelligentInsight [II] Saunters closer to her with each word. --
  116. II: O| Zomezing... |o
  117. II: O| I... |o
  118. II: O| vant... |o
  119. -- neuroticProvision [NP] says sweetly: --
  120. NP: Hm... like keeping all y♀ur b♀dy par+s a++ached~?
  121. -- intelligentInsight [II] Pouts. --
  122. NP: S+ill, I ge+ y♀u.
  123. II: O| Amoung ozer zingz. |o
  124. II: O| I knov you do! |o
  125. NP: Jus+ keep +his in mind,
  126. NP: I w♀uld keep +he sciss♀rs wi+h me.
  127. II: O| I vouldn't have it any ozer vay! You knov vhat I like, zveetie. |o
  128. -- intelligentInsight [II] Leers. --
  129. -- neuroticProvision [NP] chuckles --
  130. II: O| I zhould be going, but firzt... |o
  131. -- intelligentInsight [II] Steps in closer, backing her against a wall. --
  132. II: O| Zhall ve continue? |o
  133. NP: ♀ne m♀re f♀r +he r♀ad c♀uldn'+ hur+.
  134. -- intelligentInsight [II] Comences sloppy makeout session number two, this time drawing his own rapier from his bladekind specibus. --
  135. -- neuroticProvision [NP] Sloppy Stabbing Makeouts ensue. --
  136. -- intelligentInsight [II] ceased pestering neuroticProvision [NP] at 00:43 --
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