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Aug 25th, 2019
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  3. class ALYSIA_STAFF
  4. {
  5. class ranks
  6. {
  7. class admin {
  8. name="Administrateur";
  9. };
  10. class modo {
  11. name="Modérateur";
  12. };
  13. class support {
  14. name="Support";
  15. };
  16. };
  18. class members
  19. {
  20. // - Admin
  21. class admin
  22. {
  23. rank="admin";
  24. teamspeak=1;
  25. slot=1;
  26. skip_checks=1;
  27. };
  28. class LeoMattei: admin
  29. {
  30. uid="76561198167099641";
  31. };
  33. // - Modo
  34. class modo
  35. {
  36. rank="modo";
  37. teamspeak=1;
  38. slot=1;
  39. skip_checks=1;
  40. };
  41. class MyModoName: modo
  42. {
  44. };
  46. // - Support
  47. class support
  48. {
  49. rank="support";
  50. teamspeak=1;
  51. slot=0;
  52. skip_checks=0;
  53. };
  54. class MySupportName: support
  55. {
  57. };
  58. };
  60. class commands
  61. {
  62. class buttons
  63. {
  64. class god_on
  65. {
  66. name="Dieu ON";
  67. statement="[] spawn AlysiaClient_fnc_APP_staff_god;";
  68. condition="!g_staff_on";
  69. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  70. };
  71. class god_off: god_on
  72. {
  73. name="Dieu OFF";
  74. statement="g_staff_on=false;";
  75. condition="g_staff_on";
  76. };
  78. class vehicle_getKey
  79. {
  80. name="Clef Vehicle";
  81. statement="g_vehicles pushBack (vehicle player);";
  82. condition="(((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Car') || ((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Ship') || ((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air') || ((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Tank'))";
  83. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  84. };
  86. class target_getKey
  87. {
  88. name="Clef Cible";
  89. statement="g_vehicles pushBack cursorObject;";
  90. condition="(!(isNull cursorObject) && ((cursorObject isKindOf 'Car') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Ship') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Air') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Tank')))";
  91. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  92. };
  93. class target_delete: vehicle_getKey
  94. {
  95. name="Supp Cible";
  96. statement="deleteVehicle cursorObject;";
  97. condition="!(isNull cursorObject)";
  98. verify=1;
  99. };
  100. class target_trunkInUse: vehicle_getKey
  101. {
  102. name="Fix coffre";
  103. statement="cursorObject setVariable ['trunk_in_use_ID','',true];";
  104. condition="!(isNull cursorObject) && ((cursorObject getVariable ['trunk_in_use_ID','']) != '')";
  105. };
  106. class target_onMe: vehicle_getKey
  107. {
  108. name="TP cible";
  109. statement="cursorObject setPosATL (getPosATL player);";
  110. condition="!(isNull cursorObject) && ((cursorObject isKindOf 'Car') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Ship') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Air') || (cursorObject isKindOf 'Tank'))";
  111. };
  112. class target_build_company: vehicle_getKey
  113. {
  114. name="Construire";
  115. statement="[cursorObject] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_company_build', 2];";
  116. condition="(cursorObject getVariable ['construction',false]) && !(isNil {(cursorObject getVariable 'company_info')})";
  117. verify=1;
  118. };
  119. class target_build_labo: vehicle_getKey
  120. {
  121. name="Construire";
  122. statement="[cursorObject] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_laboratory_build', 2];";
  123. condition="(cursorObject getVariable ['construction',false]) && !(isNil {(cursorObject getVariable 'laboratory_info')})";
  124. verify=1;
  125. };
  127. class reboot
  128. {
  129. name="Reboot";
  130. statement="[] remoteExec ['AlysiaServer_fnc_serverSave',2];";
  131. condition="isNil 'gServer_soonReboot'";
  132. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  133. verify=1;
  134. };
  136. class remove_desaeses
  137. {
  138. name="Supp maladie";
  139. statement="g_deseases=[];g_medecine=[];['Merci de deco reco'] call AlysiaClient_fnc_info;";
  140. condition="count(g_deseases) > 0";
  141. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  142. };
  144. class clear_bots
  145. {
  146. name="Supp Bots";
  147. statement="{if (!(isPlayer _x)) then{deleteVehicle _x};} foreach allUnits;";
  148. condition="(true)";
  149. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  150. };
  152. class rabbit
  153. {
  154. name="Lapin";
  155. statement="[] spawn AlysiaClient_fnc_APP_staff_rabbit;";
  156. condition="(true)";
  157. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  158. };
  159. class snake: rabbit
  160. {
  161. name="Serpent";
  162. statement="[] spawn AlysiaClient_fnc_APP_staff_snake;";
  163. };
  165. class seize
  166. {
  167. name="Saisir";
  168. statement="[] call AlysiaClient_fnc_seizeObjects;";
  169. condition="(count(nearestObjects [player, ['WeaponHolder','GroundWeaponHolder','WeaponHolderSimulated','Skyline_Alysia_Boite_01_F'], 3]) > 0)";
  170. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  171. };
  172. };
  174. class target
  175. {
  176. class tpto
  177. {
  178. name="TP à";
  179. statement="(vehicle player) setPosATL (getPosATL (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])));";
  180. condition="(true)";
  181. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  182. };
  183. class tphere: tpto
  184. {
  185. name="TP ici";
  186. statement="(vehicle (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))) setPosATL (getPosATL player);";
  187. };
  188. class getInVeh: tpto
  189. {
  190. name="Entrer dans véhicule";
  191. statement="player moveInCargo (vehicle (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])))";
  192. condition="g_staff_god && !((vehicle (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))) isKindOf 'Man')";
  193. };
  195. class data
  196. {
  197. name="Informations";
  198. statement="[player] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaClient_fnc_APP_staff_players_getData',(lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])];";
  199. condition="(true)";
  200. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  201. };
  203. class heal: tpto
  204. {
  205. name="Soin";
  206. statement="[3999] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaClient_fnc_handleBlood',(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))]; (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setVariable ['is_bleeding', false, true];";
  207. };
  208. class res: tpto
  209. {
  210. name="Rez";
  211. statement="((call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setVariable ['is_bleeding',false,true]);((call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setVariable ['is_coma',false,true]);";
  212. condition="(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) getVariable ['is_coma',false]";
  213. };
  215. class tp_civ
  216. {
  217. name="Tp spawn CIVIL";
  218. statement="(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setPos (getMarkerPos 'respawn_civilian')";
  219. condition="(true)";
  220. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  221. };
  222. class tp_guer: tp_civ
  223. {
  224. name="Tp spawn SAMU";
  225. statement="(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setPos (getMarkerPos 'respawn_guerrila')";
  226. };
  227. class tp_east: tp_civ
  228. {
  229. name="Tp spawn ANT";
  230. statement="(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) setPos (getMarkerPos 'respawn_east')";
  231. };
  233. class remboursement
  234. {
  235. name="Remboursement";
  236. statement=" \
  237. [] spawn \
  238. { \
  239. _amount = [ \
  240. 'Alysia_Client_Texture\Data\interactions\background.jpg', \
  241. 'Informations', \
  242. 'Valeur', \
  243. '0', \
  244. 'Valider', \
  245. 'Alysia_Client_Texture\Data\global\validate.paa', \
  246. 'Alysia_Client_Texture\Data\global\validate_select.paa', \
  247. '0123456789', \
  248. 7, \
  249. 1 \
  250. ] call AlysiaClient_fnc_edit_create; \
  251. if (_amount != '') then \
  252. { \
  253. _amount = parseNumber(_amount); \
  254. _target = call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]); \
  255. [format['Vous avez envoyé <t color=''#8cff9b''>%1</t>$ à <t color=''#FF8000''>%2</t>', [_amount] call AlysiaClient_fnc_numberText, _target getVariable 'realname']] call AlysiaClient_fnc_info; \
  256. [format['Vous avez reçu <t color=''#8cff9b''>%1</t>$ sur votre compte en banque de la part du staff <t color=''#0080FF''>Alysia</t>.', [_amount] call AlysiaClient_fnc_numberText]] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaClient_fnc_info', _target]; \
  257. [true, _amount] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaClient_fnc_handleATM', _target]; \
  258. [player, _target, _amount] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_logRefund', 2]; \
  259. }; \
  260. }; \
  261. ";
  262. condition="(true)";
  263. allow[]=ADMIN_AND_MODO;
  264. };
  266. class accred_reb_remove
  267. {
  268. name="Supprimer accréditation rebelle";
  269. statement="[(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])), 0, player] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_whitelistRebels', 2];";
  270. condition="((side (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))) isEqualTo civilian) && (((call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) getVariable ['rank', 0]) > 0)";
  271. allow[]={"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"};
  272. };
  273. class accred_reb_first: accred_reb_remove
  274. {
  275. name="Accréditation rebelle 1";
  276. statement="[(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])), 1, player] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_whitelistRebels', 2];";
  277. condition="((side (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))) isEqualTo civilian) && (((call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) getVariable ['rank', 0]) != 1)";
  278. };
  279. class accred_reb_second: accred_reb_remove
  280. {
  281. name="Accréditation rebelle 2";
  282. statement="[(call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])), 2, player] remoteExecCall ['AlysiaServer_fnc_whitelistRebels', 2];";
  283. condition="((side (call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000]))) isEqualTo civilian) && (((call compile (lbData[9000,lbCurSel 9000])) getVariable ['rank', 0]) != 2)";
  284. };
  285. };
  286. };
  287. };
  289. #undef ADMIN_AND_MODO
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