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Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. local client_latency, client_set_clan_tag, client_log, client_draw_rectangle, client_draw_circle_outline, client_timestamp, client_draw_indicator, client_userid_to_entindex, client_world_to_screen, client_draw_gradient, client_set_event_callback = client.latency, client.set_clan_tag, client.log, client.draw_rectangle, client.draw_circle_outline, client.timestamp, client.draw_indicator, client.userid_to_entindex, client.world_to_screen, client.draw_gradient, client.set_event_callback
  2. local client_screen_size, client_draw_circle, client_trace_line, client_color_log, client_draw_text, client_delay_call, client_visible, client_exec, client_system_time = client.screen_size, client.draw_circle, client.trace_line, client.color_log, client.draw_text, client.delay_call, client.visible, client.exec, client.system_time
  3. local client_set_cvar, client_eye_position, client_draw_hitboxes, client_get_cvar, client_draw_line, client_camera_angles, client_draw_debug_text, client_random_int, client_random_float = client.set_cvar, client.eye_position, client.draw_hitboxes, client.get_cvar, client.draw_line, client.camera_angles, client.draw_debug_text, client.random_int, client.random_float
  4. local entity_get_local_player, entity_is_enemy, entity_is_dormant, entity_hitbox_position, entity_get_player_name, entity_get_steam64, entity_get_bounding_box, entity_get_all, entity_set_prop = entity.get_local_player, entity.is_enemy, entity.is_dormant, entity.hitbox_position, entity.get_player_name, entity.get_steam64, entity.get_bounding_box, entity.get_all, entity.set_prop
  5. local entity_is_alive, entity_get_player_weapon, entity_get_prop, entity_get_players, entity_get_classname = entity.is_alive, entity.get_player_weapon, entity.get_prop, entity.get_players, entity.get_classname
  6. local globals_realtime, globals_absoluteframetime, globals_tickcount, globals_lastoutgoingcommand, globals_curtime, globals_mapname, globals_tickinterval, globals_framecount, globals_frametime, globals_maxplayers = globals.realtime, globals.absoluteframetime, globals.tickcount, globals.lastoutgoingcommand, globals.curtime, globals.mapname, globals.tickinterval, globals.framecount, globals.frametime, globals.maxplayers
  7. local ui_new_slider, ui_new_combobox, ui_reference, ui_set_visible, ui_is_menu_open, ui_new_color_picker, ui_set_callback, ui_set, ui_new_checkbox, ui_new_hotkey, ui_new_button, ui_new_multiselect, ui_get = ui.new_slider, ui.new_combobox, ui.reference, ui.set_visible, ui.is_menu_open, ui.new_color_picker, ui.set_callback, ui.set, ui.new_checkbox, ui.new_hotkey, ui.new_button, ui.new_multiselect, ui.get
  8. local math_ceil, math_tan, math_log10, math_randomseed, math_cos, math_sinh, math_random, math_huge, math_pi, math_max, math_atan2, math_ldexp, math_floor, math_sqrt, math_deg, math_atan, math_fmod = math.ceil, math.tan, math.log10, math.randomseed, math.cos, math.sinh, math.random, math.huge, math.pi, math.max, math.atan2, math.ldexp, math.floor, math.sqrt, math.deg, math.atan, math.fmod
  9. local math_acos, math_pow, math_abs, math_min, math_sin, math_frexp, math_log, math_tanh, math_exp, math_modf, math_cosh, math_asin, math_rad = math.acos, math.pow, math.abs, math.min, math.sin, math.frexp, math.log, math.tanh, math.exp, math.modf, math.cosh, math.asin, math.rad
  10. local table_maxn, table_foreach, table_sort, table_remove, table_foreachi, table_move, table_getn, table_concat, table_insert = table.maxn, table.foreach, table.sort, table.remove, table.foreachi, table.move, table.getn, table.concat, table.insert
  11. local string_find, string_format, string_rep, string_gsub, string_len, string_gmatch, string_dump, string_match, string_reverse, string_byte, string_char, string_upper, string_lower, string_sub = string.find, string.format, string.rep, string.gsub, string.len, string.gmatch, string.dump, string.match, string.reverse, string.byte, string.char, string.upper, string.lower, string.sub
  12. --end of local variables
  14. --references
  15. local Force_Yaw = ui_reference("PLAYERS", "Adjustments", "Force Yaw Value")
  16. local Apply = ui_reference("PLAYERS", "Adjustments", "Apply to all")
  17. local plist_ref = ui_reference("PLAYERS", "Players", "player list")
  18. local plist_resetall_ref = ui_reference("PLAYERS", "Players", "Reset all")
  20. --menu
  21. local Bruteforce_Yaw = ui_new_checkbox("RAGE", "Other", "Yaw Resolver")
  23. --vars
  24. local missedshots = {}
  25. local shouldresolve = {}
  26. local resolved = {}
  28. --draw menu shit pasted from ed xd
  29. local logs = {}
  31. local math_fmod = math.fmod
  32. local screen_width, screen_height = client.screen_size()
  34. for i = 1, 5, 1 do
  35. logs[i] = {" ", " ", " "}
  36. end
  38. local function visibility()
  39. local k = ui_get(Bruteforce_Yaw)
  40. end
  42. local function on_paint(e)
  43. local text = "#FREE899"
  44. client_draw_rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, screen_width, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  45. client_draw_text(ctx,math_fmod(globals.curtime() * 45,screen_width), 0, 255, 188, 217, 255, "+", 0, text)
  47. if not ui_get(Bruteforce_Yaw) then
  48. return
  49. end
  51. local players = entity_get_players(true)
  52. if players == nil then
  53. return
  54. end
  56. for p=1, #players do
  57. local player_index = players[p]
  58. ui_set(plist_ref, player_index)
  59. ui_set(Force_Yaw, math.random() + math.random(-180, 180))
  60. end
  61. end
  63. local function on_cs_game_disconnected()
  64. ui_set(plist_resetall_ref, true)
  65. shouldresolve = {}
  66. missedshots = {}
  67. brutedpitch = {}
  68. loggedpitch = {}
  69. resolved = {}
  70. logs = {}
  71. end
  73. local function on_game_newmap()
  74. ui_set(plist_resetall_ref, true)
  75. shouldresolve = {}
  76. missedshots = {}
  77. brutedpitch = {}
  78. loggedpitch = {}
  79. resolved = {}
  80. logs = {}
  81. end
  83. client_set_event_callback("run_command", visibility)
  84. client_set_event_callback("paint", on_paint)
  85. client_set_event_callback("game_newmap", on_game_newmap)
  86. client_set_event_callback("cs_game_disconnected", on_cs_game_disconnected)
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