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a guest
Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. command /bgf [<text>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if name of player is "szejkus":
  4. if arg 1 is not set:
  5. execute player command "//undo"
  6. execute player command "//paste"
  7. if arg 1 is set:
  8. execute player command "//undo"
  9. execute player command "//rotate %arg%"
  10. execute player command "//paste"
  11. command /evz:
  12. trigger:
  13. if player is op:
  14. loop {spawnery::1::*}:
  15. spawn 1 zombie at loop-value
  16. set helmet of last spawned entity to diamond ore
  17. on command:
  18. if command is "repair":
  19. if player's tool is diamond pickaxe of efficiency 1000:
  20. cancel event
  21. send "&eNie mozesz naprawic tego kilofa!"
  22. stop
  23. on rightclick with stone axe:
  24. if name of player is "Szejkus":
  25. execute player command "/summon Shulker ~ ~-2 ~ {NoAI:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Glowing:1b}"
  26. on join:
  27. execute console command "pex user %player% add essentials.msg"
  28. set {tnt.%player%} to false
  29. command /skarb [<text>] [<number>]:
  30. trigger:
  31. if player is op:
  32. if arg 1 is not set:
  33. send "/skarb add ilosc"
  34. send "/skarb remove ilosc"
  35. if arg 1 is "tabliczka":
  36. if target block is sign:
  37. set {tab} to true
  38. send "Teraz click na tabliczke:"
  39. else:
  40. Send "&4Tabliczka xd"
  41. if arg 1 is set:
  42. if arg 2 is set:
  43. if arg 1 is "add":
  44. add arg 2 to {skarb.panstwa}
  45. loop {tabliczka.status::*}:
  46. set line 3 of loop-value to "%{skarb.panstwa}%$"
  47. if arg 1 is "remove":
  48. remove arg 2 from {skarb.panstwa}
  49. loop {tabliczka.status::*}:
  50. set line 3 of loop-value to "%{skarb.panstwa}%$"
  51. else:
  52. send "Nieznana komenda! Uzyj /info"
  53. on command:
  54. if name of player is not "Szejkus":
  55. log "%player% - /%command%" to "komendy.log"
  56. on right click with stick:
  57. cancel event
  58. if player is sneaking:
  59. execute player command "//copy"
  60. send "&aKopiowanie"
  61. else:
  62. execute player command "//rotate -90"
  63. send "&a-90 &cstopni"
  64. on left click with stick:
  65. cancel event
  66. if player is sneaking:
  67. execute player command "//paste -a"
  68. send "&aWklejanie"
  69. else:
  70. execute player command "//rotate 90"
  71. send "&a+90 &cstopni"
  72. on right click with bone:
  73. cancel event
  74. if player is sneaking:
  75. execute player command "//replace 13 0"
  76. send "&aGotowe"
  77. else:
  78. execute player command "//set 20%%4,5%%1:6,10%%1:5,20%%1,10%%98,10%%13"
  79. send "&a%% zsetowane!"
  80. on left click with bone:
  81. cancel event
  82. if player is sneaking:
  83. execute player command "//replace 17 17:4"
  84. send "&aDrzewo ustawione"
  85. else:
  86. execute player command "//replace 17 17:8"
  87. send "&aDrzewo ustawione"
  88. command /setname [<text>]:
  89. trigger:
  90. if arg 1 is set:
  91. set name of player's tool to coloured arg
  92. set lore of player's tool to "&aAktywny"
  93. else:
  94. send "&4Podaje nazwe!"
  95. command /cc:
  96. trigger:
  97. if player have permission "":
  98. loop 100 times:
  99. broadcast ""
  100. command /tele [<text>]:
  101. trigger:
  102. if player is op:
  103. if arg 1 is set:
  104. log "%arg% %location of player%" to "teleporty.log"
  105. set {%arg 1%} to location of player
  106. remove all arg 1 from {teles::*}
  107. add arg 1 to {teles::*}
  108. send "&4Pomyslnie utworzono teleport %arg 1%"
  109. else:
  110. send "&4Poprawne uzycie: &f/tele nazwa"
  111. else:
  112. send "Nieznana komenda! Uzyj /info"
  113. command /teles:
  114. trigger:
  115. send "&eTeleporty:"
  116. loop {teles::*}:
  117. send "- %loop-value%"
  118. command /spawn:
  119. trigger:
  120. teleport player to {spawn}
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