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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. cadlage: we find out who the killer is, probably confrim that its mikey
  2. cadlage: then kill mikey
  3. Amir: is there anyway to hard evidence it?
  4. cadlage: well
  5. cadlage: owl has been suspicious but i dont think hes high enoughlvl
  6. cadlage: but maybe he is...
  7. cadlage: and do you remember if owl has bugbutcher?
  8. Amir: like, is there any way we can HARD solid evidence it? like, undeniable?
  9. Amir: at this point, might be too late
  10. cadlage: honestly not till tomorrow
  11. cadlage: FUCK i really wish I had been able to click his ship
  12. cadlage: I was SO CLOSE
  13. Amir: i wanna know WHY it happened the most
  14. cadlage: 10:15 PM - Cavik (1): ye
  15. 10:16 PM - Cavik (1): still dont get the motive
  16. 10:16 PM - Cavik (1): what did discoul ever do
  17. 10:16 PM - cadlage: ive no idea
  18. 10:16 PM - cadlage: didnt even kill him
  19. 10:16 PM - cadlage: just downed and ran
  20. 10:16 PM - Cavik (1): to send a message?
  21. 10:17 PM - Cavik (1): only reason thatd happen is like to send a message
  22. 11:38 PM - Cavik is now Away.
  23. Amir: like, why what do you wanna kill discoul
  24. Amir: that makes sense
  25. Amir: but, did he even take discouls loot, or anything?
  26. Amir: like did he do it for items?
  27. cadlage: nope
  28. Amir: so he killed and left?
  29. cadlage: yep
  30. cadlage: well, downed and left
  31. cadlage: didnt even kill him no less
  32. cadlage: to be fair maybe he was intending to kill but i was there
  33. Amir: so he literally just came to down him, and leave
  34. Amir: did it look like he was gonna kill him or did it look like he intentionally spared or downed
  35. cadlage: wouldnt be able to tell
  36. cadlage: again he only hit discoul like four times and downed him
  37. cadlage: one more hit couldve killed
  38. Amir: ok im assuming he came with the intent to down then, because if it was only 4 hits to down he easily couldve just given one more
  39. Amir: whered it happen?
  40. cadlage: palmbeach, me and queuenard were helping discoul unbeach his boat
  41. cadlage: he built it on land
  42. cadlage: we eventually got it
  43. Amir: whatd queuenard do? isnt he a marine
  44. cadlage: he got flung away right before it happened
  45. Amir: LOL
  46. Amir: so you were the only one to see it happen then? no other witnesses?
  47. cadlage: me and discoul yes
  48. cadlage: i sent a pic of him driving away
  49. cadlage: but other than that no witnesses
  50. Amir: yes i remember, the only people i can determine from that picture is mikey or maybe owl
  51. Amir: literally who else could it be?
  52. cadlage: yep
  53. cadlage: and Im actually pretty confident its owl
  54. cadlage: im not completely sure but im pretty sure he had a bugblade
  55. cadlage: he randomly said he didnt own a sailboat when i asked
  56. cadlage: ALSO, when i said "did you attack" i never said who, but he said no
  57. Amir: owl is such a strange person to do such a thing though, like its hard to believe it, hes just a random average player and we've barely seen him do anything besides sell us rock candy
  58. cadlage: right
  59. Amir: theres no hard proof either though
  60. Amir: like how can we dead proof owl?
  61. Amir: we cant
  62. Amir: too many plot holes
  63. cadlage: we might see tmrw
  64. cadlage: kidnap and interrogate :)
  65. Amir: owl?
  66. cadlage: maybe
  67. Amir: you already interrogated him though
  68. cadlage: barely
  69. cadlage: i asked one question and he walked off
  70. cadlage: got on his rowboat and rowed away
  71. cadlage: that WHITE SAILBOAT is still at spawn
  72. Amir: he denied everything though, kidnapping and questioning him wont change anything
  73. cadlage: it was abandoned
  74. Amir: so the killer literally abandoned the sailboat?
  75. Amir: like he left the saibloat at spawn?
  76. cadlage: i dont knwo if that was the same sailboat
  77. cadlage: but all i know is that a whtie sailboat is abandoned at spawn
  78. cadlage: cavik went to spawn soon after the incident
  79. cadlage: and he never saw anybody come in
  80. cadlage: so a likely scenario is that they changed directions
  81. cadlage: couldve possibly went to oasis
  82. Amir: are you sure no one was seen? at all on spawn?
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