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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. [15:39] <Lafing_Cat> Tar: I'd have to futz around with cracking it, as it's a Steam game.
  2. [15:40] <Tarinaky> And you don't have steam?
  3. [15:40] <Tarinaky> A
  4. [15:40] <Lafing_Cat> I refuse to use steam.
  5. [15:40] <Tarinaky> Or did you mean "Debating pirating Human Revoution"?
  6. [15:41] <Tarinaky> Because when you said installing Deus Ex I thought you meant the original.
  7. [15:41] <Tarinaky> From a CD.
  8. [15:41] <Lafing_Cat> I will not give money to rent a game under the pretense of ownership.
  9. [15:41] <Lafing_Cat> I actually did buy the original
  10. [15:41] <Lafing_Cat> I may still have the CDs somewhere.
  11. [15:41] <Lafing_Cat> But I meant Human Revolution, yeah
  12. [15:42] <Tarinaky> See, I think of Steam as a content delivery system rather than DRM.
  13. [15:43] <Tarinaky> For a system to install software over the internet it makes complete sense to require a login to install said software.
  14. [15:43] <Lafing_Cat> But once it's installed you can't play it without reauthenticating.
  15. [15:43] <Tarinaky> Not true.
  16. [15:44] <Tarinaky> You can start Steam in offline mode.
  17. [15:44] <Benedict_> yeah
  18. [15:44] <Tarinaky> And play to your hearts content.
  19. [15:44] <Tarinaky> And unlike most similar systems the game will run completely fine if your connection dies midway through.
  20. [15:44] <Benedict_> about the only game i can think of thats a recent release that required always on internet was from dust
  21. [15:44] <Benedict_> and there was a huge foo for rah about it
  22. [15:44] <Tarinaky> The only function that will fall over is Steam Cloud but what did you epxect.
  23. [15:44] <Benedict_> and ubisoft actively patched it out
  24. [15:44] <Tarinaky> *expect
  25. [15:45] <Lafing_Cat> "dies midway through"
  26. [15:45] <Lafing_Cat> Implying that I have to have an internet connection to start playing.
  27. [15:45] <Benedict_> naw cat
  28. [15:45] <Benedict_> you just have to authenticate with steam once. period. once ever. then you boot into offline mode
  29. [15:45] <Benedict_> and that happens at the install
  30. [15:45] <Tarinaky> But why would you want to be offline when you can be online.
  31. [15:46] <Tarinaky> :p
  32. [15:46] <Benedict_> you would have to reconnect to patch every now and then
  33. [15:46] <Benedict_> but thats about it
  34. [15:46] <Lafing_Cat> Why would I want to have to be online when I could be online *or* offline?
  35. [15:46] <Lafing_Cat> If I'm visiting my mother, she doesn't have internet. What if I want to install a game I haven't played in a while while I'm there?
  36. [15:47] <Tarinaky> Exactly what you'd expect trying to download any software without an internet connection.
  37. [15:47] <Tarinaky> Internet is required to download stuff off the internet.
  38. [15:47] <Lafing_Cat> But if I buy the game *on a CD* I'm still required to connect to the internet to install it.
  39. [15:48] <Lafing_Cat> even though I'm not downloading anything off the internet.
  40. [15:48] <Lafing_Cat> Well, DVD, but same deal.
  41. [15:48] <Tarinaky> Because you're not really buying the game on a CD.
  42. [15:48] <Tarinaky> Retail boxes is just vestigial.
  43. [15:49] <Tarinaky> Steam's completely online.
  44. [15:49] <Lafing_Cat> Exactly, they won't sell me a game.
  45. [15:49] <Lafing_Cat> So I won't give them money.
  46. [15:49] <Lafing_Cat> They will sell me a license to install a game, but I don't want a license to install a game, I want a game.
  47. [15:49] <Tarinaky> This is different to 10 years ago how?
  48. [15:49] <Tarinaky> Or 20 years ago?
  49. [15:50] <Lafing_Cat> Because 10 years ago, I didn't need their permission to install the game when and where I wanted to.
  50. [15:50] <Tarinaky> Yes. Yes you did.
  51. [15:50] <Lafing_Cat> No, I didn't.
  52. [15:50] <Lafing_Cat> I didn't connect to the internet to install Tribes, or Starcraft, or Diablo II.
  53. [15:50] <Lafing_Cat> I could do that whenever I wanted to.
  54. [15:50] * Tarinaky points at the EULA at the back of the manual for Diablo 2.
  55. [15:51] <Benedict_> most popular game in gaming history, 17 years ago, required an always on internet connection and does to this day....
  56. [15:51] <Lafing_Cat> The difference between the EULA in Diablo 2 and Steam is enforceability.
  57. [15:51] <Lafing_Cat> Blizzard can't take my physical CD.
  58. [15:51] <Lafing_Cat> They can't force a patch on me to disable my copy.
  59. [15:51] <Tarinaky> They can, however, disable you on Battlenet.
  60. [15:52] <Lafing_Cat> Steam *can* disable my ability to install the game I paid for again.
  61. [15:52] <Tarinaky> And force patches through that.
  62. [15:52] <Lafing_Cat> I don't give a shit about Battlenet.
  63. [15:52] <Lafing_Cat> I didn't play once on it.
  64. [15:52] <Tarinaky> If they were selloing you the actual game it's come with source code and a nonexclusive license to all the IP.
  65. [15:52] <Tarinaky> *it'd
  66. [15:52] <Lafing_Cat> Untrue
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