
Tobin-Alm Supports

Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. Tobin and Alm Supports
  3. C
  5. Tobin- Hey Alm, how's tricks?
  6. Alm- Hey Tobin. What's up?
  7. Tobin- Between this battle and the last one, it's been pretty uneventful I suppose.
  8. Alm- Are you sure about that Tobin? In our last battle, the enemy surrounded you and Gray had to come and save you.
  9. Tobin- I had everything under control! I don't need you to sit here and tell me how great Gray is when I was doing fine enough on my own, thank you!
  10. Alm- I-I'm sorry Tobin, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just concerned, that's all.
  11. Tobin- Yeah, well whatever. Anyway, how's life in The Deliverance been? Is it everything you'd hoped it would be?
  12. Alm- It's far from perfect, but being able to go out and serve my country, and to help her people on a daily basis more than makes up for that.
  13. Tobin- Eh. To each his own I suppose.
  14. Alm- How do you mean?
  15. Tobin- I mean, I just don't get how you can just get up and fight for this country on a whim, not knowing whether you're going to get anything in return or not. Most soldiers in The Deliverance only work as hard as they do so that they can have enough money to sustain themselves and their families. I'm no different.
  16. Alm- I don't really have anyone to worry about aside from grandfather.
  17. Tobin- But you need to have something to support yourself with Alm! This war isn't gonna last forever, and you aren't the type to just up and die.
  18. Alm- Tobin, we aren't kids anymore. Every day we risk our lives in combat, and every day that we aren't slain on the battlefield is a lucky day in my book.
  19. Tobin- Alm, that's not the point. If we do make it through this war, what then?
  20. Alm- I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
  21. Tobin- Alm...
  24. B
  27. Alm- Hey Tobin. Are you alright?
  28. Tobin- What, this? It's nothing. I've seen worse injuries from Sir Mycen's hogs.
  29. Alm- Tobin, your arm is bleeding really bad. You should go to the back and get it patched up before it gets any worse.
  30. Tobin- Alm, listen, I'm fine. Go on back to the front lines, I'm perfectly fine.
  31. Alm- Tobin, listen to me. I know that you don't want to admit it, but it's very obvious that you're in horrible pain, and I need you to acknowledge the fact that if you don't get this treated, you could die.
  32. Tobin- Would you just buzz off!? I said I'm fine!
  33. Alm- Tobin, what happens when I let you go off with a grisly wound like that and you get finished off by one of our enemies? What do you expect me to do when I'm carrying my best friend all the way home to Ram Village in a box!? When I have to explain to his family that he died a stupid death because he refused to get patched up because he was too proud to admit that he was injured!? If you don't care about how I feel, then for the sake of your little brothers, please go and get patched up!
  34. Tobin- Alright, alright. Good goblets you're paranoid. But out of respect for my little brothers, I'll go to the back and get patched up. But this isn't over Alm. Be ready, because we're going to duel, just like we used to when we were in ltraining with Sir Mycen. And I'm going to show you just how wrong you are about me.
  35. *Tobin collapses*
  36. Alm- I better get him to the back. I hope this doesn't take long.
  39. A
  42. Tobin- Hey, Alm, I'm sorry about what I said to you the other day.
  43. Alm- For what you said to me when I was holding you down so the cleric could tend to your wounds, or for what you said to me in our duel?
  44. Tobin- Both. The way I talked to you and called you names was innapropriate of me, and I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean anything by it.
  45. Alm- It's alright, Tobin. Really. I'm not Kliff.
  46. Tobin- No, it's not alright. You've been nothing but concerned about me, and in turn I yelled at you and gave you a hard time.
  47. Alm- Tobin. Listen to me. You made a mistake. You apologized. Let it go and learn from it.
  48. Tobin- Alm... I just want to impress you guys. I want to impress my siblings. When I come home from the war, I don't want them to be hearing about the exploits of Alm and Gray and Kliff and Faye, I want them to hear about the exploits of Tobin, how he persevered, how he did... Something worth talking about!
  49. Alm- But Tobin, you've already done that! You joined The Deliverance to be able to put food on the table for your family back home. You're efforts are going to put your little brothers through school. Even if you don't make a big name for yourself, you'll always be the hero that gave your brothers an education. And at the end of the day, I feel like they'd care about that a lot more than they'd care about what me and Gray and everyone else has done.
  50. Tobin- Yeah... Yeah! You're right! And I have you and Gray behind me all the way! Thanks Alm!
  51. Alm- Don't mention it. I'm here if you ever need to talk.
  52. Tobin- Back at you.
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