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Aug 19th, 2019
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  1. AMOUNTMAX: '&2&l(!) &7Số lượng lớn nhất là {max}'
  2. MOD: '&2&l(!) &7TNT sẽ được sử dụng từ Faction Bank bởi vì túi đồ bạn không còn TNT và vai trò của bạn là&a {role}&7.'
  3. DESCRIPTION: Lấp đầy TNT vào Dispensers xung quanh bạn
  4. UNBAN:
  5. DESCRIPTION: Bỏ cấm người chơi khỏi Faction
  6. NOTBANNED: '&a%s &7không bị cấm!'
  7. UNBANNED: '&a%1$s &7đã unban &a%2$s'
  8. TARGET: '&7Bạn đã được unban bởi &a%s'
  11. SUCCESS: SafeZone đã được unclaim.
  12. NOPERM: Vì đây là khu vực hệ thống. Bạn không có quyền chiếm giữ.
  13. WARZONE:
  14. SUCCESS: WarZone đã được unclaim
  15. NOPERM: Vì đây là khu vực hệ thống. Bạn không có quyền chiếm giữ.
  16. UNCLAIMED: '%1$s đã unclaim lãnh thổ của bạn.'
  17. UNCLAIMS: Bạn đã unclaim phần lãnh thổ này.
  18. LOG: '%1$s đã unclaim (%2$s) đất khỏi faction: %3$s'
  19. WRONGFACTION: Bạn không sở hữu phần đất này.
  20. TOUNCLAIM: để unclaim phần đất này
  21. FORUNCLAIM: để unclaim phần đất này
  22. FACTIONUNCLAIMED: '%1$s đã unclaim vài phần lãnh thổ Faction.'
  23. DESCRIPTION: Unclaim phần đất bạn đang đứng
  24. CLICKTOUNCLAIM: Nhấn để Unclaim &a(%1$d, %2$d)
  26. TOUNCLAIM: để unclaim tất cả phần đất của faction
  27. FORUNCLAIM: để unclaim tất cả phần đất của faction
  28. UNCLAIMED: '&a%1$s&7 đã unclaim &ATẤT CẢ&7 phần đất trong faction của bạn.'
  29. LOG: '%1$s đã unclaim tất cả cho: %2$s'
  30. DESCRIPTION: Unclaim tất cả phần đất của factions
  31. VERSION:
  32. NAME: '&2&l(!) &4&lSAVAGE FACTION &7- &a&lTRANSLATE BY PEASHOP &2&l(!)'
  33. VERSION: '&7Phiên bản a» &7%1$s&7 - &aGreen Themed'
  34. DESCRIPTION: Hiện tất cả thông tin về Plugins
  36. DESCRIPTION: Unclaim all warzone land
  37. SUCCESS: You unclaimed ALL war zone land.
  38. LOG: '%1$s unclaimed all war zones.'
  39. RULES:
  41. MSG: '&cThis command is disabled!'
  42. DESCRIPTION: set/remove/add rules!
  43. ADD:
  44. INVALIDARGS: Please include a rule!
  45. SUCCESS: '&cRule added successfully!'
  46. SET:
  47. INVALIDARGS: Please include a line number & rule!
  48. SUCCESS: '&cRule set successfully!'
  49. REMOVE:
  50. INVALIDARGS: Please include a line number!
  51. SUCCESS: '&cRule removed successfully!'
  52. CLEAR:
  53. SUCCESS: '&cRule cleared successfully!'
  54. command:
  55. help:
  56. invitations: 'You might want to close it and use invitations:'
  58. GRACE:
  59. TOGGLED: '&7Grace flag bây giờ đã được &a%1$s'
  60. COMMANd:
  61. GRACE:
  62. DESCRIPTION: Does grace toggling
  63. LEAVE:
  64. PASSADMIN: You must give the admin role to someone else first.
  65. NEGATIVEPOWER: You cannot leave until your power is positive.
  66. TOLEAVE: to leave your faction.
  67. FORLEAVE: for leaving your faction.
  68. LEFT: '%s left faction %s.'
  69. DISBANDED: '%s was disbanded.'
  70. DISBANDEDLOG: The faction %s (%s) was disbanded due to the last player (%s) leaving.
  71. DESCRIPTION: \n &a&l» &7Leave your faction
  72. CLAIM:
  73. PROTECTED: This land is protected
  74. DISABLED: Sorry, this world has land claiming disabled.
  75. CANTCLAIM: You can't claim land for %s.
  76. ALREADYOWN: '%s already own this land.'
  77. MUSTBE: You must be %s to claim land.
  78. MEMBERS: Factions must have at least %s members to claim land.
  79. SAFEZONE: You can not claim a Safe Zone.
  80. WARZONE: You can not claim a War Zone.
  81. POWER: You can't claim more land!You need more power!
  82. LIMIT: Limit reached. You can't claim more land!
  83. ALLY: You can't claim the land of your allies.
  84. CONTIGIOUS: You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first
  85. claim or controlled by another faction!
  86. FACTIONCONTIGUOUS: You can only claim additional land which is connected to your
  87. first claim!
  88. PEACEFUL: '%s owns this land. Your faction is peaceful, so you cannot claim land
  89. from other factions.'
  90. PEACEFULTARGET: '%s owns this land, and is a peaceful faction. You cannot claim
  91. land from them.'
  92. THISISSPARTA: '%s owns this land and is strong enough to keep it.'
  93. BORDER: You must start claiming land at the border of the territory.
  94. TOCLAIM: to claim this land
  95. FORCLAIM: for claiming this land
  96. TOOVERCLAIM: to overclaim this land
  97. FOROVERCLAIM: for over claiming this land
  98. CLAIMED: '%s claimed land for %s from %s.'
  99. CLAIMEDLOG: '%s claimed land at (%s) for the faction: %s'
  101. DISABLED: Over claiming is disabled on this server.
  102. TOOCLOSETOOTHERFACTION: Your claim is too close to another Faction. Buffer required
  103. is %d
  104. OUTSIDEWORLDBORDER: Your claim is outside the border.
  105. OUTSIDEBORDERBUFFER: Your claim is outside the border. %d chunks away world edge
  106. required.
  107. CLICK:
  108. TO:
  109. CLAIM: Click to try to claim &2(%1$d, %2$d)
  110. MAP:
  111. OUTSIDEBORDER: '&cThis claim is outside the worldborder!'
  112. YOUAREHERE: You are here
  113. 'NO':
  115. PERM: You do not have permission from your faction leader to do this!
  116. GENERIC:
  117. YOU: you
  118. YOURFACTION: your faction
  119. NOPERMISSION: You don't have permission "%1$s" required to %2$s.
  120. FPERM:
  121. NOPERMISSION: '&7The faction leader does not allow you to &c%1$s.'
  122. DOTHAT: do that
  123. NOPLAYERMATCH: No player match found for "<plugin>%1$s".
  124. NOPLAYERFOUND: No player "<plugin>%1$s" could not be found.
  125. ARGS:
  126. TOOFEW: '&aMô tả không đúng, hãy sử dụng theo cú pháp:'
  127. TOOMANY: 'Strange argument "<plugin>%1$s". Use the command like this:'
  128. DEFAULTDESCRIPTION: Default faction description :(
  129. OWNERS: 'Owner(s): %1$s'
  130. PUBLICLAND: Public faction land.
  131. FACTIONLESS: factionless
  132. SERVERADMIN: A server admin
  133. DISABLED: disabled
  134. ENABLED: enabled
  135. INFINITY: ∞
  136. CONSOLEONLY: This command cannot be run as a player.
  137. PLAYERONLY: This command can only be used by ingame players.
  138. ASKYOURLEADER: ' Ask your leader to:'
  139. YOUSHOULD: 'You should:'
  140. YOUMAYWANT: 'You may want to: '
  142. VERSION: 'Translation: %1$s(%2$s,%3$s) State: %4$s'
  143. CONTRIBUTORS: 'Translation contributors: %1$s'
  144. RESPONSIBLE: 'Responsible for translation: %1$s'
  146. TOOSHORT: The faction tag can't be shorter than %1$s chars.
  147. TOOLONG: The faction tag can't be longer than %s chars.
  148. ALPHANUMERIC: Faction tag must be alphanumeric. "%s" is not allowed.
  149. PLACEHOLDER: <This is a placeholder for a message you should not see>
  150. NOTENOUGHMONEY: '&cYou dont have enough money!'
  151. MONEYTAKE: '&c{amount} has been taken from your account.'
  153. FOUND: '&cCouldn''t find a faction with that name!'
  154. YOUMUSTBE: '&cYour must be atleast %1$s to do this!'
  155. MEMBERONLY: '&cYou must be in a faction to do this!'
  157. NOFACTION: '&cYou need a faction to use a warbanner!'
  158. COOLDOWN: '&cThe warbanner is on cooldown for your faction!'
  159. INVALIDLOC: '&cYou can only use warbanners in enemy land or the warzone'
  160. COMPASS:
  161. SHORT:
  162. NORTH: N
  163. EAST: E
  164. SOUTH: S
  165. WEST: W
  166. CHAT:
  167. MOD: mod chat
  168. FACTION: faction chat
  169. ALLIANCE: alliance chat
  170. TRUCE: truce chat
  171. PUBLIC: public chat
  172. ECON:
  173. 'OFF': no %s
  174. FORMAT: '###,###.###'
  175. RELATION:
  176. MEMBER:
  177. SINGULAR: member
  178. PLURAL: members
  179. ALLY:
  180. SINGULAR: ally
  181. PLURAL: allies
  182. TRUCE:
  183. SINGULAR: truce
  184. PLURAL: truces
  185. NEUTRAL:
  186. SINGULAR: neutral
  187. PLURAL: neutrals
  188. ENEMY:
  189. SINGULAR: enemy
  190. PLURAL: enemies
  191. ROLE:
  192. LEADER: leader
  193. COLEADER: coleader
  194. MODERATOR: moderator
  195. NORMAL: normal member
  196. RECRUIT: recruit
  197. REGION:
  198. SAFEZONE: safezone
  199. WARZONE: warzone
  200. WILDERNESS: wilderness
  201. PEACEFUL: peaceful territory
  202. PLAYER:
  203. CANTHURT: You may not harm other players in %s
  204. SAFEAUTO: This land is now a safe zone.
  205. WARAUTO: This land is now a war zone.
  206. OUCH: Ouch, that is starting to hurt. You should give it a rest.
  207. USE:
  208. WILDERNESS: You can't use %s in the wilderness.
  209. SAFEZONE: You can't use %s in a safe zone.
  210. WARZONE: You can't use %s in a war zone.
  211. TERRITORY: You can't %s in the territory of %s.
  212. OWNED: 'You can''t use %s in this territory, it is owned by: %s.'
  213. COMMAND:
  214. WARZONE: You can't use the command '%s' in warzone.
  215. NEUTRAL: You can't use the command '%s' in neutral territory.
  216. ENEMY: You can't use the command '%s' in enemy territory.
  217. PERMANENT: You can't use the command '%s' because you are in a permanent faction.
  218. ALLY: You can't use the command '%s' in ally territory.
  219. WILDERNESS: You can't use the command '%s' in the wilderness.
  220. POWER:
  221. NOLOSS:
  222. PEACEFUL: You didn't lose any power since you are in a peaceful faction.
  223. WORLD: You didn't lose any power due to the world you died in.
  224. WILDERNESS: You didn't lose any power since you were in the wilderness.
  225. WARZONE: You didn't lose any power since you were in a war zone.
  226. LOSS:
  227. WARZONE: |-
  228. The world you are in has power loss normally disabled, but you still lost power since you were in a war zone.
  229. Your power is now %d / %d
  230. NOW: Your power is now %d / %d
  231. PVP:
  232. LOGIN: Bạn không thể đánh người chơi sau %d giây.
  233. REQUIREFACTION: Bạn không thể đánh người choi khác khi chưa vào faction.
  234. FACTIONLESS: Bạn không thể đánh người chơi không ở trong faction.
  235. PEACEFUL: Peaceful players cannot participate in combat.
  236. NEUTRAL: You can't hurt neutral factions. Declare them as an enemy.
  237. CANTHURT: You can't hurt %s.
  238. NEUTRALFAIL: You can't \hurt %s in their own territory unless you declare them
  239. as an enemy.
  240. TRIED: '%s tried to hurt you.'
  241. NOPAGES: Sorry. No Pages available.
  242. INVALIDPAGE: Invalid page. Must be between 1 and %1$d
  243. title: '&bFactions &0|&r'
  244. wilderness: '&2Wilderness'
  245. wilderness-description: ''
  246. warzone: '&4Warzone'
  247. warzone-description: Not the safest place to be.
  248. safezone: '&6Safezone'
  249. safezone-description: Free from pvp and monsters.
  250. toggle-sb: You now have scoreboards set to {value}
  251. faction-leave: Leaving %1$s, Entering %2$s
  252. faction-announcement-top: '&d--Unread Faction Announcements--'
  253. faction-announcement-bottom: '&d--Unread Faction Announcements--'
  254. default-prefix: '{relationcolor}[{faction}]'
  255. faction-login: '&e%1$s &9logged in.'
  256. faction-logout: '&e%1$s &9logged out..'
  257. nofactions-prefix: '&6[&a-&6]&r'
  258. date-format: MM/d/yy h:ma
  259. raidable-true: 'true'
  260. raidable-false: 'false'
  261. WARMUPS:
  262. NOTIFY:
  263. FLIGHT: '&eFlight will enable in &d%2$d &eseconds.'
  264. TELEPORT: '&eYou will teleport to &d%1$s &ein &d%2$d &eseconds.'
  265. ALREADY: '&cYou are already warming up.'
  266. CANCELLED: '&cYou have cancelled your warmup.'
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