
NPCs' IDs from the Guild Wars 2 Raids

Aug 5th, 2018
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  1. List of NPCs (to track):
  2. //Spirits:
  3. Sun Spirit,6330
  4. Spirit of Frost,6369
  5. Stone Spirit,6370
  6. Storm Spirit,6371
  7. Spirit of Nature Renewal,6649
  8. Water Spirit,12778
  9. //VG: 15438
  10. Seeker,15426
  11. Blue Guardian,15431
  12. Red Guardian,15433
  13. Green Guardian,15420
  14. //Gorseval: 15429
  15. Charged Soul,15434
  16. Enraged Spirit,16024 //not tracked
  17. Angered Spirit,16005 //not tracked
  18. Spectral Darkness,12840 //(GADGET!) not tracked
  19. Spirit Barrier,7719 //(GADGET!) not tracked
  20. //Sabetha: 15375
  21. Kernan,15372
  22. Knuckles,15404
  23. Karde,15430
  24. Bandit Sapper,15423 //not tracked
  25. Bandit Thug,15397 //not tracked
  26. Bandit Arsonist,15421 //not tracked
  27. Bandit Sniper,15400 //not tracked (no point since they are fixed, permanent and invulnerable?)
  28. //Sloth: 16123
  29. Slubling,16064,16071,16077,16104 //not tracked
  30. Poison Mushroom,14340 //(GADGET!) not tracked
  31. //Matthias: 16115
  32. Matthias spirit,16105,16114
  33. Icy Patch,16139
  34. Storm Cloud,16108
  35. Fiery Tornado,16068
  36. //KC: 16235
  37. Olson the Elder,16244
  38. Engul the Calculating,16274
  39. Faerla the Fastidious,16264
  40. Caulle the Vociferous,16282
  41. Henley the Tremulous,16236
  42. Jessica the Benevolent,16278
  43. Galletta the Persistent,16228
  44. Ianim the Architect,16248
  45. Construct Core,16261
  46. Xeras Phantasm (green circle position and duration),16237
  47. Insidious Projection (merged red phantasm),16227
  48. Unstable Ley Rift,16277
  49. Radiant Phantasm,16259
  50. Crimson Phantasm,16257
  51. Retriever Projection,16249 //not tracked
  52. //Xera: 16246, second phase: 16286
  53. Xeras Phantasm,16225 //not tracked
  54. White Mantle Seeker,16238,16283 //not tracked
  55. White Mantle Knight,16251 //not tracked
  56. White Mantle Battle Mage,16221 //not tracked
  57. Exquisite Conjunction,16232 //not tracked
  58. Bloodstone Shard,13864 //(GADGET!)
  59. //Cairn: 17194
  60. Spirit Energy,15362 // (GADGET!) not tracked (no idea what this is though)
  61. //MO: 17172
  62. Jade Scout,17181
  63. Floor Tile,14336 // (GADGET!) not tracked (not 100% sure it's actually the tile)
  64. //Samarog: 17188
  65. Guldhem,17208
  66. Rigom,17124
  67. Spear of Revulsion,13862 //(GADGET!) not tracked
  68. Spear of Aggression,13858 //(GADGET!) not tracked
  69. //Deimos: 17154
  70. Saul (friendly),17126
  71. Saul (thief),17206
  72. Saul (gambler),17335
  73. Saul (fake clones),17161
  74. Saul(correct clone),17355
  75. Saul (drunkard),17163
  76. Black Oil,17332
  77. Demonic Tear,17303
  78. Greed,17213 //not tracked
  79. Pride,17233
  80. Deimos Hands,17221 //not tracked
  81. Deimos 10%,41317 //(GADGET!)
  82. //Soulless Horror: 19767
  83. Tormented Dead,19422
  84. Fake Tormented Dead (invuln),19819 //not tracked (not important since they are only remains from the start of the fight)
  85. Surging Soul (wall),19474
  86. Spinning Scythe,19396
  87. Flesh Wurm,19464 // not tracked
  88. Volatile Soul,15622 //(GADGET!) not tracked (Tormented Dead's Souls, probably spawn upon their death, red puddles?)
  89. //Dhuum: 19450
  90. Dhuums Messenger,19807
  91. Enders Echo,19628
  92. Dhuums Enforcer,19681
  93. Deathling,19759 // not tracked
  94. Underworld Reaper,19831 // not tracked
  95. Invisiman,6989 // not tracked
  96. //Conjured Amalgamate: 43974 (GADGET!) (21067 <- old)
  97. Left Arm: 37464 (GADGET!) // not tracked
  98. Right Arm: 10142 (GADGET!) // not tracked
  99. Conjured Greatsword: 21255 // not tracked
  100. Conjured Shield: 21170 // not tracked
  101. //Nikare: 21105, Kenut: 21089 // not tracked
  102. //Qadim: 20934 // not tracked
  103. Ancient Invoked Hydra, 21285 // not tracked
  104. ApocalypseBringer, 21073 // not tracked
  105. WyvernMatriarch, 20997 // not tracked
  106. WyvernPatriarch,21183 // not tracked
  107. Iceborn Hydra,21163 // not tracked
  108. LavaElemental1,21236 // not tracked
  109. LavaElemental2, 21078 // not tracked
  110. GreaterMagmaElemental1, 21150 // not tracked
  111. GreaterMagmaElemental2, 21223 // not tracked
  112. FireElemental, 21221 // not tracked
  113. FireImp, 21100 // not tracked
  114. PyreGuardian, 21050 // not tracked
  115. ReaperofFlesh, 21218 // not tracked
  116. IceElemental, 21049 // not tracked
  117. Zommoros, 20961 // not tracked
  119. Fractals:
  120. Fractal Vindicator,19684 // not tracked
  121. Fractal Avenger,15960 // not tracked
  122. //MAMA: 17021
  123. Green Synergetic Assault Knight,16906 // not tracked
  124. Red Static Assault Knight,16974 // not tracked
  125. Blue Dynamic Assault Knight,16899 // not tracked
  126. Twisted Horror,17009 // not tracked
  127. //Siax: 17028
  128. Volatile Hallucination,17002
  129. Echo of the Unclean,17068 // not tracked
  130. //Ensolyss: 16948
  131. Nightmare Hallucination (exploding after jump and charging in last phase),16912 // not tracked
  132. Nightmare Hallucination  (small adds, last phase),17033 // not tracked
  133. //Skorvald: 17632
  134. Flux Anomaly (4th),17673 // not tracked
  135. Flux Anomaly (3rd),17851 // not tracked
  136. Flux Anomaly (2nd),17770 // not tracked
  137. Flux Anomaly (1st),17599 // not tracked
  138. Solar Bloom,17732  // not tracked
  139. //Artsariiv (Also correct for Split phase): 17949
  140. Temporal Anomaly,17870 // not tracked
  141. Spark,17630 // not tracked
  142. Artsariiv (Tiny Adds),17811 // not tracked
  143. Artsariiv (Big Adds),17937 // not tracked
  144. Artsariiv (Small Adds),17694  // not tracked
  145. //Arkk: 17759
  146. Temporal Anomaly,17720 // not tracked
  147. Archdiviner,17893 // not tracked
  148. Fanatic,11282 // not tracked
  149. Solar Bloom,17732 // not tracked
  150. Brazen Gladiator,17730 // not tracked
  151. BLIGHT K1T-B,16437 // not tracked
  152. PLINK K1T-B,16325 // not tracked
  153. DOC K1T-B,16657 // not tracked
  154. CHOP K1T-B,16552 // not tracked
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