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a guest
Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. #-----------------------------------Log------------------------------------
  4. log: &8[&6System&8] &7&l|
  5. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. #-----------------------------------Types-----------------------------------
  9. playerleveling: true
  10. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. #---------------------------------PLeveling---------------------------------
  14. xpforlvlup: 150
  15. lvlupreward: air
  16. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. #----------------------------------MaxLvL-----------------------------------
  20. maxlvl: 9999
  21. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. #------------------------------------------------------------
  25. # first status options
  26. #------------------------------------------------------------
  28. variables:
  29. {lvl::%player%} = 1
  30. {xp::%player%} = 0
  31. {gold::%player%} = 0
  33. #------------------------------------------------------------
  34. # Player Leveling System
  35. #------------------------------------------------------------
  37. on any movement:
  38. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  39. if {xp::%player%} is greater or equal to {@xpforlvlup}:
  40. if {lvl::%player%} is greater or equal to {@maxlvl}:
  41. stop
  42. else:
  43. remove {@xpforlvlup} from {xp::%player%}
  44. add 1 to {lvl::%player%}
  45. send "{@log} &a%player% &b&lレベルアップ!! 現在のレベル: &7%{lvl::%player%}%" to player
  46. execute console command "/title %player% title {""text"":""Level Up!"",""bold"":true,""color"":""aqua""}"
  47. execute console command "/title %player% subtitle {""text"":""%{lvl::%player%}%"",""color"":""blue""}"
  48. set the player's tablist name to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  49. set display name of player to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  50. stop
  52. on any movement:
  53. if {@playerleveling} is true:
  54. set the player's tablist name to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  55. set display name of player to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  56. stop
  58. on join:
  59. set the player's tablist name to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  60. set display name of player to "&7[&b%{lvl::%player%}%&7]&f%player%"
  61. command /resetstatus [<offline player>]:
  62. permission: skript.LvReset
  63. trigger:
  64. if arg-1 is not set:
  65. set {lvl::%player%} to 1
  66. set {xp::%player%} to 0
  67. set {gold::%player%} to 0
  68. set {mvp::%player%} to "0"
  69. set {vip::%player%} to "0"
  70. set {mvpplus::%player%} to "0"
  71. send "%player% のステータスをリセットしました"
  72. if arg-1 is set:
  73. set {lvl::%arg-1%} to 1
  74. set {xp::%arg-1%} to 0
  75. set {gold::%arg-1%} to 0
  76. set {mvp::%player%} to "0"
  77. set {vip::%player%} to "0"
  78. set {mvpplus::%player%} to "0"
  79. send "%arg-1% のステータスをリセットしました"
  81. on death:
  82. victim is a player
  83. attacker is a player
  84. wait a tick
  85. add 5 to {xp::%attacker%}
  86. send "&a+ &e5xp"
  87. give attacker golden apple named "&fGapple"
  88. add 50 to {gold::%attacker%}
  89. add 1 to {killstats::%attacker%}
  90. add 1 to {deathstats::%victim%}
  91. if {vip::%attacker%} is "1":
  92. add 50 to {gold::%attacker%}
  93. if {mvp::%attacker%} is "1":
  94. add 80 to {gold::%attacker%}
  95. if {mvpplus::%attacker%} is "1":
  96. add 100 to {gold::%attacker%}
  97. on damage:
  98. victim is a player
  99. attacker is a player
  100. #-------------------------------------------------------
  101. # side bar
  102. #-------------------------------------------------------
  104. every 2 second:
  105. loop all players:
  106. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  107. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lPvP Server"
  108. set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  109. set score "&a&lレベル: &a[%{lvl::%loop-player%}%&a]" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  110. set score "&lXP: &7%{xp::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  111. set score "&b" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  112. set score "&6&l金の数: &6%{gold::%loop-player%}% G" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  113. set score "&c" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  114. set score "&6--== &d&lステータス &6==--" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  115. set score "&b&lキル数: &7%{killstats::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  116. set score "&c&l死んだ回数: &7%{deathstats::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  117. set score "&d" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  118. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  120. #--------------------------------------------------------
  121. #add
  122. #--------------------------------------------------------
  124. command /addstatus <player> [<number>]:
  125. permission:sk.admin
  126. trigger:
  127. if arg 2 is set:
  128. wait a tick
  129. add arg 2 to {xp::%arg 1%}
  130. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &7XP を与えました"
  131. command /addgold <player> [<number>]:
  132. permission:sk.admin
  133. trigger:
  134. if arg 2 is set:
  135. wait a tick
  136. add arg 2 to {gold::%arg 1%}
  137. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &7金を与えました"
  139. #--------------------------------------------------------
  140. #kills
  141. #--------------------------------------------------------
  142. command /shop <text>:
  143. trigger:
  144. if arg-1 is "1":
  145. if {gold::%player%} is greater than 200:
  146. remove 200 from {gold::%player%}
  147. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:diamond_sword"
  148. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  149. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &7アイテムを購入しました。"
  150. else:
  151. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &cお金が足りません"
  152. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1"
  153. if arg-1 is "2":
  154. if {gold::%player%} is greater than 200:
  155. remove 200 from {gold::%player%}
  156. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:diamond_chestplate"
  157. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  158. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &7アイテムを購入しました。"
  159. else:
  160. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &cお金が足りません。"
  161. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1"
  162. if arg-1 is "3":
  163. if {gold::%player%} is greater than 150:
  164. remove 150 from {gold::%player%}
  165. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:diamond_boots"
  166. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  167. send "&9&l[SKYPvP] &7アイテムを購入しました。"
  168. if arg-1 is "menu":
  169. send "&6---=== &d&lショップ購入画面 &6===---"
  170. send "&7/shop <番号>で購入可能です!"
  171. send "&b&l1 &7ダイヤの剣 &6200G"
  172. send "&b&l2 &7ダイヤのチェストプレート &6200G"
  173. send "&b&l3 &7ダイヤのブーツ &6150G"
  174. send "&b&l4 &7矢 &8x5 &615G"
  175. if arg-1 is "4":
  176. if {gold::%player%} is greater than 15:
  177. remove 15 from {gold::%player%}
  178. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:arrow 15"
  179. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  180. else:
  181. send "&9&l[PvP] &cお金が足りません。"
  182. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.note.pling block AndrewYu ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1"
  183. #----------------------------------------------------
  184. #cmd
  185. #=---------------------------------------
  186. command /vip:
  188. trigger:
  189. set {vip::%player%} to "1"
  190. set {mvp::%player%} to "0"
  191. set {mvpplus::%player%} to "0"
  192. send "&eあなたはVIPになりました!"
  193. command /mvp:
  194. permission:sk.mvp
  195. trigger:
  196. set {mvp::%player%} to "1"
  197. set {vip::%player%} to "0"
  198. set {mvpplus::%player%} to "0"
  199. send "&bあなたはMVPになりました!"
  200. command /mvpplus:
  201. permission:sk.mvpplus
  202. trigger:
  203. set {mvp::%player%} to "0"
  204. set {vip::%player%} to "0"
  205. set {mvpplus::%player%} to "1"
  206. send "&bあなたはMVP&a+&bになりました!"
  207. command /shopmenu:
  208. trigger:
  209. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&l---=== &d&lアイテム購入 &6&l===---" to player
  210. wait a tick
  211. format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lダイヤモンドの剣" with lore "&6200G" to run [player command "shop 1"]
  212. format slot 11 of player with obsidian named "&5&lCOMING SOON..." to run [console command "tell %player% COMING SOON..."]
  213. format slot 12 of player with arrow named "&e矢 &8x15" with lore "&6&l5G" to run [player command "shop 4"]
  214. format slot 15 of player with diamond chestplate named "&ediamond chestplate" with lore "&6500G" to run [player command "shop 2"]
  215. format slot 16 of player with diamond boots named "&b&lダイヤモンドのブーツ" with lore "&6&l150G" to run [player command "shop 3"]
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