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a guest
Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. command /live [<text>]:
  2. permission: YT
  3. permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission !
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not set:
  6. send "&cUtilisation » /live <lien>"
  7. if arg 1 is set:
  8. if {} is false:
  9. loop all players:
  10. if {} is false:
  11. send "&b&l(Lauren) &fVotre live va bientôt commencer !" to player
  12. wait 5 seconds
  13. broadcast "&7&m--------------------------------"
  14. broadcast " &6&l&k||&b&l Annonce &6&l&k||"
  15. broadcast "&b%sender% &fest en live sur Urania !"
  16. execute console command "/tellraw @a ["""",{""text"":""&fPour ne pas rater ça &b» ""},{""text"":""&a(Clique ici)"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/info live""},""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""&fClique pour voir le live !""}}]"
  17. broadcast "&7&m--------------------------------"
  18. set {} to arg 1
  19. set {} to sender
  20. set {} to true
  21. set {} to true
  22. wait 1 hours
  23. set {} to false
  24. stop
  25. if {} is true:
  26. send "&cUn live est déjà en cours ! Patientez."
  27. if {} is true:
  28. send "&cVous devez attendre 1 heure !"
  30. command /stoplive:
  31. permission: YT
  32. trigger:
  33. if sender is {}:
  34. clear {}
  35. send "&b&l(Lauren) &fLe live a été stoppé !"
  36. set {} to false
  37. else:
  38. send "&cAucun live n'est en cours ou vous n'êtes pas celui qui fait un live !"
  40. command /info live:
  41. trigger:
  42. if {} is not set:
  43. send ""
  44. send "&b&l(Lauren) &fLive en cours:"
  45. send ""
  46. send " &f&oAucun live."
  47. send ""
  48. if {} is not "<none>":
  49. send ""
  50. send "&b&l(Lauren) &fLive en cours:"
  51. send ""
  52. send " &f&o%{}%"
  53. if sender = "%{}%":
  54. execute console command "/tellraw %{}% ["""",{""text"":"" ""},{""text"":""&c&l(STOP)"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/stoplive""},""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""&fClique pour stopper le live !""}}]"
  55. send ""
  57. command /debuglive [<player>]:
  58. permission: op
  59. trigger:
  60. if arg 1 is not set:
  61. set {} to false
  62. send "&aOkay"
  63. if arg 1 is set:
  64. if arg 1 is a player:
  65. set { 1%} to false
  66. send "&aVous pouvez désormais utiliser le /live !"
  67. else:
  68. send "&cCe joueur n'existe pas !"
  70. on first join:
  71. set {} to false
  73. every 3 minutes:
  74. if {} is true:
  75. loop all players:
  76. broadcast "&7&m--------------------------------"
  77. broadcast " &6&l&k||&b&l Annonce &6&l&k||"
  78. broadcast "&b%{}% &fest en live sur Urania !"
  79. execute console command "/tellraw @a ["""",{""text"":""&fPour ne pas rater ça &b» ""},{""text"":""&a(Clique ici)"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/info live""},""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""&fClique pour voir le live !""}}]"
  80. broadcast "&7&m--------------------------------"
  81. if {} is false:
  82. stop
  84. every 2 minutes:
  85. if {} is true:
  86. send "&7&oPss... Si tu n'est plus en live fais /stoplive !" to {}
  87. else:
  88. stop
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