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a guest
Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. tabby: we are oom
  4. tabby: lol
  5. tabby: why
  6. tabby: no one besides me and sivir want to win apparently
  7. tabby: trolling
  8. tabby: lmfao
  9. tabby: this fucking guy
  10. tabby: lul
  11. tabby: dang
  12. tabby: j4 getting out roamed
  13. tabby: by jayce
  14. tabby: and
  15. tabby: ekko
  16. tabby: and galio
  17. tabby: somehow
  18. tabby: nice duo you got there nasus
  19. tabby: really appreciate it
  20. tabby: you may as well be duoing with a free afk
  21. tabby: nice duo
  22. tabby: thanks for ruining my game
  23. tabby: with ur dogshit duo
  24. tabby: thanks nasus
  25. tabby: you ruined the game for the 3 other people u queued into
  26. tabby: j4 you have been more worthless than a caster minion
  27. tabby: nasus ruined the game duoing with an afker
  28. tabby: thanks man
  29. tabby: why wont u acknowledge that youve been afk j4
  30. tabby: ur taking cs
  31. tabby: but
  32. tabby: u do nothing
  33. tabby: ur basiaclly afk
  34. tabby: nice one
  35. tabby: sivir i thought u werent retarded but i guess not
  36. tabby: we lost this game when we queued into nasus duoing with j4
  37. tabby: incredible
  38. tabby: thanks nasus
  39. tabby: u duoed with a gold leech that just ints the enemy team
  40. tabby: 119 cs that couldve went to a teammate that would actually do something
  41. tabby: i dont care
  42. tabby: ur terrible
  43. tabby: incredible plat 2 mechanics
  44. tabby: from this guy
  45. tabby: ahhh ok i will farm and int the enemy team and do absolutely nothing
  46. tabby: ur unreal
  47. tabby: thanks for nothing nasus
  48. Post-Game
  49. tabby: i love that nasus duoed with this j4
  50. tabby: really makes my day
  51. tabby: queuing into someone who just leeches gold
  52. tabby: and ints
  53. tabby: and does nothing
  54. tabby: really incredible
  55. tabby: this guy was deprived of oxygen at birth
  56. tabby: jesus fucking christ
  57. tabby: i love when i queue into 40iq inbreds
  58. Game 2
  59. Pre-Game
  60. tabby: adc will u swap top ?
  61. tabby: or i can
  62. tabby: wont be last though
  63. In-Game
  64. tabby: free kill
  65. tabby: lul
  66. tabby: why start it lol
  67. tabby: cait had huge bounty
  68. tabby: not worth inting for
  69. tabby: without trying to kill
  70. tabby: 900g shutdown
  71. tabby: lol
  72. tabby: i have to stay with cait
  73. tabby: otherwise talon 1shot
  74. tabby: we should
  75. tabby: rest
  76. tabby: resset
  77. tabby: i still have baron
  78. tabby: u guys know that right
  79. tabby: why
  80. tabby: lol
  81. tabby: everyone on this team wants to 1v9
  82. tabby: and dies solo
  83. tabby: over and over
  84. tabby: why?
  85. tabby: stop being braindead
  86. tabby: we get caught?
  87. tabby: u died solo
  88. tabby: to talon
  89. tabby: in their jg
  90. tabby: lol
  91. tabby: idgi
  92. tabby: just fucking 5v5\
  93. tabby: unreal
  94. tabby: no they didnt
  95. tabby: urbjust bad
  96. tabby: and would rather int instead of win the game
  97. tabby: and play as a fucking team
  98. tabby: stop being useless
  99. tabby: 5v5 or we lose
  100. tabby: ur choice
  101. tabby: yeah solo dying over nad over
  102. tabby: is really working out for oyui
  103. tabby: u guys trolling or what
  104. tabby: just back uo
  105. tabby: we going to die
  106. tabby: wp
  107. tabby: nice one kha
  108. tabby: and fiora
  109. tabby: really great players
  110. tabby: LMFAO
  111. tabby: kha you are unreal
  112. tabby: fucking playing with his eyes closed
  113. tabby: dumbass
  114. tabby: thanks for feeding them uncontrollably
  115. tabby: we
  116. tabby: cant
  117. tabby: be
  118. tabby: here
  119. tabby: kha
  120. tabby: is
  121. tabby: griefing
  122. tabby: us
  123. tabby: STOP
  126. tabby: GJ
  127. tabby: ggwp
  128. Post-Game
  129. tabby: kha really wanted to lose that game
  130. tabby: wow
  131. tabby: jesus fucking christ
  132. tabby: diana and fio actually tried after we bitched about it
  133. tabby: kha griefed the whole game
  134. tabby: fucking ape
  135. tabby: 5 KP KHA
  136. tabby: u dont deserve lp
  137. tabby: kha
  138. tabby: u dont
  139. tabby: u were basically afk
  140. tabby: look at dmg chart kha
  141. tabby: look
  142. tabby: at
  143. tabby: dmg
  144. tabby: chart
  145. tabby: look
  146. tabby: at
  147. tabby: dmg
  148. tabby: chart
  149. tabby: u
  150. tabby: were
  151. tabby: afk
  152. tabby: u
  153. tabby: were
  154. tabby: afk
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