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Feb 25th, 2020
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  2. The typical Cinderella tale is based upon the foundation of a beautiful woman
  3. helplessly displaced from her rightful class, thrust into servitude and unjustly
  4. oppressed in her household by those who should support her. Jean Thompson’s
  5. reimagining of the fable, titled Inamorata in her collection
  6. “The Witch And Other Tales Retold”, not only concerns itself less with the
  7. plight of her titular Cinderella and fated Prince, hereafter referred to as Laura
  8. and Royboy respectively, it does not subject her to these elements whatsoever.
  9. In their place are far more relatable problems such as disability, lacking self-confidence
  10. feelings of inadequacy and that lie at the heart of human experience.
  11. Thompson’s Inamorata explores the impact of disability on Laura/Royboy, contemporary
  12. class relations between them, and the female gender relations in Laura’s
  13. home in an attempt to squash the nefarious stepsister archetype to the
  14. betterment of its source material.
  17. Thompson's decision to write the story from Royboy's perspective fits nicely into
  18. the timeline of the classic fable but does more than to serve as a mix-up of the protagonist.
  19. With Royboy's point of view, Thompson creates an understanding within the reader
  20. about the nature of disability. Both Laura and Royboy suffer from disability from circumstances beyond their control:
  21. Royboy from a car accident at a young age and Laura, though unknown until the end, from deafness.
  22. Historically, this is a far deviation from beautiful Cinderella and the idyllic Prince
  23. the reader may be familiar with. Royboy's accident has left him with a brain injury
  24. that affects him with periods of lost time akin to short term memory loss.
  25. The impact of this disability on his life presents itself as a duality of fortune.
  26. On one hand, he is to recieve a modest inheritance from the resulting lawsuit
  28. Themes:
  30. 1. Rags to Riches
  31. 2. Quest/The pursuit of happiness
  32. 3. Overcoming an adversary (stigma, disability)
  34. 4. Kindness is important
  35. 5. Close Friends
  36. 6. Love at first sight/Fate/Destiny
  38. 7. Class relations: No poverty vs rich
  39. 8. No evil stepsisters – Women/Women
  40. 9. Both our prince and Cinderella are somewhat common looking
  44. *** stigma of disability/ Disability as a Plot Device ***
  45.  societal relations
  46.  difficulty opening up to others
  47.  deafness, brain injury connects our prince and cinderella
  48. -- both Roy and Laura feel ostracized, shut-ins
  49. -- their connection furthers their love, they feel understood
  50. -- disability
  53. Royboy:
  54. "put back together like a meat robot"
  57. Sisters:
  58. "'Should he be walking around loose? Allowed to reproduce?'"
  61. *** Class relations ***
  62.  AFAIK Both Cinderella and the Prince belong to the same class
  63. How this changes the dynamic
  64. -- No longer a Prince of high status
  65. -- Neither characters are class displaced
  66. -- Royboy's inheritance does not change him
  67. -- Because this is modern, they are of the same class, Laura can slap all she wants
  68. --
  69. Roy:
  70. "Felt unnaturally clean"
  71. "Because your normal clothes make you look like a farmer"
  73. “Royboy saluted. He watched Laura’s hand waver, then slowly, slowly come up to return his greeting. ”
  75. Laura:
  76. "She looked like a little brown bird would look if you turned it into a girl."
  78. *** Gender relations/Killing Step Sisters ***
  79. - Classic prince has women flinging themselves at him
  80. - Going as far as to lie, cut off toes to fit his visage of a woman
  81.  RB looking to appeal to Women instead of vice versa
  83. Lance:
  84. “Two incomplete halves made whole. Finding each other against all odds.
  85. Is it destiny? Enchantment? Scientists fail to find explanations. Poets keep trying.
  86. Our boy here, he might suffer from a small, hardly noticeable intellectual deficiency.
  87. But his heart is an off-the-charts genius. Did we mention he has a little money?”
  89. Excerpt From: Jean Thompson. “The Witch.” Apple Books.
  91.  RB's court supports him as you would expect men to
  92. RB instead wants his dream girl to come to him rather than pursue
  93. RB engages in the quest with little effort on Laura's behalf
  94. -- Cinderella Sisters and Stepmother replaced by defensive, loyal friends
  95. -- Overall changes the tone of the Story
  96. -- Laura is not suffering in the usual Cinderella sense,
  97. not struggling to get out from under her friends
  98. -- On the contrary, they are encouraging, her support group
  101. "'What's he trying to do to her, pretend it was all some big joke? It's not like she gets out much.'
  102. 'Through no fault of her own,' another girl said, loyally. 'Men just don't make the effort with her.'"
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