Guest User


a guest
Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. module.exports = {
  2. USERNAME: "ppatawaran96",
  3. PASSWORD: "Holyshitman",
  4. SHAREDSECRET: "qirBHP2tpUeTI/XN83uJ0PPzYSo=",
  6. NAME: "[Bot] Dongeroo",
  7. ADMINS: ["76561198323639847"], ["76561198080250669"]
  8. GAMESPLAYED: ["BUYING: 90%. SELLING: 102%", 730],
  9. RATES: {
  10. BUY: 90,
  11. SELL: 102,
  12. EXTRA: { // Only apply to the trader
  13. STICKER: 0, // Stickers, capsules, keys
  14. SOUVENIR: 0, // Packages, weapons
  15. STATTRAK: 0 // All stattrak items
  16. }
  17. },
  18. SOCIAL: {
  19. AUTOADDFRIENDS: true, // true OR false. (Case sensitive, defaults to false)
  20. GREETINGMSG: ["Hi! How are you doing today? I'm owned by Tim and managed by FLuffy! If you have any questions/feedbacks/requests here is Tim's URL and FLuffy's URL ", "Type !tradelink to send a trade offer, !donate if you're generous, !info to know all about what I do. ALL donators are written in my profile :-)"] // Sent to a user when their friend request is accepted
  21. COMMANDS: { // Format for adding commands: "!commandname": ["first line which is sent back", "second line", "third", "etc"]. Commands are NOT case sensitive
  22. "!tradelink": ["Here is the link:", ":steamhappy:"] "!donate": ["Here is the link: thanks for donating!"] "!info": ["I am buying weapons/items/almost anything at a rate of 90% and sell stuff at a rate of 102%
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }
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