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Sep 19th, 2017
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  1. CTS: (\ My N4m3's ANG310, wh4t's y0urs br0? /)
  2. CKP: Zane)))
  3. CTS: (\ N0t y0u )) /)
  4. CTS: (\ FG )) /)
  5. CKP: 8D)))
  6. ?FG: Glitch, I suppose.
  7. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] equips The Book of Doom Summoning for Assholes. --
  8. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] takes out a knife. --
  9. CTS: (\ Th3N G1itCh, pr3p4r3 t0 N33d 4 r3p4ir. /)
  10. CSM: Start.
  11. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] quickly throws knife at Angelo. --
  12. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] quickly opens the book and flips through some pages. He then quickly steps to the side dodging the blade, barely, but purposely. --
  13. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] knife quickly reforms in hand and then proceeds to throw it at Angelo once more. --
  14. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] begins reading in a strange unknown language, this time he catches the blade with his hand, causing a deep indigo blooded gash. --
  15. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] then allows some of the blood to drip onto the page of the book. --
  16. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] waits. --
  17. CKP: how do you put the ??? in part before your handle?)))
  18. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] finally completes the cotract and smirks, he then tosses the knife to the ground and a sudden portal opens to his right, and a huge blast of high pressure water shoots at FG from it. --
  19. ?FG: {{You put the question mark in the small white time box and press go}}
  20. ??? knightofParadox [?KP] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  21. ?KP: test)
  22. CME: ♪ ♫ glub ♩ ♬
  23. ?KP: ...oh))
  24. ?KP: thanks)))
  25. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] a portal suddenly opens from behind, then proceeds to run into it as the portal disappears, then walks out of a portal that opens up on another side of the arena. --
  26. CTS: (\ H0w str4NG3. Y0u summ0N p0rt41s t0 m0v3, whi13 I summ0N th3m t0 4tt4Ck. This C0u1d b3 4 p4iN. N0t C001. /)
  27. ?FG: Well, I have some green sun energy in me, so you will have to deal with me having that.
  28. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] flips a few pages and yet another portal opens, this time shooting a burning hot blast of flames towards FG. --
  29. CME ceased responding to memo.
  30. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] knife quickly reforms in hand and then proceeds to throw it Angelo with deadly force, then attempts to quickly roll out of the way of the searing flames. --
  31. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would roll quickly as the flames cease, this time getting to a new page and a large portal forms in the sky releasing ominous dark clouds. --
  32. -- ??? knightofParadox [?KP] focuses watching the match from the stadium's railings --
  33. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] hand obtains a burn from the flames and quickly enters another portal that opens up, just like the one from before. --
  34. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would look around for the next portal as a heavy rain began, his book getting quite wet, but it's no problem for the waterproof book. --
  35. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] a portal forms from behind TS, and quickly rushes out at him with reformed knife in hand. --
  36. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would quickly close the book and smash downward on the blade, the book suprisingly made a loud metalic sound as it hit the blade. He then jumped back trying to gain some distance between the two. --
  37. CTS: (\ D4mN y0u'r3 f4st, I'm G0NN4 h4vt4 b14st y4 s00N. /)
  38. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] then proceeds to throw the knife at TS's legs. --
  39. ?FG: Indeed, I am.
  40. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] is hit by the blade and winces in pain, but then opens the book again, soon a large 5 blasts of lightning would strike the battlefeild, then they began moving towards FG. --
  41. CURRENT desertCanine [CDC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  42. -- CURRENT desertCanine [CDC] pulls his miniature golden throne out of his sylladex and sits on it --
  43. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] a portal opens up and rushes through it, another portal opening up on a different part of the arena, and runs out and at TS, a knife in each hand. --
  44. -- ??? knightofParadox [?KP] pulls up a directer's chair and takes a seat beside DC --
  45. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would quickly flip back a few pages and a small portal would open to his left shooting a small jet of super high pressure water at FG. --
  46. -- CURRENT desertCanine [CDC] pulls out a violet leg rest and rests his feet on it --
  47. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] gets hit by jet of water and crashes to the ground. --
  48. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] then then quickly directs the lightning towards FG. --
  49. -- ??? knightofParadox [?KP] puts up a shade umbrella on his chair --
  50. ?KP: 8)
  51. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] portal opens up beneath self and falls through it, then a portal opens up some feet above TS and comes straight out of it and right at him with both knives. --
  52. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  53. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] frowns and flips a few pages, a portal opens infront of him and a large pilar hits him lightly over to the side, then immediately gains large spikes all over for the falling FG. --
  54. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] hits him lightly backwards** --
  55. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to make a portal open up just before the spikes strike and falls into it, another portal opens up and falls out of it and onto the ground. --
  56. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] directs the lightning, high pressured water and flames all at FG's new location. --
  57. CTS: (\ Y0u'r3 4 t0uGh bitCh G1itCh. /)
  58. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to open up portals all around self. --
  59. ?FG: I guess so.
  60. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] quickly proceeds running towards glitch. --
  61. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to then run towards Angelo, the portals acting as a sort of barrier. --
  62. -- CURRENT sp1nneretMindfang [CSM] then closes the book deactivating all summons and picks up some speed. --
  63. CSM: whoops XP ))
  64. ?FG: {{?}}
  65. CSM: count it as TS of course ))
  66. CSM: I am TS ))
  67. ?FG: {{Okay.}}
  68. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to make the portals disappear around self and rushes straight TS with the two knives. --
  69. CSM: I need my name at the top of the window for less confusion or something XP ))
  70. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] knew it! The portals were a plan to reflect his attacks. With this theory decided he then changed his course running to FG's right opening the book again. This time summoning another large portal in the sky. The wind began to pick up horrificly. --
  71. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] Horrifically** --
  72. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to throw both of the knives at TS's shins and then makes a portal appear above self. --
  73. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would jumps and fall, rolling to the ground a bit with a smirk, he then opened a portal below FG blasting up the flames from earlier. --
  74. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] jumps up into portal above self, which then quickly proceeds to close shut, then comes out of a portal a few feet away from TS, and then proceeds to quickly rush at him with both reformed knives. --
  75. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would look at FG, he saw this coming. The portal in the sky suddnely began shooting down hard blasts of golf ball sized hail towards FG's path to block him from running further. Angelo the flipped a few pages and another portal opened to his right, this time blasting out sickles of searing winds. --
  76. CTS: (\ I C4N d0 this 411 NiGht, y0u k33p w4stiNG 3N3rGy whi13 I us3 miNim41 m0v3m3Nts t0 my 4dv4Nt4G3, y0u C4N't p0ssib1y h0p3 t0 wiN. /)
  77. ?FG: You're absolutely right, which is why....
  78. CTS: (\ Sh0w m3 y0ur t4CtiCs th3N. /)
  79. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] suddenly hundreds upon hundreds of portals begin to open up all around the arena and runs into one of them. --
  80. CTS: (\ 0f C0urs3. I h4d 4 f331iNG if y0u C0u1d 0p3N 0N3, y0u C0u1d 0p3N 4 bi11i0N. It's tim3 f0r 4 N3w hyp0th3sis th3N. /)
  81. ?KP: portal storms)))
  82. ?KP: aww yeah))
  83. CDC: ^...^
  84. CTS: (\ Th4t 411 th3s3 p0rt41s, 134d t0 0N3 p14C3. Th3N riGht b4Ck h3r3. /)
  85. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would quickly run into a portal made by FG. --
  86. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] suddenly a whole ton of knives begin to fly out from every portal. --
  87. CTS: the entrance or exits? Because I'm now inside the portal made by you, so to get me they'd have to come from the exit portal. ))
  88. ?FG: Exits.}}
  89. CTS: kay ))
  90. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would flip a few pages and a portal opens below him and falls in. It then closes after a few knives enter it. --
  91. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] a few more portals proceed to pop out in the arena, except without any knives flying out of them and proceeds to jump out of one and onto the ground. --
  92. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would then appear in the battlefeild again exiting another portal, all wet with a few knives sticking fron his houlder and left arm. --
  93. CTS: (\ UGh h4d t0 3sC4p3 t0 th3 w4t3rs f0r th4t 0N3...Stupid triCk... /)
  94. ?FG: How are you doing now?
  95. CTS: (\ Sh4rp3r, y0u kN0w, s33iNG th3 p0iNt b3tt3r th4N 3v3r N0w. /)
  96. CCS ceased responding to memo.
  97. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] the flying knives out of the portals don't seem to stop, but some of the knife portals do close. --
  98. ?FG: I see.
  99. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would flip through a few pages. opening three portals big enough to surround him, they all seem to be entrances to the top of a tornado, sucking in the knives while being unaffective to Angelo himself. --
  100. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] runs to one of the arena sides as the portal continue to close one by one. --
  101. ?FG: {{portals*}}
  102. CTS: (\ KN3w it, h01diNG s0 m4Ny 4t 0NC3 must C0Nsum3 Gr34t 3N3rGy, y0u h4v3 m3 trump3d wh3N it C0m3s t0 th3 Numb3r 0f summ0NiNGs y0u C4N d0, I 4m 1imit3d t0 s3v3r41 p0rt41s 4t 0N3 tim3. It t4k3s t00 muCh C0NC3Ntr4ti0N b3y0Nd th4t. Y0u 4r3 iNd33d d4NG3r0us. /)
  103. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] then flips a page, and the 5 bolts of lightning strike the stage again. Just like last time they quickly begin making their way towards FG. --
  104. ?FG: Perhaps one of the reasons why Derse residents found me somewhat dangerous.
  105. CTS: (\ S0m3wh4t is 4N uNd3rst4t3m3Nt. /)
  106. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] opens a portal above self and infront of self. --
  107. ?FG: I suppose so.
  108. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would open another portal behind FG this one containing the exit of the tornado, shooting out his own knives at him at speeds unmeasurable, all while pulling FG in as well. --
  109. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] immediately blocks with arm which proceeds to get skewered by the knives and gets sucked into the tornado. --
  110. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] then closes the book, not wanting to kill FG, because killing is not cool. --
  111. CTS: (\ I'm d0N3. /)
  112. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] lands on ground. --
  113. CTS: (\ Y0u s4tisfi3d my N33d f0r kN0w13dG3 f0r t0d4y. /)
  114. ?FG: I see, well twas a good fight, I enjoyed it.
  115. CDC: ^Hmm^
  116. CTS: (\ 1ik3wis3. /)
  117. -- CURRENT truechillSmuggler [CTS] would then begin walking towards the stands. --
  118. -- ??? fragmentedGlitch [?FG] proceeds to exit arena as all the knives in his arm proceed to dissolve away. --
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