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Jun 27th, 2017
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  3. implement a hash map
  4. implement a multi hash map with multiple keys
  5. implement a spell checker
  6. sort a k-sorted array of integers, where each element is only k indices away from its final sorted order
  7. How would you program a computer to shuffle a deck of cards? (Generate a permutation of the numbers from 1 to 100, uniformly at random)
  8. design an algo that takes a word as an input and outputs all valid anagrams of that word
  9. implement an LRU cache
  10. design a stack/queue
  11. algorithm to detect if a linked list is a palindrome
  12. implement a function to detect if a player has won tic tac toe
  13. given an array of times in hh:mm, calculate the smallest # of minutes between them (with wrapping)
  14. given an non matrix of 1’s and 0’s, figure out if all the 1’s are connected
  15. rotate an array given an index within the array. ex: input - [1,2,3,4,5] output - [4,5,1,2,3]
  16. max sum subsequence in an array
  17. find highest sum in continuous subset in array
  18. in-order traversal of tree - now do it recursively
  19. given a list of x,y coordinates, find points that are colinear to each other.
  20. parse and compute math question as a string, with parenthesis and order of operations
  21. given an ordered list of numbers, find the longest arithmetic progression
  22. find the running median of a list of numbers as new ones are added
  23. remove duplicates in an unsorted array where the duplicates are at a distance of k or less from each other
  24. rotate a matrix
  25. convert a tree into a linked list
  26. compute top k numbers in an array
  27. find shortest path between two nodes in a graph
  32. if you had to build a new insurance company today what would be your products and business plan
  33. suppose you have a rectangle embedded on the plane, and a disk with the points contained within the rectangle. If you randomly throw a fixed triangle into the rectangle, what is the probability all its endpoints are contained within the circle?
  34. create a startup that suggest recipes based on ingredients in your customer’s fridge
  35. design a system to track engineer productivity
  36. how would you implement pac man?
  37. You are sent to a country where the people have no sexual education and people die from a lot of sexually transmitted diseases. You are given ten iphones and you have to lower the mortality rate, how will you do this?
  38. how do you design a secure computer system w/ no outside connectivity, but keep the system updated with the latest info?
  39. design an iPhone app
  40. what exactly happens when you enter into an address bar?
  41. describe a problem you would like to solve using Palantir’s tech
  42. design a high level card game interface
  43. describe how you would build a generic job scheduler for Palantir
  44. how would you generate a graph given only edges
  45. given 100 bottles of wine, with 1 of them poisoned, as well as 10 rats, find the poisoned one within 1 hour if it takes 45 mins for the poison to kill a rat.
  46. Say you have a farm, what classes would you use to describe it… now imagine a person and a horse went out into a field and became a centaur. what would you do then?
  47. how would you design a full text search engine
  48. sketch our an implementation of Asteroids
  49. favorite design pattern?
  50. how would you design netflix and how would the data be stored
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